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5rarters ViltagespEnRLs
OnionBajee f 1.95 BisheshGnsht_ f 5.95
of onionsandfreshcoriander Tenderlambcookedwithspringonionsand redonions
A deepfriedfritterconsisting
in a lentllbasedsauce
5nmosa f.? .?5 5pecialKhazana
A deepfriedpastryfilled
withmincedmeator spicyvegetables f 7.95
Lambcookedwithtomatoesand pepperssprinkled
Tihha f 2.95 crispyonionsand potatoes
Chicken,lambor paneermarinated
in yoghurtand BombaqBadBog f 7,95
spicesflamedin a clavoven Gri l l edl amb w i th green chi l l i es,chi l l i fl akes,dry chi l l i es
5heehKebab f 2.95 and scotch bonnet chi l l i es
Piquantmincedlambshapedontoan ironskewerand NawabiKingFrawns_ f 8.95
cookedin a clayoven Wholekingprawnscookedwithmangochutney,
[hichenPahor f e.95 Ta a i anal dindar

Deepfriedbatteredchickensupremes Bengal.
5callcps f 9.95
thot Fotti t 3,95 Scallops searedanddelicately
Tamarind and potatoesstirf r iedan d 5 U f i M U S S e L S
infusedchickpeas f 9.95
serveduoona ouri Freshwatermusselstossedwithonions,garlicandchillies
PrawnFuri f 3.95 RshaLazeez f 10.95
Spicyprawnstossedin a hotandsoursauceand DuckbreastcookedwithwildBangladeshi
servedupona puri PrigaKi Hcrin-f 10.95
KingPrewnButterfl"U f 3,95 Tendercutsof venisoncookedin mildsoices
Wholekingprawnblendedwithspicesandcoatedin BengatQuail.s f 10,95
Quailscookedin freshgroundBangladeshi
LaLJinga f 3.95 ShahiTaat f 19.95
with mintandfragrant crab,tigerprawnsand kingprawnsservedsizzling
spicesflamedin a clayoven

all avai
INS iabie.inVegerabte,
MinpdPlatipr f 5.95 Prawndnd nrnopraw n
A selectionof somosas,chickenpakoraandsheekkebab
furrg frornf t1,95

