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The evil ‘Hypnotic Dynamic Meditation’ is not Divine Attention meditation

The basic precepts of Yoga (connection to Divine) is described in many sacred verses, including the Bible, Torah and
Koran, with the more direct and detailed explanations having been carried through in the Indian Vedas, Shastras, Gita
Puranas and so forth (‘…certain Asian found Me purified in the temple’ - Acts 24:18 - Bible).

A thoughtless awareness that allows the perception of Spirit and All-pervading Divine Power through the Human
consciousness body that is free from the influence of the mind which is the result of an imbalance, is what has been
described as how to manifest ‘Heaven on Earth’. The ‘Moses fire’ is the result of a 24 hour meditative state of genuine
thoughtless and doubtless awareness that is described in the Bible in Isaiah 41:1, Zechariah 2:13, Psalm 1:2, Acts 2:1-2,
and the ‘bush; is the Tree of Life commonly known as the 7 chakras / energy centers (churches of Asia). In the Koran,
there is the mention of the resurrection time being when the people’s lips will be sealed. (Al Quran. Sura Yasin-Chapter
36, Verse 65).

Although each religion has been segregated by fundamentalists, the same essence remains commons throughout. Silence
of mind allows the Human to become the Spirit. Silence. The Zen have only one Koan (riddle) that is designed to be so
paradoxical that its entire meaning is to say, “don’t even try to think – just be quiet so Spirit can take over”.

So when there is something that encourages a shift to the left or right, by mechanism, thought increases and Spirit
manifestation decreases. On the left side imbalance, there is the miserable ‘past tense’ slave, and the right side is the
ambitious and overbearing futuristic slave. Only the natural balance of the central channel within the Tree of Life breeds
the Self-mastered Human personality.

The same sacred texts that carry the original teachings of the union of Spirit in Human body of physical, motional and
consciousness also speaks a lot about the existence of evil spirits, so to follow the spiritual path to Self-realization is to
attempt to become a soldier against the evil that will be destroyed. The nature of evil is to deceive and take as many with
them into their prison. So there are many clever tricks to steal away seeker souls, using direct possession, mental
convincing and also playing around with the Tree of Life in different ways to produce the prominence of either the supra-
conscious ego with the euphoric and rationally self-verified right channel (Nadi) based left brain mind driven by ambition
and memories of happiness, or that create happiness, which is artificial and is not the ‘Joy of Spirit - or the left channel,
depressed sub-conscious (super-ego) personality that dwells on sad memories and invite evil entities to live within, more
so than the supra-conscious personality does. Neither is the balance and both lead to eventual death of the entire Human
incarnation, soul and Spirit when the Human is not recognized by the Divine Destroyer of evil described in the same
sacred texts, and also into the realms of the Mayan, tribal and cultural prophecies of the same.

There is a certain very deceptive type of trap for the seekers of Truth, and it is a manipulation of the left channel, right
brain personality where a state of hypnosis is developed, and a weak and sad slave is created.

A little history about this wicked deception begins about 9000 years ago with a Divine Incarnation called Rama, and His
wife, Sita ()Vishnu Deity and Lakshmi Goddess pair incarnated to establish the heart chakra, and manifested in the right
heart of the Human Tree of Life. It was for this pair to kill a demon called Ravana. This demon was very powerful, but
was not the most powerful of all the demons. In more recent time, this demon was Rasputin, and even more recently, it
was born as a man called Rajneesh / Osho - the sex guru!!! Beware of the evil and debilitating ‘dynamic meditation’.

Mark of the beast is demon incarnations sealing Human souls shut -

With My Love, Support and Protection

Richard Embleton

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