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IPASJ International Journal of Electronics & Communication (IIJEC)

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ISSN 2321-5984

A Publisher for Research Motivation........

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

Manually Controlled Surveillance System Using

Zigbee Communication
Navuday Sharma
PG Student,
Aerospace and Avionics Department,
Amity University Noida, India

The wireless communication technologies are rapidly spreading to new areas, including automation, data acquisition, building
control, monitoring systems and many more. Over the years, there has been a prolific increase in the security systems
developed to counter-attack intruders. The traditional surveillance systems give protection to the situation but still have some
dead zones that cannot be monitored. Therefore, I propose a Zigbee Network System which is centered on a rover that provides
security. The mobile surveillance is done by a wireless IP Camera mounted on the robot, which is in turn controlled through
Zigbee IEEE802.15.4 standard.The control is with the user while the service is rendered by the robot. Thus, the proposed robot
serves as a simple, yet powerful, low cost alternative to the standard security systems. This paper discusses about the desired
system, its sub-systems and shows the CAD model of the proposed system.

Keywords: Zigbee IEEE802.15.4, IPCamera, Mobile surveillance,ATmega 16, Motor Driving Circuit

The development of intelligent surveillance systems is an active research area. In this context, mobile and multifunctional robots are generally adopted as means to reduce the environment structuring and the number of devices
needed to cover a given area. Nevertheless, the number of different sensors mounted on the robot, and the number of
complex tasks related to exploration, monitoring and surveillance make the design of the overall system extremely
challenging. The proposed robotic surveillance scheme successfully addresses a number of basic problems related to
environment mapping, localization and autonomous navigation. The increasing need for automated surveillance in
indoor environments such as airports, production plants, warehouses etc has stimulated the development of intelligent
systems based on sensors. The use of robots significantly expands the potential of surveillance systems, which can
evolve from the traditional passive role, in which the system can only detect events and trigger alarms, to active
surveillance, in which a robot can be used to interact with the environment, with humans or other robots for more
complex cooperative actions. The entire design is composed of 4 main sub-systems Design of robotic cover, interfacing
of transceiver circuit for transmitting the controls to the robot, processing and rectifying the captured images in PC.
This is a semi-autonomous mobile surveillance system which would transmit pictures or video streams to the human
watch guards with the help of a wireless IP camera [9]. In this paper, the system components and the system is

The system has three-layered architecture developed for the surveillance. I propose a reconfigurable component based
approach in which the three main components can be viewed as containers of dynamic libraries that can be configured
for the particular scenario. More specifically we can select primitive behaviours (e.g. avoid obstacles, wandering, go
forward, etc), complex tasks (control algorithm, detect any suspicious activity). The whole system is controlled by
Zigbee module [3]-[7] which enables transmission of data over long distances, passing data through intermediate
devices to reach more distant ones. The Zigbee protocol uses the Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector routing
algorithm [8] to execute its transmission. The Controller performs the control functions at the behaviour level. The
component contains all the behaviours needed to accomplish all possible tasks. Multiple behaviours can be executed at
the same time, in case different tasks are active. Moreover, the controller interacts with the upper component in two
ways: receive information about the activation and configuration of the behaviours to be performed; it sends the
information about the behaviours that are currently being executed. The Executor handles the execution of the tasks as
commanded by the upper level. Similarly to the controller, this component is considered as a continuous state controller
container. Each task can be viewed as a procedure to achieve a result. At the end of the task, the result is sent to the

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

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IPASJ International Journal of Electronics & Communication (IIJEC)

A Publisher for Research Motivation........

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

Web Site:

ISSN 2321-5984

upper level. Two different classes of tasks are considered: Basic tasks (primitive movements that are common for the
manually controlled robots) and surveillance tasks (capturing images or video streams of particular entities like people
detection or areas). For each class of tasks, the Executor sends the corresponding commands to the Controller.The
Supervisor implements the high level functionalities, monitoring the mission execution and generating events through
the evaluation of data. More specifically this module controls the execution of missions in progress, sends the
configuration information about the tasks that must be started to the Executer module and receives the information
about completed tasks.

