OTA High Pass Filter

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ISSN: 2278 909X

International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJARECE)

Volume 2, Issue 9, September 2013


Abhishek Saini, Ankit Aswal, Ajit Singh

Abstract The design topology of a folded cascode OTA

based first order gm-c filter is presented. In RC filters the
frequency selectivity depends upon the capacitors. For low
frequency applications, RC filters have problem of large
physical size. The gm-c filter is alternative for this which has an
advantage of tuning the frequency directly proportional to the
bias current of OTA. The folded cascode OTA is designed with
.18m CMOS technology operating with a 2.5V supply and
using a bias current of 100A. Simulative investigation is done
using TANNER tool.

Filters are the electrical networks that process signals in a
frequency-dependent approach. The basic concept of a filter
can be explained by investigating the frequency dependent
character of the impedance of capacitors and inductors. Think
of a voltage divider network where the shunt leg has reactive
impedance. As the frequency is transformed, the value of the
reactive impedance alters as an effect of voltage divider ratio
changes. This method capitulates the frequency dependent
transform in the input/output transfer function that is distinct
as the frequency response.
There exist numerous design methodologies of continuous
time filter, for instance RC filters, MOSFET-C filters, gm-C
filters, gm-C-the OP-AMP filter. In such filters, active RC
filters, MOSFET-C filter, and trans-conductance capacitor
(gm-C) filters are the three chief types of high performance
continuous-time filters. They usually employ the use of
MOS, Bi-CMOS technology, and the bipolar transistor [1].
An advantage of active filter studies is that the restraints of
passive filter studies are totally eradicated. Though in the
design of active filters, voltage controlled Op-Amp and
current controlled OTA are taken into consideration as basic
active elements. The active filter design employing the use of
op-amp encompasses serious limitations over its applications
in the high frequency regions. Hence to surmount these
limitations OTA based active filters are very popular owing
to their salient features such as they have adjustable and
linear transconductance gm over wide range of bias current,
Manuscript received Aug 30, 2013.
Abhishek Saini, Faculty of Technology, Uttarakhand Technical
University, Dehradun, India, +919719655605.
Ankit Aswal, Department of E.C.E., B.T. Kumaon Institute of
Technology, Dwarahat, India, +919997377467.
Ajit Singh, Department of E.C.E., A.K.G. Engineering College,
Mahamaya Technical University, Ghaziabad, India, +919873446273

provide excellent matching between amplifiers, have

controlled impedance buffers and provide high output signal
to noise ratio. In this paper folded OTA based first order
active low pass and high pass filter are explained using the
linearity of transconductance of OTA with bias current [2] .


The operational trans-conductance amplifier (OTA) is
basically a voltage controlled current source (VCCS) whose
output current is produced by differential input voltage [3].
The OTAs transconductance gm makes it a voltage
controlled current source whereas the op-amps are voltage
controlled voltage source. Its ability to tune analog devices
such as filters, oscillators etc. electronically makes it very
much suitable for use in designing analog devices and it is the
most attractive attribute of an OTA [4]. Its electronic
tunability is achieved by varying its transconductance by
controlling the bias current and hence by varying input
voltage. Hence tunability is controlled by bandwidth of g m,
which depends on the bias current [5].

Fig. 1 Symbol of an OTA

The expression for the output current of an OTA is given by
IO = gm (V+ - V-)
And the transconductance is given as
gm =
where : thermal voltage = 26 mV at room temperature.
: bias current.
The transconductance gm of the OTA is directly proportional
to bias current
Characteristics of an ideal OTA are briefed as follows,
I/p impedance (Zin ) =
O/p Impedance (Z0) =
Inverting i/p current Io- = Non-inverting i/p current IO+
Bandwidth =

All Rights Reserved 2013 IJARECE

ISSN: 2278 909X

International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJARECE)
Volume 2, Issue 9, September 2013
In folded cascade OTA the differential input stage provides
the gain of the operational amplifier. NMOS differential pair
is taken as it has greater mobility as compared to PMOS and
hence provides a larger value of transconductance and gain
The term folded cascode OTA is derived by folding down
p-channel cascode active loads of a differential pair and
changing the MOSFETs to n-channels.

Fig. 5 Frequency vs. Phase Response of Folded Cascode


Fig. 2 Circuit Diagram of a Typical Folded Cascode OTA

We have opted for folded cascade OTA for its large gain
and high bandwidth performance and also has good PSRR
compared to the two stage op-amp since the OTA is
compensated with active loads.

