Zakir Naik Is A Liar

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There is a proverb in Sanskrit which states that if one mixes even a little

poison in the food, the entire plate has to be rejected.

We shall understand the implications of this proverb through a case study.

We shall take one of the articles of Dr Zakir Naik, the self-proclaimed scholar
of comparative religion for this. We have already seen in previous series how
Dr Naik has ably proved that Prophet Muhammad was predicted in Hindu
scriptures, even if meant accepting that the Prophet was a ghost, demon,
mass-murderer. You can review the analysis of Dr Naik’s research
at as a three part series.
Today, we shall take the excellent research article: “Introduction to
Hinduism” by Dr Zakir Naik. You can review the original article
What we shall do here is to edit the article by strikethrough of certain
portions and providing replacement in red color and comments in italics.
By the end of the article, you would realize how a little poison makes the
entire food deadly. You shall also realize this further when we analyze his
next article on Hinduism in future.
So here we BEGIN:

INTRODUCTION TO HINDUISM by Dr. Zakir Naik (We shall review his

medical knowledge in a later post on Science in Quran and Vedas)
“The most popular among the Aryan religions is Hinduism.”
(1. Very smartly, he has started by sowing doubts that Aryan and
Hinduism imply different things. Later he says that Hinduism is
based on Vedas.
2. Can Dr Naik or his IRF Team name few other religions which are
Aryan but not Hinduism? Can they prove that the word Arya did not
originate from Vedas? The strategy was Divide and Rule by sowing
seeds of differences among smaller groups)
Dr Naik: “‘ Hindu’ is actually a Persian word that stands for the inhabitants of
the region beyond the Indus Valley. However, in common parlance,
Hinduism is a blanket term for an assortment of religious beliefs, most of
which are (which is) based on the Vedas, the Upanishads and the Bhagavad
Gita. “(as final authority and Upanishads and Geeta as other guiding texts)
(Even Upanishads and Mahabharat claim Vedas to be the Supreme
authority and clearly state that all other texts including Purans are
to be interpreted in lines with Vedas. This is important because,
what IRF will do is to twist and try to manipulate the meaning of
verses to suite there own agenda of proving Muhammad left, right
and center!)
There are several sacred scriptures of the Hindus. Among these are the
Vedas, Upanishads and the Puranas.
1. The word Veda is derived from vid which means to know, knowledge par
excellence or sacred wisdom. There are four principal divisions of the Vedas”

(although according to their number, they amount to 1131 out of which

about a dozen are available)
(1. This sentence was deliberately put to prove that complete Vedas
are not available and hence Hindus should accept Quran as full and
final message of God.
2. But the fact is that there are only 4 Vedas and ALL are available in
exactly same format as they were first given.
3. The 1131 number of branches being referred is those of
explanations/ variants of original Veda Samhitas. The original still
remain intact without change of even a single pronunciation or
pitch) .
Dr Naik: “According to Maha Bhashya of Patanjali, there are 21 branches of
Rigveda, 9 types of Atharvaveda, 101 branches of Yajurveda and 1000 of

