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These are the rules I believe will make everyone in the house of a Pregnant Lady happier if

they are followed:


The Pregnant Lady is always right.

Even if the Pregnant Lady is wrong, see number 1 and say Yes, dear. You can
blame the hormones, but never out loud.
If there are leftovers in the fridge or a specific item the Pregnant Lady has been
eatingDO NOT finish it. She has probably been thinking about it all day and will be
ticked off that you ate it. If in doubt, ask.
If the Pregnant Lady says, My feet/back/neck, etc. hurt, you immediately begin
rubbing and massaging specified area.
If the Pregnant Lady says, The trash is full, and or stinks, you immediately take
the trash outNOT say you will do it later.
If the Pregnant Lady says, The house is sure messy, you say, What can I do to
help?, NOT, Well, I guess you better off the couch and start cleaning.
If the Pregnant Lady is complaining about how much weight she has gained, or
how her butt is sagging or shes feeling ugly. Your response is, You are still the most
beautiful woman on the planet, NOT I guess you should start exercising or not eat
so much. This comment will only tick off the Pregnant Lady.
If the Pregnant Lady says, Since you are up, can you bring me xyz?, you say,
Yes, dear, NOT, Why dont you get off the couch and get it yourself. If we wanted
to get the item we would, but it is going to get harder and harder for us to get up
and when the baby comes, we will probably be nursing. So get used to getting the
things we ask for now, it will make everyone happier in the long run.
If the Pregnant Lady says, I am so tired, you say Why dont go take a nap for a
few hours or if you have kids and it is a weekend, you say Ill take care of the kids,
you go take a nap for a few hours. This will score you major brownie points.
10. If the Pregnant Lady jumps your bones in the middle of the night, do not question
it, just go with it. Vice versa if the Pregnant Lady is not in the mood, back off.
11. If the pregnant lady is stressed out, the words "well, if you would just relax you wouldn't be
stressed out" are simply going to make things worse and could send her into a fit of rage. Just ask
what you can do to help.

Bananas are considered a good addition to a pregnant womans diet, as long as youre not
eating whole bunches at a time. Not only does eating bananas help fulfill the National
Institutes of Health's recommendation that pregnant women consume three to four servings
of fruit daily, bananas are also packed with beneficial nutrients that are good for momma
and baby. At 105 calories for a medium banana, you can incorporate them into your meals or
enjoy them as tasty and low-fat snacks. Bananas are considered a good addition to a
pregnant womans diet, as long as youre not eating whole bunches at a time. Not only does
eating bananas help fulfill the National Institutes of Health's recommendation that pregnant
women consume three to four servings of fruit daily, bananas are also packed with beneficial
nutrients that are good for momma and baby. At 105 calories for a medium banana, you can
incorporate them into your meals or enjoy them as tasty and low-fat snacks.


Bananas are a good source of potassium with a medium-sized banana containing 422
milligrams of this mineral. Swelling occurs during pregnancy for a variety of reasons one of
which, notes the American Pregnancy Association, is not getting enough potassium. To help
reduce pregnancy swelling, try eating plenty of bananas and other potassium-rich foods, but
also inform your doctor of the swelling. Potassium can also help reduce morning sickness.

Vitamin B6
Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin that helps aid in the cell and central nervous system
development of your fetus when you take it in appropriate amounts. Studies also suggest that
this vitamin can help combat morning sickness, according to WebMD. For a pregnant
woman, the recommended daily amount of vitamin B6 is 1.9 milligrams. One medium
banana contains .4 milligrams.

Aid in Digestion
Women often experience their fair share of heartburn and indigestion during pregnancy
because the growing baby puts pressure on the stomach. Eating bananas can help ease these
pregnancy woes. This fruit acts as a natural antacid by helping suppress acid secretion. Rich
in pectin, bananas also aid in digestion -- and can help normalize bowel motility, according to

The task of growing a baby can really sap a woman's energy. Eating a banana can help
regulate blood sugar. If blood sugar levels drop too low, it can cause fatigue, moodiness and
binge eating. This sweet fruit contains the natural sugars glucose, sucrose and fructose. These
simple carbohydrates are easy to digest -- and can give the mom-to-be some quick energy.

What Husbands Can Do For Their Pregnant Wives

This is a crucial time when the hormones in a woman's body keep changing and
result in a different moods. She may be excited sometimes or felt sorrow or
sadness or crying. Sometimes she may be yelling or feeling pain or vomiting.
There will be different changes in the way body operates and that may have an
negative or uncomfortable effect on the body. So obviuosly she may be little
cranky or emotional or rude in behavior. But all of these are part and parcel of this
pregnancy period. So the husband needs to play a pivotal role in supporting every
single step her wife.
It is a time when a husband should show sheer determination , support , dedication
, love and patience. He is the best friend and partner. So he should show how much
does he care for her. This is the time he should cope with the situation and be
prepared and flexible with it. He should control his temperment and act
intelligently in any family matter. If he can keep calm and quite then his wife also
can maintain the same behavior.This will keep the wife happy and secured which
is very important during this period.The husband should spend most of his time
after work with his wife. They should enjoy each moment.A happy and enjoyable
pregnancy delivers a healthy baby. Pregnancy is not only a feminine thing but it is
a collaborative effort and mutually respectable experience for a couple.

The first thing is that the husband should keep his wife feeling relaxed and
motivated most of the time. He should encourage her to keep herself happy and
normal and out from any family or personal tension. He should support her
mentally and emotionally. This time women feels little insecure and wants to get
support from her husband. So husband should keep himself cool and focused on
her wife. It is better if the husband can accompany wife for doctor's visits and keep
an eye on both wife and baby's health.
He should share his hand in daily family work like cooking , washing etc. He
should take care of the fact that his wife shouldn't do any heavy and hard work
specially during the first trimester. The first trimester is very important since this is
the time when baby's eye , brain and heart develop. The second is the safest and
third trimesters is the time to wait for the baby. So every trimester normally
characterized by different bodily changes. As the time becomes closer , the belly
will become bulge and she will be feeling little more uncomfortable during
walking , sleeping. This is the duty of the husband to make her comfortable and
feel her pain and make it easy. Sometimes she may be nervous in the night if the
baby doesn't move or something else. The husband should actively encourage her
and respect her emotions.He should also follow up with the prenatal medicines and
other regular medicines. This is the time when the wife should eat healthy foods
consistently and it is the responsibility of the husband to monitor that.
So , the mutual understanding and bonding and faith on each other and keeping a
piece of mind and being with the wife always can make a pregnancy as enjoyable
and memorable as the birth of the baby. Therefore , its all about caring and sharing
and that makes a pregnancy with fun and frolic.
1. This first one should be obvious, but just in case: Never tell a pregnant women shes fat. She
knows this. Also, her feet (and maybe even her legs) will inevitably swell with water due to
the added weight of a baby. Dont be a retard; avoid this one at all costs.
2. Never compare her to other prego ladies. A growing fetus can do weird things to a womans
body, and no two females (not to mention two pregnancies) are alike. My wife Lindsey was
bigger while carrying our first girl Sadie than shes been with the second baby. Just go with
the flow on this one; the most important thing is that your lovely filly stays rested so she can
deliver a healthy nipper.
3. Rub her lower back. For reasons beyond me, Lindsey loves when I rub her back, particularly
the lower section. Its like insta-youre a stud, dude. Good mileage can be found here.
4. Always go to the doctor with them (assuming she wants you to which she probably does).
Being pregnant is stressful enough; having some stiff doctor check out your bits and pieces is
sure to only heighten the apprehension. Make sure you accompany your wife to all her
appointments, and shell love you for it. Ill admit, its tough to pull away from impending

work deadlines, but bring your Blackberry and be a trooper. Ask me later how many
pregnancies this is expected for; in my case its been more than for just the first
5. Randomly clean up something in the house, anything. Youd be amazed how far five minutes
of clean-up goes these days. Im not sure how, but my two year old can trash a room quicklike. Last week while Lindsey was out running errands, I noticed that Sadies room was a
mess. Though initially reluctant, I abnormally decided to pick up before Lindsey returned
home. Youd think I was a saint by the way she looked at me upon seeing what I had

