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IPASJ International Journal of Electronics & Communication (IIJEC)

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ISSN 2321-5984

A Publisher for Research Motivation........

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

Effects of Different Orders Dispersion and

Stimulated Raman Scattering on the Soliton
Propagation in Single Mode Fiber
Haider Kadhim Muhammad
Physics Department, College of Science, Thi-Qar University

An analysis is presented to explain the effects imposed by linear (dispersion) and nonlinear (Stimulated Raman Scattering and
self-steepening) on input pulse shape in optical fiber, where their propagation in optical fiber with total high power
( 1 Watt ) approximately. The pulses may be affected by linear and nonlinear effects together, that is depending on the
orders and sign of the dispersion parameters and the value of nonlinearity parameter. The results have shown that, the
combination of the linear with nonlinear effects leads to new qualitative feature as a shifting and the center-shift beside the
deformation in the shape of the soliton. To achieve this objective we used, in our simulations, the split-step Fourier Method,
That is widely used to simulate numerical solutions of the nonlinear Schrdinger equation.

keywords: Dispersion, Stimulated Raman Scattering, Raman response function, self-steepening.

Third high-order optical nonlinear effects are well-known to severely limit the throughput of multichannel wavelengthdivision-multiplexed (WDM) transmission systems based on silica optical fibers. Among these effects, stimulated
Raman scattering (SRS) and (SS) [1]. The first effect considers the major limitation of system performances. Raman
scattering describes the parametric interaction of light with molecular vibrations and provides example of inelastic
scattering [2]. Where incident light scattered by molecules experiences a downshift in optical frequency, the change in
optical frequency is just the molecular-vibrationl frequency (called the Stokes frequency). It is worth mentioning, in the
case of optical fibers only the Stokes is dominant. The reason for this, is that the anti-Stokes is phase mismatched
during collinear propagation. Moreover, because of thermal equilibrium, the majority of molecules is unexcited [3], [4],
i.e. the effect of SRS is usually first seen as that the shorter wavelength channels are robbed of power, and that power
feeds the longer wavelength channels. However, the same effect may also find useful applications, namely, for efficient
amplification of injected signals and for the generation of new frequencies in silica glass, the Stokes shift is a broad
distribution but with the strongest peak at 13 THz. This corresponds to 100 nm when the pump is around 1450 nm,
resulting in the strongest peak in the Raman amplification when the signal is located at wavelengths around 1550 nm
[5]. SRS can couple different channels in a WDM system and give arise to crosstalk and attenuation. Even when
T R 0 the second effect (SS) will appears which results from the intensity dependence of the group velocity, that
makes the peak of the pulse move slower than wings, however, this phenomenon would still manifest through shift of
the pulse center [2], [3]. On the other hand, this effect leads to an asymmetry in the SPM-broadened spectra of
ultrashort pulses and the another most important feature of this phenomenon can produces spectral and temporal shifts
of the soliton. Specially, when the solitons are higher-order, it leads to breakup of such solitons into their constituents
as well known soliton decay [6], [7]. Also, silica glass is the medium dispersive, this characteristic becomes more
important when the length of the fiber much shorter than the dispersion length. So the high-order of dispersion
becomes more important when the ultrashort pulses propagated through the fiber , the phase velocity depends on the
frequency. This is known as the chromatic dispersion. As a result of the chromatic dispersion, different frequency
components of the pulse propagate with different speeds. This can lead to a change of the shape or even a spreading of
the pulse. In addition, the velocity of energy flow of an optical pulse in a dispersive medium may be different from the
phase velocity [5]-[7]. The combination of nonlinear interaction such as Raman scattering and the anomalous-group
velocity dispersion that is lead to an important factor which causes very different behaviors of nonlinear propagation of
short pulses, as very different spatial and temporal behaviors, i.e. optical solitons where they are formed by balancing
the dispersion and nonlinear effects [6], [8].

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IPASJ International Journal of Electronics & Communication (IIJEC)

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ISSN 2321-5984

A Publisher for Research Motivation........

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

This paper is mainly concerned to investigate the influence of SRS attenuation and SS on the pulse propagation in
single mode fiber alone in presence of higher orders dispersion effects simultaneously. These effects are studies by
presenting the generalized propagation equation that is affected by the characteristic of SRS and the related topics.