2. The Rigveda, the Yajurveda and the Samveda are considered to be more
ancient books and are known as Trai Viddya or the ‘Triple Sciences’. The
Rigveda is the oldest and has been compiled in three long and different
periods of time. The 4th Veda is the Atharvaveda, which is of a later date. ”
(1. All Vedas are considered to be of same age. They were revealed
at inception of human civilization. There is no proof whatsoever to
conclude that Vedas were written over a long period of time and
some Vedas are older, some of later date.
2. Dr Naik has brought forth the baseless conjecture of western
indologists and communists to suit his own agenda.
3. Fact remains that there is not one single evidence to support his
hypothesis except that it suits the agenda of invaders to prove that
even Aryans were invaders and Vedas are not revealed.
4. Dr Naik has been openly challenged officially to come for a debate
on this, but he prefers to remain in hiding.)
Dr Naik: “3. There is no unanimous opinion regarding the date of
compilation or revelation of the four Vedas. According to Swami Dayanand,
founder of the Arya Samaj, the Vedas were revealed 1310 million years
ago”(1.97 billion years ago)
(1. This is not Dayanand’s calculation but as given in Manu Smriti
and Surya Siddhanta and accepted by most traditional scholars
irrespective of their philosophical beliefs.
2. Modern science cannot refute this estimate and admits that this is
near to their estimates of evolution of life on earth.
3. Swami Dayanand was specifically mentioned to emphasize that he
gave such ridiculously large number as age of Vedas. This is because
Arya Samaj and Swami Dayanand have been the strongest critics of
Islam for last 125 years, starting Shuddhi or reconversion
movement to come back to Vedic Dharma and a prime force to
combat Islamic Jehad. Even today, Dr Naik and his IRF is scared of
facing Arya Samaj directly, despite several official challenges for
Dr Naik: “According to other scholars, they are not more than 4000 years
(1. These other scholars are none other than Christian indologists
and their followers who have not one single proof to support their
claim except that they believe Biblical genesis to happen few
thousand years ago!
2. Again this is emphasized to prove Hindus that Vedas may not be
as important as they believe, and that Quran is most perfect voice of
3. The fact is that Vedas are the only texts in world to have oral
traditions running till date and a mechanism to ensure that not even
a single syllable or pronunciation can be altered through 10 different
Paath Vidhis. (Refer this article)
4. On contrary, Quran was written 20 years after death of
Muhammad by those who were fighting against each other and
killing each other to prove Islam to be a religion of Peace.
5. A large number of sects of Islam refuse to accept Quran to be
perfect or even Muhammad to be final Prophet. Many have thus also
developed new Qurans and new Prophets. Click this sentence to
refer to this list for 73 divisions of Islam since its inception. Further
Islamic hadiths say that only one of them is true and rest will go to
Hell! I am not sure where Dr Naik will go!)
Dr Naik: “4. Similarly, there are differing opinions regarding the places
where these books were compiled and the Rishis to whom these Scriptures
were given. Inspite of these differences, the Vedas are considered to be the
most authentic of the Hindu Scriptures and the real foundations of the Hindu
(1. The first part of the sentence was put to emphasize that Hindu
Dharma is on a very shaky foundation, and thus justifying his appeal
to come to Islam. But truth is that these differing opinions come
from foreign intellectuals and communists alone who have their own
2. And most importantly, they can cite not one single evidence in
support of this claim except names of certain places in Vedas. And
this amounts to saying that Mahabharat has been written in last 10
years because it contains words like Lal, Krishna, Atal, Vihari, Rahul,
Arjun, Manmohan, Rajiv, Laal, Prasad and even Naik!)
Dr Naik: “2. UPANISHADS:
1. The word ‘Upanishad’ is derived from Upa meaning near, Ni which means
down and Shad means to sit. Therefore ‘Upanishad’ means sitting down
near. Groups of pupils sit near the teacher to learn from him the secret

According to Samkara, ‘Upanishad’ is derived from the root word Sad which
means ‘to loosen’, ‘to reach’ or ‘to destroy’, with Upa and ni as prefix;
therefore ‘Upanishad’ means Brahma-Knowledge by which ignorance is
loosened or destroyed.
2. The number of Upanishads exceeds 200 though the Indian tradition puts
it at 108.There are 10 principal Upanishads. However, some consider them
to be more than 10, while others 18. “(Again the same ploy to seed
doubts over authenticity of our beliefs. Fact is that there are 10
Upanishads considered important, but even these are accepted to be
authentic so far they agree with Vedas. This is because only Vedas
have a mechanism that ensures they cannot be altered, and all
knowledge started from Vedas.)
Dr Naik: “3. The Vedanta meant originally the Upanishads, though the word
is now used for the system of philosophy based on the Upanishad. Literally,
Vedanta means the end of the Veda, Vedasua-antah, and the conclusion as
well as the goal of Vedas. The Upanishads are the concluding portion of the
Vedas and chronologically they come at the end of the Vedic period.

