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July 2
I have borrowed pedal nigel his skates and have practiced on the sidewalk. I want to
take the skates at home to feel safer. My father complains that harm the kitchen floor.
July 3.
12:15 I lifted at 6 am to practice skating, but our neighbor has scolded me pq was
making a lot of noise, so I stopped. I bought a kilo of grapes when he opened the store. I
returned home and I had a bath. Then I decided to wear and finally at 10:30, I called
nigel and I have asked that skaters are placed. She said "wear red shorts with ankle a
sony walkman and a gold earring." Finally I put my black sweat pants, my white
undershirt and my gray ankle. I am the only person on earth who does not have one
sony walkman or a hole in the ear.
6pm is the first and last time I'm going to skate. Sharon is an expert. Sometimes he
would stop and say idiot loose railing. We went for a coffee and gave him a kilo of
grapes and said pq grapes you bought me? Try to look away and I saw his body lycra
miniskirt suddenly rang again music and skating, and appeared surrounded by a lot of
guys, so I went home. Call nigel and sharon told him that was a waste of time. Sharon
said it had called and that was embarrassing Dixo you see it with shorts. Nigel says he
will not re-arrange blind dates.
July 4.
Bert Baxter has called and Dixo me to go home. When I arrived the TV was off so I
realized something bad had happened. "Queeni not feeling well, I have asked and I have
Dixo having a sharp pain in his chest. Bert did not call the doctor says that Queeni pq
was afraid of doctors. I called my mother and asked for advice. It has come
immediately. While we waited, I made a cup of tea, I fed the dog and I made a beet
sandwich Bert. My parents have arrived and my mother called an ambulance when it
arrived, was taken to the hospital Queeni and we are left with Bert. 2 hours later he
called my mother and has said that he had had a myocardial Queeni.
July 5
Queeni can not speak. My mother has been home all day cleaning and cooking bert. My
father will see it every day after work. I promised alimentare your dog and give one
walk. Is what I said to pandora and I have suggested to go see bert.
July 9
The summer holidays have begun. This noxe something good happened. He was in the
house when pandora ironing bert has entered the parlor. Bert has been much happier and
has Dixo me to do a poko tea. I looked fondly at Pandora and she to me. When bert has
started to snore we hugged and pandora. We've been a while and it has pandora Dixo me
that he realized he loved me.
July 12th.
I've been home for bert and I gave her a ride to Sabre (his dog). I hate it when people
change when they see sidewalk.

July 15th.
Pandora's parents have led Bert to the hospital to visit Queeni and pandora and I have
wasted two hours in the parents' bed watching a video. I was careful not to touch the
erotic parts of pandora. When you have finished the film we talked about our
future. Pandora says that after college you want to go to help people in the third
world. Unfortunately that was cigar smoking has dropped and did a Bolilln in
bed. Pandora is very concerned, their parents do not smoke.
On July 16.
Bicho stick called to ask if my father had returned. He sounded sad. I think he regrets
about the baby. Not good for a pregnant worry.
July 17
I have seen my father and bug stick arm in arm. It's good that my father's help, but have
to be careful because people may think he is the baby's father.
July 19
I went to see Grandma. He was doing his Christmas pie. I've helped and I made a wish
and have gotten into the 20 cents. I should have asked for world peace or Queeni get
better but I called pimples disappear d shoulders for my summer vacation. I hate those
who are on holiday in Skegness see my grains.
On July 21.
My father announced at breakfast that is going to have a vasectomy. Only 10 days
before the holiday. I asked my father if pandora may come.The idea of two weeks alone
with my parents is depressing. My father said "will be welcomed if you pay 120
July 22.
As we cleaned house bert I asked him if he wanted to come pandora Skegness. Has
Dixo "Honey, I would follow into hell, but will not go to Skegness". Bert was very
angry. She said "sorry Bert. People forget how lucky we are. "
Pandora has called the hospital to ask about Queeni. They said that he had lipstick bert
and he said that it was it was better.
Bert took to his bed and walked homeward pandora. We had a passionate kiss and said
"take me to Skegness". It was the most romantic line I'd ever heard.
July 24th.
I went clothes shopping today. My mother came with me. We had a discussion about my
interests, like other young people in the store. My mother grabbed a leopard shirt and I
said no, but she bought it. The clerk told me I had a very "cool" mom.
July 27th.
Pandora's father will not give you 120 pounds. He says he has already paid 400 for the
holidays and canoeing in late September. For they shall be two weeks without pandora
unless you find the money. Pandora has pq spends money buying things for viola.
My mother's belly starts to show. He seems proud of her. He shows it to everyone who
comes to the house.

