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Personality: Definition and Its Components


comes from the Latin word persona, which referred to theatrical masks worn by Roman actors in
Greek dramas to portray
refers to all the factors within the person that influence his characteristic way
of behaving, thinking, and feeling- y o u r i m a g e o n o t h e r s a n d o t h e r s i m a g e o f


1. Physical
This includes the mode of dressing, manner of walking, posture, body
build, health, complexion, and facial expression.
2. Intellectual
How a person talks and what she talks about is what matters
i n t h e intellectual component of personality. He must develop his
intellect or brain.
3. Social
Good manners, correct manners are included in this aspect of personality. To do the right
thing at the right time, to act in the proper manner, to get
along well with others
t h e s e a r e a l l p a r t s o f t h e s o c i a l s p h e r e o r personality.
4. Emotional
This component includes a persons likes or dislikes, whether
s h e i s outgoing or shy, whether she is calm or nervous, and whether she loses
her temper easily or keeps her cool. Personality problems, such as how
to stay mentally healthy or how to avoid mental disorders are
s o m e problems that are emotional in nature.
5. Values System (Character)
This includes a persons attitudes, values, beliefs, and philosophy in life. This
aspect is referred to as character. It is shown in the way we judge whether our
actions and the actions of others are right or wrong.

How is personality revealed?

The typical step-by-step revelation of an individuals personality:
1. A p p e a r a n c e - physical stature, grooming, facial features, gait,
poise, etc.
2. I n t e l l i g e n c e - kind of words used, interests, manner or
expressing oneself.

3. E m o t i o n s - e m o t i o n a l s t a b i l i t y / i n s t a b i l i t y .
4. S o c i a l i z a t i o n S k i l l s - m a n n e r s , f i n e s s e , e t c .
5. The Real Self (Other Aspects of Personality)- V a l u e s , b e l i e f s , a t t i t u d e s ,
philosophy of life.
Why do we need to study personality?
1. To be successful in our dealings with other people
2. To understand my fellowmen
3. To see the entire representation of the individual, not just the surface
4. To avoid mistakes in evaluating and judging personalities
5. To improve our own personality as well as to understand others so that
we can adjust to them and have harmonious relations with them
1. Our Heredity
We are born with a set of genes and chromosomes which we inherit from our
forefathers and our parents. These set the limits to our potential.
2 . Our Environment
This consists of your family, school, church, social groups, and
other g r o u p s w i t h w h o m w e i n t e r a c t f r o m t h e
v e r y b e g i n n i n g . E a c h g r o u p p u t s pressure on us and we behave in
certain ways as a result of being with these groups. Our behavior changes
with each situation and with the people we are with. We behave differently when
we are with our friends than we are with our parents, teachers, and others older than us.
3 . Our Experience
These consists of everything we do or get I touch with, everywhere we
got, in short, everything that we are exposed to in our lifetime, whether physical,
emotional, or social experiences.

Techniques in Improving Your Personality

1. Realize that improvement is needed.
2. Have a strong motive or desire to improve.
3. Take an inventory or make a checklist of the strong and weak points, of what is to be
4. Have a step-by-step plan for improvement.


This is composed of traits which can be and often are transmitted visually.This is created through an extensive study of line, shape, and color.

The Purpose of a Visual Statement:

1. To visually create a message which communicates what you want others to know about
you through your appearance.
2. To convey outwardly your level of inner confidence.

- An innate quality
- A w a y o f b e i n g
- A manner of acting
- A s t a t e o f m i n d
1. O u t e r B e a u t y
Outer beauty is highlighted not only by personal attractiveness, but by
outer behavior, poise, and education. Your
speech, diction, grammar, and sensitivity in communication reflect your true nature.
2. I n n e r B e a u t y
To think beautiful is to be beautiful. You will begin to feel beautiful as soon as you begin to work
on your physical, emotional, mental, and aesthetic being.

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