4. Some Pundits consider the Upanishads to be more superior to the

Vedas. “(These must be Dr Naik’s gang of Pandits. Otherwise, even
Upanishads declare that Vedas are final authority. This forms the
foundation of Sanatan Dharma which needs to shaken to get more
converts to IRF brand of Islam!)
Dr Naik: “3. PURANAS:
Next in order of authenticity are the Puranas which are the most widely read
scriptures. It is believed that the Puranas contain the history of the creation
of the universe, history of the early Aryan tribes, life stories of the divines
and deities of the Hindus. It is also believed that the Puranas are revealed
books like the Vedas, which were revealed simultaneously with the Vedas or
sometime close to it.”
(1. Very smartly he has inserted ‘tribe’ with Aryan to demean it.
Truth is that if one reads through Hadiths, he would realize what a
tribe actually means!
2. No one considers Puranas to be either revealed like Vedas or as
old as Vedas. Puranas themselves repeat innumerable times that
Vedas are ultimate authority and revelation of God, and Puranas are
to be interpreted only as per Vedas.
3. Further, most scholars agree that Puranas contain significant
adulterations and/or misinterpretations. That is why, in matters of
moral conduct, Puranas are not considered to be the benchmark for
Hindu society. And that is why, despite stories of Radha-Krishna, the
norm of Hindu society is to emphasize self-control and
Brahmacharya in youth. These stories are either rejected by certain
scholars or reinterpreted to mean something mystical. But no one
takes stories of Puranas literally – this is an important aspect of
Hindu Dharma.
4. The reason why Dr Naik wants to emphasize on Puranas being
revealed is obvious – He wants to prove Muhammad in Puranas
later. But if you read my article on Prophet in Bhavishya Puran, you
would realize that it means Muhammad was a demon, ghost and a
great nuisance! This may be 74th sect of Islam that would go to
Dr Naik: “Maharishi Vyasa has divided the Puranas into 18 voluminous parts.
He also arranged the Vedas under various heads.

Chief among the Puranas is a book known as Bhavishya Purana. It is called

so because it is believed to give an account of future events. The Hindus
consider it to be the word of God. Maharishi Vyasa is considered to be just
the compiler of the book.”
(1. This crazy hypothesis was put to prove Muhammad – the ghost
and demon – in Bhavishya Puran later!
2. But neither do Hindus take Bhavishya Puran seriously nor does it
predict anything. It is a forged Purana that continued to be written
till late 19th century. Apart from Muhammad – the ghost and demon,
it also contains stories of Shivaji, Aurangzeb, Mughals, Queen
Victoria, her Parliament etc etc. This is the least authentic book of
Hinduism and contains lots of stories with questionable authenticity.
3. Most people have not even heard of this Purana, and none
consider this important for any religious activity or reading. Far from
a word of God, it is considered fake by most.
4. The only word of God Hindus believe in are the Vedas. And Dr Naik
should be thankful for this, because Bhavishya Puran calls
Muhammad a demon, a ghost and a nuisance!)
Dr Naik: “4. ITIHAAS:
The two epics of Hinduism are the Ramayana and the Mahabharata.

A. Ramayana:
According to Ramanuja, the great scholar of Ramayana, there are more than
300 different types of Ramayana: Tulsidas Ramayana, Kumbha Ramayana.
Though the outline of Ramayana is same, the details and contents differ. ”