July 29th.
My father has been working hard the last 3 days. He has not come home until 10 pm
This worried to leave work to go on vacation.
We have gone to the hospital Queeni. You can not speak well so try to understand it's
embarrassing. I spent 20 minutes, tired smile.
July 30th.
Our family has gone to pandora to discuss who will care for Bert while we are on
vacation. My mother has given her mother a long list of pandora. The last thing I put
was "good luck"
July 31 (home of the Rio Grande)
Pandora has come to say goodbye this morning for me, but I was too busy doing my
suitcase. At 6 pm we went. The car has broken down on the road and have not reached
the Rio Grande until 12:30 pm was closed and rang the bell for a long time and a
strange man has opened. "The mole family? You arrive late. These gates close at 11 and
there is a penalty for being late to 50p. Bernard Porke I am the owner. " Now I'm in my
room-basement. I wish I was at home.
August 1.
I have awakened Mr Porke fried "just a bacon per dish. You seek to ruin me? I dress and
I ran to my parents' room. My father told me to get out fast and cogiera a good
table. Everyone was whispering. My mother never whispers so that everyone has heard
complaints d my mother what the beds were uncomfortable. I'm sure that's why our
table was the only one that had two pieces of bread.
August 4th.
The sun has been shining today. It was very hot, but it was 18 grains on my shoulders so
I have not removed the shirt. I sent a postcard to pandora and saying "The sun is shining
today, but can not stop the darkness that we're apart. It is a desert to be here. "
August 10th.
During lunch in the afternoon, Mr Porke he has taken my father a message that a good
friend had joined the Royal Hospital and call us immediately. It was a mystery to
everyone. My father did not have good friends. I leave the white table and walked for
about 15 minutes. When he said "I have something to tell you. We go somewhere
private. "
We sat on the beach and said it was the child's father stick bug. After a long while, my
mother asked, "as it is called?" "Brett" my father said. Do not know what to say, and
still did not know what to say so I went to sleep.
August 11
24:30 My father has gone to bat bug and son my mother made him go. Do not know
what to tell my mother. Therefore I sat beside her and put my hands on her
belly. Neither had wept for what happened. I'm worried.
5pm I called Braithwaite, mother and pandora, and I said everything. It was very
nice. And he said he would come to pick us up at Skegness. I packed up and my mother
was washing the face and hair. Then we sat around waiting for MRs Braithwaite.

August 12th.
As soon as he saw Mrs Braithwaite, my mother began to mourn. Mrs Braithwaite said
"men are always equal pauline" got home at 5:30. Mrs Braithwaite want to drive more
than 50 km / h for 5 hours has not been walking 240 miles. I went straight to bed. I have
not wanted to see if my father was in his room.
August 13th.
The blade was not my father was not in the bathroom so I had to use my mother. I had
to shave and be my best because my grandmother came and you were going to say the
terrible news that her son had a new illegitimate son, while his wife was expecting a
legitimate one.
August 14
Grandma has changed his mind. He has given some of our baby clothes for baby stick
bug. I know that Grandma does not like my mother, but at least it's legal wife of my
father. My father came and asked if he could stay at home mom wanted to say yes, but
he said no. Therefore my father has gone to live with her grandmother. It has taken the
August 16th.
Pandora has yelled at me. He asked me if I was curious about my new brother. Strange
to think that I have a brother. I hope you have better luck with the skin than me. A check
of 50 pounds has come from my father. My mother has broken into pieces and so my
father. How can you be so stupid? After you have repented. The other son Maxwell
stick bug and brett have moved to Grandma's house.
August 18
I went to Grandma's house and I casually looked in the crib. It has many gadgets. I have
not seen a bat bug or my father. No I said to my mother.I'm no more interested in sex. It
seems to cause many problems.
August 20
Very mother is too depressed to cook, so I had to do. I made a tuna salad or cold meat, I
think it proves something different tomorrow. My father called to see how this
mom. Ho9y asked if I mentioned divorce. I said no, but it seems that she is thinking.
August 21.
I went to Grandma's house again. Brett has a big nose from my dad. The grandmother
was changing his dirty diaper. Eme have been amazed to see how big his thing. My
father and bug post were buying clothes for the baby.
August 27
My mother made an appointment to see the bank manager. Want to request a loan and I
hope it den- have nothing for 2 weeks.
August 28
Pandora is teaching canoeing holiday. He has had his first class today. I was invited to
go and see and if needed kiss of life if it is almost suffocating. It was very sexy with her
wet bathing suit. For the first time in ages I felt my only thing moving.

