Data Types in Ms-Access

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Text: - The text data type is the most common data type and can contain any
combination of 225 characters and/or numbers.
For Example- The text data type can be used for storing values that contain
combination of numbers and letters such as address, job description etc.

Memo: - Use a memo field to store long but variable lengthy text possibly relating
to other field data.
For example-We can add comments to our employee records about their
efficiency on the job or on their skills when dealing with customers. It is not
necessary that every record to include memo data but when one does the test can
vary in size from a few words to up to 65,535 characters.

Numbers: - Select the number data types when you plan to sort the values or use
them in calculation.

For example- Adding up the working hours by a certain employee during a season
any type of calculation.

Date/Time: - The date/time data type is used whenever we have to represent a

particular date.

Currency:- Use the currency data type when we want to store monetary values
such as the cost. Currency fields can be used arithmetic calculation just like the
number field. Currency values are accurate up to 15 digits to the left of decimal
points and 4 digits to the right.

Auto number: - When you ns0pecify the auto number field , access guarantees
that each record to the table has unique value in the field and there by creating a
field that we can use as a primary key. Access generates a unique value for the field

as you enter each new record.

Yes/No: - This field is useful when you want to equivalent of a cheque mark in
your record.
For example: - If you want to know whether the transaction has been posted or
not or job has been completed or not, this field is used there. By default a Yes/No
field appears as a cheque box I a data sheet as well as in forms and reports.

OLE (Object linking embedding):- When you want to link an object from
another source in your table, you can use OLE object data type. With this type of
field we can acquire data from object and excel spreadsheet, a word document, etc.

Hyper link: - whenever you want the field to jump to another location or to
connect to an internet or an intranet, sort the hyper link address in a hyper link field.
A hyper link field can contain up to 4 parts-

Display Text- Optional text that display instead of the full hyper link

Address- (URL) Universal address locator.

Sub-address- Page within the web address or a location within the file.

Screen Tip- Text that displays when the mouse pointer rest on the
hyper link.

Attachment: -An attachment field is used to store pictures, images, files from the
other programs. An attachment field offers more flexibility then the OLE data
types. When you attach a field to a field, access creates a system table in the
background and you use the attachment dialogue box to work with them. We can
open or edit an attachment.

Look-up wizard: - The look-up wizard creates a field limited to a list of valid
values. When you select this data type, a wizard helps you to create the list and

attaches it to your table.

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