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Page 1 of 16 Newsletter Title

May 2008
Volume 1, Issue 2 Envirowild/Flora
Information on Constitutional issues,
our Land Ownership Rights and
whether Government can do what they tell us they can.

• Editor’s Column
Editor’s Column
• Types of
The response to the To date, all other replies so-called elected
Government in the
World information provided to from politicians have been representatives of the
the community regarding form letters, fob off letters, community is reflected in
• Puzzlers the Takeover of QLD has generic letters. the fact that their first act
been fantastic. as a politican is to obey a
Yet the community
• Australia’s Governing party line rather than the
Community newspapers continue to demand the
Structure electorate’s wishes.
such the The Strategy, truth.
• Labor Party The Beacon, newletters To place the party line first
Radio stations are being
such as Network News entirely removes the
bombarded, with talk back
• Socialist International and net news including community from any vote,
jockies fielding questions
Agmates and SOS News and clearly explains why
about the Takeover.
• Fabian Society have been a phenomenal Dorothy Platt MLA, the
source of ongoing However, not one of them first politician to stand up
• ALP Members of the information to their has followed up and for the people, is an
Fabian Society readers and I urge all asked for information from Independent.
readers to support their us.
• Funnies Yet, her electorate is in
efforts by subscribing to
And now, in NSW, we see the process of being
• Help request them.
a clear indication that no divided, with portions
Reader from 4 states are Labor Government will, or going to the Labor
• Media Statement lobbying their elected plans to ever, listen to the electorates around her.
from Viv Forbes
representatives, electorate.
The people of QLD voted
demanding answers to
• QLD Gov’t and Land Morris Iemma stated that her in, the Government of
Valuation how and why these things
his party would proceed QLD is removing her
were done.
with their plans to sell the through deception.
• Maxims of Law All demanding a return of Power Industry into
dealing with Please send her letters of
both our Constitutional private ownership, despite
Possession & support, and demand that
rights and our rights of the overwhelming NO vote
Land your own local member
ownership. from his own party
follow her stand.
• Next Issue supporters at last week’s
And their efforts have
Labor Conference. She may be the only
begun to show fruit
• Contact Info politician in QLD that has
If his supporters believed
Dorothy Platt MLA for any quality.
that these politicians were
• Info – Aus Nanango in QLD has
their Servants and would 840 plus politicians
managed to lodge
do the bidding of the Australia-wide were given
important questions into
electorate – the People of this information in October
NSW – then they should last year.
Dorothy is the first now begin to loudly and
One has chosen to begin
politician to take an active firmly question why this is
to ask questions.
stand in answering the no longer the case.
questions of the How immeasurably sad.
The arrogance of these
community. How awfully evil.

Page of Government in the World
     2 of 16 Newsletter Title
• Maoism - differed sharply from those of
Stalinism, most importantly in declaring the
Anarchy - No governing person or body of persons – need for an international proletarian revolution
an absence of government. Each individual has (rather than socialism in one country) and
absolute liberty. unwavering support for a true dictatorship of
the proletariat based on democratic principles.
Autocracy - a form of government in which the
political power is held by a single self-appointed ruler. • Marxism - The main points of contention
among Marxists are the degree to which they
Capitalism - An economic and social system where are committed to a workers' revolution as the
the rights of individuals and corporations to trade, using means of achieving human emancipation and
money for goods, services, labour and land. Mostly enlightenment, and the actual mechanism
privately owned and operated for profit. Investments, through which such a revolution might occur
distribution, income, production and pricing of goods and succeed.
and services use the operation of a market economy.
Conservatism - The gradual change of tradition
• Mercantilist Capitalism - Capital/Economic (religious, cultural, or nationally defined beliefs and
assets, are represented by bullion (gold, silver, customs). Some conservatives seek to preserve the
and trade value) held by the state. These assets status quo or to reform society slowly, while others seek
are increased through a positive balance of to return to the values of an earlier time, the status quo
trade with other nations (exports minus ante.
imports). Ruling governments should play a
protectionist role, encouraging exports and Democracy -
discouraging imports, particularly using tariffs.
• Parliamentary democracy - where
• Industrial Capitalism - Following the government is appointed by parliamentary
merchant era, industrialists dominated. This representatives as opposed to a 'presidential
also gave rise to the production of cash crops rule' by decree dictatorship. Under a
for the market. The surplus generated parliamentary democracy, government is
encouraged mechanization.. exercised by delegation to an executive
ministry and subject to ongoing review, checks
• Finance Capitalism - The process of and balances by the legislative parliament
production led to the accumulation of money elected by the people.
profits in a financial system. The
• Liberal democracy - a representative
establishment of large industrial cartels or
democracy in which the ability of the elected
monopolies; the ownership and management of
representatives to exercise decision-making
industry by financiers not involved in the
power is subject to the rule of law, and usually
production process; complex banking systems
moderated by a constitution that emphasizes
developed; an equity market, and corporate
the protection of the rights and freedoms of
holdings of capital through stock ownership.
individuals, and which places constraints on
Industry and land became subject to profit and
the leaders and on the extent to which the will
loss by financial speculators.
of the majority can be exercised against the
Communism - a socioeconomic structure that rights of minorities
promotes the establishment of a classless, stateless
society based on common ownership of the means of • Direct democracy - a political system where
production the citizens participate in the decision-making
personally, contrary to relying on
• Leninism - planned to overthrow the existing intermediaries or representatives.
government by force and seize power on
behalf of the masses (proletariat), and then Sortition Democracy - sometimes called "democracy
implement a dictatorship of the masses. Using without elections", sortition is the process of
that dictatorship, they would then educate the choosing decision makers via a random
masses, believing that the previous structure process. The intention is that those chosen will
had implanted various modes of false be representative of the opinions and interests
consciousness (ie religion and nationalism) in of the people at large, and be more fair and
order to make them more docile and easier to impartial than an elected official.
exploit economically.
• Consensus democracy - requires varying
• Stalinism - has been described as being degrees of consensus rather than just a mere
synonymous with totalitarianism, or a democratic majority. It typically attempts to
tyrannical regime. The term has been used to protect minority rights from domination by
describe regimes that fight political dissent majority rule.
through violence, imprisonment, and killings.