August 31.
My mother went to the bank this morning. The director knows my mother is not
working and that the money he has is social security so they have not given money. I'll
have to get a job on Saturday, because I need money desperately.
September 1
Pandora has had his canoe test this afternoon. It has easily approved. His teacher has
offered to prepare for the next test. Pandora told me that would point me to it but I'm
afraid I'm drowning happier sitting near the river thinking and looking pandora.
September 3
Obviously, my mother is pregnant. It costs a lot of stooping so I throw things a long
time Pick-ups. Pandora and her parents go on vacation tomorrow. I offered to feed your
cat. They agreed and gave me the keys to his house.
September 4
I said goodbye to my love today. He sent me kisses from the back seat of his Volvo. I
waited half an hour, and I entered the house. I've made a cup of tea and tuna sandwich
and I sat to watch the big color TV.
Sept. 6
I spent the morning watering the plants from the mother. Do not know how you can live
with so many plants. It's amazing that they die from lack of oxygen. I have realized that
school starts on Monday and I've only examined a DAY for my exams. I've brought my
books home.
On September 9
I've gone to Bert to sort. Queeni returns from hospital on Saturday. I received a letter
from pandora, has been about to drown in the canoe, did not seem too worried.
September 12
Pandora is today, I have my school uniform ironing and I've noticed that I have
outgrown but not if my mother will have money for another.
September 14
I have a new teacher called Lambert. He wants to be our friend says that if we have a
problem that would count. I'll have an appointment tomorrow.
September 15
My father called me before I went to school this morning. I wanted to talk to my mother
my mother, but she did not. Brett was crying and I could hear a stick bug and
grandmother fighting.
I had a long talk with Lambert and he told me to prepare myself for a separation
because it is a difficult situation. And I was a smart kid and he could not allow that to
make it down my level.
September 17
Almost everyone in the class had an appointment with Lambert, even Pandora. Lambert
seems worried this whole time biting his nails and not drinking coffee with people.

September 19
I went to see Bert and Queeni today. It has been hostile because I have not gone to see
them in a week. Bert said "most people do not care" just want to enjoy your life
"Uncle! I do not remember the last time I enjoy my life.
September 20
The check from my mother's social security has not arrived. I'm worried. I was surprised
to see the media that I have in the examinations. There must be a mistake.
September 24
Follow the check without my mother, but one of my father has come, we are saved. My
mother gave me 15 p. Mars for a bar, for the first time in 10 days. My mother has
brought the check to the bank and they told him that day can pick. Anyway the bank
manager has left him 25 pounds.
September 25
I searched for "pregnancy" in the encyclopedia. I was interested to see that it was Sex
and Reproduction. I started in the section called testes and sperm and I was surprised to
learn that generated millions of sperm a day. Where Iran? It is something of the night
escapes, but where are the rest?
September 26
I read everything "sex and reproduction" last night in bed. I got up and I saw that they
had escaped million sperm.
September 29
Follow the check without social security. We have studied the semen in biology. I have
been able to describe the whole cycle of sperm. The teacher was surprised "mole not
know you had that natural talent for biology or you're a sex freak", I replied that my
interest was purely scientific.
October 2.
Courtney Elliot has brought a letter from the parents of my mother. They are not very
concerned with our problems. are more concerned about a sock that was lost at
Christmas in my house.
October 3
My mother has answered with a sarcastic letter. He has been featured on the card one
pound to buy a new pair of socks.
October 5
No check yet. My mother called the local radio to say he was going to leave her son at
the offices of the social security unless you give your check. Everyone was listening to
the radio has heard! At 12:30 my mother said, "Put on your coat adrian'll leave." As we
were leaving, the phone has rung. It was my father. We said we did not mention your
name on the radio. There were reporters on the door and a lot of clutter so the police
came. I was left for 45 minutes until we got the check. They said that would be enough
for the weekend.

October 6
There was a picture and my mother in the newspaper. The headline "The torment of a
mother." The article said that my mother was 58 years and 5.
October 7
One of the small school has asked me for an autograph, because her mother knew her
mother was in school and wanted to prove that there was 5 years old and to say I
knew. My mother called the newspaper and corrected age.
October 11
The man of social security has come and has given my mother the rest of the money. He
has asked for the man who had shoes under the couch and told him it was his son. "I'm
not going to start living with someone in my condition does not? Mom has said
October 14
I went to see Brett today. He seems to know that I am his brother because he smiled at
me and caught me very strong finger. My grandmother and post bug not get along very
well. When I returned my mother has raised many questions. I've signed up to play "The
Importance of Being Ernest, oscar wilde", I hope they pick me.
October 18th.
My audition went well. The teacher stopped me in the middle of Henry V and told me
"adrian the play is a comedy, I want to know if you can make plays." He told me to read
and told me that was fine. I decided to be an author when I'm older. I write my novels
during breaks in rehearsals.
October 20
When I said hello to pandora geography could not control my voice. I did not say
anything more on the challenge of the class.
October 21
I can not control my voice. A strong point this out to me and other roosters. My mother
asked me if something was wrong and I said that is my voice and I went to my room
Oct. 22
Bert called to tell me that my father has lost his job. He was quiet .. she asked me "are
you going to do something? I said no, and I've posted. I have to go see the doctor for my
October 25
I went to see the doctor. Dr. Grey. I told him of my voice and said "that is the maturity
that has come to me a little late" must do more sport and fresh air. "
I have decided not to participate in the work, I can not do if I can not control my voice.
Oct. 29
My mother is going to have a baby in two weeks! This nerve because the room the baby
is not ready. We do not have enough money yet. My mother has received money from
the government but that just to buy a second-hand crib.