She Loves Massages

Every pregnant woman likes to get those back and feet massages. You can either make an
appointment for her at a spa or simply do it yourself.

Myths About Pregnancy Intercourse Posted by: Denise Baptiste Published:

Wednesday, July 9, 2014, 17:48 [IST]

Pregnant women often don't want to have intercourse as they believe

it might harm their unborn baby. But, according to experts,
lovemaking is normal and integral part of pregnancy. It is said that
there are no reasons to make drastic changes in your love life during
pregnancy. However, the myths about pregnancy intercourse can
actually scare one to death. Experts advise pregnant women to avoid
lovemaking if they are suffering from a medical condition. The are
many myths about intercourse during pregnancy. But experts advise
to avoid intercourse in the final weeks of pregnancy for precautionary
reasons. This is because the hormones present in semen can
stimulate contractions (when you are close to labour). Due to changes
at the time of pregnancy, hormones play numerous pranks on women.
Therefore, lovemaking at the time of pregnancy may or may not be

THE List for Daddy-To-Be


We always need our man to listen to us but now is more important than
ever! Hear our woes. Sympathize with our worries. Sincerely listen and
hear what we are saying.
Oh my goodness, theres no better time to pick up a vacuum cleaner, wash
the dishes, do the laundry or make the occasional supper! We are tired and
we need help. If you dont want to fall victim to the onslaught of pregnant,
hormonal explosions of frustration, then make sure to help out around the
house. A side note to the ladies compliment him GREATLY for how he
helped (even if he didnt do it the way you would do it) hes more likely to
volunteer to help out again.
Be at her beckoned call
If shes craving a grape slushie when its -35 outside, dont try to talk her
down from her craving. Get out there and drive around the city to find the
perfect grape slushie. Trust me these are memories in the making and
although it seems odd or frustrating now, youll both laugh about it years
Take her on a date
Just because shes carrying your child doesnt mean that youre off the
hook for taking your lady out on the town. Take her out to dinner, see a
movie, or simply browse in a book shop and afterwards go out for
Be eager
If your wife is ecstatic about a birthing or parenting class, try your best to
share in her excitement. Even if you have to fake your enthusiasm do it!

In her pregnant brain, the lack of excitement = lack of excitement about the
baby and/or her.
Show a little romance
She needs to know you love her pregnant or not! However, an extra
showering of romance can help smooth over her rough days or emotional
moments. A random greeting card professing your love for her, slow
dancing in the living room, a bouquet of flowers, a sappy slide show
theres so many things you can do to help her feel loved. Book a spa
treatment for her A month or two before the baby is due, surprise her with a
spa treatment. A manicure, pedicure or massage can really help relieve
some of her pregnancy aches and pains. Help her relax There are a lot of
physical and emotional stresses that accompany a pregnancy.
Find ways to help your wife relax.
You could prepare a bubble bath for her, give her a shoulder or foot rub, or
surprise her with a magazine. Book housecleaning services for her A
month before the baby is due, while shes out visiting, shopping, or at her
baby shower, schedule a top to bottom professional housecleaning.
Coming home to an immaculate home could make the world of difference
to her. Another great tip is to book some additional housecleaning services
for a couple months following the birth of the baby.
Treat her to some great maternity clothes
A great maternity wardrobe can help your wife embrace and accept her
changing body. Take her to the mall and let her take all the time she wants
trying on jeans and shirts. Let her know you think shes beautiful (inside
and out) Trust me, shes feeling frumpy and far from sexy. Remind her of
all the things you love and adore about her.

Go for the appointments together: Boy, this might be boring and

monotonous for you but be there with your partner during every antenatal
visit. You wont know how much confidence and satisfaction this instills in
your woman. That is all she needs from you during those testing moments
in the hospital anticipating her babys wellbeing. Whether it is getting the
diet schedule checked with the gynecologist or simply listening to the fetal
heartbeat, be there and share that moment. Exchange glances and give
her an assuring smile whenever possible, yes even inside the doctors
cabin. Know that your lady has braved many things in life before but now is
the time when she needs you the most.

Be patient with her mood swings: Do you have a punching bag, a treadmill
or a pet at home? Wondering why we ask? Well you would need something
to vent out pent up frustrations too. Run on the treadmill, take a stroll with
your dog or best, keep hitting the punching bag because now you wont be
able to take it out on her. Thats one advantage of being pregnant that all
women exercise to the maximum. She would want a scoop of pink icecream devoid the taste of strawberry, or want to watch re-runs of those
teary daily soaps when its time for that final match you waited for so long.
It doesnt matter how unrealistic her demands are, its your job to fulfil her
desires. You think we are kidding? Okay then wait till its your turn to deal
with those mood swings. Know about things you should be doing during the
first trimester.

Help her with daily chores: Help her around the kitchen and take some load
off her shoulders by sharing some household chores too. Do the dishes,
she will hate to do this now. But dont just restrict yourself to that, chop
vegetables, prepare dinner or breakfast and help her get enough rest. The

taste, the texture doesnt matter here, what matters to her is that you care
and can empathise with her.

Pamper her: Now dealing with mood swings and pampering are like trying
to balance two sides of a scale during pregnancy days. You may never
know what will please her but keep the romantic side in you alive always.
You sure are going to get it right sometime. Plan a surprise candle light
dinner, get chocolates, take her shopping to maternity stores, movies,
theme parks. You cant get short of ideas over here. She is going to love
this even if she gets on your nerves once in a while or probably always.

Read to her: You always thought that reading literary fiction, suspense and
those heavy management books are of your prime interest. Well, know that
reading pregnancy books isnt going to make you any less macho. Read to
her about pregnancy and childcare. This is going to help you bond better as
parents and probably give you a fair idea about what she is going through.
Never mind if you dont remember on the 24th week what you read about
the 12th week pregnancy progression. She loves the idea that you at least
care to know it.

Go for a babymoon: Plan this as a surprise or ask her about a place where
you both would like to spend some time alone. She is going to thank you
for this the rest of your life. Couple time is going to be a distant dream once
your little one is out. This can be like a second honeymoon for the two of
you before the baby arrives. Read about your second trimester to-do guide.

