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A publication of

Jessicas Story:
The Gift

A young woman faces an

unplanned pregnancy, and is
able to make the best choice
for her baby and herself.
Adoption not only gave my son the best
chance at life, it gave me a chance to grow and
pursue my dreams. By giving him the best life,
he gave me life.
When my boyfriend and I found out we were
pregnant, I knew I wanted us to be a family. I
felt we were old enough, mature enough and
I knew we would be together forever. When
Eric and his family brought up the option of
adoption, I was completely against it. I agreed
to look into adoption just to please them.
I began to warm up to the idea, although
there was still no conviction in my mind on
how we could actually do it. To me, this was
our child and he belonged with us. I couldnt
imagine him in the arms of anyone else.

Holt-Sunny Ridge Childrens Services

270 Remington Boulevard, Suite C
Bolingbrook, Illinois 60440
(630) 754-4500
IL License #529708

Eric and I had an appointment at Holt-Sunny

Ridge that afternoon. We got lost on our way
to the appointment and ended up on the other
side of town, already 40 minutes late. We called
the social worker to apologize and let her know
we were not going to make it. I was relieved,
until she told us to go ahead and come late
she still wanted to see us. As soon as I walked
into Holt-Sunny Ridge I felt immediately calm.
Our social worker was so friendly and as we
talked, I felt she understood the process I was
going through and cared about how I was
feeling. For the first time in my pregnancy I felt
safe. She validated my feelings of wanting to
parent our child.
She recommended a Holt-Sunny Ridge birth
parent support group. I was very nervous the
first time I attended. I was expecting to walk

into a room of people and not understand why

they would place their babies for adoption. As
the minutes passed, I quickly realized that the
girls who had already chose adoption loved
their children more than anything. Through their
tears and stories, I became educated on the
realities of adoption, and the extreme love and
selflessness it takes to make that decision.
I ended my first group asking the girls many
questions; I still had no idea what my decision
would be. Two months later I would come
to terms with the reality: Eric and I could
not provide the things our child needed and
deserved. We had to accept the fact that the
qualities we wanted from an adoptive couple
should also be the qualities we possessed as
parents. The comparison wasnt even close.
As much as I fought for biology to be good
enough a reason above all others, it was not
going to be enough. We had to accept that we
werent ready for the responsibility and the
growth and development of this life. We still
had growing to do ourselves, separately and
together as a couple.
I remember sitting with Eric waiting to meet
Bob and Karen for the first time. We were
blowing on each others palms because we
were so nervous. We had looked through seven
profiles and after reading Bob and Karens,
we knew that we wanted to meet them. We
already felt we had a lot in common. It was
the little things that caught our attention. They
had a summer cottage on a lake, which was
something I had always wanted as a child. They
also had been scuba diving and Eric had always

wanted to do that. Every time I heard the

crack of a door, I would lose my breath with
anticipation for the first sight of them. They
were already more than just strangers to me.
Finally, they arrived. Eric and I smiled as
we stood up, me a little off balance, to shake
hands and formally introduce ourselves. In the
two and a half hours that we talked, it was
non-stop. Eric and
I had written out a
list of questions we
wanted to ask them
about their views on
important subjects
like education and
religion. I dont
know if we even
looked at our list
once. Everything
we wanted to know
about them just
naturally came out in our conversation.

was healthy and just perfect. I couldnt wait

to introduce him to his parents. I will never
forget the look on their faces as they held their
son for the first time that night. I knew that
they would treasure him forever.
Eric and I spent five days with our son
prior to placement. With our families, we
loved and bonded with Jared. We thought
this was important
for him so that he
would know how
much we truly
loved him. It was
a very emotional
but happy time
for us, bittersweet,
as everyone says.
We decided to
place him with
Bob and Karen on
September 23rd.

When I first came

to Holt-Sunny Ridge
I had no idea how
my pregnancy was
going to end.

We finally decided to exchange e-mail

addresses. Eric and I went to dinner and
couldnt stop talking about how much we
liked Bob and Karen. I had support group
that night and couldnt wait to brag about the
parents we had found for our child. I loved
them, I really did!
I realized that meeting Bob and Karen was
a huge step in accepting that adoption was
the best and right choice for our son. In the
next two months we kept in contact through
e-mail. Karen would tell me how she wanted
to decorate the nursery and what names they
were thinking of. They wanted our opinion!
Bob and Karen sent me flowers and visited
me in the hospital. Their concern for me was
reassuring; not only did they care about their
future son, they truly cared about Eric and me.
They even asked us to choose a middle name
for our son. We chose Scott, after Erics Dad.
I was induced on September 18th. Jared
Robert Scott was born at 9:35pm that night. He


(800) 222-9666
(800 BABY MOM)



(630) 205-5117

The placement went very smooth. I never

doubted my decision although it was the
hardest thing I have ever done and probably
will ever do in my life. I am proud of my son
and his family. I am also proud of how hard
Eric and I worked to make the best decision
for our sons life. I have never regretted or
doubted my decision. When I think of where
Jared is, it always brings a smile to my face.
Eric and I recently attended his baptism,
which was very reassuring to both of us. Our
relationship with Bob and Karen and our
son grows with time. He is growing up fast,
healthy and happy.
When I first came to Holt-Sunny Ridge I had
no idea how my pregnancy was going to end.
Almost ten months later, I still lean on HoltSunny Ridge for support and comfort on my
decision. My counselor still calls me to make
sure I am well. I will always be thankful to
Holt-Sunny Ridge for helping through the most
difficult time in my life.

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