(1. Ramanuj was a communist who insulted Ramayana characters by

bringing insulting descriptions from different folklores, most known
only to him. The daughter of Manmohan Singh, our PM, introduced
his chapter in Delhi University. That caused a big uproar and the
matter went to Supreme Court. It is still being contested but the
chapter has been withdrawn by Delhi University because the Dean
got thrashed for defending this insult of Ramayan characters.!
2. Suddenly, this Ramanuj, who is unknown to all except
communists, becomes ‘great’ for Dr Naik for obvious reasons.
3. All consider only Valmiki Ramayan to be authentic. Further, even
in Valmiki Ramayan, all verses are not considered authentic and
many seem to have entered later. Thus, scholars conclude that
episodes like Sita’s Agni Pariksha and entire Uttar Ramayan that
contains stories like Sita’s exile and Shambook’s death are later era
figments of imagination having nothing to do with original Ramayan.
We shall review this in a separate research.)
Dr Naik: “Valmiki’s Ramayana:
Unlike the Mahabharata, the Ramayana appears to be the work of one
person – the sage Valmiki, who probably composed it in the 3rd century
BC. (There is no evidence to date Ramayan to 3rd BC except tales of
communist historians! Valmiki is mentioned in several works which
are dated much before that!)
Its best-known recension (by Tulsi Das, 1532-1623) consists of 24,000
rhymed couplets of 16-syllable lines organised into 7 books. The poem
incorporates many ancient legends and draws on the sacred books of the
Vedas. It describes the efforts of Kosala’s heir, Rama, to regain his throne
and rescue his wife, Sita, from the demon King of Lanka.
Valmiki’s Ramayana is a Hindu epic tradition whose earliest literary version
is a Sanskrit poem attributed to the sage Valmiki. Its principal characters are
said to present ideal models of personal, familial, and social behavior and
hence are considered to exemplify Dharma, the principle of moral order.”

(At last! finally so many lines without significant blunders!)

Dr Naik: “B. Mahabharata:
The nucleus of the Mahabharata is the war of eighteen days fought between
the Kauravas, the hundred sons of Dhritarashtra and Pandavas, the five sons
of Pandu. The epic entails all the circumstances leading upto the war.
Involved in this Kurukshetra battle were almost all the kings
of India world joining either of the two parties. The result of this war was the
total annihilation of Kauravas and their party. Yudhishthira, the head of the
Pandavas, became the sovereign monarch of Hastinapura. His victory is
supposed to symbolise the victory of good over evil. But with the progress of
years, new matters and episodes relating to the various aspects of human
life, social, economic, political, moral and religious as also fragments of
other heroic legends came to be added to the aforesaid nucleus and this
phenomenon continued for centuries until it acquired the present shape. The
Mahabharata represents a whole literature rather than one single and unified
work, and contains many multifarious things.
C. Bhagavad Gita:
Bhagavad Gita is a part of Mahabharata. It is the advice given by Krishna to
Arjun on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. It contains the essence of the Vedas
and is the most popular of all the Hindu Scriptures. It contains 18 chapters.

The Bhagavad Gita is one of the most widely read and revered of the works
sacred to the Hindus. It is their chief devotional book, and has been for
centuries the principal source of religious inspiration for many thousands of

The Gita is a dramatic poem, which forms a small part of the larger epic, the
Mahabharata. It is included in the sixth book (Bhismaparvan) of the
Mahabaharata and documents one tiny event in a huge epic tale.

The Bhagavad Gita tells a story of a moral crisis faced by Arjuna, which is
solved through the interaction between Arjuna, a Pandava warrior hesitating
before battle, and Krishna, his charioteer and teacher. The Bhagavad Gita
relates a brief incident in the main story of a rivalry and eventually a war
between two branches of a royal family. In that brief incident – a pause on
the battlefield just as the battle is about to begin – Krishna, one chief on one
side (also believed to be the Lord incarnate), is presented as responding to
the doubts of Arjuna. The poem is the dialogue through which Arjuna’s
doubts were resolved by Krishna’s teachings.”

(As a smart covert hypnotist, Dr Naik ends up the article without

seeding further doubts so that it all appears unbiased and normal.
This also gives time to plant the ideas that he has previously
introduced subtly:
a. Aryans were tribals
b. Authenticity of Vedas, the primary texts of Hindu Dharma, are
c. Vedas are not as old as they are assumed to be
d. Swami Dayanand and Arya Samaj make ridiculous assumptions
about Vedas
e. Bhavishya Puran is most important text of Hindu Dharma
f. Other texts apart from Vedas are also considered equally
g. Ramayan and Ram may not be authentic
Now these subtle suggestions are to serve his future agenda, as also
obvious in his research on Prophet in Hindu Scriptures!)
This is nothing but a variant of a technique permitted in some schools of
Islam which allows you to use deceit and confusion to defeat the enemy. But
I hope everyone shall accept truth and truth alone! Because a little poison is
a dangerous thing!