Talk to the bump: Dont shy away from this. Women love the feel and
warmth of their belly being caressed by their partner. Studies say that in
this way you bond with your unborn baby and as expectant parents too.
This also gives your woman a feeling that you are a caring and affectionate
parent. Its okay if you dont plan to change diapers later. This still works.
Know how bump-talk can be good for you.

Be vigilant always: Whether at home or on the streets, always keep a tab

on her movements. With pregnancy progression and that bulging belly
there can always be a chance of a slip or any other accident. Watch out for
her always so that you can reach for help when needed.

7 common pregnancy complaints and how to deal

with them
Pregnancy often comes with some extra baggage morning sickness,
tiredness, backache and more. The discomforts along with the already
bulging bump can make you feel distressed and anxious, undermining your
joys. Even if you dont face all those troubles people talk about, pregnancy
will give you at least a few to deal with, at some point during those nine
joyful months. But worry not, we tell you how to take on your pregnancy
woes to make your pregnancy smooth sailing.
Morning sickness: There is no denying that nausea or morning sickness
can haunt you throughout the day and in the night too, at times. So be
prepared to visit your rest room often during the first trimester. Its your
hormones that are creating the havoc. Also pregnancy increases sensitivity
in the area of the brain which triggers nausea. Read to know more
aboutwhat causes morning sickness during pregnancy.
How to tackle it:

Stay in your bed for a few minutes after you wake up in the morning.
Do not have fluids like water or juices the first thing in the morning. Start
your day with a toast, biscuit or crackers.
Keep yourself hydrated throughout the day.
Avoid over eating and have six small balanced meals throughout the

Avoid your triggers. Every pregnant women suffering from morning

sickness becomes averse to certain odours. like that of onions, garlic or
other fragrances. If you know yours stay away from them.
Ask for medications from your doctor if it becomes too difficult to ignore.

Backache: This is way too common in pregnancy. The reason being your
bulging tummy puts quite a pressure on your back. If you practice sitting
and walking in improper posture then it just adds more stress to your back.
Know more how bad posture can affect your health.
How to tackle it:

Correct your posture. Keep your spine upright every time while sitting,
standing or walking. Do this consciously if the need be. Save your back,
as you would need a strong back post pregnancy too.
Do some light exercises to strengthen your back after talking to your
doctor or antenatal fitness coach.
When you sleep keep a pillow tucked between your legs to ensure good
back support.
Trade your high heels for flat flip-flops.

Constipation: Bowel movements slow down during pregnancy. This

happens due to an increased level of progesterone in the body. Also the
iron supplements taken during pregnancy can lead to constipation. With
fatigue, nausea and backaches, constipation would be the last thing you
want to deal with. But there is no escaping if your systems decide
otherwise. Read to know how to deal with constipation during pregnancy.
How to tackle it:

Up your fibre intake and if the need be ask your doctor for medications,
do not reach out for laxatives on your own.
Do not miss on your eight glasses of water and keep sipping other fluids
Pile your plate with more veggies and raw fruits.
Walk. Light exercises can help to aid digestion and relive constipation

Heartburn and indigestion: Pre-pregnancy this could have been dealt by

simply popping a pill. But now you need to tread with caution. During
pregnancy as your belly bulges out your stomach is pushed upward and
this aggravates heartburn. Also going empty stomach for too long can
increase acid levels and cause heartburn, indigestion and slow down bowel
movements too. Know more on what causes heartburn and how to deal
with it.

How to tackle it:

Eat small frequent meals.

Avoid spicy or fried foods that can aggravate acidity.
Do not lie down for at least half an hour after your meal.
An occasional vanilla ice cream for dessert can work as an antacid.

Hemorrhoids: Hemorrhoids are quite common during pregnancy and are

caused due to an increased blood flow in the pelvic area. Your bulging
uterus exerts extra pressure on the veins, hampering the venous blood flow
that contributes to the condition. Constipation may also aggravate the
condition. Though hemorrhoids are not harmful, they can be very painful
and can worsen with the extra strain of labour. But blood in stool always
doesnt mean hemorrhoids. Read on to know more about the condition.
How to tackle it:

Have plenty of water and fibre rich food.

Apply ice packs or anesthetic gels to reduce pain and swelling after
consulting your doctor.
Try isabgol husk. An excellent home remedy that helps.

Swelling or edema: Your feet and hands might swell up sometime during
the last trimester due to excess water retention triggered by hormones.
This is also known as edema. Know more about causes, symptoms and
how to deal with edema effectively.
How to tackle it:

Drink adequate water.

Avoid sleeping on your back during late pregnancy.
Do not stand or sit for too long in the same position. Take breaks to
keep fluids in your systems moving and not bulking up at places.

Pregnancy cramps: As the uterus bulges, it may exert pressure on your

lower abdominal muscles and lead to cramps. Cramps are not a common
pregnancy niggles, but it does affect many women during the later stages
of pregnancy. These arent painful but keep a check sometimes craps can
also indicate pre-term labour or miscarriage.
How to tackle it:

There isnt much that you can do to help yourself. Try taking rest for a
while and see if you feel better. Else, make an appointment with your

Fatigue: It follows you very closely throughout your pregnancy. For many
women, its worst during the first and third trimester, but for some, fatigue
could be there throughout the pregnancy. Fatigue is your bodys own way
of dealing with pregnancy, what with all that extra weight, need for more
nutrients and making room for the baby. Its normal for your already alert
and overworked body to ask for rest. Fatigue can also indicate underlying
troubles. Read on to know more.
How To Tackle It:

Rest, Rest, Rest. There is no substitute to fight fatigue.

Eat well. A balanced diet can fuel more energy to keep up with the
needs of the body and the growing baby, especially for working
Sleep well. It is mandatory to have eight hours of shut-eye.
Avoid long distance travel that tires you.

Your babys kicks: 6 amazing facts

So expectant mums, have your started feeling your babys kicks yet?
Congrats, you have reached a new milestone in your pregnancy journey.
But have you ever wondered what do these kicks really mean? While you
dwell in delight feeling your baby grow inside, you should know these
amazing facts about them.
Kicks are not just kicks.
We all know that as the baby grows, it starts to move around in the womb.
Kicks are the unborn babys movements inside the womb. Though
commonly called as kicks, the child not only does kick but performs other
movements too, like movement of the diaphragm, hiccups, hand
movements, a side to side turning, somersaults and more. However not all
these movements are perceived by the mother, says Dr Shantala Vadeyar,
consultant obstetrician, foetal and maternal medicine, specialist, Kokilaben
Dhirubhai Ambani hospital. So the once that are felt are often referred to as
kicks. When your baby starts to actually kick stretching the limbs out during
the initial weeks all you might feel is flutter or just a swishing feeling in your
Babies kick more in response to what happens in your environment
Within the womb your baby tries to stretch out the limbs to relax or move
and hence you feel the kicks. These movements or kicks are a part of your
babys normal development. A baby might also move or kick in response to
an external stimuli like sound, light or even food taken by the mother, says
Dr Vadeyar.
Babies kick more after your meal