Fig 1. Three layered architecture of the proposed modelFig 2. Flow of Control of the System

Zigbee is the name of a specification for a suite of high levelcommunication protocols using small, low power digital
radio based on IEEE 802.15.4[4]standard for wireless personal area networks (WPANs), such as wireless headphones
connecting with cell phones via short range radio. The technology is intended to be simpler and cheaper than other
WPANs, such as Bluetooth. Zigbee is targeted at radio frequency (RF) applications that require a low data rate, long
battery life, and secure networking. Incidentally, the term Zigbee originates from the silent, but powerful method of
communication used by honeybees to report information about food sources. This communication system is known as
Zigbee Principle. Zigbee devices are often used in mesh network form to transmit data over longer distances, passing
data through intermediate devices to reach more distant ones. This allows Zigbee networks to be formed ad hoc, with
no centralized control or high power transmitter/receiver able to reach all of the devices. Any Zigbee device can be
tasked with running the network. Zigbee uses Ad-Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector routing algorithm. Zigbee nodes
may be attached to movable objects. This means that theres no guarantee that a node in the network may not be in the
same place whenever a transmitter seeks a route. For this reason, theres no point in maintaining a database of routes.
The routing method in Zigbee protocol requires a transmitter to broadcast a need for a route to a destination. This is
received by all nodes within the range and passed on by them to all nodes within range of them. This process ripples
through until the required node is contacted, thereby going around any blocking object or dead spots. Messages then
chain back to the originator of the request. The transmitter then chooses the route with the least number of hops. The
protocol is built on recent Ad-Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector routing algorithm to automatically construct a low
speed ad hoc network of nodes. In most large network instances, the network will be a cluster of clusters. The current
profiles derived from the Zigbee protocols support both beacon and non-beacon enabled networks.In non-beaconenabled networks (those whose beacon order is 15), an unslotted CSMA/CA channel access mechanism is used. In this

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

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IPASJ International Journal of Electronics & Communication (IIJEC)

A Publisher for Research Motivation........

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

Web Site:

ISSN 2321-5984

type of network, Zigbee Routers typically have their receivers continuously active, requiring a more robust power
supply. However, this allows forheterogeneous networks in which some devices receive continuously, while others only
transmit when an external stimulus is detected. The best example for this kind of network is a wireless light switch: the
Zigbee node on the light may receive constantly while the node at the switch would remain asleep until it wakes up,
sends communication to the lamp, receives acknowledgement, and goes back to sleep again.In beacon-enabled
networks, the special network nodes called Zigbee routers transmit periodic beacons to confirm their presence to other
network nodes. Nodes may sleep between beacons, thus lowering their duty cycle and extending their battery life.
Zigbee devices are required to conform to the IEEE 802.15.4 Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN)
standard. This standard specifies operation in the unlicensed 2.4 GHz, 915 MHz and 868 MHz ISM bands. The basic
channel access mode is "carrier sense, multiple access/collision avoidance" (CSMA/CA). That is, the nodes talk in the
same way that people converse; they briefly check to see that no one is talking before they start.

Fig 3. Structural Frame of Zigbee Protocol

Zigbee builds upon the physical layer and medium access control defined in IEEE 802.15.4 standard for low- rate
WPANs. The specification goes on to complete the standard by adding four components: Network layer, application
layer, Zigbee Device Objects (ZDOs), and manufacturer-defined application objects which allow for customization and
favor total integration. Besides adding two high level network layers to the underlying structure, the most significant
improvement is the introduction of ZDOs. These are responsible for a number of tasks which include keeping of device
roles, management of requests to join a network, device discovery and security.
Zigbee devices are of three types:
-> Zigbee Co-ordinator (ZC): The most capable device, the Co-ordinator forms the root of the network tree and might
bridge to other networks. There is exactly one Zigbee Co-ordinator in each network since it is the device that started the
network originally. It stores information about the network, including acting as the Trust Centre & repository for
security keys.
->Zigbee Router (ZR): As well as running an application function, a Router can act as an intermediate router, passing
on data from other devices.
->Zigbee End Device (ZED): Contains just enough functionality to talk to the parent node (either the Co-ordinator or a
Router); it cannot relay data from other devices. This relationship allows the node to be asleep a significant amount of
the time thereby giving long battery life.


In functional terms, a microcontroller is a programmable single chip which controls a process or system.
Microcontrollers are typically used as embedded controllers where they control part of a larger system such as an
appliance, automobile, scientific instrument or a computer peripheral. Microcontrollers are designed to be low cost
solutions; therefore using them can drastically reduce part and design costs for a project.Physically, a microcontroller is
an integrated circuit with pins along each side. The pins presented by a microcontroller are used for power, ground,

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IPASJ International Journal of Electronics & Communication (IIJEC)

A Publisher for Research Motivation........