There is a proverb in Sanskrit which states that if one mixes even a little poison in the food,
the entire plate has to be rejected.

We shall understand the implications of this proverb through a case study. We shall take
one of the articles of Dr Zakir Naik, the self-proclaimed scholar of comparative religion for
this. We have already seen in previous series how Dr Naik has ably proved that Prophet
Muhammad was predicted in Hindu scriptures, even if meant accepting that the Prophet was
a ghost, demon, mass-murderer. You can review the analysis of Dr Naik’s research
at as a three part series.
Today, we shall take the excellent research article: “Introduction to Hinduism” by Dr Zakir
Naik. You can review the original article at
What we shall do here is to edit the article by strikethrough of certain portions and
providing replacement in red color and comments in italics. By the end of the article, you
would realize how a little poison makes the entire food deadly. You shall also realize this
further when we analyze his next article on Hinduism in future.
So here we BEGIN:
INTRODUCTION TO HINDUISM by Dr. Zakir Naik (We shall review his medical
knowledge in a later post on Science in Quran and Vedas)
“The most popular among the Aryan religions is Hinduism.”
(1. Very smartly, he has started by sowing doubts that Aryan and Hinduism imply
different things. Later he says that Hinduism is based on Vedas.
2. Can Dr Naik or his IRF Team name few other religions which are Aryan but not
Hinduism? Can they prove that the word Arya did not originate from Vedas? The
strategy was Divide and Rule by sowing seeds of differences among smaller
Dr Naik: “‘ Hindu’ is actually a Persian word that stands for the inhabitants of the region
beyond the Indus Valley. However, in common parlance, Hinduism is a blanket term for an
assortment of religious beliefs, most of which are (which is) based on the Vedas, the
Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita. “(as final authority and Upanishads and Geeta as other
guiding texts)
(Even Upanishads and Mahabharat claim Vedas to be the Supreme authority and
clearly state that all other texts including Purans are to be interpreted in lines
with Vedas. This is important because, what IRF will do is to twist and try to
manipulate the meaning of verses to suite there own agenda of proving
Muhammad left, right and center!)
There are several sacred scriptures of the Hindus. Among these are the Vedas, Upanishads
and the Puranas.
1. The word Veda is derived from vid which means to know, knowledge par excellence or
sacred wisdom. There are four principal divisions of the Vedas”