A healthy baby growing at an expected pace might kick about 15 to 20

times a day. Usually they will kick more after a meal or in response to a
loud sound, informs Dr Vadeyar.
Babies start kicking as early as nine weeks
But those kicks can only be picked up on an ultrasound scan and is too
early for a mother to sense them. However a mother can sense the
movements after 18 or 19 weeks, says Dr Vadeyar. But to perceive kicks
that early you need to be really very attentive, many mums miss their first
kicks accounting it to wind or just flutter in the abdomen. Else after the
24thweek you might feel the kicks more too often. A mother who is blessed
a second time can also feel them as early as 13 weeks.
Reduced number of kicks could mean something is wrong
A healthy baby would kick around 15 to 20 times a day. Reduced fetal
movements can raise a concern because it might mean that the foetus is
not getting sufficient nutrition or oxygen. A detailed maternal and fetal
assessment by ultrasound scan and a non-stress test, which checks the
fetal heart rate patterns should be undertaken to evaluate the cause of
reduced fetal movements. Sometimes a serious problem may get detected
and prompt delivery would be needed to rescue such distressed babies
who are presented with reduced movements, says Dr Vadeyar. Contrary to
popular belief, a baby kicking less often doesnt indicate a quiet and
reserved persona it means your baby needs help. If the baby does not
move for more than an hour, despite the mother eating something, then it
can be a cause of concern. Sometimes foetal movements tend to slow
down if your sugar levels drop.
Reduced kicks might not always indicate trouble.
Sometimes babies also rest inside the womb for periods as long as 40-50
minutes. Also after the 36th week there might be a retardation of foetal
movement due to less availability of space.

3 Ways To Meet Your Husbands Needs During Pregnancy

1. SEX! Often times women experience fatigue, discomfort and even sickness during pregnancy.
Some days the last thing we are thinking about is sex but our husbands are thinking about it. The
majority of our husbands are too polite to ask for sex as frequently as they were getting it before
because they understand that were going through a lot but dont abuse your husbands kindness.
Remember that sex is very important in marriage because its a time where husband and
wife come together to bond and become one.
My suggestion is for wives to initiate sex when they have energy and are feeling well, that way
they can enjoy their husbands and show them that they love them and desire them, even though
so much is going on inside their bodies. At 27 weeks pregnant, each week I keep track of our sex

life in my mind and make sure that I set aside time to rock my husbands world a few times a
week. Even in pregnancy I want to meet his needs and be the ONLY woman that he desires.
Ladies do what you can to show your husband love, attention and sexual fulfilment throughout
2. RESPECT! With emotions and hormones changing daily pregnant women must work hard to
keep their attitudes in check. I feel like Im doing a decent job in this area but I have my moments
and I know I can do better. Our husbands deserve our respect and we deserve theirs, no matter
how we are feeling or what we are going through. Nothing gives us a license to purposely or
continuous disrespect one another. When I feel my emotions or attitude rising, I try to shut
my mouth, pray, just sit quietly for a moment or go lay down if I can. No one wants to be the
mean pregnant woman whose husband dreads coming home to at night.
When you find yourself upset or agitated, before you react, ask yourself is it really that deep and
how can I respond in away that will keep the peace and not put my husband on the defense. Holy
Spirit is giving me great advice as I type this post because learning to think before I speak is an
area that I am working on.
3. COOKING AND HOUSEWORK! If you were the main cook and person that cleaned up around
your house, things may need to change now that your pregnant. We need more of our husbands
help during pregnancy BUT we should try our best to cook and straighten up sometimes when we
are able. There are days when I cant physically bring myself to cook or clean and those days my
husband will jump in and help me but I make sure I cook a few times a week and clean on the
weekends when I am able. I want to keep my husband happy, feed and have our home
environment be one of peace. In marriage everyone has to sacrifice but especially when the wife is
pregnant. Dont adopt the worlds views on marriage, adopt Gods. God requires that we love,
honor, respect and serve one another. Lets continue to meet our husbands needs, let them know
when we need their help and in turn we are working as a team and keeping the devil out of our

10 fun things to do during pregnancy

10 easy ways to beat stress in pregnancy.
After the initial glow, pregnancy can be tiring and the remaining months may seem to stretch ahead
endlessly. Morning sickness, fatigue, twinges of pain and constipation may leave you exhausted and
wondering whether you're the only one who can't wait for baby to arrive! Add to that the constant
discussions and questions by friends and family about your 'good news' and the unsolicited advice from
complete strangers on what you should be eating and doing - it's all enough to make you run for cover.
Doing some fun things can help you think about something other than your pregnancy. Enlist the help of
friends and family - they'll be only too happy to drive you somewhere you want to go or keep you
company at a film you want to see. Here are some more ideas for fun things to do:
1. Go on a shopping spree
Make a list of things you'd like to buy for yourself (not for the house or your baby), like comfortable
footwear, a new sari for the Godh bharai/velakappu or the naming ceremony, post-delivery clothes like
button-down shirts and kurtas, comfortable nightwear and lingerie. Not allmaternity clothes are drab
sacks - it's easy to find smart kurtis that can be altered after you've had the baby, or empire line tops and
drawstring trousers. Buy one or two items on the list every month, to spread out your purchases. You
can also then look forward to a small shopping spree every month.

2. Find a new you

Your body is changing almost every day and while you may love your new thicker hair, you can't say the
same for your stomach and hips. When none of your clothes seem to fit and the thought of dressing up
is depressing, it helps to get a makeover. Have a manicure and paint your nails in a bright cheerful
colour. Or draw attention to your face with a new haircut. Try some new make-up like kajal or a lip liner or
even just new matching bindis or earrings to go with your outfits. Read more on how to feel good about
your pregnant body.
3. Make photo memories
Having some professional photos taken of the both of you will provide some lovely keepsakes of your
pregnancy. Or ask your spouse to take pictures of your growing belly every month or once every
trimester. It will be wonderful to share these with your child when she grows up. Or you could
commission some personalised sketches or portraits instead of photographs.
4. Try scrapbooking
If you're not into keeping a diary or a journal, a scrapbook may be the thing for you to record your
pregnancy. Photos of a vacation you took during your pregnancy or even the one during which you
conceived, ultrasound scan reports, a bill from the celebratory dinner with your husband when you found
out you were pregnant, month-by-month belly pictures - your scrapbook can contain anything and
everything. You will love going over it many years after your baby is born.
5. Indulge yourself
Pregnancy can be a time to indulge yourself -- be it in terms of food cravings, massages, sleep or even
hobbies. You might be advised to take it easy for a couple of weeks. If you are, there's no need to be
bored sitting at home. Pick up a book you've wanted to read for a long time or a movie you've wanted to
see, catch up on some new music or have a leisurely lunch out with your girlfriends at your favourite
Sleep may soon become a luxury, so catch up when you can, perhaps at weekends.
If you feel your skin becoming dry or patchy due to hormonal changes, book an appointment for a facial
or prepare a natural face mask at home. You can also create your own mini spa at home if you don't feel
like stepping outdoors. Check out ourfeeling good in pregnancy section where you will find tips and
week-by-week guides to help you pamper yourself throughout pregnancy.
6. Plan a picnic or a day trip
A picnic is a rare event in our hurried lives, but it doesn't need much planning. Pick a time and place,
round up your family or friends and ask each person to bring two specific things. Voila! You are ready! If
it's too hot or rainy for a picnic, plan an indoor visit to a museum, art gallery or cultural exhibition where
you can spend some time in air-conditioned comfort. Even a trip to a mall you have wanted to visit,
followed by lunch at the food court, can be a welcome break.
7. Keep the romance alive
Romance may take a back seat in the initial months of pregnancy and if your parents or in-laws have
moved in to take care of you, it may be a long time since you and your husband spent any quality time
together. Plan date nights once every week or two, book a table and bond over lunch or dinner. Your
spouse could do with a little extra attention too and these moments will keep you going once the baby
comes. Or just rent a DVD, make some popcorn and spend a quiet night at home cuddled up together.
Have questions about making love during pregnancy? We have the answers!
8. Make new friends with other mothers
In this age of scattered families, you may not have a sister or sister-in-law close by to share things with.
Friends who are not pregnant may find it difficult to relate to every single thing that is happening in your
life. Making friends with other mums-to-be can be a great way to get some support.
Signing up for antenatal classes or yoga classes for pregnant women is one way to meet other mums;
your clinic may also have a mummy-to-be club who meet regularly. Don't forget our community forums
and birth clubs, where you can interact with other pregnant women, share tips and get some support.
9. Bond with your mother or mother-in-law
It's quite common in India for your mother or mother-in-law to move in to help during pregnancy and with
the baby. Use the time to reconnect with your mother, especially if you live in different cities and haven't
been able to spend much time together since you got married. Let your mum pamper you with your
favourite foods and gifts. Compare notes about her pregnancy cravings when she was carrying you and
whether that means it will be a boy or a girl. Discuss confinement practices after birth. Plan the naming
ceremony guest list and catch up on all the gossip about your relatives. Shop for a thank you gift for her
in advance, before the baby comes. You won't feel much like shopping once your baby is born.