• 3Interactive
of 16 Democracy - seeks to utilise Newsletter Titlea state ruled directly by the
information technology to involve voters in military
law making. It provides a system for proposing
new laws, prioritising proposals, clarifying Despotism - a single authority, either an individual or
them through parliament and validating them tightly knit group, which rules with absolute political
through referendum. power, wields all the power and authority, and everyone
else is considered their slave
• Social democracy - aim to reform capitalism
democratically through state regulation and the Green Politics - is a political ideology which places a
creation of programs and organizations which high importance on ecological and environmental goals,
work to ameliorate or remove injustices they and on achieving these goals through broad-based,
see in the capitalist market system. grassroots, participatory democracy. In addition to
democracy and ecological issues, green politics is
• Many Democratic Socialists and Social concerned with civil liberties, social justice and
Democrats - believe in a form of participatory nonviolence.
democracy and workplace democracy
combined with a representative democracy. Islamism - a term that denotes a set of political
ideologies holding that Islam is not only a religion but
• Workplace democracy - is the application of also a political system; that Muslims must return to
democracy in all its forms (including voting their roots of their religion, and unite politically.
systems, debates, democratic structuring, due
process, adversarial process, systems of • Attributes of Sharia Law include "enforcement
appeal, and so on) to the workplace. It usually of Islamic punishments, including prohibitions
involves or requires more use of lateral on charging interest on loans, playing music,
methods like arbitration when workplace showing television," and enforcing traditional
disputes arise. Usually supported by Unions. dress and prayer attendance. Leading Islamist
thinkers emphasized the necessity of applying
• Participatory democracy - strives to create parts of sharia, or Islamic law, to modern
opportunities for all members of a political society; of pan-Islamic political unity; and of
group to make meaningful contributions to the elimination of western military, economic,
decision-making, and seeks to broaden the political, social, or cultural influences in the
range of people who have access to such Muslim world, which they believed
opportunities. incompatible with Islam.

• Representative democracy - the selection of Kleptocracy - a term applied to a government that

government officials by the people being extends the personal wealth and political power of
represented via a majority election. Founded government officials and the ruling class (collectively,
on the principles of popular sovereignty by the kleptocrats) at the expense of the population. A
people's representatives who form an kleptocratic government often goes beyond merely
independent ruling body (for an election awarding the prime contracts and civil service posts to
period) charged with the responsibility of friends (a common feature of corrupt government).
acting in the people's interest, but not as their They also create projects and programs at a policy level
proxy representatives—i.e., not necessarily which serve the primary purpose of funneling money
always according to their wishes, but with out of the treasury and into the pockets of the executive
enough authority to exercise swift and resolute with little if any regard for the logic, viability or
initiative in the face of changing necessity of those projects.
circumstances. Tends to limit citizen
Liberalism - refers to a broad array of related ideas
participation to voting, leaving actual
and theories of government that consider individual
governance to politicians.
liberty to be the most important political goal. Broadly
Dictatorship - In contemporary usage, dictatorship speaking, liberalism emphasizes individual rights and
refers to an autocratic form of absolute rule by equality of opportunity. Different forms of liberalism
leadership unrestricted by law, constitutions, or other may propose very different policies, but they are
social and political factors within the state. generally united by their support for a number of
principles, including extensive freedom of thought and
• Constitutional Dictatorship - a form of speech, limitations on the power of governments, the
government in which dictatorial powers are rule of law, the free exchange of ideas, a market or
exercised during an emergency. The dictator is mixed economy, and a transparent system of
not absolute and the dictator's authority government. All liberals support open and fair
remains limited by the constitution. elections, where all citizens have equal rights by law.

• Military Dictatorship - a form of government • Classical liberals - believe that the only real
wherein the political power resides with the freedom is freedom from coercion. As a
military; it is similar but not identical to a result they see state intervention in the

Page 4economy
of 16as a coercive power that restricts the Newsletter Title
similar interests or family relations.
economic freedom of individuals and favor
laissez-faire economic policy. They oppose the Plutocracy - Plutocracy is the rule or power through
welfare state wealth or by the wealthy.

• Social liberals - argue that governments must Police State - a term for a state in which the
take an active role in promoting the freedom of government exercises rigid and repressive controls over
citizens. They believe that real freedom can the social, economic and political life of the population,
only exist when citizens are healthy, educated, especially by means of a secret police force which
and free from dire poverty. They generally operates outside the boundaries normally imposed by a
favor the right to an education, the right to constitutional republic. A police state typically exhibits
health care, and the right to a minimum wage. elements of totalitarianism and social control, and there
Some also favor laws against discrimination in is usually little or no distinction between the law and
housing and employment, laws against the exercise of political power by the executive.
pollution of the environment, and the provision
Republicanism - is the ideology of governing a nation
of welfare, including unemployment benefit
as a republic, with an emphasis on liberty, rule of law,
and housing for the homeless, all supported by
popular sovereignty and the civic virtue practiced by
progressive taxation
citizens. Republicanism always stands in opposition to
aristocracy, oligarchy, and dictatorship. More broadly,
• Economic Liberalism - began in the it refers to a political system that protects liberty,
eighteenth century with the then-startling claim especially by incorporating a rule of law that cannot be
that if everyone is left to their own economic arbitrarily ignored by the government.
devices instead of being controlled by the
state, then the result would be a harmonious • Radical Republicanism - favored economic
and more equal society of ever-increasing
liberalism policies, thus justifying the
prosperity. This underpinned the move
absorption of radicalism into the liberalism
towards a free market capitalist economic
tradition and were in favor of the Republic and
system in the late 18th century, and the
of universal suffrage.
subsequent demise of the mercantilist system.
Monarchy - Social Progressivism - believe that there is no
inherent value in tradition. They argue that all social
• Hereditary Monarchy - Rule by an individual arrangements - including marriage, the family and
who has inherited the role and expects to gender roles - are not fixed; rather, they should be
bequeath it to their heir. changed or updated whenever such a change is for the
greater good of society or it benefits the people who
• Absolute Monarchy: the monarch has absolute wish to engage in those social arrangements. Today,
power over every aspect of the state, if not of social progressivism in the West generally supports
social life in general, and has the power to same-sex marriage, birth control, and women's right to
grant or withdraw a constitution. choose an abortion.