(although according to their number, they amount to 1131 out of which about a dozen are
(1. This sentence was deliberately put to prove that complete Vedas are not
available and hence Hindus should accept Quran as full and final message of God.
2. But the fact is that there are only 4 Vedas and ALL are available in exactly same
format as they were first given.
3. The 1131 number of branches being referred is those of explanations/ variants
of original Veda Samhitas. The original still remain intact without change of even a
single pronunciation or pitch) .
Dr Naik: “According to Maha Bhashya of Patanjali, there are 21 branches of Rigveda, 9
types of Atharvaveda, 101 branches of Yajurveda and 1000 of Samveda).
2. The Rigveda, the Yajurveda and the Samveda are considered to be more ancient books
and are known as Trai Viddya or the ‘Triple Sciences’. The Rigveda is the oldest and has
been compiled in three long and different periods of time. The 4th Veda is the Atharvaveda,
which is of a later date. ”
(1. All Vedas are considered to be of same age. They were revealed at inception of
human civilization. There is no proof whatsoever to conclude that Vedas were
written over a long period of time and some Vedas are older, some of later date.
2. Dr Naik has brought forth the baseless conjecture of western indologists and
communists to suit his own agenda.
3. Fact remains that there is not one single evidence to support his hypothesis
except that it suits the agenda of invaders to prove that even Aryans were
invaders and Vedas are not revealed.
4. Dr Naik has been openly challenged officially to come for a debate on this, but
he prefers to remain in hiding.)
Dr Naik: “3. There is no unanimous opinion regarding the date of compilation or revelation
of the four Vedas. According to Swami Dayanand, founder of the Arya Samaj, the Vedas
were revealed 1310 million years ago”(1.97 billion years ago)
(1. This is not Dayanand’s calculation but as given in Manu Smriti and Surya
Siddhanta and accepted by most traditional scholars irrespective of their
philosophical beliefs.
2. Modern science cannot refute this estimate and admits that this is near to their
estimates of evolution of life on earth.
3. Swami Dayanand was specifically mentioned to emphasize that he gave such
ridiculously large number as age of Vedas. This is because Arya Samaj and Swami
Dayanand have been the strongest critics of Islam for last 125 years, starting
Shuddhi or reconversion movement to come back to Vedic Dharma and a prime
force to combat Islamic Jehad. Even today, Dr Naik and his IRF is scared of facing
Arya Samaj directly, despite several official challenges for debate.)
Dr Naik: “According to other scholars, they are not more than 4000 years old.”
(1. These other scholars are none other than Christian indologists and their
followers who have not one single proof to support their claim except that they
believe Biblical genesis to happen few thousand years ago!
2. Again this is emphasized to prove Hindus that Vedas may not be as important
as they believe, and that Quran is most perfect voice of God.
3. The fact is that Vedas are the only texts in world to have oral traditions running
till date and a mechanism to ensure that not even a single syllable or
pronunciation can be altered through 10 different Paath Vidhis. (Refer this article)
4. On contrary, Quran was written 20 years after death of Muhammad by those
who were fighting against each other and killing each other to prove Islam to be a
religion of Peace.
5. A large number of sects of Islam refuse to accept Quran to be perfect or even
Muhammad to be final Prophet. Many have thus also developed new Qurans and
new Prophets. Click this sentence to refer to this list for 73 divisions of Islam
since its inception. Further Islamic hadiths say that only one of them is true and
rest will go to Hell! I am not sure where Dr Naik will go!)
Dr Naik: “4. Similarly, there are differing opinions regarding the places where these books
were compiled and the Rishis to whom these Scriptures were given. Inspite of these
differences, the Vedas are considered to be the most authentic of the Hindu Scriptures and
the real foundations of the Hindu Dharma.”
(1. The first part of the sentence was put to emphasize that Hindu Dharma is on a
very shaky foundation, and thus justifying his appeal to come to Islam. But truth
is that these differing opinions come from foreign intellectuals and communists
alone who have their own agendas.
2. And most importantly, they can cite not one single evidence in support of this
claim except names of certain places in Vedas. And this amounts to saying that
Mahabharat has been written in last 10 years because it contains words like Lal,
Krishna, Atal, Vihari, Rahul, Arjun, Manmohan, Rajiv, Laal, Prasad and even Naik!)
Dr Naik: “2. UPANISHADS:
1. The word ‘Upanishad’ is derived from Upa meaning near, Ni which means down and Shad
means to sit. Therefore ‘Upanishad’ means sitting down near. Groups of pupils sit near the
teacher to learn from him the secret doctrines.

According to Samkara, ‘Upanishad’ is derived from the root word Sad which means ‘to
loosen’, ‘to reach’ or ‘to destroy’, with Upa and ni as prefix; therefore ‘Upanishad’ means
Brahma-Knowledge by which ignorance is loosened or destroyed.
2. The number of Upanishads exceeds 200 though the Indian tradition puts it at 108.There
are 10 principal Upanishads. However, some consider them to be more than 10, while
others 18. “(Again the same ploy to seed doubts over authenticity of our beliefs.
Fact is that there are 10 Upanishads considered important, but even these are
accepted to be authentic so far they agree with Vedas. This is because only Vedas
have a mechanism that ensures they cannot be altered, and all knowledge started
from Vedas.)
Dr Naik: “3. The Vedanta meant originally the Upanishads, though the word is now used for
the system of philosophy based on the Upanishad. Literally, Vedanta means the end of the
Veda, Vedasua-antah, and the conclusion as well as the goal of Vedas. The Upanishads are
the concluding portion of the Vedas and chronologically they come at the end of the Vedic