10. Make a list of things to do

Use our Babynamer to make a list of your favourite names. Make a list of ten things you'd like to do when
your baby finally arrives. Make it as funny and whacky as you like. If you have had diet restrictions
during your pregnancy make a list of foods you'll have. Missed going on a trip to your favourite
destination in your first trimester? Plan another trip. Count down the days until you can do your favourite
things once again.

1. Give her some privacy in the bathroom and don't ask what she wants to
She might be vomiting a lot, frequently urinating, and be constipated or poop more than usual, or
both. This might be happening for three months strait, so you have to man-up. All of this is
happening due to the baby growing inside her, pushing on her bladder (and other organs). All the
hormones will have a relaxing effect on her muscles, which might be affecting the efficiency of
her bodily functions. Be patient, and time your bathroom use wisely.

2. Give her a nice massage every now and then.

Many pregnant women experience exhaustion within their first eight to ten or twelve weeks
because of the changes in their metabolism. All those vitamins and nutrients that typically gave
her energy before are going strait to the baby, and whatever is left over (if any) goes to her. This
may affect her energy as well as her ability to function mentally and emotionally. So treat her to a
massage every now and then. It might make her love you more.

3. Be understanding.
This may sound a little silly, since you already think, "I don't understand the first thing that's going
on with her," but try to understand that her mood swings are not happening out of spite. She's
just not having her period and she gave up drinking for nine months. I don't know if you have
ever given up drinking; I haven't yet. This is a time when she may not be feeling like her self. If
you suddenly had a drop in your usual level of testosterone and replaced it with something that
made you more crabby, like estrogen, you might feel like less of a man, and less desirable. The
same thing is happening with her. She is replacing her usual hormones with different ones. So be
nice and helpful whenever you can.

4. Don't let her let herself go.

If she says she is eating for two, don't be fooled. She is eating for herself and a small human
being. Encourage your woman to eat healthy, not like a porker. Make sure you see her taking
prenatal vitamins regularly and exercising moderately, and go to doctor visits with her. And do
still treat her like a gorgeous babe, even when her belly gets as big as a watermelon. Treat her
gently in the bedroom (and outside) because all her body parts are probably swollen and they
hurt like a mother (Pun intended). If she was more happy with her life before all this happened,
remind her that you got her back and that you support her and her dreams completely, whether
they include plans like continuing with her job, a vacation, getting her normal body back,
whatever. And of course tell her how cute the offspring you both created will be.


Start out by understanding that pregnancy is one of the hardest times in a woman's life.
She will have to change just about everything in her life while she is pregnant. There are
many things that she will not be able to do because she is pregnant. Once you
understand how hard pregnancy is, you will be able to make your pregnant
wife/girlfriend happy.

Try to help her with anything that she needs help with. You may have to do extra things
around the house that you are not used to doing. Offer to clean up or do the dishes so
that she will be able to rest. As the pregnancy progresses, things will be much harder for
the woman to do.

Many pregnant women get cravings for odd things. Try to go out and fulfil her cravings
by purchasing whatever she wants. Go to the store and get her some ice cream, cookies
or whatever it is that she wants.

Do not expect her to be happy all of the time. Even if you get her everything she wants
and take care of everything around the house, she will still be going through a lot of
emotions and physical pain so understand if she is not happy. Try not to argue with her
about things because it is not good for a pregnant woman to get upset. Try to settle
problems before they turn into fights.

Read more :

Which sexual positions are the most comfortable during

As your pregnancy progresses, you may find that the man on top (missionary position) isn't comfortable any
more. Try the following instead:

Lie sideways. This allows your husband to keep most of his weight off your uterus.
Use the bed as a prop. Lie on your back at the edge of the bed with your knees bent, and your bottom and feet
perched at the edge of the mattress. Your husband can either kneel or stand in front of you.
Lie side-by-side in the spoons position. This allows for only shallow penetration. Deep thrusts can become
uncomfortable as the months pass.
Get on top! This position has been shown to be associated with higher levels of sexual satisfaction in pregnant
women. It puts no weight on your abdomen and allows you to control the depth of penetration.
Make love sitting down. This is another position that puts no weight on your uterus. Try sitting on your
husband's lap as he sits on a (sturdy) chair. You can control the rate and depth of penetration by standing up
more or by squatting down.

Lubricating creams or gels may irritate your skin and cause allergic reactions. It's therefore best to avoid using
them during pregnancy unless advised otherwise by your doctor. It's a good idea to clean your pelvic area
thoroughly after you make love. Wipe dry with a clean towel or tissue paper.

You can have a satisfying love life when pregnant, and where there's a will, there's a way! With a little

experimenting, you and your husband are sure to find techniques that work for you. And keep talking!
Communication and openness are the keys to maintaining or improving sexual satisfaction during your
pregnancy and beyond.

Is oral sex safe during pregnancy?

Yes, normal oral sex won't harm you or your baby. In fact, it can be a good solution if intercourse is deemed too

The only thing you must avoid is having your husband blow air into your vagina. Blowing air can cause a
blockage of a blood vessel by an air bubble (known as an air embolism). An embolism can be potentially fatal for
you and your baby.