Oct. 31
At 5 I have been invited to the party of my supposed best-friend Nigel. "I forgot to send
you a invitation. Dress up or you'll get. I decided to dress like a demon. At 7 I felt so
unsure of my costume that I almost did not go but my mother under some disguise, and
even frightening. Niguel not want to let me in but finally did. There were girls at the
party, which was a bit strange. Nigle said the girls gave suck. As we danced together but
it was not the same without aunts. At 10 Nigel's mother brought food. 10 minutes there
was nothing left. Most were released without the guys girls go wild.
November 1
After school I went to the hairdresser with my great mother. I did not want to go with
her but I could not let her go alone no? Women always have children in phone booths,
buses, elevators ...
My mother has left tip the hairdresser!
November 4
I went to see Bert and Queeni with my mother. Everyone would like to comment "when
you expect to have the baby? Bert opened the door and asked, "You have not had that
awful baby?" Because people can not be educated. Everyone was too old, sick or
pregnant to cook so we ate bread and cheese.
November 10
My mother is going crazy. It is all day cleaning the house. You removed the
curtains. Now everyone goes and sees what we do not have privacy.I have been
examining my shins and one of the neighbors told me "this is adorable you have in the
November 11
When I arrived at school there was 5 pounds and a note saying you catch a taxi and off
to the hospital. When I arrived at the hospital my mother was lying in bed reading. I was
glad to see me, but suddenly started screaming. A nurse came in and asked if he was
okay, he said "yes, this is Adrian"
The nurse told me to wear a mask and sit down in a corner that my mother was going to
give birth. I stayed with my mother grabbed my hand so I could not let go. At 5:19 the
doctor said "It's a lovely girl, Mrs. Mole". He seemed very cheerful, like the father. The
baby began to mourn and put it in my mother's stomach. I congratulated my mother and
said "say hi to your sister"
The doctor looked at me and said you are not your Mister Mole, the baby's father? I said
"No, I'm the brother. At 6:15 I called Pandora, which scream excitement and
grandmother, who wept. Then I went home. I tried to imagine that sharing a room with a
baby and put all my fragile items on top of the cabinet.
November 12
I'm a hero at school. Everyone thinks I brought the world to the child. The lady at the
food gave me an extra serving of potatoes. I'm running Pandora at home. At dinner I
gave birth details.
Nov. 13
Pandora and I went to see my mother and the baby. There was a crowd around my
mother. "Only two people per room" everyone was when they arrived dad and grandma.

November 14
My mother lay at 10:30 tomorrow morning. I asked if I should call a cab. She said "papa
takes us home." I'm no longer an only child !!!
November 15
I have not gone to school today. At 11:15 I saw my father carrying daughter at home if
you followed my mother. The atmosphere was tense ,, so I made some tea. My mother
took him to bed. After a few minutes my father returned with Grandma.
November 17
The baby has risen 5 times in the night. I know because I slept beside her breathing
checking every 10 minutes. Pandora says that I'm getting bored with eating the way my
sister. My father was ironing the clothes of my sister when I come from school and told
me "as you laugh, I'll kill you." My mother was feeding my brother.
November 19
I asked my mother was going to call the baby. He said he did not know. I suggested that
she make a list.
The list of my mother: Charity, Zoe, Jade, Frankie, India, Rosie, Caitin, Ruth
My list: Tracy, claire, Toya, Target, Pandora, Sharon.
I just liked "Rosie" and "ruth". My mother did not like anyone or Pandora. I think it's
the most beautiful name in history.
November 20
My sister called Rosie Germaine Mole. Everyone loves rosie, but my mom likes my
germaine. We've recorded today at the municipal offices.Then we went to celebrate.
Nov. 23
It's called bud lucas. My mom has been talking about 10 minutes and I finished listening
to "Ok, a blood test."
Maybe Lucas has a blood disease. I hope it does.
November 26
When I left the school stick bug was waiting. Maxwell, his son said hello brother. I've
got a bar of Mars in the mouth before they embarrass me more. I've submitted a bug
Pandora stick and I've asked that because I expected. He told me that my father was
very ill. And I said "you want me to do?" I said "I wanted to tell someone. I changed my
first diaper tonight. I have to try it with your eyes open.
November 28
How can my mother diapering yet smile? I almost fainted when I try to do. Perhaps the
smell of women is not as developed as that of men.
November 29
My mother does not pay attention to me since I was born rosie. There has never been
very affective but recently not receive any samples d affection. I spend all day reading
in my room.