Table 1 Calculated Values of Aspect Ratios for the Folded
Cascode OTA

Fig. 3 Circuit Implementation of Folded Cascode OTA

As we know active filters completely eliminate the

limitations and restrictions of passive filters. In this section
first order active high-pass and low-pass filters are realized
using folded cascade OTA. Further the frequency response of
the proposed model is verified using TANNER tool in the
subsequent section.
A. Low Pass Filter

Fig. 4 Frequency vs. Gain response of Folded Cascode

Fig. 6 Block diagram of Low-Pass Filter using OTA
In the above figure of low-pass filter inverting terminal is
shorted with output terminal and the input signal is applied to

All Rights Reserved 2012 IJARECE

ISSN: 2278 909X

International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJARECE)
Volume 2, Issue 9, September 2013
the non-inverting terminal, Vin is the voltage at non-inverting
terminal. And output is taken across the capacitor C.
From the above fig. we get,
I1 = gm (Vin - V0)
Voltage across the capacitor C is given as
Vo =
Hence the transfer function can be calculated as

Fig. 9 Schematic of High-Pass Filter Using Single OTA

The 3dB cut-off frequency of the high-pass filter is given


The proposed model is simulated using TANNER TOOL
Fig. 7 Schematic of Low-Pass Filter Using Single OTA
The 3dB cut-off frequency of the low-pass filter is given as
B. High Pass Filter

Fig. 8 Block Diagram of High-Pass Filter Using OTA

In the above figure of high-pass filter non-inverting terminal
is grounded and input signal is applied through a capacitor C
to the inverting terminal, let suppose V is the voltage at
inverting end due to input signal Vi.
From the above fig. we get
Iout = gm (Vi1 Vi2)
Vi1 = 0 due to grounded and Vi2 = V
From the figure inverting terminal is shorted with output
terminal so,
V = Vo
Iout = - gm Vo
Let I is the current flowing in to the capacitor
I = (Vi V)* Sc
I= - Iout = gm Vo
Hence the transfer function can be calculated as

Fig. 10 Frequency Response of Low-Pass Filter Using

Single OTA
For Low Pass Filter using OTA shown in the fig. 7 the 3db
cut-off frequency from the equation 3.1 is 199.04 KHz and
the simulated value of 3db cut-off frequency from the fig. 10
is 197.61 KHz, both simulated and calculated values of 3db
cut-off frequency are approximately equal hence the design
are verified.

Fig. 11 Frequency Response of High-Pass Filter Using

Single OTA
For High Pass Filter using OTA shown in the fig. 8 the 3db
cut-off frequency from the equation 3.2 is 199.04 KHz and
the simulated value of 3db cut-off frequency from the fig. 11

All Rights Reserved 2013 IJARECE

ISSN: 2278 909X

International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering (IJARECE)
Volume 2, Issue 9, September 2013
is 197.61 KHz, both simulated and calculated values of 3db
cut-off frequency are approximately equal hence the design
are verified.
In the proposed model the first order active filters are
realized using single folded cascade OTA. We have opted for
folded cascade topology due to its large bandwidth and high
gain. One more reason for employing OTA instead of
OP-AMPS is that the frequency in the OTA can be varied in
accordance with the bias current which is controlled by the
differential input voltage. Whereas in case of OP-AMPS the
frequency is varied by varying the size of the capacitor which
is the major drawback of OP-AMPS in high frequency
applications as the size of the capacitor will increase and
hence making the circuit bulky.
Further simulation results verify that it is possible to achieve
tunable range of frequencies by varying the bias current of
the OTA.






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Abhishek Saini received his B.Tech degree in

Electronics and Communication Engineering from H.N.B. Garhwal
University, India in 2011. This author is pursuing M.Tech in VLSI Design
from Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India. His
major areas of research interest include Analog Filter Circuit Design, Low
Power and High Speed Signal Processing Circuits and Communication

Ankit Aswal received his B.Tech degree in

Electronics and Communication Engineering from H.N.B. Garhwal
University, India in 2011. This author is pursuing M.Tech in Digital
Communication from B.T. Kumaon Institute of Technology, Dwarahat,
Uttarakhand, India. His major areas of research interest include
Communication Systems, Low Power and High Speed Signal Processing
Circuits, Network Security and Mobile Computing.

Ajit Singh received his B.Tech degree in Electronics

and Communication Engineering from H.N.B. Garhwal University, India in
2011. This author is pursuing M.Tech in VLSI Design from A.K.G.
Engineering College, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India. His major areas of
research interest include Analog Filter Circuit Design, Low Power and High
Speed Signal Processing Circuits and Communication Systems.

All Rights Reserved 2012 IJARECE

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