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

Web Site:

ISSN 2321-5984

oscillator, I/O ports, interrupt request signals, reset and control. In contrast, the pins exposed by a microprocessor are
most often memory bus signals (rather than I/O ports). AT - It stands for the company that produced the
microcontroller, ATMEL. Mega - Stands for the family of Microcontroller. The other families from Atmel are Tiny &
X-Mega. 16 - Stands for the 16KB flash memory that is present in the microcontroller. Figure 4 gives the pin
configuration of ATmega 16 microcontroller [10].

Fig 4. Pin Configuration

Pin 1 - 8 ->Port B
Pin 14-21 -> Port D
Pin 22-29 -> Port C
Pin 33-40 -> Port A
All 40 pins are I/O pins, i.e., all pins are capable of taking input as well as giving output. Port A has special use as it
can be used as Analog to Digital Converter (ADC). ADC works by taking a reference value in between 0-5V. Any value
above the reference is considered 1 (High) and any value below it is considered 0 (Low).
Pin 10, 30 ->5V VCC (Input Voltage)
Pin 11, 31 ->Ground
Pin 12, 13 ->for Crystal Oscillator (used for controlling frequency)
Pin 32 ->it gives the reference voltage for ADC. It is internally set at 2.65V.


One of the first realizations in robotics is that making something move isnt an easy task. You simply cant take a
brain circuit and connect it to a motor and expect anything to happen. The motor will stay stationary. What the brain
needs is an enforcer. Something to convince the motor to do things the way the brains want it to be done. Transistors
H-bridges circuit [11], [12], buffer chips, and dedicated motor driving chips are all suitable candidates, with their own
benefits and limitations. Standard servos use a Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) signal to tell a servo where to rotate
to. PWM works by sending a rapid train of high/low signals to the servos regular driver brains, and depending on how
different the high signal is from the low signal, the servo moves to the according position. With our motor driver were
going to lobotomize and turn a standard servo into something more useful - a small, compact, powerful gear motor. Itll
be something you can use very simple input signals to control its rotation. We use a 5V regulator if you want to clamp
the voltage right at the servo. Or, modify it for use on a breadboard, which will make good use of the drivers indicator
LEDs to show direction of rotation. L293Dis a dual H-bridge motor driver integrated circuit (IC). Motor drivers act as
current amplifiers since they take a low-current control signal and provide a higher-current signal. This higher current
signal is used to drive the motors. L293D contains two inbuilt H-bridge driver circuits. In its common mode of
operation, two DC motors can be driven simultaneously, both in forward and reverse direction. The motor operations of
two motors can be controlled by input logic at pins 2 & 7 and 10 & 15. Input logic 00 or 11 will stop the corresponding
motor. Logic 01 and 10 will rotate it in clockwise and anticlockwise directions, respectively. Enable pins 1 and 9 must
be high for motors to start operating. When an enable input is high, the associated driver gets enabled. As a result, the
outputs become active and work in phase with their inputs. Similarly, when the enable input is low, that driver is
disabled, and their outputs are off and in the high-impedance state.

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A Publisher for Research Motivation........

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

Web Site:

ISSN 2321-5984

Fig 5. Motor Driver Circuit

In figure 5,
1- Two PVT connectors for taking output to motor1 and motor2
2- Two PVT connector for giving inputs for A1, B1, A2, B2 of L293D IC
3- Two PVT connector for power input to the kit and getting 5V regulated output
4- LED display for A1, B1, A2, B2 logics
5- Voltage regulator 7805
It is small in size and can be easily powered from an AC-DC source or battery. There is an on board 5V regulator to
supply power output to any external control unit. There are power LED and motor logic indicator LEDs to denote the
movements accordingly.