December 1
We had an emotional call of grandmother. Bug club has taken their children to the father
of Maxwell, who has returned from the Middle East with money and gifts. Apparently
my father did not mind not living with his father and son Maxwell would not mind
living without her son.
December 4
I'm having a nervous breakdown. No one has noticed. Bert and has just asked me that. I
told him it's because society has no morals. He told me I'm an idiot and I need to work
hard, you could clean the dishes.
December 6
I woke up at 1, 2:30 and 4 because rosie was crying. I went into my mother's room for
my lunch money and I saw that rosie was sleeping in the bed of my mother. I picked 3
pounds of my mother and I went.
December 7
Queeni died in his sleep. Bert has said it is a good way to go. It is strange to go home
and see the things Bert d Queeni for all sites. I still can not believe he's dead. Pandora's
father came to see us. You will make all arrangements for the funeral.
December 11
Bert does not have enough money to pay for the funeral, and is very sad. He's spent all
afternoon calling people who knew Queeni to make a donation to the funeral.
December 13
It was the funeral of Queeni today. When I reached the house of Bert sat on the couch
with the wedding dress. "I do not like the idea that this lying inside a" box ", never liked
the cold," Bert said.
We arrived at the cemetery. The funeral was short, sang their favorite Christmas song
and Bert "Goodbye, old girl," he said.
The funeral tea was at the home of pandora. Bert told some jokes. Bring Rosie to teach
the trees but was not interested.
15 Dec.
We put the Christmas tree in the house. It was a bit rustic but in the end it has been very
nice. I bought a pack of cards but I have not written yet because I'm waiting to see who
writes me first.
19 Dec.
My father called to see what we do at Christmas. My mother said "Typically". My father
has said that it would be just grandma and my mom said "wonderful Serra, have fun, I
have to go."
20 Dec.
School ends tomorrow. Everyone was sitting in class and received many cards. I have
not sent any cards yet.

December 21 (last day of class)

thank god she has! I received 7 Card. They were nice. Quickly I wrote another 7 who
had written to me.
December 22
I've taken 15 pounds from the bank today, which is a lot of money but I have another
person to make a gift, Rosie.
December 24
My mother is busy with rosie, so I've done all the preparations for Christmas. I made the
turkey, I waited at the grocery store, I went to buy tree lights. I arrived at 6:15 to my
house. My mother had prepared the room and had been very good. Bert has come and
I've gone to shower.
December 25
I woke up at 7.30. I have showered I shaved and I have brushed my teeth. We opened
gifts and I realized that there was not a single microchip (which I had ordered had
microchips), but a coat, and things you can only wear them. The glory and tita Susan
reached 11 and we have our gifts. They gave me a glass of wine and my mother told me
to leave because I was a little drunk. In the afternoon I went to Grandma's house and
made me eat cake.
December 26
Pandora and I have changed gifts. I've given her a lanyard. Pandoral looked surprised
and thought it was real gold.
December 27
I received a note saying that pandora canceled our date because they have come a rash
around the neck because of mu pendant.
28 Dec.
I was walking and I found nigel, and told me she was deciding her sexuality: gay,
bisexual or straight.
31 Dec.
Bert asked if he could stay with us over New Year. My mother said yes. My dad called
to wish happy new year. My mother is happier and is returning to normal. Pandora has
called me to congratulate the new year. This year I have my big exams.
January 1
My New Year's resolutions
I will study at least two hours for exams
2) I'm going to stop thinking when erotic things in school.
I'll take the dog Bert
Gather my father again
January 2
I've only grown five inches since last year. My skin is full of pimples so I must accept
that that will not change. Negotiations began between my parents.

