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Suppression of desire

Walking down street like blindfolded cow

1st marriage,
2nd- not attracted
Abuse she suffered- choking, doesnt scream p 190
Doesnt believe in institution of marriage: tries to work around system
Law used against her many times: not Egyptian but sharia laws- difficulty in acquiring a divorce
Identity: she looks in mirror, asking who she is.
Carries a child she doesnt love

EDUCATION: telling her to marry someone who is just financially secure.

Allusion- freedom fighters w/ mother in paradise.
Asserting of her agency.

IMAGE OF THE DEVIL: surrounding her since she was a child. Different incarnation of devils, who
possess. Security police. When her third husband left prison, caricature portrayed him as the devil.
God and satan as both masculine, bringing God and the devil together, temptation as well.
BEING IN THE STATE OF NATURE. Dislikes gloss. Describes motherhood as a state of nature unlike
any other. When describing fatherhood, there is the expectation of obedience. Being a doctor is
something taken out of gender.
Describes femininity and masculinity on appearance.
Why she married second husband: p 206

Experience- but not necessarily honesty. Writing as being compared to death.

Highest form of reason is the capability to go beyond reason.

Power of creativity to liberate. Re-imagination of her past. Liberatory for her. Pg249: my writers
imagination used to wander with Professor Anrep Getting a sense of the process of memory. Not
factual or journalistic as previously read memoirs. As opposed to Qutb- exactly transferred from my
mind. Consideration of memory.

Alternative medicine. Bringing together Chinese woman and om Ibrahim.

Woman at point zero- and woman who was on death row who killed her husband.
Marriage as a negative institution- known in her writing as unrelentingly
Dissonance- cognitive dissonance

Contradictions is find within literary text- colour of death

Enlightenment: teaching people to read and write. Yet does not go to doctor.

Jumps out of balcony.

ADRIAN RICHARDS- on motherhood

Lizard and Snake- of short story of alifa rifat.
Hidden Face of Eve- clitoridectomy
Subsists on this. Large audience in arab world and internationally. Selling is important.

IDENTITY: on the plane, pg 284-5 identity via name

BILL:: 290-1: do we buy this. Similar to the way she recalls conversations with father: prisoner
imagery. Someone else always re-iterates what she says, set pieces coming out of mouth of others
(motherhood, Palestinian without limbs talks of the smell of her mother).
Another theme is her sexual power. How men fall for her. Number of proposals even from
brotherhood. Why does she tell us about her own charisma. What is she trying to communicate?
Aura around her of augmented reality.

Iconoclastic for the sake of shock value. Doctr9ne and dogma.

PLAYING TO RIGHT WING ORIENTALIST: in terms of views of islam. Most extreme. Clich- 72 virgins,
and right to divorce. Reductionist and doesnt wish to problematise male interpretation. Complete
rejection of religion.
All sex is rape- Adriel who also rejects religion.

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