4. Some Pundits consider the Upanishads to be more superior to the Vedas. “(These must
be Dr Naik’s gang of Pandits. Otherwise, even Upanishads declare that Vedas are
final authority. This forms the foundation of Sanatan Dharma which needs to
shaken to get more converts to IRF brand of Islam!)
Dr Naik: “3. PURANAS:
Next in order of authenticity are the Puranas which are the most widely read scriptures. It is
believed that the Puranas contain the history of the creation of the universe, history of the
early Aryan tribes, life stories of the divines and deities of the Hindus. It is also believed
that the Puranas are revealed books like the Vedas, which were revealed simultaneously
with the Vedas or sometime close to it.”
(1. Very smartly he has inserted ‘tribe’ with Aryan to demean it. Truth is that if
one reads through Hadiths, he would realize what a tribe actually means!
2. No one considers Puranas to be either revealed like Vedas or as old as Vedas.
Puranas themselves repeat innumerable times that Vedas are ultimate authority
and revelation of God, and Puranas are to be interpreted only as per Vedas.
3. Further, most scholars agree that Puranas contain significant adulterations
and/or misinterpretations. That is why, in matters of moral conduct, Puranas are
not considered to be the benchmark for Hindu society. And that is why, despite
stories of Radha-Krishna, the norm of Hindu society is to emphasize self-control
and Brahmacharya in youth. These stories are either rejected by certain scholars
or reinterpreted to mean something mystical. But no one takes stories of Puranas
literally – this is an important aspect of Hindu Dharma.
4. The reason why Dr Naik wants to emphasize on Puranas being revealed is
obvious – He wants to prove Muhammad in Puranas later. But if you read my
article on Prophet in Bhavishya Puran, you would realize that it means Muhammad
was a demon, ghost and a great nuisance! This may be 74th sect of Islam that
would go to Heaven!)
Dr Naik: “Maharishi Vyasa has divided the Puranas into 18 voluminous parts. He also
arranged the Vedas under various heads.

Chief among the Puranas is a book known as Bhavishya Purana. It is called so because it is
believed to give an account of future events. The Hindus consider it to be the word of God.
Maharishi Vyasa is considered to be just the compiler of the book.”
(1. This crazy hypothesis was put to prove Muhammad – the ghost and demon – in
Bhavishya Puran later!
2. But neither do Hindus take Bhavishya Puran seriously nor does it predict
anything. It is a forged Purana that continued to be written till late 19th century.
Apart from Muhammad – the ghost and demon, it also contains stories of Shivaji,
Aurangzeb, Mughals, Queen Victoria, her Parliament etc etc. This is the least
authentic book of Hinduism and contains lots of stories with questionable
3. Most people have not even heard of this Purana, and none consider this
important for any religious activity or reading. Far from a word of God, it is
considered fake by most.
4. The only word of God Hindus believe in are the Vedas. And Dr Naik should be
thankful for this, because Bhavishya Puran calls Muhammad a demon, a ghost and
a nuisance!)
Dr Naik: “4. ITIHAAS:
The two epics of Hinduism are the Ramayana and the Mahabharata.

A. Ramayana:
According to Ramanuja, the great scholar of Ramayana, there are more than 300 different
types of Ramayana: Tulsidas Ramayana, Kumbha Ramayana. Though the outline of
Ramayana is same, the details and contents differ. ”