January 4
But negotiations. When he finished I asked my father and he told me without comment
and it's gone.
January 5
They have broken off negotiations. Were heard piper. A message through an
intermediary (I) that negotiations are resumed. The message has been accepted and has
asked me to organize the meeting
January 7
The meeting was at a Chinese restaurant at 8pm. Negotiations continued throughout the
EIS and have only stopped to feed the baby.
January 8
The parties have reached an agreement:
"The agreement makes Pauline Monica Mole Mole Arthur and George try to live in
harmony for a trial period of one month. If any of these agreements are broken, it will
automatically initiate the divorce paperwork. Agreements:
GAM will work from home, without having to tell
PMM will have its share of the clean and in good condition.
Both Iran to the pub on Sunday night.
Both children have the same attention
Financial things were discussed Friday at 7 pm.
A bank account will be opened for PMM
Neither of the two parties will have another relationship with someone of the
opposite sex without the other's consent.
PMM will not constantly mentioning stick bug and GAM not mention Lucas.
My sister and I were the witnesses.
January 10th.
Horrible school started today. Pandora and I were holding hands in the assembly, but the
manager saw us and we screamed. I comforted the broken pandora service guys. I
explained that the director probably was impotent and made him angry to see young
lovers in the prime of life.
January 12
Nigel has formed a gay club in high school. He is currently the only member, but will be
interesting to see who else is pointing.
January 13th.
The director has been ordered to close the gay club. He says the school can not be used
for immoral purposes. Nigel says it is for young people who want to join in the breaks,
that if there was anything immoral about homosexuality? They have been arguing and
end the club has had to close.
January 16th.
I've had to be taking care of my sister while my parents were in the pub, I tried to
pretend that nothing had changed and I was surprised when my mother arrived and said
there was a terrible stench in the room. Now I'm in a bind. As I feel that my father has
returned? He is at home for a week and I have had much time to think about it, have had
such reconciliation and have completed the tragedy.

January 22
I went to town with pandora, wanted to buy a new dress. We have been to 50 stores, but
none had them in pink neon, so we go to London. He said "I hate the provinces"!
January 23.
The cocoon Lucas has called today. I told him that my parents were in the pub. You
asked the pub and I said, then made me many questions from Rosie. Then he said a
strange thing, "It's my girl" !!! My parents have gotten a bad mood, it seemed that my
mother had made a game of darts to attend an urgent call.
25 January.
Awesome! Super! The water workers were on strike, we could not shower at
school. The torture that everyone see my low end parts for two weeks. Hope you're on
strike until I finish school!
January 29th.
Bert called to ask that because I have not gone to see him. I said I was busy and I
promised to go and see it tomorrow after dinner. Dinner? what is that? He has
said. "You you remember, is meat, potatoes and vegetables." I've invited you to dinner
tomorrow, but when I told my parents were furious. They say they wanted to go look
new house and were planning to take Chinese takeout. New houses ???? Because they
have not asked me? I have my major exams this year and I do not have drastic changes
in my house.
February 2
Luke has arrived in the house and wanted to see Rosie. My father said that rosie was
busy and she could not be disturbed. But Lucas has started screaming and my father has
left him in. Lucas said "Pauline, I see my daughter" and my mother has gone pale. My
father was sitting on the couch and said to my mother "Pauline tell me that child is
mine," and my mother said "Of course it's yours George"! He said my mother.Lucas has
taken his diary and said that they lay together on March 13 when they were in March in
Sheffield .. My father shouted "Adultery"! My mother has been to mourn and lucas tried
to embrace it has given him a karate chop and has pulled back. Everyone forgot it was
there until I come running saying "I can not live in this constant uncertainty"!
February 3
It seems that during the month of March this year my parents had secret relationships
where two children were born. But at that period in my journal were only fourteen-my
problems. Pandora is helping me all this time.
February 4
I spent all day at the doctor's office of the college. He asked me if I had any problems at
home. I started to mourn "Adults have complicated lives," he told me. He saw me and I
did mourn him promise not to tell anyone. He left me to stay there until my eyes were
normal again.
February 5.
Lucas continued atormentadnos. A letter from a lawyer has reached us, we will
prosecute if not allowed to see rosie.

February 8
My father does not talk to the mother of Pandora, which is a marriage counselor. A
rosie's this teething. You get saliva all hours. Seems like a mad dog. Do not know how
to survive the filthy college days. I'm smiling at everyone like a robot, but inside I'm
sad: The trial period for my father and my mother ends today and have decided to
extend it.
February 12th.
The atmosphere at home is terrible, and I've gone to Bert. I cleaned the house and I took
a walk the dog. Barry Kent and his gang were there, but know next to me was not
February 13th.
Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Do not think I'm going to school tomorrow. I hate to be
the only guy who comes into the class that does not get many letters. I know I will
receive a pandora but not the same. I've been with her for over a year.
February 14th.
I have received four letters: Pandora, Grandma, Mom and Rosie. Incredible go. The
Pandora was a box with a cupid in saying I love you. My parents have not been given
anything because they say they want to save money.
On February 15
Pandora does not speak to me because I wrote "best wishes" on Valentine's card. He
says our relationship is deteriorating. I think you're right, and I do not like so much, is
too smart for me.
February 17
I have written a poem in school water. The poem was the future. I think it was a good
way to make my classmates a little more aware of what is coming.
On February 18
I called the director. She said that because he had written the poem and I asked him how
he knew that it was me and told me. "Because you signed." I have driven for 1 week.
February 20
Barry Kent and his band have come to my house "we the people if you want to sale" I
felt sad and depressed, so I went. I wandered around and shopping. Barry has given me
permission to call him "Baz".
On February 21
Baz has introduced me to his family. It's not you the guy from the scandal ??? I have
been asked his father. I had a nice dinner with your family, to get to relax for the first
time in weeks.

