There Are Seven Steps To Whole Brain Development in Right Brain Education

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There are seven steps to whole brain development in Right Brain Education.

Keep in mind that although we call our program Right Brain Education, the ultimate goal is a harmonious
balance of your whole brain -- right and left!
Here are the steps. (While it is not mandatory that they be followed in this order, we do recommend
experiencing Alpha Relaxation as a first step.)
1. Wink Alpha Wave Relaxation is the process of adjusting your thought waves to an alpha wave frequency in
order to access your creative and intuitive parts of your mind. It is a vital preparatory step to right brain
learning, because once the mind is in an alpha wave state, it can actively work utilize and re-create the imagery
of your subconscious mind.
You will be guided into a state of deep relaxation using gentle background mus
Alpha Wave Relaxation is the process of calming the senses, centering the body and adjusting the thought
waves to an alpha wave frequency in order to access the creative universe of the mind.
It is a vital preparatory step to Right Brain learning because once the mind is in an alpha state, it can actively
work with all the images stored in the vast chambers of the subconscious mind.
Learning to relax has so many benefits: it increases love, it calms the senses and heals the body, and it helps
you access the images stored in your memory.
This CD teaches deep relaxation through a guided meditation spoken with gentle music in the background. (Not
a music CD.) Perfect for rest or naptime at home or school!
Surfing the Alpha Wave music CD resonates with a highly relaxing spiritual quality. Harp music with real
sounds of nature in the background. The composer, Shawndeya, utilizes the science of specific keys to
encourage the mind to gently shift from the wide awake left-brain beta wave state to a more relaxed, right-brain
alpha wave state.
The keys for the three sections were chosen using Hans Cousto's style of keynote effects from his book The
Cosmic Wave.
We love this CD! Some of the best responses we've had from customers have been from busy schools where
teachers play it to maintain a calm, focused environment.
Perfect background music for a Right Brain Education class, studying, calming, and de-stressing.

Wink Eye Exercises are powerful! That's because Eye Exercises stimulates the whole brain.
Each eye is linked to both hemispheres of the brain in specific ways. The right side of each eye's visual
receptors connect to the left brain. The left side of each eye's visual receptors connect to the right brain.
So working on eye stimulation impacts many areas -- vision (of course), relaxation, memory, emotion, thought,
creativity, motivation -- and especially creative intuition
Wink Eye Exercises are powerful! That's because Eye Exercises stimulate the whole brain.

Each eye is linked to both hemispheres of the brain in specific ways. The right side of each eye's visual
receptors connect to the left brain. The left side of each eye's visual receptors connect to the right brain.
So working on eye stimulation impacts many areas -- vision (of course), relaxation, memory, emotion, thought,
creativity, motivation -- and especially creative intuition!
Eye Exercises...

Strengthen the ability to focus

Increase the scanning speed
Stimulate brain development
Accelerate memory retrieval
Integrate the right and left hemispheres of the brain, and
Heighten sensitivity

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3. Wink PhotoEyeplay is a unique visual process which stimulates the ability to see an object's after-image, or
negative photographic image. Black-and-white after-imaging develops the rods within the eye; color afterimaging develops the cones.
After-imaging activates the primary vision centers used for photographic memory. After-imaging also helps
develop visualization by allowing the mind to create clear mental images, opening subconscious aspects of the
right hemisphere of the brain, which governs memory, intuition and creativity. This is one of the most exciting
parts of Right Brain Education because students can experience it right away.

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Now you can accelerate and open the centers used in after-imaging games simply by watching this DVD. A
perfect companion for the after-imaging cards.
The rich colors on the screen activate optic centers used for seeing and holding an after-image -- vital for
improving your photographic memory. Basic colors and shapes make the after-images POP! Visual perception
is heightened, and you may feel a "tingling" sensation within the brain by viewing this short, yet effective
Includes: One DVD

his is a set of large cards, with a sequence of images designed to stimulate the optic nerves in preparation for
photographic imaging. Those who use it attest to the sharpening of intuition, photographic memory,
visualization skills and overall enhancement of inner and outer senses. The process of "after-imaging" -- the
technique used in this book -- is very easy. Anyone can do it! Teens think it's cool. Young children think it's
magic. Try it yourself!
Includes: One set of 26 heavy-duty 5.5" x 8.5" cards, a color wheel / imaging board and instructions

Mental Imaging
4 mental imaging
. Your mind is the laboratory of your soul. Once your mental imaging ability is developed, you can use your
mind to play-out and test ideas before creating them materially.
The Wink Mental Imaging process will help you do just that.
The Wink Mental Imaging is a powerful process of creating vivid two- and three- dimensional images in the
Through practice, images can become holographic, and almost tangible images that involve all of the senses.
The mind is the true laboratory of the soul. Once your mental imaging ability is developed, you can use your
mind to play-out and test ideas before actually creating them materially.
The goals of mental imaging are to...

