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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Consumerism

Consumerism is the equation of personal The older term and concept of "conspicu-
happiness with consumption and the pur- ous consumption" originated at the turn of
chase of material possessions. the 20th century in the writings of sociologist
The term is often associated with criticisms and economist, Thorstein Veblen. The term
of consumption starting with Thorstein describes an apparently irrational and con-
Veblen or, more recently by a movement founding form of economic behaviour.
called Enoughism. Veblen’s scathing proposal that this unneces-
Veblen’s subject of examination, the newly sary consumption is a form of status display
emergent middle class arising at the turn of is made in darkly humorous observations like
the twentieth century, comes to full fruition the following:
by the end of the twentieth century through "It is true of dress in even a higher
the process of globalization.[1] degree than of most other items of
In economics, consumerism refers to eco- consumption, that people will
nomic policies placing emphasis on consump- undergo a very considerable degree
tion. In an abstract sense, it is the belief that of privation in the comforts or the
the free choice of consumers should dictate necessaries of life in order to afford
the economic structure of a society (cf. Pro- what is considered a decent amount
ducerism, especially in the British sense of of wasteful consumption; so that it is
the term).[2] by no means an uncommon
occurrence, in an inclement climate,
History for people to go ill clad in order to
appear well dressed." (The Theory of
Consumerism has strong links with the the Leisure Class, 1899).
Western world, but is in fact an international
phenomenon. People purchasing goods and The term "conspicuous consumption" spread
consuming materials in excess of their basic to describe consumerism in the United States
needs (subjective) is as old as the first civiliz- in the 1960s, but was soon linked to debates
ations (see Ancient Egypt, Babylon and An- about media theory, culture jamming, and its
cient Rome, for example). corollary productivism.
A great turn in consumerism arrived just “ By 1920 most people [Americans] ”
before the Industrial Revolution. While be- had experimented with occasional in-
fore the norm had been the scarcity of re- stallment buying.[6]
sources, The Industrial Revolution created an While consumerism is not a new phenomen-
unusual situation: for the first time in history on, it has become widespread over the course
products were available in outstanding of the 20th century, and particularly in re-
quantities, at outstandingly low prices, being cent decades. The influence of neoliberal
thus available to virtually everyone. And so capitalism has made the citizens of capitalist
began the era of Mass Consumption, the only countries extraordinarily wealthy compared
era where the concept of consumerism is to those living under other economic
applicable. systems.
It’s still good to keep in mind that since
consumerism began, various individuals and
groups have consciously sought an alternat- Usage
ive lifestyle, such as the "simple living,"[3] Webster’s dictionary defines Consumerism as
"eco-conscious,"[4] and "localvore"/"buy loc- "the promotion of the consumer’s interests"
al"[5] movements. or alternately "the theory that an increasing
Consumerism, the promotion of consumer consumption of goods is economically desir-
rights and protection. Subject to the doctrine able". It is thus the opposite of anti-con-
of caveat emptor (Latin, “let the buyer sumerism or of producerism.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Consumerism

• Anti-consumerism is the socio-political embedded in the manufacturing and market-

movement against consumerism. In this ing process of new goods and services.
meaning, consumerism is the equating of It is even more beneficial for the product
personal happiness with the purchasing to be part of a continuously changing fashion
material possessions and consumption. market, where items that are new, in good
• In relation to producerism, it is the belief condition, and can last for many years are
that the free choice of consumers should deemed at need of constant replacement by a
dictate the economic structure of a conditioned buyer in order to keep in synch
society, rather than the interests of with current trends as they are marketed to
producers. It can also refer to economic the consumer’s social class and various in-
policies that place an emphasis on come level.
consumption. In this way steady profits are assured for
the self-perpetuating system, but consumers
Criticism are not comfortable or satisfied for a sustain-
able length of time with what they own.
In many critical contexts, consumerism is Examples of anti-consumerists/critics of
used to describe the tendency of people to consumerism include the following people
identify strongly with products or services and references:
they consume, especially those with commer- 1). The Pope speaking out against consumer-
cial brand names and perceived status-sym- ism [9]
bolism appeal, e.g. a luxury automobile, de- 2). Oswald Spengler: "Life in America is ex-
signer clothing, or expensive jewelry. A cul- clusively economic in structure and lacks
ture that is permeated by consumerism can depth" [10]
be referred to as a consumer culture or a 3).The French writer Georges Duhamel: he
market culture. held "American materialism up as a beacon
Opponents of consumerism argue that of mediocrity that threatened to eclipse
many luxuries and unnecessary consumer French civilization"[11]
products may act as social signals allowing
people to identify like-minded individuals
through the display of similar products, again
Modern Consumerism in
utilizing aspects of status-symbolism to judge the 21st century
socioeconomic status and social stratifica-
tion. Some believe relationships with a Beginning in the 1990s the most frequent
product or brand name are substitutes for reason given for attending college had
healthy human relationships lacking in soci- changed to making a lot of money, outrank-
eties and along with consumerism are part of ing reasons such as becoming an authority in
the general process of social control[7] and a field or helping others in difficulty. This
cultural hegemony, or social controls in mod- statement directly correlates with the rise of
ern society. Critics of consumerism are quick materialism, specifically the technological as-
to point out that consumerist societies are pect. At this time compact disc players, digit-
more prone to damage the environment, con- al media, personal computers, and cellular
tribute to climate change and use up re- phones, all began to integrate into the afflu-
sources at a higher rate than other societ- ent American’s everyday lifestyle. Madeline
ies.[8] Levine, criticized what she saw as a large
In a capitalistic market aimed at selling, cer- change in American culture has subsequently
tain trends may emerge: occurred – “a shift away from values of com-
It is in the interest of product advertisers munity, spirituality, and integrity, and toward
and marketers that the consumer’s needs competition, materialism and disconnection.”
and desires never be completely or perman-
ently fulfilled, so the consumer can repeat Companies and corporations have realized
the consumption process and purchase more that rich consumers are the most attractive
products. targets for marketing their products. The up-
Made-To-Break products are more benefi- per class’ tastes, lifestyles, and preferences,
cial to the producer, marketer and thus the trickle down to become the standard which
entire market, creating the culture of con- all consumers seek to emulate. The not so
sumerism. Thus, planned obsolescence is well off consumers can “purchase something