February 22
I received a note from Pandora:
Adrian, as you prefer to see the criminal gang Barry Kent, I think we should end our
relationship. We have chosen different paths. Thanks for what you've been through,
I spent the morning with the band, saying things to girls,
February 25
Mrs Kent has decided to buy some new furniture. We have gone away with the band
and we have found. We found some broken chairs and a clothes basket.
Back tomorrow with shopping rosie to get a washing machine.
February 26
I took the car, but unfortunately rosie was inside. We've had to take the car and get
inside the washer. I've cracked finger. He has not cried. Mrs Kent was amazed with your
new washer. My mother seems to have been angry.
February 28
He has left his first tooth. My finger continued bleeding. I spent the afternoon with the
band. I've not read a book in years. Instead of reading the life I'm living.
On March 3
The police officer, Pc Gordon has called my parents to tell him I'm going out with the
band. Tomorrow will come and talk to me.
On March 4
Pc Gordon is the type of person who likes everyone. She said "you are a smart kid",
"kent and his band are losers." Then he talked to my parents and they said "is a good
boy at home, barry has influenced him a lot."
March 5.
The grandmother called and told me that everyone I know that along with bad
company. It has made me go for you. I did not want to go, my grandmother has told me
and so I had to go. He told me that my father had problems with the police in 1953. He
has said "he got caught stealing apples, the fright nearly killed me." I wonder how my
father apparatus of crime.
March 6
Being a mafia is not as exciting as I thought. All you do is shoplifting. Sometimes I
wish I was in my room reading, with my dog next door.
March 8
Barry has pulled a trash and thrown out all trash. It really was not fun, but I had to force
a smile. After barry has gone home and I have collected.I can not keep living this
double life.
March 11
Pandora's dating Henderson. I hope they are happy. Nigel says they spend all their time
talking about math. I decided not to run my tests. I am sure I will fail, so I would not
waste time worrying?

March 13 (Day of the mother)

Horrible lucas has sent a letter to my mother saying "Rosie". Grandma has sent one to
bug post saying "Brett". My mother has sent her a grandmother saying "george". My
father has sent one to my other grandmother "Pauline". The police have arrested for
stealing flowers barry park.
March 14
reasons not to live: you die anyway, life is a torment, I lost pandora, June exams ...
reasons for living: things could improve.
March 16
Elizabeth Broadway is flirting with me, I think that is interested in me. Again I feel my
hormones for months.
On March 17
Elizabeth still flirting with me. We've been together and I've enjoyed it. The different
look without glasses and long hair. No would have happened if I had not rung the bell.
March 18
The last go! My parents have realized that I am out of control and not let me out after
school. I spent the afternoon reading. I have written to barry giving the band.
March 21
My parents hardly speak to me since Friday. They are too busy with Rosie.
March 22
I decided to leave my house. Nobody cared. I do not think they realize.
March 23
I have been making preparations to leave. I have written farewell letters to Pandora, my
parents, bert, grandmother, elizabeth, baz, nigel and director.
March 24th.
5 days to go. I is growing the beard. I took the bag from my grandfather. Grandma
thinks I use to go camping. the truth would kill her.
March 27th.
My parents have spent 3 hours teaching rosie sit, but can not seem to stay long. "This
very advanced for his age"
March 29
I've spent all DAY packaging and revising. I can not decide to leave behind. At 8.25
am .. I've gone with the dog, I carried 50 pounds and I started walking to nowhere.

March 30th.
I am now in the M1 motorway north London. My first mistake was waiting a hitch. My
second mistake taking the dog.
He has collected a truckload of pigs. Go luck. I go to Sheffield, where he lives
lucas. Why not grow my beard?
I heard the news and nothing on disappearances. A man asked me if he sold the dog. I've
thought about it but I said no.
I called home but have not immediately responded and movies disappearances. Another
sign of disinterest.
April 1
Thanks to the laundries. If they had not been invented, would have died of
hydrophobia. It costs one pound clean my sleeping bag. Tomorrow I turn 16 and no sign
of beard.
April 2
I have brought in a truckload of fish to the station in Manchester. I wonder what my
parents bought me for my birthday. I hope that are not too worried. I think I'm calling to
tell you I'm fine. Nobody told me happy birthday. I'm not happy, I'm really very
unhappy. I bought a birthday card and I have written. "To our beloved first child, happy
16th birthday. With all our love possible. love you, your parents "
I have not seen anything on the news of my demise
April 3
I am very hungry. I only have 15 pounds of the 50 I've eaten a chocolate bar that was on
the floor. I hope I do not get bad.
April 4
I'm in bed vicarious he picked me. She is the wife of the priest of the church. It is a true
Christian. The husband called my parents. I asked that because they have reacted and
they told me they were angry.
My parents have worked hard to come here. I hope to hurry.
April 5
There were crowds of people waiting at the door of my house, just my mother, my
grandmother and rosie. When my father and I came back and we've talked about. When
I arrived I slept.
April 6
Dr Grey is gone. Says suffer depression worry. I rested on my bed, there has not been
many fights at home. My parents feel guilty. I can not stop worrying about the letter you
send to the principal ...
April 10
I've been in bed all day. Rosie has been with me, but listen to "talk" irritates me. Bert
Baxter came to see me, but his "Get up, you're very vague" has not helped.