In the time domain when a single input pulse at the carrier frequency

o is launched at the dielectric optical

waveguide, e.g. single mode fiber, the electrical field vector E is, in general, governed by the wave equation [2]

1 2E
2E - 2

t 2
t 2
where o is the vacuum permeability, c is the velocity of light in vacuum, and o o 1 / c . The total induced

polarization P ( r , t ) which accounts for the linear polarization and the third-order nonlinear polarizations that are

consisted of the Kerr effect P k ( r , t ) and the Raman effect P R ( r , t ) , therefore the total induced polarization can be
written as [2], [9]

P ( r , t ) PL ( r , t ) PK (r , t ) PR ( r , t ) 0 Re[ (1) (t s )] E (t s ) d s i 0 Im[ (1) ( r )] E (t )

0 [ k( 3 ) ( r ) : E (t ) E (t ) E (t )

3 0
E (t ) R( 3) (t s ) E ( s ) E ( s ) ds


where (1) and (3) are linear and the third-order nonlinear susceptibilities of the dielectric material respectively,

moreover, they are complex quantities, the real part of (3) represents the position and frequency-dependent dielectric

constant, while the imaginary part reflects the optical loss or gain in the materials. While, the imaginary part of (3)

represents the two-photon absorption effect, which is negligible in fiber of silica glass [5]. The real part of (3) comes

from two contributions, Re{ (3) } k( 3) R( 3) , where k(3) is responsible for the optical Kerr effect. So that the time

dependence of k(3) is given by three delta functions of the (t t i ) . On the other hand, R(3) is tied to Raman
scattering effect, which is a time-delayed form process [4], [9]. By considering the simplest situation as the total signal
bandwidth of the optical signals is not much more than a few THz, it satisfies the condition . Accordingly,
the frequency dependence of the transverse modal function may be neglected. So the trail solution of this result is

E (r , t ) F ( x, y ) A ( z , t )ei ( 0 z t )


where F ( x, y ) represents the spatial distribution of the fiber and is the optical propagation constant at . Each
spectral component of the input field propagates as a plane wave and acquires a slightly different phase shift because of
the frequency dependence of the propagation constant ( ) , as an exact fundamental form of ( ) is rarely
known, it is useful to expand it in a Taylor expansion around the carrier frequency

as [10]

( )
( )


k 1
k 1

( ) 0


It is also useful to remove the rapidly varying part of the optical field at this frequency and introduce a slowly varying
pulse envelope A ( z , t ) , now one can substitute eq.(3) into eq.(1) and using the eq.(2) and (4) to yield, see [2]

k A



A( z , T ) i A A
k 2 k!

A i TR A



Eq.(5) represents the general nonlinear Schrodinger equation for complex envelope A( z , T ) of a pulse in the SMF.
Where the initial value problem A(0, T ) f (T ) along z within retarded time frame T t z / g has to be
solved. The linear terms on the right hand side of eq.(5) are the GVD, namely second order dispersion (SOD), third
order (TOD) and so on. The term ( / 2) A represents the attenuation. The main contribution to the (GVD) is
represented by 2 , which leads in general to be broadening oh the pulse shape. The higher order effects arising from
the wavelength dependence of group velocity. These dispersive effects can distort ultrashort optical pulses in the linear
as well as nonlinear regimes. The first nonlinear term represents the self phase modulation (SPM), where

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IPASJ International Journal of Electronics & Communication (IIJEC)

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ISSN 2321-5984

A Publisher for Research Motivation........

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

n 2 / c Aeff , n2 is the nonlinear refractive-index coefficient, Aeff is the effective core area and c is the speed
of light. SPM results from the intensity dependent refractive-index n2 and is responsible for a large variety of
phenomena, such as spectral broadening or optical soliton. The term proportional to / results from the intensity
dependent of the group velocity and causes self-steepening. The last term regards the intrapulse Raman scattering and
originates from the delayed response, which causes a self frequency shift. TR related to the slope of Raman gain. The
intrapulse Raman scattering becomes a dominant perturbation for ultrashort pulses and is one most important
limitations for such pulses propagation in optical fibers [2]-[9].


It useful to introduce different length scales under which the physical mechanisms can act on the pulse evolution. The
crucial physical quantities thereby are initial pulse width T and peak power P . Depending on these quantities either
dispersive or nonlinear effects may dominate the evaluation along the fiber. Using these length scales the last equation
may be transformed in the normalized form [2], [4]

ik k
k 2 k! LD


T / T ,


e z 2



U ( z , ) e (z / 2) A( z , ) / P , LkD T / k 1


and L NL 1 / P represents the

normalized to initial pulse width T , the normalized amplitude , specific dispersion and nonlinear length parameters


For silica fibers the vibrational or Raman response occurs over a time scale 60-70 fs. Accordingly, eq.(5) is
approximately valid for pulse widths >1 ps, and the waveguide will characterize by

