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Murder of Benazir Bhutto on 27th December 2007

Was planned and executed under direct supervision of American
President Bush (II), Condoleezza Rice and their Junta
1. America has an undisputed history of looking after its national interest through
pitching its allies against each other. America has been supporting Q Muslim League (General
Musharraf) and MQM with its leader stationed at London, Chaudhry Brothers (Ch. Shujjat Hussain and
Ch. Pervaiz Elahi) and PPP.
2. MQM’s main adversary has been PPP. There has been no time when each of
them did not claim to be the sole representative of people of Sindh. The basis of MQM was the bulk
immigration from India at the time of independence of Pakistan. Once established at the capital MQM
proceeded to secure the hold of, initially Hyderabad and then the entire Sindh. Larkana was the centre of
activity of Shahnawaz Bhutto, father of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Shaheed. It was Larkana (Garhi Khuda
Baksh) which became the hub of political activity and the burial place of Bhutto dynasty.
President Bush (II) and its Junta has all along been operating on both
levels of diplomacy i.e. open as well as behind the scene
1. In open diplomacy each one of the three referred political forces was
advised to assist and cooperate with each other on the basis of common objective of the so called demo-
cracy where as in behind the scene diplomacy each one of the three referred political parties advised how
to ensure that their own interest was not jeopardized in the so called cooperation in the common political
objective. The overriding factor was always the national interest of America and its allies.
2. The main worry of Israel, America, Britain, German and G8 countries
was to contain and destroy Iran. Benazir, on her return after eight years of self exile as per open
diplomacy was given an historic reception at Karachi on 18th October 2007.
The entire world was watching the waves after waves
of dancing supporters.
That was the moment when behind the scene diplomacy passed the feeler,
“that only she could save the world by joining Israel and Iraq’s attack on Iran. She proved her
greatness by declining the suggestion on basis of her religion. Entire world knew that though she
was a non-practicing Shia yet she could not stoop so low. This led President Bush (II) and its
Junta to give green signal to various individuals who were entrusted to switch off the electricity
at the point of scene, presentation of a plastic child wrapped in PPP’s flag and the linked actions.
Benazir Shaheed had mentioned these points in her speeches and writings.
Major ® Minhas alone
Could claim to be the only factual ancestor of
Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
Had Allah not enabled Major ® Minhas to lead bloodless coup in GHQ hall
on the day of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s return from United Nations and foil General Hameed, the then
Commander in Chief’s plan to arrest Bhutto. Without this Mr. Bhutto could not have become President of
Pakistan laying the foundations stone of Bhutto’s dynasty.
The above claim is fully supported by Hamood-ur-Rahman commission’s
award which Major® Minhas has been publishing in Monthly Dawat-e-Fikr, various national and
international Dailies with copies to all national leaders including Shaheed Benazir.
Murder of Benazir Bhutto on 27th Dec 2007 was planned & executed by President Bush II & Junta .Dawat-e-Fikr Sept 2008

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