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Consumerism

new that will speak of their place in the tradi- • The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less,
tion of affluence” [13]. A consumer can have a book, Schwartz argues that eliminating
the instant gratification of purchasing a high- consumer choices can greatly reduce
ticket item that will help improve their social anxiety for shoppers
status. • The Century of the Self, a documentary by
Emulation is also a core component of filmmaker Adam Curtis released in 2002
21st century consumerism. As a general • Cost the limit of price
trend, regular consumers seek to emulate
those who are above them on the social hier-
archy. The poor strive to imitate the rich and
the rich imitate celebrities and other icons. [1] Veblen, Thorstein (1899): The Theory of
One needs to look no further than the the Leisure Class: an economic study of
celebrity endorsement of products to dis- institutions, Dover Publications, Mineola,
suade the notion that the American popula- N.Y., 1994, ISBN 0-486-28062-4. (also
tion makes its own decisions and models it- available: Project Gutenberg e-text)
self as a group of individualists. [2] "Consumerism". Britannica Concise
Encyclopedia Online. 2008.
[3] See for example: Janet Luhrs’s "The
Counter arguments Simple Living Guide" (NY: Broadway
There has always been strong criticism of the Books, 1997); Joe Dominquez, Vicki
anti-consumerist movement. Most of this Robin et al, "Your Money or Your Life"
comes from libertarian thought.[14] (NY: Penguin Group USA, 2008)
Libertarian criticisms of the anti-con- [4] See for example: Alan Durning, "How
sumerist movement are largely based on the Much is Enough: The Consumer Society
perception that it leads to elitism. Namely, and the Future of the Earth" (NY: W.W.
libertarians believe that no person should Norton, 1992)
have the right to decide for others what [5] See for example: Paul Roberts, "The End
goods are necessary for living and which of Food" (NY: Houghton Mifflin, 2008);
aren’t, or that luxuries are necessarily waste- Michael Shuman, "The Small-mart
ful, and thus argue that anti-consumerism is Revolution" (San Francisco: Berrett-
a precursor to central planning or a totalitari- Koehler Publishers, 2007)
an society. Twitchell, in his book Living It Up, [6] Calder, Lendol Glen (1999). Financing
sarcastically remarked that the logical out- the American Dream: A Cultural History
come of the anti-consumerism movement of Consumer Credit. Princeton, NJ:
would be a return to the sumptuary laws that Princeton University Press. p. 222. ISBN
existed in ancient Rome and during the 069105827X.
Middle Ages, historical periods prior to the [7] Fool Britannia
era of Karl Marx in the 19th century. [8] Global Climate Change and Energy CO2
Production—An International Perspective
See also [9] Web log. 17 July 2008.
• Anthropological theories of value 17/australia-pope-attacks-consumerism/
• Bourgeois personality [10] Stearns, Peter. Consumerism in World
• Commercialism History. Routledge
• Consumer Bill of Rights [11] Stearns, Peter. Consumerism in World
• Consumer capitalism History. Routledge
• Consumer ethnocentrism [12] Levine, Madeline. “Challenging the
• Consumption (economics) Culture of Affluence.” Independent
• Economic materialism School. 67.1 (2007): 28-36.
• Enoughism (antonym) [13] Miller, Eric. Attracting the Affluent.
• Geoffrey Miller (evolutionary psychologist) Naperville, Illinois: Financial
• "Keeping up with the Joneses" Sourcebooks, 1991.
• Philosophy of futility [14] A defense of consumerism, as
• Post-materialism (economics) pragmatically less lethal than religion
• Producerism and nationalism appears in Charles
Arthur Willard Liberalism and the