10 Things Never To Say To A Pregnant Woman

If You Know What's Good For You, You'll Avoid These
Keep in mind, not all pregnant women feel this way. Not all of these things apply. Only some, or
even none, can apply in certain situations. These are just some of the things that I have heard
from otherpregnant women, and I have experienced a few myself.
1. You look more like 8 months instead of 6. Never make a comment on how big a pregnant
woman looks. Most likely, she is already feeling self-conscious about her body due to the
natural weight gain, and justifying that just earns you an evil eye for the remainder of the
2. Youre due in July? Oh, its going to be really hot and youre going to be huge. Some things
are just common sense. It was just as hot the previous July as it will be in the coming July, and
having been educated somewhat about the pros and cons of pregnancy, she is probably
completely aware at how large she will be. Again, no comments on her weight. Unless you are
reassuring her that her belly looks cute or precious to make her feel better.
3. You know labor is going to hurt right? Again, she has probably had some form of education
on the matter in the time previous to the birth of her child. She knows full well that labor will be
one of the most painful experiences of her life, if not THE most painful. It just scares her even
more to hear it come from someone elses mouth.
4. Never tell a pregnant woman horrible, gross, or scary labor stories that you or someone you
know have experienced. Yes, labor is painful, and already knowing that scares her enough. She
is really not interested in hearing about things that could possibly go wrong in the midst of her
delivery. She will be even more frightened at the idea, especially since she cannot avoid it.

5. Have you considered adoption or abortion? Even if she has, she would really rather not
discuss it with outside parties. In the end, it is her choice (and her husbands/boyfriends).
Outside influence is not always necessary.
6. Did you bother to use a condom or birth control? A rude question will get a rude answer. It is
no ones business but hers what the conditions were the night of her babys conception. And its
irrelevant. She cant send the baby back where he/she came from and just pretend it never
happened. She would rather everyone just leave the night of conception out of the conversation
and enjoy this new life to be.
7. Are you sure youre not having twins? Again, no weight comments. This question is
especially painful to those who KNOW they are only having one child. Women who are pregnant
get big. It has been that way as long as women have been having babies. Some are larger than
others. But that does not mean she has to enjoy it, and being a female, she will feel selfconscious about it, as pointed out in a previous explanation.
8. Dont be disappointed to find out that she is having a girl instead of a boy, and vice versa. This
cant be changed. Or perhaps it could, with several years of scientific research and experiment,
but most likely, Mom is going to be perfectly happy with what she is having, and you should be,
9. Giving her suggestions for names is fine, but only if your intention is just to help out. Dont
force her to use her great-great grandmothers middle name if she doesnt want to. Name
decisions are meant to be made between the mother and the father, and they will name the baby
exactly what he/she is supposed to be named. If you tell her to try and name the baby something
else, you can expect her to very gently place her palm on the bulge of your belly and say
something like Oh, Im sorry, I didnt realize you were the babys mother.
10. In the event of an unplanned pregnancy between a romantic couple, you should
never ever ask Are you two planning on getting married before the baby gets here? Truthfully,
they are probably about as ready for marriage now as they were before they got pregnant. This
decision needs to be left up to them. You dont have to agree with their decision, but forcing them
to get married is just asking for trouble down the road.

5 Easy Ways to Make Your

Pregnant Wife Happy
Theres nothing like a few pregnancy hormones to ruin a perfectly good relationship.
OK, ruin is an overstatement, but the husband or partner of a pregnant women walks
a very fine line when interacting her. Especially at night after a long day of work,
child-rearing and life-wrangling.

In this vein, Ive come up with a list of 10 things every pregnant woman wants their
husband or partner to do. Feel free to add your top ones in the comment section, or
print this out and give it to someone you love.
1. Take out the trash. No, its not a guy/girl thing, its a SMELL thing. Pregnant
women dont like nasty smells. Nothing smells nastier than the trash. And dont wait
to take it out until its been stuffed down five times and is literally bursting at the
seams. Take it out now.
2. Make dinner more often. See, Im not even saying all the time, or even most of the
time, just more often. Truth is, a lot of time cooking sucks when youre pregnant. I
dont know why, but after you immerse yourself in the scent of dinner for 45 minutes,
it often becomes completely unappetizing to eat. This happens a lot less often when
someone else is doing the cooking.
3. Ask before you eat. Whether its the last cookie, the last piece of chocolate, the
last scoop of ice cream, the last pickle, DO NOT eat it until you have askedin a
voice loud enough to be heardif that is OK.
4. Buy flowers (or whatever small gesture it is that makes her feel loved). While there
are many reasons to feel sexy and special as a pregnant woman, there are many
things about being pregnant that can really bring a woman down. The more nice little
things you do, the more those unsexy pregnant thoughts will recede into the
5. Give her a foot massage. If my husband were to give me a foot massage every
night, I just mightmightforgive him for impregnating me in the first place (just
kidding!). But seriously, the extra pregnancy weight does horrible things to ones feet
and even a five-minute foot massage does wonders.
What about you? What simple things could your partner do for you to make being
pregnant a little more bearable?
Keep telling her how much you love her and how beautiful she is because when she get the baby
bumps she will probably go through the stage where she will say she feels fat and frumpy.
Take her out for meals
Take her to the movies
Buy her flowers
Let her know you will be there for her no matter what
Never get into a argument with her no matter how hard she is trying to make u argue
Give her foot rubs
Give her shoulder rubs
Offer to wash her back when she is having a bath/shower

Pregnant women love being pampered

i hope these ideas have helped and good luck in what ever u decide to do
1)I have prepared frozen foods and fruits for her.. Im a chef by the way..
2)Got her a nice big lazy boy chair for her just to relax.
3)Make sure she has plenty of water and juices.
4)Doctor check ups a course.
5)Make sure all the bills are paid because she stresses when they are late! Ha ha
6)Pick up stuff off the floor before she gets around to it. Keep house clean
7)We have crib and cloths etc, diapers and other baby products, so nothing here
8)I gotten videos and books she likes to read
9)I know she wants to shop so I gave her a $1000 gift visa card to do so while being off work
10) I always kiss her belly every morning before I go to work!! =) anything else from you girls I need to
Update : you cook frozen foods and you are a chef? you should be ashamed. but good list, you
should cook healthy fresh food for her though that will do her the most good as you wont be filling her
with preservatives from frozen foods.

Darling, You're Beautiful"

Your wife may not be feeling her best during her pregnancy. Weight gain is a certainty. She
might also be unhappy about some of the side effects of pregnancy, like swollen ankles,
varicose veins, hair in unexpected places, swollen breasts and stretch marks. Keep in mind
that not all expectant moms experience that elusive pregnancy "glow," warns the KidsHealth
website. Make your wife feel better about her changing body by telling her how beautiful she
is. Let her moan and groan to you about her insecurities -- and then reassure her that you love
and desire her more than ever.

Pregnancy Pampering
Regular thoughtful gestures will go a long way toward making your wife feel good about
herself during her pregnancy. Arrange for some treats to show her just how much you
appreciate her major role in the baby-making process. A pampering day at a local spa will
help her relax. Draw a warm bath with some soothing -- and pregnancy safe -- bath oil, and
then light candles around the bathroom. Cook her a meal from scratch, including all her
favorite dishes. Send her flowers, give her jewelry -- or anything else that she loves to let her
know how much you love her.

