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Pupil Premium Report for the Academic Year 2013-2014

Funding for 2013-14

Pupil Premium is additional money given to school to support children who are entitled to free
school meals (or have been in the past 6 years), service children or looked after children.
The money is used to raise achievement for these children and it is up to our school how
money is allocated. The following information tells you how much funding we have received,
how we are using it and the impact it is having in closing the gap between pupil premium
children and their peers.
The impact of pupil premium is discussed regularly at pupil progress meetings and is tracked
on achievement days. School then has to report to the Governors, including how the money is
spent and what the impact is on achievement.
In the 2013 to 2014 academic year, Fagley Primary School received the following funding for
each child registered as eligible for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years:

September 2013 March 2014: 953 per pupil based on January 2013 census data
April 2014 August 2014: 1300 per pupil based on January 2014 census data (300
for service children)

During the academic year, 110 pupils were identified at school as eligible for the pupil
premium funding (107 FSM, 2 service children and 1 looked after child). This equates to
49.5% of our total pupils in Reception to Year 6.
Total amount received 103,771
How the funding was utilised?
In school, we put lots of support into classes to help all groups of children make the best
progress they can. For children that need an extra push and who qualify for the Pupil
Premium grant, school provides additional support from teachers, teaching assistants and our
Inclusion Manager.
Specialist external support is also paid for using the Pupil Premium grant. This additional
support is used to target children who have very specific needs or have a certain barrier to
Delivery of intervention programmes to identified groups of children
(specifically targeting Pupil Premium) - including spelling, reading, motor
skills, phonics and other small group intervention

Cost to


Pupil Premium Report for the Academic Year 2013-2014

Our Inclusion Manager provided the following support to pupil premium pupils
and their families where required:

Offer family support and promote parental involvement

Deliver focused social and emotional support for disadvantaged pupils
through a range of tailor made small group interventions
To develop detailed learning journals for vulnerable and disadvantaged
pupils taking part in small group intervention
Provide one-to-one pastoral and educational support
Provide targeted disadvantaged children with opportunities to widen their
To provide a space and time for vulnerable children to develop social skills
at lunch and break times
To provide behaviour support at playtimes and lunchtime to targeted
Identify disadvantaged pupils with attendance issues and work with pupils
and their families to improve attendance

14, 367

A 3 day a week teacher to ensure accelerated progress for targeted pupil

premium children in Class 5 and Class 6
After school clubs providing a range of: sporting activities, chess, art club,
film club and karate where disadvantaged pupils are targeted to attend at
least one club
Holiday activities with disadvantaged pupils targeted to attend
Easter school booster sessions for Y6 children to help them prepare for
Key workers support individuals in all classes focussing on: homework,
uniform, parent engagement and participation in after school activities
A qualified speech therapist is employed for one day a week to provide
support for targeted disadvantaged pupils who need support with speaking,
listening and language development
Weekly forest school intervention lead by our Forest School Practitioner

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Cost to School

A range of holiday and out-of-hours Sports provision for targeted children

An extra lunch time supervisor to release supervise pupils in the lounge and
Additional games for break time/lunchtimes in the lounge
PE kit provided for all pupils
School uniform provided for Pupil Premium children
Food at breakfast Club for our most vulnerable pupils
School funded Residential and Educational visits and visitors, providing
disadvantaged pupils with a range of experiences to support progress and





Pupil Premium Report for the Academic Year 2013-2014

Measuring the impact on learning and social development
The impact of the Pupil Premium Grant is measured at the end of the academic year in
relation to:

Engagements in clubs and enrichment activities
Parent participation
Core subject progress
Enjoyment of school

At Fagley Primary School we have noted the following impact:


The attendance of FSM pupils in 2013-2014 was better than FSM nationally
FSM pupil attendance was also better than non-FSM pupils within Fagley Primary


Teachers have reported that children are much more focused and ready to learn after
attending breakfast club
Teachers suggest that pupils who attend inclusion small group sessions are more able
to focus and behave in the ordinary classroom environment

Pupil Premium Report for the Academic Year 2013-2014

Pupils attending intervention groups develop their self-esteem and are more likely to
engage across the curriculum

Parent Participation:

Over 95% of parents came to parents consultation days in 2013-2014

Increasing numbers of parents attended end of term curriculum
outcomes/concerts/presentation events
Regular attendance at weekly celebration assemblies by individually invited parents
Over 50% of parents attended our maths workshops where they were invited to take
part in a maths lesson with their child
All but 2 parents attended phonics and reading sessions in Reception and Year 1

Overall Impact of Pupil Premium Funding:

The data below shows the impact of pupil premium funding on closing the gap between pupil
premium children and their peers, and compared to the national average.

Pupil Premium Report for the Academic Year 2013-2014


Most vulnerable pupils are motivated to complete their work and welcome the help of
the Inclusion Manager on a regular basis to assist them with issues that may affect
their concentration
Teachers discuss disadvantaged pupils who are causing concern with the Inclusion
Manager and feel that children her intervention is timely and appropriate in supporting
them to achieve
Almost all vulnerable pupils now read at home regularly and complete their reading
The majority of pupils attend a school club and experience success, engage positively
with peers and behave well


There has been a year on year reduction in number of lunchtime incidents recorded in
the Purple Log
There has been a reduction in overall incidents of behaviour recorded in school
Pupils in our school say that they feel safe and know what to do if they have concerns
about their wellbeing

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