( 3)
(t t1 , t t 2 , t t 3 ) [2],

[11]; part of it depends on the molecule microscopic structure and molecule ordering in the medium, it depends on the
characteristics of the propagation pulses. The microscopic processes have usually the characteristic time of fs (the
characteristic time for electron response is of the order 0.1 fs and 10 fs for the nuclei and lattice). The medium
nonlinear response for picoseconds pulses can be considered as instantaneous. In this case, the nonlinear susceptibility
take the form [12]
(t t1 , t t 2 , t t3 ) (3) R (t t1 ) (t t 2 ) (t t3 )

( 3)

is used constant of the order 10


m 2 / V , (t t i 1, 2,3 ) are the Dirac function and R(t ) is the

nonlinear response function, which includes both the electronic and nuclear (Raman) contributions, the functional form
can be written as [1], [2] and [10]

R(t ) (1 f R ) (t ) f R hR (t )
where the Raman response function hR (t ) and the delayed Raman response to the nonlinear polarization which called
the fractional contribution ( f R 0.18 ) are known for silica, generally, the fractional factor is defined as [2], [12]

2 R( 3)
3 k(3) 2 R(3)


It necessary note, the first moment of the Raman response function is given as [2]

TR t R (t ) dt f R t hR (t ) dt


For a more detailed description of the Raman response function, one may be processed further by expanding the Raman
response function in terms of multiple Lorentzian model [3]

Fj Rj e Rj sin (0j t )
hR (t ) j 1

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014



Page 50

IPASJ International Journal of Electronics & Communication (IIJEC)

Web Site:
ISSN 2321-5984

A Publisher for Research Motivation........

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

where F j are a set of dimensionless Lorentzian strengths and Rj and Rj are the resonant frequencies and widths,
respectively, of the effective Raman resonances at each frequency. The values for an n R 10 fit in the case of a
typical fused-silica ber are given in table (1). Note that these values can be adapted to describe the Raman gain profile
of any bers.
Table(1): fittings parameters for the 10-Lorentzian model of the Raman
response function, Rj / 2 and Rj / 2 are expressed in THz [1].


Rj / 2

Rj / 2


The propagation of optical signal along an optical fiber is described by the normalized NLSE, i.e. eq.(6), which has no
analytical solutions except for some special cases. One can conclude that a numerical approach is often necessary for
understanding nonlinear effects in dispersive media such as optical fibers. Generally, a numerical approach is required
to solve all pulse-propagation problems in optical fibers. The most frequently used method for solving these problems
in nonlinear dispersive media are a symmetric method (S-SSFM) and the fourth-order Runge-Kutta interaction picture
(RK41P) method. In worth mention the two methods are stables and efficient [13], [14]. Our simulations are depending
on the numerical simulation of eq.(6) and the related relations in section (4), where the linear part are solved by
Fourier method and the another part are solved by using Range-Kutta method. Beside that, our simulation of the
transmission is characterized by a large number of different parameters, most of them do not change from simulation to
simulation. For completeness, we list a typical parameter set below, and maintain deviation from these values whenever
they occur.

P 1W

f R 0.18

0.11 W -1km -1

A eff 50m 2

2 -11.83 * 10- 3 ps 2 /km

c 3 * 108 m/s

o 1550nm
0.0 dB/km

3 8.103 *10-5 p s 3 /km

L 0.2 km

4 -9.52 * 10-8 ps 4 /km

5 2.073*10-10 ps5 /km 6 - 5.394 *10-13 ps 6 /km

7 1.348 * 10-15 ps 7 /km

8 -2.549 * 10-18 ps8 /km 9 3.052 *10- 21 ps 9 /km

10 -1.714 *10- 24 ps10 /km

Figs.(1) to (3) present the effect of the different orders of dispersion on the shape of the output pulse as a broadening,
distortion and shifting the pulse center. Fig.(1) shows the effect of ( 2 , 3 and 4 ), fig.(2) shows the effect of
( 5 , 6 and

7 ) and fig.(3) shows the effect of ( 8 , 9 and 10 ). By using the initial input pulse width
( T 10, 5 and 3 fs ) that to clarify the effect of dispersion for the three figures, respectively. It is clearly quite to
observe that the effect of 2 is dominated then the 3 effect but with a least degree so on. The effect of the higher
Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

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IPASJ International Journal of Electronics & Communication (IIJEC)

A Publisher for Research Motivation........

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

Web Site:

ISSN 2321-5984

orders of dispersion will clearly appear with decreasing of T . Noticeable,

3 effect exhibits oscillation on the edge of

the output pulse depending on the sign of the dispersion parameter and the value of the input power.

Fig.(1):The resulted pulse shape for a different values of ( 2 , 3 and

4 respectively).

Where T 10 fs and FWHM 5.5 fs .

