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Liar Kent

Thank you to the master of ceremony. Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to the
honourable judges, teachers, parents and my fellow competitors. Today I would like to share
with you a story in title Liar Kent.
Once upon a time, in a far away land, there lived a boy named Kent. Kent lived in a hut at
the end of the village, with his mother. His father had passed away when he was two years
Kent was now six years old. He was not liked by anyone in the village. This is because, he
loved to tell lies. He loved cheating mother, friends and also the villagers who lived in the
same village as him.
Madam Grace, who was Kents mother, had advised Kent many times. She had told Kent
that it was bad to tell lies. But Kent had never listened to his mother.
One fine day, as he was sitting under a big tree in front of his house, he saw Gladys and
Kelvin flying kites. An idea struck is mind.
Kent ran and hid behind a big tree. Then, he shouted, Help! Help! I am kidnapped! Please
help me! Gladys and Kevin heard him shouting. They looked everywhere for Kent but to
no avail.
Kevin had a suggestion. We better inform our parents. We must also let Aunt Grace know
that her son is kidnapped. Gladys nodded his head in agreement. They both ran to get their
Then they ran to get Aunt Grace. She was busy feeding her ducks. Gladys and Kevin related
the story to Aunt Grace. Aunt Grace was worried. She didnt know what to do. She started
crying. Oh, please help my son1 she said, sobbing bitterly.
Suddenly, they all heard someone laughing. Ha! Ha.! Ha! Aunt Grace, Galdys,
Kelvin and everyone else were stunned. It was Kent , Laughing from the back of the tree.
He came out of his hiding and kept on laughing at everyone who had believed his trick. He
was rolling down the ground, with his hands on his stomach. . Ha! Ha.! Ha! I
have fooled all of you!
Gladys, Kelvin Aunt Grace and the other villagers face turned red in anger. We will never
listen to you anymore, said Gladys. Soon, off he went with therest. There were also some
villagers blamed Aunt Grace for failing to bring up her son well.

Aunt Grace was embarrassed. She ran into the house and started crying. But Kent was never
bothered. He went to the filed to fly kites. Deep in his heart, he was happy as he had
managed to fool the village.
It was a windy day. Kent was flying his kite happily. There were a few buffaloes grazing
near. Suddenly, a huge , fierce looking buffalo ran to his direction.
Kent was scared. He ran for hi life shouting for help, Help!Help! Theres a buffalo nearing
me. It wants to gore me! Help! Help! the buffalo was too close to him, but nobody came to
help him, although his screaming could be heard through out the village.
Nobody trusted him. They thought that it was another trick played by him. Luckily, Mr.
James, the shepherd, witnessed the incident. He chased the buffalo away and saved Kents
Kent was relieved. Only then he realized his mistakes. He understood that nobody would
believe him, even when he was in danger, if he kept telling lies. That incident had changed
Kent. Kent never told lies anymore!.
The moral of the story is:
We must not tell lies as we shall not be believed by anyone even when we are telling the

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