Haiku and Diamond Worksheet

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Name: _____________________________

Section: ____________

Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry that is usually about nature, but isn’t
restricted to that. Generally it has the following structure:

Line 1= 5 syllables
Line 2= 7 syllables
Line 3= 5 syllables

How to write a Haiku:

1. Brainstorm words that are about nature. For example: clouds, rain, soft
breeze, etc.
2. Choose the words you like from your list.
3. Count the syllables in each word.
4. Put them together in the form above.
5. Give it a title.
FYI: it doesn’t have to have punctuation and lines can be indented if you’d like

A well made haiku I walk across sand
Is like a Mini Cooper, And find myself blistering
Small but powerful. In the hot, hot sun.

As the wind does blow Falling to the ground,

Across the trees, I see the I watch a leaf settle down
Buds blooming in May In a bed of brown.

Homework: Write a haiku on the lines below. It must be about something in




Name: _____________________________
Section: ____________

Diamond Poem

This is a poem shaped like a diamond because of the number of words used in
each line.

Line 1: Subject (one word)

Line 2: Two adjectives describing this subject
Line 3: Three participles (–ing or –ed words) describing the subject
Line 4: Four nouns associated with the subject
Line 5: Three Participles showing a change occurring in the subject
Line 6: Two adjectives describing the new/altered subject
Line 7: One word which is the opposite of line one

golden, fragrant
budding, blooming, bursting
warmth, flowers, youth, brightness
fading, chilling, shrinking
pale, dead

Homework: Write a diamond poem; make sure to follow the pattern below.
You may use a separate piece of paper if needed.








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