Train the mind to see an image mentally

Experience the image with every senses
Look at it from every possible view, and
Manipulate and change the image at will

The Wink Mental Imaging process will help you do just that.
This DVD stretches your imagination, guiding you through five imaginary journeys where you are encouraged
to use all of your senses to create a multisensorial mental experience. Perfect for children, and the child in you!
Includes: One DVD

5. Ready for a fun way to stretch your memory? We have just the thing: the Wink Memory Train Cards with
Audio CD!
Memory linking consists of learning to recall many items in a specific order without the drudgery of rote
Typically, memorizing items sequentially is a very left-brain-intensive activity. (Remember, the left brain
governs linear, logical thought.) But we invite the right brain to play by including a nonsensical story linking
system which encourages the brain to visualize each component in a fun, upbeat way!
Wink Memory Train is a photographic memory linking system using fun, whimsical stories children (and
adults!) just love. The story-linking system utilizes the right hemisphere of the brain and its ability to record,
store and recall images through illogical links. Whole brain stimulation occurs when the brain recalls the series
of picture images through right and left brain memory.
How successful is it? Well... we're being pressured by our students and clients to create the next 700 images!
This product is great for elementary classrooms, senior citizen groups, homeschoolers, college students, pajama
parties... anywhere!
It's one of the most popular activities in the classroom. (Yes, we do toot and holler "All Aboard!" when we
begin.) Try it!
Includes: One set of 300 images on 15 sturdy double-sided cards, 20 small color cards of the first 20
images to help with initial training, one audio story CD
6. Wink Observation Training is based on our corollary that the right brain processes information with the
subconscious, non-thinking mind, while the left brain is utilized when we are fully conscious and actively
aware of our environment.
Observation training increases the amount of information that is processed by both hemispheres of the brain.
This DVD contains Observation Training lessons to help you build your imagery recall and remember more
details in everything you see. It is specially designed to help you retain information -- from simple images to
complex photographs. (It's the college student's secret weapon!)
Great fun for everyone -- children, teens and adults!
Includes: One DVD
Photographic memory consists of remembering several things at once, in order or at random. This type of
instant memory is considered to be more right brain, and fosters creativity and intuition in learning.
Speed reading is really speed learning, because unless information is retained, it is not accessible.
In addition, speed learning can be applied to all the senses, not just the visual senses (as in speed reading and
photographic memory).
Find out how!

Wink Photographic Memory and Speed Reading: Memory Zoo Cards

Product price
1) $2.95
2) Photographic memory consists of remembering several things at once, in order or at random.
3) When we play with picture images (photographic memory), we use this colorful little set of Memory Zoo
4) Instructions for use are in the Wink Parent / Teacher Training Manual (lessons seven and eight), and the
Wink Program Overview and Guide.
5) Includes: One set of twenty printed 2" x 2" color cards

Product price
Photographic memory consists of remembering several things at once, in order or at random.
These Color Grids and Blocks exercise photographic recall of an increasing number of colored blocks set on the
grids in varying patterns.
Instructions for use are in the Wink Parent / Teacher Training Manual (lessons seven and eight), and the Wink
Program Overview and Guide.
Includes: One set of six Color Grid Cards (5.5" x 8.5") and sixteen color blocks (four blocks of red, blue,
green and yellow)

SpeedReader-X Online Speed Reading System

Product price
Speed reading can boost the abilities of slower readers, and help faster readers read even faster. It does not
depend on your education level or intellectual development. SpeedReader-X uses the scientifically proven
Achieve Learning System to accelerate the learning process and provide positive visual feedback.
SpeedReader-X is designed to make learning speed reading fast and easy. The system consists of ten lessons.
The lesson objective is explained in the manual. You then practice the lesson using the software.
Students can spend more time answering test questions instead of reading them. Adults can be more productive
at work or enjoy a good book in less time.
The software helps you retrain your eyes to move smoothly over text without stumbling over words. You click
the "Next" button, and words flash, and you begin to quickly overcome the roadblocks you were taught in
school. As your eyes scan the text on the screen you are un-learning bad habits and learning new, good habits.
After completing each lesson, you can see your results on the screen as the progress chart draws your latest
reading speed results right in front of you. You do not have to wonder whether you are making progress -- you
can see the numbers!
You can practice in the privacy of your own home, on your schedule. Play as many lessons as you wish each
The program is suitable for ages 8 to adult.

Why do we recommend it?

Once your child has fully embraced the concept of photographic memory and speed reading in the Wink DVDs,
regular speed reading materials become too slow for them. We, as teachers, cannot flip the pages fast enough, or
competently hold the books for clear viewing. At this point, we need the technology of the computer to keep
up! The Speed Reader X delivers a good speed reading program at the cost that is family-friendly. (Hooray!)
NOTE FOR EARLY READERS: Please preview the literary selections included in the CD-ROM version to
make sure that the books your child is speed scanning are child-friendly and age-appropriate.
Note: There are two products offered: the SpeedReader-X program itself and the Ultra Mind Improvement - Comprehension and Memory. (The Ultra Mind Improvement
"Studio" is a combination package that includes both.) While you may also choose to get the Comprehension and Memory program, our basic recommendation is for the

SpeedReader-X program because it nicely complements our Wink Speed Reading and Photographic Memory module.

Includes: Online access to the SpeedReader-X program. One-time charge; no recurring subscription
Includes a family license so everyone in your home can setup their own account.
Clicking on the "More info" button below will redirect you to an external web site to complete your purchase.
At this time, this product is not able to be combined with other product purchases from our own online store.

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