Patience Will Pay Off

However apprehensive you might be about the arrival of your baby, don't forget that it's your
wife who has to carry the baby for 40 weeks, and then go through labor and delivery. Bear
this in mind when she's suffering from mood swings, spending a small fortune on adorable
baby clothes and nursery accessories, and being particularly stubborn about baby name
choices. Instead of complaining, support what she's doing and make sure she knows that she
can lean on you when she's feeling apprehensive herself about what's to come. Provide a
listening ear and open arms if she needs to have a good cry.

Affection and Intimacy

When it comes sex during pregnancy, let your wife's desires -- or lack thereof -- be your
guide. Understand that no two women and no to pregnancies are the same. Your wife may be
more interested in sex than normal, not interested in sex at all, or her libido may peak and
trough depending on the stage of her pregnancy, notes the BabyCenter website. If she's keen
to get intimate, you know what to do. If she's not, be caring and affectionate without trying to
change her mind. Knowing that you respect her wishes will make her feel less anxious about
her lack of a sex drive.

Understanding Pregnancy
One of the first things you can do to be more supportive is to read up on pregnancy. Talking
to your wife's doctor, reading books about pregnancy or attending labor classes together can
help you brush up on what to expect. This knowledge can also help you think of questions to
ask the doctor at your wife's next prenatal appointment. You can also help your wife eat more
nutritious foods and get plenty of exercise by cooking for her or working out together,
according to the March of Dimes.

Handling Responsibilities
A pregnant wife may experience mood swings and frequent fatigue, so pitching in with daily
chores can prove helpful. Washing dishes, picking up the kids from school or taking on the
grocery shopping can reduce your wife's stress, according to the NHS website. Taking on
responsibilities that could be a health hazard to your unborn baby, like changing the cat litter,
are also important. After talking to your wife, pregnancy can also be a time to start talking to
family and friends about any help you may need after the baby arrives, like having a relative
picking up your other children from school.

Planning for Baby

Before your bundle of joy arrives, helping your wife put together a baby registry or browsing
thrift stores for baby items can be helpful, according to the March of Dimes. You can also ask
family and friends if you can borrow any baby items. In the meantime, learning how to bathe,
clothe and diaper a baby can show your wife that you are prepared to take on some of the
responsibility after the baby arrives, according to the NHS. Reading baby books or attending
a baby care class in your community can help you learn these skills, as can babysitting for
friends with young babies.

Medical Care and Delivery

Throughout your wife's pregnancy, attending as many of her prenatal appointments as you
are able can help you to stay in the loop and support your wife. During labor, your wife may
expect you to be her advocate -- the one who speaks up to doctors on her behalf to ensure that
labor and delivery go as she expects, according to What to Expect. Depending on your wishes
and your wife's wishes, keeping a camera nearby to document your child's first moments can
create a precious keepsake for both of you.

What to Do With a Pregnant Wife

in the Winter
Romantic Date at Home

Use your culinary skills to prepare a special home-cooked meal for your wife. Cook healthy
foods that are safe to eat during pregnancy like salmon, beans and sweet potatoes, suggests
the BabyCenter article, "The Ten Best Foods for Pregnancy." Avoid foods or beverages that
can pose a risk to her pregnancy, such as fish with high levels of mercury like swordfish and
alcoholic drinks. Invite your wife to sit down to a candlelit table and set a romantic mood
with soft music in the background. Alternatively, order from your favorite restaurant -- and
enjoy your home-delivered meal in front of the fireplace.

Movie Marathon Night

Grab some blankets and cuddle up on the couch at home to watch a series of themed movies
with your wife. Scan your home movie library for winter-related movies and holiday classics
to coincide with the season. Or, you might both enjoy baby-themed comedies as you
anticipate the upcoming event. Think "Father of the Bride 2," "Baby Mama" or "Baby's Day
Out." Also, don't forget to the corn for popping. Popcorn is a whole grain, rich in fiber, and a
healthy, movie snack for both you and your wife.

Reading by the Fireplace

Enjoy pre-birth bonding time with your child by reading children's books to your wife's belly.
Take a trip to the local library together to scan the shelves for books you and your wife both
enjoyed as children, such as "Goodnight Moon" or "The Cat in the Hat." Once you're back
home, read the stories to your wife's growing bump by the fire -- and then share childhood
memories together. Add some funny character voices to your reading to make your wife
laugh and to hopefully get a reaction like a kick from the baby. Alternatively, simply reading
to each other can be a romantic gesture. Consider reading to each other from a collection of
poems to express your feelings of love.

Baby-Related Crafts
Stay warm inside and gather arts and crafts supplies to engage in a craft activity together.
Arrange photos taken throughout your wife's pregnancy in chronological order and assemble
them into a flip book. The end result will appear as though you are actually flipping through
the progress of her pregnancy as her belly grows page by page. Alternatively, you and your
wife can go to a studio for pottery painting. Select nursery items to paint in preparation for
your newborn child. Perhaps, you can paint a picture frame to place on a dresser, while your
wife paints ceramic baby shoes to display on a shelf.
Daily guidelines for eating healthy during pregnancy

Calcium: Calcium is needed in the body to build strong bones and teeth. Calcium also allows the blood to clot normally,
nerves to function properly, and the heart to beat normally. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
(ACOG) recommends 1,000 milligrams (mg) per day for pregnant and lactating (breastfeeding) women. Women 19 years or
younger need 1,300 milligrams a day. Eat or drink four servings of dairy products or foods rich in calcium. Dairy products
are the best source of calcium. Other sources of calcium are dark, leafy greens, fortified cereal, breads, fish, fortified orange
juices, almonds and sesame seeds.
Folic acid: Folic acid is used to make the extra blood your body needs during pregnancy. ACOG and the March of Dimes
recommend 400 micrograms (mcg) per day for pregnant women. This amount is included in your prenatal vitamins. The
March of Dimes suggests that 70 percent of all neural tube defects can be avoided with appropriate folic acid intake. Foods
rich in folic acid include lentils, kidney beans, green leafy vegetables (spinach, romaine lettuce, kale, and broccoli), citrus
fruits, nuts and beans. Folic acid is also added as a supplement to certain foods such as fortified breads, cereal, pasta, rice
and flours.
Iron: Iron is an important part of red blood cells, which carry oxygen through the body. Iron will help you build resistance to
stress and disease, as well as help you avoid tiredness, weakness, irritability, and depression. ACOG recommends you
receive 27 total milligrams of iron a day between food and your prenatal vitamin. Good sources include whole grain
products, lean beef and pork, dried fruit and beans, sardines and green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin A: ACOG recommends you receive 770 micrograms of Vitamin A daily. Foods rich in Vitamin A are leafy green
vegetables, deep yellow or orange vegetables (e.g., carrots or sweet potatoes), milk, and liver.
Daily recommendations: Include two to three servings of vegetables, two servings of fruits, at least three servings of whole
grain bread, cereals, pasta, two to three servings of lean protein (e.g., meat, fish, and poultry).
Protein: Protein is an important nutrient needed for growth and development. Protein is needed for energy and to build and
repair different parts of your body, especially brain, muscle and blood. A pregnant woman needs additional protein for her
baby's growth. Each person needs different amounts of protein depending on their size. A woman weighing 150 pounds
needs 75 grams of protein every day. (To estimate, use your pre-pregnant weight and divide by two.) Choose a variety of
protein-rich foods, which include seafood, lean meat and poultry, eggs, beans and peas, soy products, and unsalted nuts and
seeds. Use labels on packaged food to determine how many grams of protein each food provides.
Avoid alcohol: Alcohol has been linked with premature delivery and low birth weight babies, as well as Fetal Alcohol
Caffeine: It is recommended to limit your caffeine intake. You may choose: two 5-ounce cups of coffee, three 5-ounce cups
of tea, or two 12-ounce glasses of caffeinated soda.
Eat salty foods in moderation. Salt causes your body to retain water and could lead to an elevation in your blood pressure.
Do not diet! Even if you are overweight, your pregnancy is not an acceptable time to lose weight. You or your baby could be
missing essential nutrients for good growth.

