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Social Protection Policy Design & Financing

Dr. Zina Nimeh - Specialization Coordinator

Maastricht - 10-11-2014

Quick Background
As a masters, it was initiated by the ILO in 2001 and carried

out by the Graduate School of Governance.

The aim at the time was to train professionals in social

protection/policy financing who already work (or who intend

to do so) for social security institutions, insurance companies,
governments, research institutions and consultancy companies.
Today we have expanded to also prepare young professionals

to embark on a career in public, private and voluntary sector

that deals with social protection and development

What would such a specialization offer you?

Our official response:
1) to contribute towards improved governance of
social protection schemes
2) to reduce country dependence on international or
other advice on social protection/policy financing
and on related policy issues
However we asked students who graduated with this
specialization and this was their response

What has the specialization offered you?

This specialization offered me with the necessary

'hard' skills that would enable me to contribute to

making this planet a better place.
Thea Westphal [Germany]

This specialization offered me with a very clear

framework on how to think about development so as to

be able to do applied work on the "fight" against
poverty and vulnerability.
Verena Damareau [Argentina]

A bit on Social Protection.

Modern government is based on a social contract between citizens and the

state in which rights and duties are agreed to by all to further the common
interest. Citizens lend their support to a government through taxes and
efforts to a countrys good; in return, governments acquire legitimacy by
protecting the peoples rights and through public policies that benefit all.
However, policy making is often captured by powerful groups and elites,

making government policies biased and unaccountable to the majority of

With half the world's population living below the two-dollar a day poverty

line, ineffective social policies can be the spark for state breakdown. Lack of
opportunity, authoritarian rule, gross inequity, exclusion and
deprivation all increase the likelihood of a states de-legitimization and
withdrawal of its citizens support, leading to social disintegration, conflict,
and violence.

General points.
Social Protection is an important dimension in the

reduction of poverty and multidimensional deprivation.

Social Protection is a diverse topic, the specifics of it

change from definition to definition.

The social protection menu is long.
Country and Societal Context is very important when we

are considering social protection.

General points.
Social policies are necessary because the benefits of

economic growth do not automatically reach all.

Inadequate social policies ultimately limit growth in the

medium and long term.

Social policies are justified not only from a humanitarian

viewpoint; they are an economic and political need for

future growth and political stability, minimally to
maintain citizen support for their governments

Varying Contexts

Varying Contexts (examples)

Developed Countries

Developing Countries

a) Poverty (all

b) Inequality (e.g. access)
c) Employment (decent
conditions of work,
including wages)
d) Still talking about
elements of Human

Poverty (In work poverty)

b) Inequality (e.g. outcome)
c) Employment
(unemployment benefits)
d) Moved more towards
challenging topics such as
the maintenance of Old
Age Pensions, SPP for
migrants and refugees.

Social Protection Spending 1980-2013

Social Policy Agenda World Wide

Reasons why some students say they chose

this specialization
Interest in the topic and its importance

Interest in learning the methodological Techniques

Interest in working in development in poor countries
Interest in working on the European Welfare state models

Work prospects in the future

Current work
Programs history

To contribute to making the world a better place

So why should you chose this specialization?

The specialization in Social Protection was actually one of my
main reasons I came to the Master programme. I started the
programme with the determination to follow this exact
specialization. After successfully finishing it, I am even happier
about my decision. The Social protection specialization helped me
gain strong theoretical knowledge, enhance my technical skills
and broaden my horizon in terms of social security, policy design
and implementation as well as evaluation. The extensive
teamwork and the need of collaboration with my fellow students
is another valuable experience I gained from the courses.
Therefore, the specialization fulfilled my expectation since it was
both theoretical and practical enough, and technically
(quantitatively) oriented as promised which I was looking for and
I liked particularly a lot.
Devora Levakova [Bulgaria]

I chose it because I wanted to contribute to a better world

Ike Jang [South Korea]

I think it was a great mix of theoretical and practical input! I

Also think that the Stata experience was helpful as well
Lucas Jacobs [Germany]
Choose Social Protection because Sleep is Overrated
Florian Jrgen [Germany]

Students Background

Political Science
Development Studies
Development Economics
European Studies
Business Studies
(including Finance,



Social Challenge
Introduction to Social Policy
Quantitative techniques
Financing Social Protection


Part I (more of a micro focus)

I. The Social Global Social Challenge: The course equips the students with

the building stones for a conceptual and theoretical framework and with the
basic technical skills in order to define the array of problems that social
protection analysts have to address and to intuitively grasp the logic and
design poverty and inequality reduction policies.
II.Understanding Social Protection- From Justification to Intervention:

This course presents a comprehensive introduction to social protection

policy. It provides an overview of the development of the main issues,
theories and practices regarding the design and the implementation of social
protection and social safety nets in advanced economies, as well as
contrasting them to emerging and developing economies. The students will
be equipped with the knowledge that is needed identify the range of policy
options to address the global social challenge for developed and developing

Part II (more of a macro focus)

III. Techniques & Methods for Social Policy Design: The main
objective of this course is to give the students the knowledge necessary
to establish a social accounting system, undertake social budget
projections and use actuarial and other quantitative analytical tools for
policy making.
IV. Financing Social Protection: The objective of this course is to
provide students with the knowledge necessary to undertake budgetary
planning and cost benefit analyses of social protection policy. This
includes the tools for good financial, fiscal and economic governance
of national social protection systems. Furthermore the course outlines
ways to assist in policy processes that define desirable levels and scope
of social protection in a given country.

What can you do during your study?

Work on available data
Work on available or running projects
Incorporate running projects with your Thesis

Just work on your thesis

Job Prospects
International Organizations: World Bank, UNDP,

UNICEF, Asian Development Bank, Latin American

Development Bank, International Social Securtiy
Association, International Labour Organization
Research Institutes, Think Tanks and Universities:
United Nations Universities, Overseas Development
Institute, Institute of Development Studies, The
Netherlands Institute of Social Studies
Private Consultancy Firms: PriceWaterhouseCoorpers
PwC, Booz Allen Hamilton, KPMG, Oxford Policy
Management, Chemonics International Inc.,
Public Office/Government: Donor Agencies Ministries
- Political Career

Some of last years Placements

Previous Cohorts: GIZ Google - World Bank EPRI ILO
UNDP UNICEF Dutch Ministry of Exterior Maastricht
University Other PhD Programs Government Posts
Overall Network Include: Germany - Switzerland Ghana Mongolia - Tanzania - Uganda - Argentina China Denmark
Belgium India Rwanda Guatemala - South Africa
Palestine Mexico Poland Albanian Vietnam Egypt
Netherlands UK .


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