Transhumanist Philosophy: First, What Is Extropianism?

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Nothing shaped my transhumanist philosophy nearly as much

as the Extropian movement did back in the late 90s. I was quite
late to the Extropian scene, getting in almost at the very end of
its normal existence. I think that my late arrival, though, was
beneficial for me, in that the movement and its principles were
quite mature at the time. These guys had been thinking about
Transhumansim for quite a long while, and had a lot to share
and teach the 20-something kid that I was.
For me, the defining part of Extropianism are its principles,
shared below. My next few essays here on Medium will explore
these principles in some detail. Here, I will share my own
definitions and observations which may differ from the original
intent of the author or movement, though I will stick to the
Principles as they are defined. Please visit the Extropian
siteand check out the official document.

First, What is Extropianism?

Extropy itself is intended to be an antonym of entropy.
Extropy was defined by Max More as the extent of a living or
organizational systemsintelligence, functional order, vitality,
energy, life, experience, and capacity and drive for
improvement and growth.
Extropianism is a subset of Transhumanism (which is itself a
subset of humanism). The primary difference to me between

Extropianism and Transhumanism was always that the former

had a very individualistic take on Transhumanism. Extropians
place emphasis on finding your own way, on the individual
over the collective, on personal freedoms over responsibilities
to authority. Many Extropians are hard-core libertarians.
When I first found Extropy in the late 90s, I was a hardcore Libertarianbordering on anarcho-capitalist. Today, I
consider myself a Radical Moderate and I find the Principles no
less impactful now than I did then. There is nothing exclusively
libertarian about Extropianism. I think its just the best
Transhumanist home for Libertarians.

What are the Principles?

Here they are in order as presented in the official document
with my short comments:
Perpetual Progressthe march towards Posthumanity is a
steadily accelerating voyage. Extropians stay on target and
keep moving towards it with everything they do.
Self-TransformationExtropians should work tirelessly to
improve themselvesphysically, mentally, emotionally in a
positive direction, proactively preparing for the future.

Practical OptimismToday its all too easy to succumb to

fear of the unknown. The current rapid acceleration of
technology is fraught with unknowns and that causes a great
deal of fear in many people. Extropians look forward to the
future and work to shape it in as positive a way as possible.
Extropians expect the best of all possible outcomes and do
their best to ensure it.
Intelligent TechnologyExtropians embrace technology as
a way of improving their lives as well as the rest of humanity.
Extropians work towards making our technology smarter and
more able to to overcome the boundaries set by nature and
Open Societyinformation and democracyExtropians
realize that the best environment in which to improve life is
one which is free and fosters an open marketplace of ideas. A
transparent climate is one in which everyone can best work
together to improve everything.
Self-DirectionExtropians want the personal freedom to
pursue their own goals and respect the rights of others to do
the same. Extropians reject authoritarian regimes which seek
to put limits on Transhumanis progress.

Rational ThinkingExtropians know that objective science

and its careful application via technology is the best way to
improve the human condition. Adherence to dogma can only
stifle progress.
I will cover each of these principles in more detail over my next
several essays here on Medium. To me, Extropianism is a fresh
and welcome look at Transhumanism when compared with
many of the less optimistic or more collective and government
focused flavors of Transhumanism.
Though these principles have been the bedrock of my personal
philosophy since I was exposed to them, Ill be the first to
admit that its not easy to constantly be focused on selfimprovement. Im not the best follower of this philosophy. I am
by no means a proper Extropian. I just think it describes an
excellent path to show how to improve life for both individuals
and humanity as a whole.

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