Are there foods that are harmful to eat during pregnancy?

There are specific foods that you will want to avoid during your pregnancy. Hormonal changes during pregnancy
can have a negative effect on your immune system and put you at greater risk for contracting a foodborne illness.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has found that contracting the foodborne illness Listeria
during pregnancy can cause premature delivery, miscarriage, and even fetal death. Pregnant women are 20
times more likely to contract Listeria.

You can decrease your chances of contracting Listeria by using caution with hot dogs, luncheon meats, cold cuts, or other
deli meats (e.g., bologna), or fermented or dry sausages unless they are heated to an internal temperature of 165F or until
steaming hot just before serving.
Avoid getting fluid from hot dog and lunch meat packages on other foods, utensils, and food preparation surfaces, and wash
hands after handling hot dogs, luncheon meats, and deli meats.
Do not eat soft cheese such as feta, queso blanco, queso fresco, brie, Camembert, blue-veined, or panela (queso panela)
unless it is labeled as made with pasteurized milk. Make sure the label says, "MADE WITH PASTEURIZED MILK.
Pay attention to labels. Do not eat refrigerated pt or meat spreads from a deli or meat counter or from the refrigerated
section of a store. Foods that do not need refrigeration, like canned or shelf-stable pt and meat spreads, are safe to eat.
Refrigerate after opening.
Other foods that are more likely to cause foodborne illnesses include sushi, rare or undercooked meats and poultry (chicken),
beef, raw eggs, Caesar dressing, and mayonnaise. For more information on Listeria, go to the CDC.
Another food of concern for pregnant women is fish. Although fish is a low-fat, healthful protein choice, there are
certain fish that have elevated levels of methyl mercury or Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs), a pollutant in the
Consuming fish with high levels of methyl mercury during pregnancy has been associated with brain damage and
developmental delay for babies.

Eating identified safe fish one time a week is safe for pregnant women.
The March of Dimes recommends pregnant women should avoid all raw and seared fish. Raw fish includes sushi and
sashimi, undercooked finfish, and undercooked shellfish (such as undercooked oysters, clams, mussels, and scallops).
Avoid shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish even when cooked as they have higher levels of mercury.
The March of Dimes cautions against eating fish that may contain higher levels of PCBs. Fish in this category include
bluefish, bass, freshwater salmon, pike, trout, and walleye.
For more information on safe fish, go to the CDC, or the March of Dimes.

How much weight should I gain?

Gaining the right amount of weight during pregnancy by eating a balanced diet is a good sign that your baby is
getting all of the nutrients he or she needs and is growing at a healthy rate.
Weight gain should be slow and gradual. In general, you should gain about two to four pounds during your first
three months of pregnancy and one pound a week for the remainder of the pregnancy. A woman of average
weight before pregnancy can expect to gain 15 to 35 pounds during the pregnancy. You may need to gain more
or less depending on whether you are underweight or overweight when you get pregnant. Recommendations
also differ if you are carrying more than one baby.

Where does all the weight go?

Baby, 6-8 pounds

Placenta, 2-3 pounds
Amniotic fluid, 2-3 pounds
Breast tissue, 0-3 pounds
Blood supply, 3-4 pounds
Fat stores for delivery and breastfeeding (remainder of weight)
Uterus increase, 2-5 pounds
TOTAL: 15 -35 pounds.

What if I am gaining too much weight?

Try to get your weight back on track. Don't consider losing weight or stopping weight gain altogether. You should
try to slow your weight gain to recommended amounts, depending on your trimester. During the first trimester,
you should gain two to four pounds total; during the second and third trimester, you should gain one pound per
week. Consider trying these diet changes to gain weight more slowly:

Eat the appropriate portion size and avoid second helpings.

Choose low-fat dairy products.
Exercise; consider walking or swimming on most if not all days.
Use low-fat cooking methods.
Limit sweets and high-calorie snacks.
Limit sweet and sugary drinks.

What if I am not gaining enough weight?

Every woman is different and not everyone will gain at the same rate. You should talk to your doctor if you are
concerned that you are not gaining enough. Weight gain can be hindered by nausea and morning sickness. (See
suggestions for when you are not feeling well.) Excessive vomiting can be a symptom of hyperemesis
gravidarum, which you should discuss with your doctor. Consider trying these diet changes to gain weight within
appropriate ranges:

Eat more frequently. Try eating five to six times per day.
Choose nutrient and calorically dense foods such as dried fruit, nuts, crackers with peanut butter, and ice cream.
Add a little extra cheese, honey, margarine, or sugar to the foods you are eating.

What can I eat if I am not feeling well?

Pregnancy symptoms vary. Some women may have difficulty with morning sickness, diarrhea, or constipation.
Here are a few suggestions on how to deal with these symptoms. You may also see the Medication Guidelines
During Pregnancy section of this book for safe over-the-counter medicine that may assist with symptoms.
Morning sickness: For morning sickness, try eating crackers, cereal, or pretzels before you get out of bed. Eat
small meals more frequently throughout the day. Avoid fatty, fried foods.
Constipation: Increase your fiber intake by eating high fiber cereal and fresh fruits and vegetables. Also, make
sure you are drinking plenty of water--at least 10-12 glasses per day.
Diarrhea: Increase your intake of foods containing pectin and gum fiber to help absorb excess water. Good
choices include applesauce, bananas, white rice, oatmeal, and refined wheat bread.
Heartburn: Eat small, frequent meals throughout the day, eat slowly and chew thoroughly, avoid spicy or rich
foods, and caffeine. Do not drink a lot of fluids with your meal, drink fluids in between meals. Try not to lie down
after eating a meal, and keep your head elevated when lying down. Refer to the Medication Guidelines During
Pregnancy section in this book for safe heartburn medications.

Are cravings normal?

Many women will have food cravings during pregnancy, but there are others who do not. If you have food
cravings, it's okay to indulge as long as it fits into a healthy diet and does not occur too often.
If you are craving non-food items such as ice, laundry detergent, dirt, clay, ashes, or paint chips, you may have a
condition known as pica. You should discuss this with your doctor immediately. Eating non-food items can be
harmful to you and your baby and may be a sign of a nutritional deficiency such as iron deficiency.

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