(1. Ramanuj was a communist who insulted Ramayana characters by bringing

insulting descriptions from different folklores, most known only to him. The
daughter of Manmohan Singh, our PM, introduced his chapter in Delhi University.
That caused a big uproar and the matter went to Supreme Court. It is still being
contested but the chapter has been withdrawn by Delhi University because the
Dean got thrashed for defending this insult of Ramayan characters.!
2. Suddenly, this Ramanuj, who is unknown to all except communists, becomes
‘great’ for Dr Naik for obvious reasons.
3. All consider only Valmiki Ramayan to be authentic. Further, even in Valmiki
Ramayan, all verses are not considered authentic and many seem to have entered
later. Thus, scholars conclude that episodes like Sita’s Agni Pariksha and entire
Uttar Ramayan that contains stories like Sita’s exile and Shambook’s death are
later era figments of imagination having nothing to do with original Ramayan. We
shall review this in a separate research.)
Dr Naik: “Valmiki’s Ramayana:
Unlike the Mahabharata, the Ramayana appears to be the work of one person – the sage
Valmiki, who probably composed it in the 3rd century BC. (There is no evidence to date
Ramayan to 3rd BC except tales of communist historians! Valmiki is mentioned in
several works which are dated much before that!)
Its best-known recension (by Tulsi Das, 1532-1623) consists of 24,000 rhymed couplets of
16-syllable lines organised into 7 books. The poem incorporates many ancient legends and
draws on the sacred books of the Vedas. It describes the efforts of Kosala’s heir, Rama, to
regain his throne and rescue his wife, Sita, from the demon King of Lanka.
Valmiki’s Ramayana is a Hindu epic tradition whose earliest literary version is a Sanskrit
poem attributed to the sage Valmiki. Its principal characters are said to present ideal
models of personal, familial, and social behavior and hence are considered to exemplify
Dharma, the principle of moral order.”

(At last! finally so many lines without significant blunders!)

Dr Naik: “B. Mahabharata:
The nucleus of the Mahabharata is the war of eighteen days fought between the Kauravas,
the hundred sons of Dhritarashtra and Pandavas, the five sons of Pandu. The epic entails all
the circumstances leading upto the war. Involved in this Kurukshetra battle were almost all
the kings of India world joining either of the two parties. The result of this war was the total
annihilation of Kauravas and their party. Yudhishthira, the head of the Pandavas, became
the sovereign monarch of Hastinapura. His victory is supposed to symbolise the victory of
good over evil. But with the progress of years, new matters and episodes relating to the
various aspects of human life, social, economic, political, moral and religious as also
fragments of other heroic legends came to be added to the aforesaid nucleus and this
phenomenon continued for centuries until it acquired the present shape. The Mahabharata
represents a whole literature rather than one single and unified work, and contains many
multifarious things.
C. Bhagavad Gita:
Bhagavad Gita is a part of Mahabharata. It is the advice given by Krishna to Arjun on the
battlefield of Kurukshetra. It contains the essence of the Vedas and is the most popular of
all the Hindu Scriptures. It contains 18 chapters.

The Bhagavad Gita is one of the most widely read and revered of the works sacred to the
Hindus. It is their chief devotional book, and has been for centuries the principal source of
religious inspiration for many thousands of Hindus.

The Gita is a dramatic poem, which forms a small part of the larger epic, the Mahabharata.
It is included in the sixth book (Bhismaparvan) of the Mahabaharata and documents one
tiny event in a huge epic tale.

The Bhagavad Gita tells a story of a moral crisis faced by Arjuna, which is solved through
the interaction between Arjuna, a Pandava warrior hesitating before battle, and Krishna, his
charioteer and teacher. The Bhagavad Gita relates a brief incident in the main story of a
rivalry and eventually a war between two branches of a royal family. In that brief incident –
a pause on the battlefield just as the battle is about to begin – Krishna, one chief on one
side (also believed to be the Lord incarnate), is presented as responding to the doubts of
Arjuna. The poem is the dialogue through which Arjuna’s doubts were resolved by Krishna’s

(As a smart covert hypnotist, Dr Naik ends up the article without seeding further
doubts so that it all appears unbiased and normal. This also gives time to plant the
ideas that he has previously introduced subtly:
a. Aryans were tribals
b. Authenticity of Vedas, the primary texts of Hindu Dharma, are questionable
c. Vedas are not as old as they are assumed to be
d. Swami Dayanand and Arya Samaj make ridiculous assumptions about Vedas
e. Bhavishya Puran is most important text of Hindu Dharma
f. Other texts apart from Vedas are also considered equally authentic
g. Ramayan and Ram may not be authentic
Now these subtle suggestions are to serve his future agenda, as also obvious in
his research on Prophet in Hindu Scriptures!)
This is nothing but a variant of a technique permitted in some schools of Islam which allows
you to use deceit and confusion to defeat the enemy. But I hope everyone shall accept truth
and truth alone! Because a little poison is a dangerous thing!

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