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Consumerism

Problem of Knowledge: A New Rhetoric • Kalle Lasn & Bruce Grierson, Malignant
for Modern Democracy. University of Sadness, (Adbusters June/July 2000).
Chicago Press. 1996. • Mona Hymel, Consumerism, Advertising,
and the Role of Tax Policy, 20 Virginia Tax
Further reading Review 347 (2000).
• John C. Ryan & Alan T. Durning, Stuff: The
Books Secret Life of Everyday Things (Northwest
• Barber, Benjamin R. (2008) Consumed: Environmental Watch 1997).
How Markets Corrupt Children, Infantilize • Susan Strasser, A Social History of Trash,
Adults, and Swallow Citizens Whole. W. (Orion Magazine, Autumn 2000).
W. Norton ISBN-10: 0393330893
• Chin, Elizabeth (2001) Purchasing Power:
Black Kids and American Consumer
External links
Culture University of Minnesota Press • Affluenza videos
ISBN 978-0816635115 • The story of the stuff we consume, from
• Cross, Gary (2000). An All-Consuming extraction to disposal, by Annie Leonard.
Century: Why Commercialism Won In Entertaining, educational 20-minute video.
Modern America. Columbia University • Marketplace: Consumed with consumption
Press. ISBN 0-231-11313-7. (Paperback, interview with Benjamin Barber, author of
256 pages) Consumed
• Laermer, Richard; Simmons, Mark, Punk • "Consumerism in China" by British
Marketing, New York : Harper Collins, Photojournalist Sean Gallagher
2007. ISBN 978-0-06-115110-1 (Review of • AdBusters, anti-consumerism magazine
the book by Marilyn Scrizzi, in Journal of • The Disaffected Individual by Bernard
Consumer Marketing 24(7), 2007) Stiegler
• Miller, Eric, Attracting the affluent : the • Fifty Possible Ways to Challenge Over-
first guide to America’s changing ultimate Commercialism by Albert J. Fritsch, SJ,
market, Naperville, Ill. : Financial PhD
Sourcebooks, 1991. ISBN 0942061233 • Spiritual Materialism and the Sacraments
(from the editors of Research Alert of Consumerism: A View from Thailand
newsletter) • The Religion of Consumerism (First
• Nissanoff, Dan (2006). FutureShop: How Unitarian Church of Rochester sermon)
the New Auction Culture Will • The New Anti-Consumerism
Revolutionize the Way We Buy, Sell and • For teachers:Introductory lecture notes on
Get the Things We Really Want. Penguin consumerism available
Press. ISBN 1-59420-077-7. (Hardcover, • Baudrillard; Consumerism, simulacro y
246 pages) régimen de mortandad en el Sistema de
• Veblen, Thorstein (1899): The Theory of los objetos by Adolfo Vasquez Rocca PhD |
the Leisure Class: an economic study of in Eikasia
institutions, Dover Publications, Mineola, • Ideas and shared solutions for
N.Y., 1994, ISBN 0-486-28062-4. (also sustainable & low cost green living
available: Project Gutenberg e-text) • Freecycle international How to get free
• Whitaker, Jan (2006): Service and Style: items and give items for free, no money
How the American Department Store lost or gained; but also no wastage
Fashioned the Middle Class, St. Martin’s
Press, N.Y., ISBN 0-312-32635-1.
(Hardcover, 352 pages)
• Charles Arthur Willard Liberalism and the • Consumerium Development Wiki: fair
Problem of Knowledge: A New Rhetoric trade, political consumerism, and moral
for Modern Democracy. University of purchasing trends. These links deal with
Chicago Press. 1996. ’consumerism’ in the sense of ’consumer
Video activism’.
• Adam Curtis, The Century of the Self, • Kunkelfruit Wiki, the home for free
documentary series. articles about how popular products are
Journals made.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Consumerism

• Baudrillard; Cultura, simulacro y régimen • Intolerable Beauty - Portraits of American

de mortandad en el Sistema de los objetos Mass Consumption (Chris Jordan
| Eikasia Photography), artistic photos of mass
• Global Consumer Solidarity Movement consumerism
• The Story of Stuff

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Categories: Anti-corporate activism, Consumer behaviour, Cultural appropriation, Economic

ideologies, Social philosophy, Environmental issues

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