On April 15
The psychologist is gone and has heard all my worries. I was advised by my fears:
If I fail my exams I can submit next year
My parents want me but they can not be all over my DAY
You're not ugly. You're a sexy guy
I will write to the editor saying you were under a lot of stress
Pandora is in a class of intractable problems.
April 16
My grandmother has come and I have to get up computer. I answered that I needed
more time, but it made me get up. I spent all day on the couch
April 21
Pandora came to see me for 10 minutes. Henderson was out playing with his
calculator. As I'd wanted calculating but certainly not as much as I do.
April 22
Pandora has come at 5pm. Half an hour later we were hugging. Pandora henderson has
told the news.
On April 25
I've been visiting with pandora bert and rosie. This really happy to see us and made us
go buy snuff I've showered and went to buy pandora snuff. When he has gone we have
taken a bath bert. We've put pajamas. It was much better. A person would need 24 hours
with him but the problem is that no one would last more than 2 or 3 days.
April 30
My mother has decided that sugar is the cause of evil in the world and said that we will
not have more at home. It has smoked two cigarettes as she said
May 1
Today I heard my father say, "It is the north of Scotland pauline" I come running and I
told him "do not do papa" our economy will improve. It has been uncertain what to do
maybe for this show of affection towards him.
May 3
There have been a few changes at the school. Mr Lambert has married and the director
is sick. He has had a nervous breakdown, so they have a substitute. The school seems a
bit more relaxed now. We have explained how to study for exams.
I studied English, biology, and geography. When I finished I went to check on her. Its
water was clogged again.
May 5
My father went for an interview to find work on an oil rig in northern Scotland. My
father worked there !!!. It's almost better than having a cowboy yr. I hope it succeeds. It
will be two weeks off each month.

May 7
I spent all day studying with pandora. In our house it's hard because dad is angry
because you did not get the job. I told him not to buy clothes that I wanted until I found
a job, but I have purchased it. Now owes 38.39 pounds. Because he borrowed money
May 9
The Prime Minister has announced that April elections on 9 June. How can you be so
selfish? Do not know that in May and June should be quiet because exams are young? I
think I have an anxiety attack every time I think about the exams. I know I'm going to
suspend. My problem is I'm too intellectual. I am constantly thinking of things like God
would be married? My brain is full of stuff so I forget the evidence.
May 11
Grandma gave me some pills to study. are made from a filthy part of the bull. He said,
"Your grandfather thought they were magnificent."
16 May.
My studio is constantly interrupted by the election candidates knocking on my door and
asking that the vote. It is in this country no one cares about education?
May 18
Other candidates just go home crying because my mother did not allow him to kiss
May 19
This morning I saw a house in the country who have taught me in a photo. I said I did
not like and my mom said "seems perfect. This three kilometers from the city, right in
the field. Do not like to get up and feed the chickens? "I answered him," I hate chickens.
May 20
The director has retired because this evil heart, and have changed the director because
they have changed the board office. He has never given me class, but everyone says it's
a good person.
May 21
My father has gone to 3 Political garden this morning. Les has said "My son is upstairs
studying for a better future, and their demands are bothering to vote. I was actually
measuring my thing at the time, but its noise was bothering me and I could not
May 28
I've been studying all day in bed for my exams. Bert has called 3 times, but my parents
have told him he was out of town. The third time my mother asked him "Is it something
important? And he said "not really, just wanted to say that I believe that I meet 90 years
now." I feel so badly that I convinced my parents to be told that he was back and I went
to see him. He felt much better.

May 31
This is the last thing I write before my exams. Courtney elliot will come to help me
study. I must stop, his cab is at the entrance
June 2
My parents went to the pub last night. During his absence pandora and we kissed and
we "cherish" very strong ... If you do not pass the exams I do not care. I know what it is
to have the love of a good woman.

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