• Constitutional Monarchy: subject to the Stratocracy - A stratocracy is a form of government

constitution like other citizens, though in some headed by military chiefs
cases he has certain constitutional privileges
such as inviolability. Theocracy - a form of government in which a 'god' or
'deity' is recognized as the supreme civil ruler.
• Elected Monarchy: popular in various states of
Totalitarianism - Totalitarian regimes or movements
Northern Europe even up until the Middle
maintain themselves in political power by means of
secret police, propaganda disseminated through the
state-controlled mass media, personality cults,
• Self-Proclaimed Monarchy: where a dictator regulation and restriction of free discussion and
proclaimed himself monarch of a previous criticism, single-party states, the use of mass
republic with no historical ties to a previous surveillance, and widespread use of terror tactics.
Tyranny - In modern usage a tyrant is a single ruler
• Virtual Monarchy: appear to have introduced holding vast, if not absolute power through a state or in
de facto inheritance for the Head of state, an organization. People need trouble -- a little
usually establishing a 'dynasty' by making his
son (informally) designated heir, without frustration to sharpen the
constitutionally declaring themselves spirit on, toughen it. Artists
monarchies. do; I don't mean you need to
Have fun today – live
Callina apsychic
rat hole or gutter, but
Oligarchy – a Form of government where political youanything.
have to learn
power rests in a small group of people who share hotline and don’t say Singfortitude,
endurance. Only vegetables
along at the opera. Put your rubbish
are happy.
4 bin on the desk & label it “IN”
William Faulkner
Page 5 of 16 Newsletter
the freezer?Title
Why do people point to their wrist when
asking for the time, but don't point to their
bum when they ask where the bathroom

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?

If corn oil is made from corn, and
vegetable oil is made from vegetables,
then what is baby oil made from?
If electricity comes from electrons, does
morality come from morons?
Do illiterate people get the full effect of
Alphabet Soup?
Thanks to Mike Adams - Does pushing the elevator button more
than once make it arrive faster?
Puzzlers ????
Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard? How smart is Your Right Foot? Just try this, it
Why do we press harder on a remote
will boggle your mind and you will keep trying
control when we know the batteries are
over and over again to see if you can outsmart
Why do banks charge a fee on "insufficient your foot, but you can't. It's pre-programmed
funds" when they know there is not in your brain!
Why do Kamikaze pilots wear helmets? 1. WITHOUT anyone watching you (they will
Why does someone believe you when you think you Are GOOFY...) and while sitting where
say there are four billion stars, but check you are at your desk in front of your computer,
when you say the paint is wet? lift your right foot off the floor and make
Whose idea was it to put an "S" in the clockwise circles.
word "lisp"?
2. Now, while doing this, draw the number "6" in
What is the speed of darkness? the air with your right hand
Why is it that people say they "slept like a
baby" when babies wake up every two Your foot will change direction.
Are there specially reserved parking I told you so. And there's nothing you can do
spaces for "normal" people at the Special about it!
If the temperature is zero outside today You and I both know how stupid it is, but before
and it's going to be twice as cold the day is done, I know you are going to try it
tomorrow, how cold will it be? again!
How is it that we put man on the moon
before we figured out it would be a good ……………………………………………………………………………………
idea to but wheels on luggage?
Why do people pay to go up tall Laws are like sausages. It's better not to see them being made.
buildings and then put money in
binoculars to look at things on the -- Otto von Bismarck
Who was the first person to look
at a cow and say, "I think I'll squeeze these
pink dangly things here, and drink A lone amateur built the
whatever comes out?"
Who was the first person to say, "See that
chicken there... I'm gonna eat the next
thing that comes outta it's bum."
A group of professionals
Why is there a light in the fridge and not in built the Titanic!
Page 6 of 16 Newsletter
• third,Title
solidarity—unity and a sense of
compassion for the victims of injustice and
inequality. These ideals are described in

Governing further detail in the SI's Declaration of


Structure History of the modern social democratic parties:

• after the Russian Revolution of 1917, most of

Australia has 2 major parties. Liberal and Labor. the world's socialist parties fractured. The
reformist socialists kept the name "Social
Minor parties include the Democrats, The Greens, Democrats", while many revolutionary
Christian Democrats, One Nation, Nationals. socialists began calling themselves
"communists", and soon formed the modern
For most of Australia’s history, Liberal and Labor have
Communist movement
dominated – however, both of these parties have other
affiliations. We will discuss the Labor Party and its
background. • Following the split between Social Democrats
and Communists, another split developed
Australian Labor Party within social democracy, between those who
still believed it was necessary to abolish
capitalism (without revolution) and replace it
• Founded in 1891 by the emerging labour with a socialist system through democratic
movement in Australia parliamentary means, and those who believed
that the capitalist system could be retained but
• The country's oldest federally active political needed dramatic reform, such as the
party, having contested seats at the 1901 nationalization of large businesses, the
federal election following the federation of implementation of social programs (public
Australia. education, universal healthcare, and the like)
and the partial redistribution of wealth through
• The ALP predates both the British Labour the permanent establishment of a welfare state
Party and New Zealand Labour Party among based on progressive taxation.
• Eventually, most social democratic parties
• Commonly described as a social democratic have come to be dominated by the latter
party, but its constitution stipulates that it is a position and, in the post-World War II era,
democratic socialist party. have abandoned any commitment to abolish
• Social Democracy can be described as moving
left from Capitalism and Democratic Socialism • In recent years, a number of social democratic
as moving right from Marxism: parties and governments have moved away
from some traditional elements of social
The ALP is a member of The Socialist International democracy by supporting both the privatisation
(SI), a worldwide organization of social democratic, of certain state-controlled industries and
and labour parties, defining the socialist option as one services and the reduction of certain forms of
in which it is "the people of the world who should regulation of the market.
exercise control by means of a more advanced
democracy in all aspects of life: political, social, and The Labor Right is the organised faction of the
economic." Australian Labor Party (ALP) that tends to be more
economically liberal and socially conservative. The
The SI emphasizes the following principles: faction's formal name at a national level is Labor Unity,
although this name is rarely encountered outside of
• first, freedom—not only individual liberties, Party conferences.
but also freedom from discrimination and
freedom from dependence on either the owners Nationally, the Right is a broad alliance of the various
of the means of production or the holders of Right state groupings (whose names vary from "Labor
abusive political power; Forum" to "Centre Unity"). Its support base varies from
state to state, but it usually relies on certain trade
• second, equality and social justice—not only unions, such as the Australian Workers Union and the
before the law but also economic and socio- Shop Distributive and Allied Employees Association
cultural equality as well, and equal for support within the party.
opportunities for all including those with
The Right is currently the dominant faction in the Labor
physical, mental, or social disabilities; and,
party, with leader Kevin Rudd coming from this faction.
The faction also holds a majority on the party's National
Page 7 of
Executive. The16
faction has 41 of the 88 Federal Labor Newsletter Titleplan was to create a socialist state
• The Fabians
MP's. State Premiers such as Morris Iemma are also in England by promoting Marxist and
associated with the Right, with the recently arrived Darwinist doctrines in the form of literature.
exception of Anna Bligh (Queensland) of the left, • The Fabian Coat of Arms was originally a
succeeding Peter Beattie. WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHING.
The Right views itself as the more mainstream and The Fabians favoured:
fiscally responsible faction within the ALP. The Right
is most famous for its support of Third Way policies • Nationalization of land, believing that rents
over Labor's traditional social democratic/democratic collected by landowners were unearned, an
socialist policies, such as the economic rationalist idea which drew heavily from the work of
policies of the Hawke and Keating governments, who American economist Henry George. (Henry
floated the Australian Dollar in 1983, reduced trade George is best known for his argument that the
tariffs, reformed taxation , changed from centralised economic rent of land should be shared by
wage-fixing to enterprise bargaining, privatised Qantas society rather than falling into private hands.)
and Commonwealth Bank, and deregulated the banking
system • The clearest statement of this view is found in
Progress and Poverty: "We must make land
Various ideological beliefs were factionalised under common property.”. Although this could be
reforms to the ALP under Gough Whitlam, resulting in done by nationalising land and then leasing it
what is now known as the Socialist Left who tend to out George preferred taxing unimproved land
favour a more interventionist economic policy and more value, in part because this would be less
socially progressive ideals, and Labor Right, the now disruptive and controversial in a land where
dominant faction that tends to be more economically titles has already been granted to individuals.
liberal and focus to a lesser extent on social issues.

Through its membership of the Socialist International, • With this "single tax" the state could avoid
the ALP is affiliated with democratic socialist, social having to tax any other types of wealth or
democratic and labour parties in many countries. The transaction. Introducing a large land value tax
party was historically committed to socialist economic causes the value of land titles to fall
policies, but this term was never clearly defined, and no correspondingly, but George was
Labor government ever attempted to implement uncompromising about the idea of
"socialism" in any serious sense. compensation for landowners, seeing the issue
as a parallel to earlier debates about
The trade unions are also factionally aligned. The compensating former slave owners.
largest unions supporting the right are the Australian
Workers Union (AWU), the National Union of Workers • Modern economists like the 1976 Nobel
(NUW) and the Shop, Distributive and Allied Memorial Prize winner Milton Friedman agree
Employees' Association (SDA). Important unions that Henry George's land tax is potentially
supporting the left include the Australian beneficial because unlike other taxes, land
Manufacturing Workers Union (AMWU), the Liquor, taxes impose no excess burden on the
Hospitality and Miscellaneous Union (LHMU), the economy, and thus stimulate more rapid
Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union economic growth.
(CFMEU), the Australian Services Union (ASU) and
the Maritime Union of Australia (MUA). • Modern-day environmentalists have resonated
with the idea of the earth as the common
property of humanity – and some have
endorsed the idea of ecological tax reform,
The huge number of ALP politicans are also including substantial taxes or fees on pollution
members of the Fabian Society. as a replacement for "command and control"
• Founded on 4 January 1884 in London regulation
• John Maynard Keynes was a delegate at 1944's
United Nations Monetary and Financial Through the course of the 20th century the Fabian
Conference, commonly known as the Bretton Society has always been influential in Labour Party
Woods Conference. circles, with members including Ramsay MacDonald,
Clement Attlee, Anthony Crosland, Richard Crossman,
• The group, which favoured gradual
Tony Benn, Harold Wilson, and more recently Tony
incremental change rather than revolutionary
Blair and Gordon Brown.
change, was named in honour of the Roman
general Quintus Fabius Maximus (nicknamed
By exploiting the natural tendency of all Politicians to
"Cunctator", meaning "the Delayer"). His
concentrate power, the Fabians have worked at
Fabian strategy advocated tactics of
supporting legislation to empower bureaucracy,
harassment and attrition rather than head-on
thereby undermining Parliament and thus destroying
battles against the Carthaginian army under the
the rights of individuals.
renowned general Hannibal Barca.
Page 8 of 16 Newsletter Title
non-violent road of patient gradualism to total
The “Fabius Maximus” of Australia is Gough Whitlam, government."
the list of Politicians who are are members of the
Fabians is horrifically large, • Paul Keating (ALP PM)