Fig.(2): The resulted pulse shape for a different values of ( 5 , 6

and 7 respectively).

Where T 5 fs and FWHM 2.5 fs .

Fig.(3): The resulted pulse shape for a different values of

( 8 , 9 and

10 respectively).Where T 3 fs and FWHM 1.5 fs .

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

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IPASJ International Journal of Electronics & Communication (IIJEC)

A Publisher for Research Motivation........

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

Web Site:

ISSN 2321-5984

Fig.(4) shows the shape of the output pulse for initial pulses width ( T 3 9 fs ). One can see that the increasing of

T lead to decrease the effects of dispersion and vice versa as above mention. On the other side, the shorter pulse
suffers from the oscillation at the one of edge Compared with the longer pulse, this is due to the participation of effects
of the different higher orders dispersion with high power input simultaneously, note the direction of the pulse
broadening depends on the signs of the dispersion parameters are contributed in the interaction.

Fig.(4):The resulted pulse shape under effect of all values of

( 2 ,

3 , To 10 ) simultaneously. Where T 3 9 fs and FWHM 5.5 fs .

Fig.(5) shows the temporal variation the shape of the output pulse for various of the fiber length (L). It is clearly
observed that the combination of the linear effects (dispersion terms) with nonlinear effects represented by the SRS and
SS leads to new qualitative feature. We can see that the pulse shifts towards the right side, this effect increases along
distance L, with the possibility of repeating the same form in certain distances which verify the condition of the soliton
appearance. Fig.(6) presents the shape of the output pulse spectrum for various of the fiber length L. Is similar to the
last figure the situation changes drastically when dispersive effects cannot be ignored inside the fiber, where 2 take
place by spreading the energy of the pulse symmetrically, but the contribution of 3 and

4 generate oscillations on

the edge and the center of the pulse, respectively. as well as, SS induces a time-shift of the pulse center, also, the SRS
causes the energy transferred from the short to long component. Consequently, one can easily to image the spectrum
form with the increasing of fiber length under assumption when all the impacts are presented.

Fig.(5): The time delay of the resulted pulse shape under effect all values of ( 2 ,

3 , to 10 )
Simultaneously and nonlinear (SRS and S-S) for a different values of ( L ).
Where T 30 fs and FWHM 2.5 fs .

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

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IPASJ International Journal of Electronics & Communication (IIJEC)

A Publisher for Research Motivation........

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

Web Site:

ISSN 2321-5984

Fig.(6): The spectrum of the resulted pulse shape under effect all values of ( 2 ,

3 , to 10 )
Simultaneously and nonlinear (SRS and S-S) for a different values of ( L ).
Where T 30 fs and FWHM 2.5 fs .
Fig.(7) explains the shape of the input pulses for different values of ( T 10 and 30 fs , respectively) compared with
the shape of the output pulses. Its clear the increasing in T value causes more shifting and distortion at the output
pulses and vice versa, that is valid when the effect of the dispersion SS and SRS are presented, simultaneously. In
worth mention, from the obvious figs.(1) to (3) the impact of the dispersion alone is more importance on the short

pulse compared with the long pulse. Fig.(8) represents the resulting intensity ( I U ) in temporal and spatial spaces
for two values of ( T 10 and 30 fs ) as a function of L. it can be seen that the increasing of T is causing an
increment in the width and the spectrum of the output pulses; which it is verified earlier in fig.(7). Moreover, one can
note spectrum shifts towards the red side. This means that the optical soliton is formed by the red components of the
pulse, i.e. the soliton condition is verified.

Fig.(7):The resulted pulse shape comparing with the output pulse shape under effect of all linear and

nonlinear effects for a different values of ( T 10 and 30 fs ).Where FWHM 2.5 fs .

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

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IPASJ International Journal of Electronics & Communication (IIJEC)

A Publisher for Research Motivation........

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

Web Site:

ISSN 2321-5984

Fig.(8):The intensity of the resulted pulse in temporal and spatial spaces for two

values of ( T 10 and 30 fs ) as a function of L. Where FWHM 2.5 fs .

The soliton will propagate through the fiber without a shifting in its center; with the possibility of deformation in the
form of a produced pulse, especially, in case of the higher-orders of solitons. But the situation changes drastically by
introducing the nonlinear effects SRS and SS. That means both the shape and spectrum of the product pulse will
change, simultaneously, such as the pulse propagates through the fiber, this matter can limit the peak power in optical
devices as well as responsible for soliton decay. Not always, the increasing in T causes more shifting and distortion at
the output pulses and vice versa, that is rely on the interaction of the linear effect represented by dispersion and the
nonlinear effects represented by SRS and SS alone or together.

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Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

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