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F. Na.15-l/2009-IFDIU.

Government of M i a
Ministry af Human Resource Development
Department of Hiher Education

New DelM, Dafed the 15". December 2009

The Secretary,

Universrty Grants Commission,

Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,

New Delhi.

Sob: Revision of Pension of Pre-2006 PensionersEqmily Pensioners

who retired as Readers/ Lecturers (Sekction Grade) & equivaient
cadres; and Deputy Registrars/equivalent cadres in CentFal
Universities and Colleges,


I am directed to refer b the Government's @cision regarding

pensionRamily pension of all the pre-2006 pensiorteshpiiy pensioners
issued vide Department of Pension and Pensioner's Welfare O.M. Mo.
3%/37f0& P&PW(A) dated 1.92008. In this c~nmctiona question has arisen
about the Pay Band applicable to pre-2006 pensioners in Central
Universities/colleges, who had retired from the posts in the pre-revised scab
of pay of Rs. 12000-420-18300 (or the corresponding pay scales applicabb
prior to 1.1.1996) mentioned betow to determine Wir pensiodfarniky pension
in terms of para4.2 of Ministry of Personnel, cP iubt +Grievances and
Pensions (Depaitment of Pension and Pensioners' Wekre) O.M.
Na.38131108-P&PW(A) dated 1.92008.

Readersl Lecturers (Selection Grade)

(i). Deputy Librarian1Assistant Librarian (Selection

Grade)/Coltege Librarian (Selection Grade),
(ii) Deputy Dimckor of Physical EducationlAssistant D i d o r of
Physical Education (Selection Grade), College D i c t o r of Physical
Education (Selection Grade).

(i). Deputy Registrar,

(ii). Deputy Finance Officer,
fiii). Deputy Controller of Exminations
2. According to R e revised pey scales applicable to Teachers/
Equivakts Cadres in Central Universities1 Colleges as n o t i i vide
Ministry's letter No.1-3212006-U.IUU.I(i) da€ed 31.122008, imcumbents of the
posts mentioned at categories (A) and (8)above who had completed 3 years
of service in the pay scale of Rs.22000-420-18300 an 1.1;2006 have been
placed in Pay Band of Rs.37400-670Q0with Academic G*e Pay (AGP) of
Rs.9000. Similarly, in terns of this Ministry's letter No.l-3U2006-U.lW.I(ii)
dated 31.12.2008, incumbents of the posts of Deputy ~ d ~ i s t r a rDeputy
Finance Officers1 Deputy Controllers of Examinations who had completed 5
years of service in pre-revised pay scale of Rs.TaOga420-18300 on
1.1.2006 were ptaced in the Pay Band of Rs.37400-67@30 with Grade Pay
(GP) of Rs.8700.

3. Accordingly, the Government has decided that in the case of

teachecs and equivalent cadres, the pre- 1.1.2006 pensioners mentioned at
categories (A) and (B) above who had completed 3 years*of service in the
pre-revised pay scale of Rs.12000420-18300 (andlor the corresponding pay
scale(s) applicable prior to 1.1.1996) shall be placed at the minimum of the
Pay Band of Rs.37400-67000 with AGP of Rs.$BOD, for revision of €heir
pension1 family pension with effect from 1.1.2006. Similar&, in the case of
non-teaching postsf cadres, the pre- 1.1.2006 pensbnehs mentioned at
category (C) above who had completed 5 years of senrice the pre-revised
pay scale of Rs.12000420-18300 (and the corresponding pay scafe(s)
applicable prior to 1.1.1986) shall be ptaced at the minimum af the Pay Band
of Rs.374OW7aOQ with GP of Rs.87OU for revision of their pension/ family
pension lwith effect from 1.1.2006. The pension1family pension of these pre-
2006 pensioners may be cevhed accordingly.

4. These orders shall apply to only those pnsionerslfamib

pensioners who were drawing pensionhmily pension on 'r.12006 under the
Central Civil Servioes (Pension) Rufes 1972.

5. This issues with the approval of the competent authority.

Yours faithfully,

(R~ h a M a r t y )
Deputy Secretary tu the Government o f India

Copy to :-

I. Vice Chancelbrs of all Central Universities/ t n ~ ~ fDeemed

l s to
be Universities fully funded by the Central Government.
2. Secretary, Department of Expenditure, North Block, New Delbi
3. Secretary, D e p a m n t of Personnel & Tdning. M&h Block, New
4. Secretary, Department of Pension and Pensioner's Wekre, North
Block, New Dethi.
Member Secretary, All India Council for Technical Education, New
6. Chief Secretaries of all State Governments.
/ publ~catton
Web M*r,
Ministry of Human Resource Deveqment for
on the website of the Ministry, hosted by the National
lnformatin Centre.


Deputy Secretary to the Golrernment of India

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