Much of the curriculum in our universities today is • Brian Howe (ALP Deputy PM)
based on the teachings of these sixteen men and
women, including George Bernard Shaw and HG • Lionel Bowen (ALP Deputy PM)
• Julia Gillard (ALP Deputy PM)
Fabian Society – Purported & Notable members • Frank Crean (ALP Deputy PM)

• Lionel Murphy QC (ALP Governor-General) • Jim Cairns (ALP Deputy PM)

• Bill Hayden (ALP Governor-General) • Kim Beazley (ALP Leader)

• Gough Whitlam (ALP PM) • Arthur Calwell (ALP Leader)

Quote: In a recent address to the Junior Chamber • Dr Jim Cairns (ALP Deputy Leader)
of Commerce in Victoria, Mr. Whitlam reiterated
his contention to use section 96 of the Constitution • Thomas Uren (ALP Deputy Leader)
as a means of "competing" with private enterprise.
In effect this is the selective use of the government's • Ralph Willis (ALP Treasurer)
power in the credit field to put free enterprise at a
disadvantage to government "enterprise". • John Dawkins (ALP Treasurer)

• Bob Hawke (ALP PM) • George Gear (ALP Ass Treasurer)

Quote 1: in his policy speech at the 1983 election, • Michael Duffy (ALP Attorney General)
that 1988 should be made the "target date" for
major changes to the Constitution. • Gareth Evans (ALP Attorney-General)

Quote 2: Following the massive rejection of his • John Cain (ALP Premier of Vic)
four referendum proposals last year, Mr. Hawke
has decided to discard the direct attack on the • Don Dunstan (ALP Premier of SA)
Constitution by referendum, and has reverted to
the classic Fabian strategy of gradualism, which • Neville Wran (ALP Premier of NSW)
he clearly outlined in his famous 1984 Fabian
address in Melbourne. • Dr Geoff Gallop (ALP Premier WA, Convenor
Fabian Society
Quote 3: Mr. Hawke seeks to establish himself as
being reasonable, as witnessed by his statement, • Michael Young (ALP Vice-Pres Executive
"Our first task is to move by sensible, practical Council)
steps to get better co-operation within the
framework of the Federal Constitution as it stands. • Barry Jones (ALP Min Science)
That is where I propose we focus our main effort."
• John Button (ALP Min Industry & Commerce)
Quote 4:Mr. Hawke told his Fabian colleagues in
Melbourne "For our reforms to endure, the whole • John Faulkner (ALP Senator and National
mood and mind and attitudes of the nation must be President)
permanently changed". This is an appeal for a
programme of national social engineering. • Neil Blewitt (ALP Min Health)

Quote 5: In Bob Hawke’s speech to the Fabian • Peter Morris (ALP Min Transport)
Society in Melbourne on the 8th May 1984 one of
the facts that he stated was, quote "I gladly • John Brown (ALP Sport, Recreation &
acknowledge the debt of my own government to Tourism)
• Gary Punch (ALP Min Defence, Science &
Quote 6: He also said in that speech, "The Fabian Personnal
Society acknowledges the principal tenet of
Marxism, the abolition of private property, in this • Peter Duncan (ALP Employment & Education
case to own land. They then align themselves with Services)
the non-violent arm of Marxism by accepting the

• 9Peter
of Staples
16 (ALP Min Aged Care & Family Newsletter Title(NAT Min Primary Industries)
• Ian Sinclair
• John Stone (NAT Head of Treasury)
• Stewart West (ALP Min Administrative
Services • Sir Robert Sparkes (NAT Party President)

• Roslyn Kelly (ALP Min Status of Women) • Janine Haines (DEM Leader)

• Peter Cook (ALP Min Science, Industry & • Major General Michael Jeffery (Governor-
Technology) General)

• John Kerin (ALP Min Trade & Overseas • Kerry Packer (Media Tycoon)
• Rupert Murdoch (Media Tycoon)
• Graham Richardson (ALP Min Environment,
Sports & Territory) • Warwick Fairfax (Media Tycoon)

• Susan Ryan (ALP Min Education) • John Spender (QC, Mediator, Arbitrator)

• Michael Tate (ALP Min Justice) • Phil Ruthven (Social forecaster)

• Lindsay Tanner (ALP Min Finance & • Peter Abeles (Industrialist & Banker)
• Hugh Morgan (Reserve Bank Director)
• Dr. Richard CharIesworth (ALP )
• Roderick Carnegie (Business Chairman, inc
• Tony Burke (ALP) “I actually kicked off the Rio Tinto)
University of Sydney branch of the Fabian
Society, what would now be some • Arvi Parbo (Corporate Chairman)
eighteen years ago.”
• Abraham Goldberg (Business & Property
• Race Matthews (ALP Private Sec to Whitlam, Tycoon)
teacher, Sec Fabian Society)
• Robert Holmes-a court (Corporate Tycoon)
• H.C Coombs (Gov. Reserve Bank, ALP
Economist) • Alan Bond (Corporate tycoon bankrupt)

• Rev. Peter Hollingworth (LIB Governor- • Laurie Connell (WA Entrepreneur)

• John Halfpenny (Communist/ALP, VICTrade
• Malcolm Fraser (LIB PM) Union Leader)

• John Howard (LIB PM) • Laurie Carmichael (ACTU Secretary, son of a

• Andrew Peacock (LIB Leader)
• Bill Kelty (Sec ACTU)
• Peter Durack (LIB Attorney General)
• John Elliot (LIB Party Pres & Elders-IXL
• James Carlton (LIB Min Health) Businessman bankrupt)

• Michael Baume (LIB Parliamentary Secretary) • Rene Rivkin (Investment Advisor)

• Peter Baume (LIB Min Education) • Christopher Scase (Business Tycoon bankrupt)

• Ralph Hunt (LIB) Min Transport & • John Spalvins (Corporate Raider)
• Bruce Judge (Ariadne Group bankrupt)
• Frederick Chaney (LIB Min Social Security)

• Anthony Messner (LIB Min Veterans Affairs)

