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Post: http://www.toonbook.

Sorry, got distracted with other things.
name: Issac Dobbleston
species: Cat
pronouns used: Idk what you mean by this
color in case of ref: Blue
personality: Overachieving and outgoing genius, loves to put together new invent
ions, physically weaker, somewhat shy, can be very serious at times
any backstory: Isaac was born in The Brrrgh, son to his parents Jacob Dobbleston
and Laurel Dobbleston. Later on during their life, Jacob decided to join the To
on Resistance in order to protect his family and Toontown itself. At the level o
f 28 laff, Issac's father did not go sad it was an unfortunate day for them. He
died mid battle whilst fighting the CFO. Issac swore revenge on the CFO, even if
he may not be the most strongest of toons. But he knew he could do it, he knew
he had the mind of a mastermind, he just needed other toons to help him. One day
as he was taking a run around Toontown Central, another toon had tripped and to
ok a crash landing right in front of Issac causing him to fall aswell! Isaac: "W
HAT IN THE NAME OF NEWTON WAS THAT FOR-" He took a closer look at the toon and s
aw the gags she was carrying. He thought, "Hmm, well I see the rabbit's gags are
n't so bad. Wedding cake, storm cloud, juggling balls. Ah ha! She appears to be
trapless, perfect that could go great with my new trap gag prototypes that I've
been testing! Maybe I shouldn't take a harsh approach." The toon said, "Oh my,
sorry about that.. I had something on my mind, didn't really notice where I was
running too." Issac replied, "No worries, I only lost one laff point. Allow me t
o introduce myself, my name is Issac, Issac." She replied,"Pleasure to meet ya I
ssac, my name is Maddie."
toon stats (tto or ttr/tti/whatever the kiddies use) TTR Laff- 68 Gags- Dropless
anything extra: Issac can't go anywhere without his glasses! Issac's glasses is
his main iconic item.
name: Madeline Phillina
species: Rabbit
pronouns used:
color in case of ref: Purple
personality: Persistant, intelligant, persuasive (temperament, flaws, qualities)
any backstory: (Making this a shorter one) Madeline was born in good 'ol Toontow
n Central. Sadly, her parents had divorce when she was at the laff of only 16. M
adeline mostly grew up with her mother, Pamela but had to visit her father every
now and then. One day, after turning in a hard worked on task, she felt that it
was finally time to attempt to defeat a Sellbot Factory. She had awaited a long
time for this finally at the laff of 42. She found a group that seemed very gen
tle and kind so she had accepted their request to join the boarding group. As so
on as the mission had began, two other toons in the mission started to become wo
rse and worse. Their personalities started to become more and more rotten, shout
ing horrible things at Madeline such as. "You can't survive this place, you're o
nly a idiotic noob!" "Yeah! look at yourself, you are only at 42 laff! Think we'
re gonna do anything for you when you start to come crying for OUR toon-up? We'l
l you're darn wrong." Madeline finally realised it, she was in a boarding group
filled with greeners! She fought and fought trying to stay in the mission, but o
n the 3rd to last battle, she gave out, she lost to the greeners and the horrid
cogs and was sent back to Daisy Gardens. Madeline thought, "I swear, I will beco
me mightier and more powerful than those two lousy toons. I will protect all vic
tims who have or could be in possible danger of being greened."
toon stats (tto or ttr/tti/whatever the kiddies use) TTR player, Laff- 70 (Laff
in present time) Gags- Soundless
anything extra: Madeline usually loves to wear her pink polkadotted bow, and shi
rt. And skirt. Madeline likes polkadots.

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