TandsorspEnRLs A basicblendof herbsandspices

A medium
strengthdishservedin the wokit is cookedin
from f t-1.95
Tihha f 5.95
Chickenor lambmarinatedin spicesandyoghurtand Korma f'-omf t1.95
cookedin a clayoven A mildonionbasedcreamydish
5heehKebab f 5.95 Mataga fromf t-1,95
of pineapple,
Piquantmincedlambshapedontoa skewerandcooked E xoti cdi sh consisting almondsand cream
rna clayoven Shoona
fhichen f 5.95 C ooked w i t t''onioni*o
ina *iriiJ'95
C h i c k e n l e f t o n t he b o n e a n d co o ke d in a cla v o ve n Eupiaza fromf L1,95
subtledishmadewitha mixture
of onions
5hashIich f 6.95 Dansah
Chicken andonions fromf H.95
Lenti l based mi l d di sh
5hahiPaneerTihha f 6.95 Patia fromf t1.95
I n d i a n c h e e s e m ar in a te d in a cr e a m v a n d sa u ce a n d Sweet,sourandhotdishcookedwithselected
c o o k e d i n a c l a y ove n
HoganJosh fromf t1.95
Sglhetithops f.l.95 Jui cydi sh cooked w i th tomatoes
Madras f'om f t],95
KingPrawns-f 8.95 A spicydishcookedwithwholegreenchillies
in aromaticspicesandcooked VindaLoo fromf L{.95
in a clayoven Extremelyspicydish
containingwhole andgroundchillies
MachtepSizzLer f 9.95 Korai fro- f t1,95
Wholefishmarinated in spicesandcookedin a clay Sizzlinghot dishservedwithonionsandthickly
DuchTihha f 9.95 Birqani
f'o'" { 5,95
blendof spicesandaromaticbasmatiriceserved
Duckmarinated mokedina clayoven witha vegetable
spgtmls tarnbspEuRLs
*a**mEihEche* t 5.95 **h**hw*ri l**-:h f 6.95
Sl i ce d c hic k en b r e a s t c o o k e d w i t h a lm o n d s, ca sh e w L a m b co o ke d w i th coconut and a hi nt of fenugreek
nutsin a butterysauce ,-*n:=i*=*i:C* f 6.95
ilhErhrriJ*Lflr*a! f 5.95 Roastlambimmersedin a specialsaucewith nuts
of tomatoes,ginger,romano
Spicydishconsisting l'4*h*r:rh**r f 6.95
Lambchopscookedin a tangysaucewithtomatoes
ili:irhsnEifuh*F4*=*ll,: f 6.95 **tlrr L*i"**5**g f 6.95
Ch i ck enc ook ed i n a c l a y o v e n t h e n co o ke d in a r ich Lambcookedin a mildbuttersaucewithbabvspinach
creamysauce le a ve sa n d cashew nuts
ili:ir*** f 6,95 fr*sE:iL.:* f 6.95
Ch i ck enc ook ed w i t h c l a r i f i e db u t t e r ,cr e a m a n d yo g h u r t Lambchopscookedwithbutternuls q u a s h
5*p** K*rn:* f 6.95 K*si::* **r* f 6,95
Tradi tionallyc oo k e d c h i c k e n i n a n o n io n b a se d sa u ce
M in ce d la m b bal l s cooked w i th garl i c and tomatoes
w i th a boiled eg g
F*mL* f 6,95 A**'=hi L*m* f 6,95
tr a d itio n a ldi sh of l amb and B angl adeshivegetabl es
Ch i ck enc ook ed w i t h m a n g o e s ,t a ma r in d a n d ch illie s
with a b o ile d egg
*h*h*j 9.4*=*tL* f 6.95 L*n:b5h***= f 8.95
a n dw holegree nch illies Lambshankscookedwithmildspices
Fin*hhe f 6,esVeqetafian MainS
in a tomatobased J
:jJ.J". :bte side dish
M*qi"*iilhirh*n f 6.95 **i.l f 3.95
C hi cke nc ook ed i n a s p i c y s a u c e w ith m in ce d la m b
E-l*hinr: f.l.9\ TL:rn***Li f 5.95
Springtandoorichickenstrippedoff the boneand SpicyLentilSoup
cookedwithtamarindsauceand peppers
**fu*r f 8.95 **llt**q *E** f 5,95
Dr y d ish o f p otatoes cooked i n mi l d spi ces
Chickenbreaststuffedwith mincedlambandsimmered
rntomatosauce 5**g fit** f 5,95
Sp in a ch le a vesand ootatoes cooked i n mi l d herbs and
sp r ce s

spsnnls #i"**l4*l*r
Stir fr ie d o o tatoes and oeas
f 5.95
Elr*w*llr:*r*sl-r f 6.95 ltlr*rc!=h f 5.95
Exoticdishof prawnsandjuicyplneapple mixedvegetables
Seasonal cookedwithmildspices
Trnq*NErt*${c=s f.l.95 Fll** il**i f 5.95
N ati ve B engalifi s h c o o k e d i n a b l e n d o f h o n e y a n d he arty mix of potatoesand cauliflower
A delic ious
Hhr:ft*rKi:*LE f.1.95
*ig:*! **ai f 5.95
N ati ve B engalifi s h g r i l l e d a n d s e r ve d with a sp icy
t oma to and c h, l l is a u c e *ricrj*l **ai f 5.95
***p*!"i $',I**<= f-1.95 Stirfriedaubergine
Panfriedfishin a creamygarlicand mushroomsauce 5*,=q**=i f 5.95
5*his:*T!*ryrFrew*s_ f.1.95 Stir fr ie d b a b y spi nach
Tigerprawns6ookedin a juicytomatosaucewith ilh*n* l"l*s=*l* f 5.95
J a l a peno Stir fr ie d ch ickpeas
L*i J!*q***h*r f 8.95 F'{*t*r"
Kingprawnsmarinated in mildspicesandservedwith F*s:ssr f 5.95
minimasallapotatoes Stirfriedbabyspinachleaveswith Indiancheese
Khu!.**KE*g#a-*wns f 9.95 F*R**r 5h*=hLi:h f 6.95
kingprawnscookedin a garlicsauce
.l0.95 Sp icyln d ia ncheesecookedi n a cl ayovenw i th red oni ons
93****[l{*d**m f V**st**l* 5h*=E:l:r* f_l.95 ,'I),
F il l e to f f is h s erv e d o n a platterwithbutternutsquash A superbmixof Indiancheese,romanopepper,aubergine andred ir,9
an d saut eed red o n i o n s onionmarinated in herbsandspicesthenflamedin a clayoven

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