Speakers at the Fabian Society Meetings & Conferences
– not necessarily members.
• Christopher Puplick (LIB)
• Mark Latham (ALP Leader)
• Ian McPhee (LIB)
• Michael Costa (ALP Treasurer)
• 10 of Swan
Wayne 16 (ALP Treasurer) Newsletter Title can only obtain powers
at the expense of the individual: the
• John Bannon (ALP Premier SA)
stronger the government, then the
• Laurie Ferguson (ALP Parl. Sec. Multicultural weaker the individual, in the sense
Affairs & Settlement Services) of having less power; less personal
sovereignty. World Government
• Bob McMullan (ALP Parl. Sec International
Development Assistance)
could not possibly be anything else
but a World Tyranny .
• Simon Crean (ALP Min Trade, ex Trade

Quote: Over the next couple of weeks we will be THE FABIAN-COMMUNIST UNITED
celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of the election
of the Whitlam government. The Fabian Society
was heavily involved in the development of Articles regarding Fabian Society………
Gough's great reform program, which changed 1. Much to the horror of those naive people who
Australia forever. Race Matthews in particular had believe that Fabian Socialism has nothing whatever to
a central role and served in Gough's caucus. So as do with Communism, in fact is "a barrier against
we celebrate our victory in 1972, we celebrate the Communist extremism", we have consistently stressed
contribution of people like Race and the many, that the Fabian Socialists are dangerous front-runners
many other Fabians who worked so hard to make it for the Communists in the revolutionary war against the
happen. free society. Further evidence of the close relationship
between the Fabians and the Communists is provided in
• Anthony Albanese (ALP Min for the August issue of "Outlook", "An Independent
Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Socialist Journal", with the publication of a paper given
Development & Local Gov’t, Leader of the by Mr. Rex Mortimer, leading Australian Communist,
House) to the Victorian Fabian Society in May.
• Craig Emerson (ALP Min Small Business) "Outlook" is regularly advertised by the Victorian
Fabian Society in its "Fabian Newsletter."
• Greg Combet (ALP Parl. Sec. Defence
Procurement) As Mr. Rex Mortimer is a member of the Central
Executive of the Australian Communist Party, his paper
• Bill Shorten (ALP Parl. Sec. Disabilities, ex to the Fabian Society must be regarded as a carefully
Trade Unionist) considered Communist party policy statement.
• Penny Wong (ALP Min Climate Change & In his historical survey of the Communist Party, Mr.
Water) Mortimer mentions that while the campaigns in the
industrial field were well known, "Less well known, but
• John Utting (ALP Federal Pollster) of considerable significance also at various times, have
been its influence and activity in wider welfare fields
• Tristan Ewins (Teacher, writer, ALP member) such as education, municipal needs, social services,
Re High School students…” The aim, then, is aboriginal rights, etc." However, it is admitted that
to create ‘citizens of social vision' whose many mistakes were made.
broad and critical knowledge of civic society,
social relations and assumptions is sufficient "Until recent years, all communist estimates of the
to provide for truly informed and active future were predicated upon the prospect of a capitalist
participation in civic life — a solution to the breakdown that never eventuated."
‘civic deficit' which we have so far failed to
address. There was a dependence upon Capitalist disintegration
instead of Socialist initiative.
• Tony Wood (Gen. Man. Public & Gov’t
Affairs, Origin Energy) However, says Mr. Mortimer, "a new element is now
entering the picture, presenting the Communist Party,
along with the entire labor movement, with both new
dangers and new opportunities for constructing a viable
socialist role within a concept that does not depend on
capitalism committing suicide."

Mr. Mortimer's thesis is a reflection of the new popular

front lines with which the Italian Communist Party has
been the most prominently associated. There is a "new
approach to socialism encompassing classical, Marxist
Page 11 of
foundations, the16
actual state of affairs in modern Newsletter
Bernard Shaw Title
has frankly described this policy:
capitalist society, and the useful results of non-Marxian "Our propaganda is one of permeating - we urged our
economic, political and sociological analysis". members to join the Liberal and Radical Associations

The most "useful results", from the Communists'

viewpoint, of "non-Marxian" economics have stemmed
from the dominant teachings of the Fabian Socialist
in their district, or, if they preferred it, the
Mr. Mortimer concludes by saying that with a new Conservative Associations - we permeated the party
"ferment of radical and socialist thought", "we may oganisations and pulled all the strings we could lay our
hope for a gradual convergence of left tendencies, hands on with the utmost adroitness and energy, and
leading not to any monolithic identity of views, but to a we succeeded so well that in 1888 we gained the solid
greater recognition of community, greater interchange, advantage of a Progressive majority full of ideas that
toleration and co-operation". The Communist Party now would never have come into their heads had not the
seeks "in the long run a coalition of the left, with Fabians put them there."
guaranteed freedom of action and independence of the
constituent groups within a common set of policies."

In order no doubt to help further the current "soft-sell" 3. "The philosophy of the Fabian Society was
policy of the Communist conspiracy, Mr. Mortimer written in 1887, and each member is obliged to support
began this year post-graduate studies in Politics at it. "It reads ... 'It (Fabian Society) therefore aims at the
Monash University. re-organisation of society by the emancipation of land
and industrial Capital from individual and class
Prominent in the Politics Department at the Monash ownership ... The Society accordingly works for the
University is Dr. John Playford, who also contributes an extinction of private property in land…'
article to the August issue of "Outlook".

While the Communists and the Fabians get together to

preach a new "toleration", the Communist conspiracy Heavy duty stuff…..
continues to further violence and subversion in all parts
of the world. Liberal Party affiliations next issue.

2. The policy of permeation soon started to bear

fruit. Politicians of all parties were influenced. George

Can't eat Beef, gives you Mad cow....
Can't eat chicken, might catch bird flu
Can't eat eggs, could get Salmonella
Can't eat pork, fears of trichinosis...
Can't eat fish, heavy metals in the waters From Heidi – How to weigh yourself
has poisoned their meat
Can't eat fruits and veggies, sprayed with
insecticides and herbicides
I believe that leaves Chocolate!!!!!!!!