An Internet protocol camera, or IP camera, is a type of digital video camera commonly employed for surveillance, and
which unlike analog closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras can send and receive data via a local area network
(LAN) and the Internet. This gives the camera the potential to be viewed from anywhere in the world a user has
internet access. Although most cameras that do this are webcams, the term "IP camera" or "net-cam" is usually applied
only to those used for surveillance. IP stands for Internet Protocol, which is a protocol for transmitting data across a
network. An IP Camera or Network Camera plugs directly into your network router. Data from the IP camera is
transmitted through the network, and can be securely viewed at a remote location. IP cameras are available at
resolutions from 0.3 (VGA resolution) to 3 megapixels since, in the early 21st century, there has been a shift towards
high-definition video resolutions, e.g. 720p or 1080i and 16:9 widescreen format.Generally speaking, each make of IP
camera differs in its features and functions, video encoding (compression) schemes, supported network protocols, and
the API to be used by video management software. The Wireless IP network camera is supposed to provide day and
night watching within a large area. Wireless technology provides fabulous wireless coverage and high quality
streaming video. It keeps up to four video profiles to record HD video while transmitting low quality video to a
compatible smart phone simultaneously.In reality, the IP camera can be regarded as the combination of one camera and
PC, which can capture the image fast and transmit these data to the user via IP internet so that the authorized users can
realize real-time watching, recording and managing video data in remote places. This device has its own independent
IP address, which can directly connect the internet built-in Web server, FTP server, FTP client-side, email client-side,
calling the police management, programmingability and other plenty of smart functions. Despite supporting the video
data transmission, this device can also help you do some more things, for instance, mobile video monitoring, audio and
digital input and output and etc. In general, the IP network camera main components are divided into 2 large parts: the
part related to camera function, the other part related to computer function. Herein, the camera part is used to capture
the relevant pictures, and then transmit into electrical signals. The camera can focus the image to the CCD/CMOS and
the optical filters will wipe off the images infrared rays in order to promise the normal display of the image color. The
camera built-in chipset can control the camera, including exposure management (adjusting the optics level of image),
white balance (adjusting the color level), image sharpness and other relevant parameter adjustment about the image

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IPASJ International Journal of Electronics & Communication (IIJEC)

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ISSN 2321-5984

A Publisher for Research Motivation........

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

Digital Image resolution is measured in pixels. The more detailed an image is, the more pixels it is made up of, and
therefore the more data it contains. Detailed images require more space on a hard disk and more bandwidth for
transmission. To transmit images over a network, data must be compressed to avoid consuming too much bandwidth. If
bandwidth is limited, lowering the frame rate or accepting a lower image quality canradically reduce the size of video
files. A number of compression standards exist that deal with the trade-off between frame rate and image quality in
different ways, but the most common has become h.264/MPEG-4, otherwise known as AVC (Advanced Video Coding).

Fig 6. Typical Connection Schematics


The system consists of a PC that controls the movement using Zigbee protocol, the model mounted with a wireless IP
camera, microcontroller with Zigbee and the motor driver circuit.

Fig 7. CAD model of ZIGBOT

Comparing Zigbee technology with the present Bluetooth and the future Z-wave technology it is evident that Zigbee can
have a safe future in this effervescent world of technology. Looking at the various facts discussed above, it can be stated
that for Zigbee can surely fill the requirements of applications having low power consumption along with low and
secured data transfers. It works well for the industrial automation because of its high number of nodes that can tie an
entire factory for security and monitoring purposes. However, Zigbee have low data rate which can be considered as one

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A Publisher for Research Motivation........

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

Web Site:

ISSN 2321-5984

of the drawbacks. It is likely that Zigbee will increasingly play an important role in the future of computer and
communication technology. In terms of protocol stack size necessary in other wireless technologies (for limited
capability end devices, the stack size is as low as 4KB). The IEEE 802.15.4-based Zigbee is designed for remote
controls and sensors, which are very many in number, but need only small data packets and, mainly extremely low
power consumption for long life. Unwired applications are highly sought after in many networks that are characterized
by numerous nodes consuming minimum power and enjoying long battery lives. Zigbee technology is designed to best
suit these applications, for the reason that it enables reduced costs of development and very fast market adoption.

The authors are grateful to Prof. M.S. Prasad, Director General of Amity Institute of Space Science and Technology,
Amity University, Noida for providing motivation and guidance to complete this research work and giving positive
feedbacks for the generated idea.

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[4] 802.15.4, Part 15.4: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer Specifications for low rate
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[7] P.Rohitha1 ,P. Ranjeet Kumar, Prof.N.Adinarayana, Prof.T.Venkat Narayana Rao,Wireless Networking Through
Zigbee Technology, IJARCSSE, pp.49-54, Volume 2, Issue 7, July 2012.
[8] Charles E. Perkins, Elizabeth M. Royer, Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector routing algorithm, In second
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[9] M.Chaitanya Suman, K.Prathyusha, Wireless Camera based Online Examination Security, International Journal
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[10] Atmel Corporations, ATmega 16, Available:
[11] H- Bridge, H-Bridge on breadboard, Available:
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Navuday Sharma is currenty in the final year of B-Tech Aerospace + M-Tech Avionics (Dual Degree)
in Amity University Noida, India. He did a project on creating a Manually Controlled Surveillance
Model using Zigbee communicaion.

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

Page 72

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