From Governor
Did you hear about the terrorist who didn’t pay for enough postage on his letter bomb?
It was returned to sender!

The best way to forget all your troubles is to wear tight shoes.
Don’t squat with your spurs on!
Page 12Our
I’ve been of legal
16it wrong
doing all these years! Newsletter Title
team have been handling over 14 cases at no cost to the families involved. And
funds are getting very tight. If you feel able to support the cost of the court cases our legal
team are handling for those who have been brutalised by the QLD and NSW government
theft of their ownership rights, their businesses, even their lives – we attach the following
Envirowild – PO Box 578, Herberton, QLD, 4887.

Although these cases are for a small few, the successful results will be for all Australians.

If you are unable to help financially, please add the team to your prayers.

This is a picture of a public

toilet in Houston:

It's made entirely of one-way

glass! No one can see you
from the outside, but when you
are inside it's like sitting in a
clear glass box!

Now would you... COULD

YOU... use it?!

Now that you've seen the

outside view, take a look at the
inside view...

Page 13 of 16 Newsletter
“Then we hadTitle
the Medieval Warm Period, starting
about 800 AD, a time of great achievement and
Media Statement prosperity. Farmers moved back into Scotland and
25th September 2007 Norway, Greenland was colonised and corn was
grown. Vineyards produced wine near Manchester,
“Warm, Watered and Well Fed is Better”. in East Prussia and Norway. Even Tasmania
warmed up. Trade and industry flourished and
The Carbon Sense Coalition today claimed that all people had surpluses for culture and education.
government efforts to stop global warming and cut Cambridge, Oxford and Bologna Universities were
carbon dioxide emissions were anti-life and founded and cathedrals and temples were built at
against the interests of mankind. Westminster Abbey, Notre Dame, Canterbury,
Cologne, Florence, Castile and Angkor Wat.
The Chairman of “Carbon Sense”, Mr Viv Forbes,
said that this generation of foolish politicians are “But Jack Frost returned with the Little Ice Age
the first in history to complain about the beneficial starting about 1300 AD. Famine, food riots and
effects that have always accompanied the periodic disease again stalked Europe. Glaciers advanced,
but short warm eras that punctuate earth’s history. ice caps expanded, droughts and blizzards became
more common and gales wracked Europe (and
“The human story is intimately tied to the grand destroyed the Spanish Armada). Frosts killed
cycles of climate and the Chicken Littles should orchards, North Sea cod moved south, food prices
study these before squawking. soared and farms were abandoned. In Scotland and
Norway the capitals moved south and villages
“Distant climate history is well recorded in rock were abandoned. The Greenland colony perished.
strata, ice cores, tree rings, ancient shore lines, During the frigid years of the Dalton Minimum
marine sediments, pollen distribution, fossil (1790 – 1820 AD) Napoleon’s Grand Army
occurrences, coral reef growth, and carbon isotope perished in a bitter Russian winter.
ratios. More recent history is abundantly
supplemented in clay tablets, cave paintings, rock “Then in 1860, with no help from men burning
art, ancient scrolls, inscriptions, historical events coal or oil, earth started to warm again. This
and records, monuments and epitaphs, the rise and continued until 1942. A cooling spell from 1942 to
fall of empires and direct records of temperature, 1976 had the Alarmists worried that the ice was
sun spots, river levels, rainfall, droughts, floods, about to return, but warming resumed from 1976
heat waves and bone chilling blizzards. to 1998. Temperatures have been cooling slightly
since then, despite the boom in burning of coal and
“Anyone who studies these records will see that oil.
eras warmer than today are periodic but short
chapters in the earth story. The most recent major “Even a casual glance at climate and human
ice age ended a mere 11,500 year ago, when the history will show that the warm eras like today are
Modern Interglacial commenced. Since then, earth far more beneficial for all life than the cold dry
has experienced five warm eras. eras.

“In the first warm era starting about 4300 BC, the “People prefer warm climates. They do not flock
Sahara bloomed with plants, forests spread over to Alaska, Archangel or Antarctica for winter –
Northern Europe and Canada and there was they head for Bermuda, the Black Sea or Bali. All
sufficient water for irrigation in Arabia. This era over the world, the human race is migrating
ended when blizzards and ice returned for nearly towards the sun belts – Florida, the Riviera, and
1,000 years. Another short warm era started about Capricornia – very few volunteer to live in Siberia
1450 BC, but was ended by another bout of cold or Patagonia. President Putin voiced what many
dry weather that caused depopulation in Greece Russians must think – “a bit of warmth would be
and Turkey and hardship everywhere. welcome here”.

“In the Roman Warm era, starting about 250 BC, “Moreover, a bit of warmth would vastly increase
the world smiled again and populations grew. But the land suitable for growing food and fibres. On
the warmth was cut short by the return of the the other hand, a slight cooling would take much
snows which forced Vikings and Norsemen out of of the farmlands of Canada, Northern Eurasia and
their frozen North to pillage and then colonise New Zealand out of production, and parts of
warmer southern lands. Tasmania and Victoria may have to convert from
producing wheat and dairy products to farming

caribou14 of 16
or reindeer. Newsletter
Disclosure ofTitle
Viv Forbes earns income from three carbon
“Warm eras also provide more rainfall because of emitting industries, coal, cattle and sheep. He
the additional evaporation from oceans, lakes, hates frosts, droughts and starving stock. He also
snow and ice. uses cement, steel and electricity, buys diesel for
his tractor, petrol for his car and gas for his
“When warmth and moisture are combined with barby. He uses trains and occasionally boards an
more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the aeroplane. He eats carbon based foods, pays
beneficial effects on plant life are multiplied. A taxes and uses government services funded by
doubling of the CO2 content of the air would have taxes on the carbon industries. All of these
insignificant effect on global warming but would industries and services will be harmed by carbon
have marvellous effects on plant (and then animal) taxes, emissions trading or carbon sequestration.
life: He is also a scientist, investment analyst,
computer modeller and political analyst. Like the
1. Growth rate of herbaceous plants would great majority of Australians, he has a big vested
increase 30% interest in the outcome of this historic debate.
2. Growth rate of forest plants would
increase 50%
3. All plants would be more tolerant of Selected References:
drought and heat Moore, Thomas Gale, 1995: “Global Warming –
4. Food production would need less land and a Boon to Humans and Other Animals”, Hoover
less artificial fertiliser Institution, Stanford University.

“All of this magic can be achieved by allowing Idso, Sherwood, and Idso, Craig, 2007: “Carbon
man’s activities to recycle more CO2 and water to Dioxide & Global Change: Separating Scientific
the atmosphere. Why then are politicians taxing Fact from Personal Opinion”.
carbon and encouraging people to waste money on
foolish schemes such as trying to bury valuable
carbon dioxide in artificial and expensive carbon
cemeteries? I have included this media statement because this
is an issue that has been used by One World
“The whole animal kingdom, including mankind, Government proponents to influence the thoughts,
relies totally on plants to survive. Without grasses emotions, fears and futures of the people of
and cereals on land and plankton in the sea, most Australia.
of mankind would starve.
More on this in later issues.
“All plants need moisture, warmth, and carbon
dioxide to grow and flourish. Why then are we ------------------------------------------------------------
having hysterics because the earth is currently
blessed with more than average of these three
magic life sustainers?
From Nikolas with thanks
“Even the dumbest sheep in Australia knows that
being warm, watered and well fed is better than
being cold, thirsty and starving.”

“Maybe we should give sheep a vote?”

Viv Forbes
The Carbon Sense Coalition
MS 23
Rosewood Qld
0754 640 533

Page 15 of 16 Newsletter Titleof Law dealing with
Government defends land Maxims
Possession and Land
valuation changes
February 26, 2008 - 7:14PM • Possession is a good title, where no better title
The Queensland government says the way it deals with appears.
land valuation will remain "business as usual" despite
changes to laws introduced today. • Long possession produces the right of

The government introduced a bill to change the possession, and takes away from the true
Valuation of Land Act. owner his action.

The changes follow a Land Appeal Court finding in the • Possessor has right against all men but him
case of the Chermside shopping centre in Brisbane's
north. who has the very right.

The court confirmed the historic approach to valuing • When a man has the possession as well as the
land, based on unimproved capital value, and found that
a method developed by the government had no merit. right of property, he is said to have jus
duplicatum - a double right, forming a
The government argued the owner's improvements to
the business should also be included in the land value, complete title.
taking Chermside's value from $25.5 million in 2001 to
$142.5 million in 2002. The court determined the • A person in possession is not bound to prove
valuation at $34 million and rejected the government's that the possessions belong to him.

Natural Resources Minister Craig Wallace said the law • Rights of dominion are transferred without title
changes were not radical and would simply introduce a or delivery, by prescription, to wit, long and
new formula for the valuation of major shopping
quiet possession.

"These amendments are not proposing radical changes • Enjoy your own property in such a manner as
to how we currently value highly developed property," not to injure that of another person.
Mr Wallace told parliament. "This is a 'business as
usual' approach that confirms the methodology used for
• He who owns the soil, owns up to the sky.
valuing this type of property that has been employed by
the state government for many years."
• Of whom is the land, of him is it also to the
But Milton Cockburn, from the Shopping Centre sky and to the deepest depths; he who owns the
Council, said the bill marked a "radical change" to a 70-
year-old method of valuation. land owns all above and all below the surface.

"It will affect all land, except undeveloped land, and • Every man's house is his castle.
will impact on all industry sectors," Mr Cockburn told
AAP. • A citizen cannot be taken by force from his
"This is no longer just a shopping centre issue. It is no house to be conducted before a judge or to
longer just a commercial property industry issue. prison.
"Its ramifications will be much broader than that - it is
in effect a new business tax, because no longer will land • The habitation of each one is an inviolable
be valued without taking into account the asylum for him.
• Whatever is affixed to the soil belongs to it.
Mr Cockburn said the method had never been used in
any other Australian state.
• With the land goes whatever is on the land
"It will substantially increase the cost of doing business planted.
in Queensland since valuations of property - on which
land tax and rates are assessed - will be well ahead of
what similar valuations are in other states," he said. • What is built upon the land, goes with the land:
a building follows the ownership of the land.
"It will obviously be a deterrent to new investment in
Next Issue
1. Liberal Party 4. More Council info OUR MOTTO
“Berkeley” details. as promised Fear knocked,
Woodstock NSW 2793
2. More background 5. Contact groups
to our rights theft around Australia. answered.
02 63451254 No one was
3. Your role as a 6. Media articles
E-MAIL: Australian.

How Can You Help?

We need details of any We need info regarding stopped.
groups that have formed, govt removal of your rights
Keep phoning your local
no matter how loosely. to share with the
radio asking questions,
The Strategy is planning a giving details. Write to
Logo we can use to These stories help the your local member and
identify our cause, while readers understand what demand he act honestly
still working on the issues the potential is throughout as your representative,
that most concern us. Australia if this is not not your jailer!

About us….…
Editor: Sue Maynes A large group of articles in order to unravel Great enough to be of
BHITW: Sam Maynes researchers in 5 the web of ‘theft’ regarding danger to all levels of
Australian states have our land ownership rights. government in their quest
Without Prejudice committed 100’s of hours for absolute controlling
We found that our rights
UCC 1-207 of time reading Law, Acts, power over the People of
were greater than we had
High Court cases, this country.
historical documents &

Info – Aus
The Australian Beacon – PO Box 642, Nango, QLD 4615, 09 4163 2160, Subs – 12 issues @ $30 annually - posted

Network News - Flagstone Creek Rd, Flagstone Creek, QLD, 4344, Subs – postage book of 12 stamps for 12 issues or email

The Strategy - 344 Commercial Rd, Yarram, VIC, 3971 Subs - 11 editions @ $32.00 – posted

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