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IPASJ International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (IIJME)

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ISSN 2321-6441

A Publisher for Research Motivation........

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

Parametric Numerical Analysis of J Integral and

the Stress Intensity Factor K, of Plane Strain
Plate Under Uniaxial Loading
Gonzalo M. Domnguez Almaraz1a, Erasmo Correa Gmez1b, Jorge L. Avila Ambriz1, Julio Cesar
Verduzco Juarez1

Facultad de Ingenieria Mecnica, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicols de Hidalgo (UMSNH), Santiago Tapia No. 403,
Col. Centro, 58000, Morelia, Michoacn, Mxico

Parametric analysis was carried out using ANSYS software 12.1 in order to determine the variation of J integral and the stress
intensity factor K, in a plate under plane strain. This analysis concerns the evolution of the two principal fracture parameters:
the J integral and K, in regard the crack size, the applying load, the plate dimensions and the material of plate. Numerical
results show that J integral increases (absolute value) with the crack size, under a nearly exponential relationship for the high
loading tests; whereas K increases slowly with crack size, at low loading. Concerning the applying load P effect, K grows
linearly at low crack size, whereas J increases (absolute value) exponentially in the high crack zone. In regard the plate
dimensions, results show that J as well as K stay near constant in modifying the dimensions; the variation on these parameters
depends mainly on crack size under constant applying load. Finally, the material effect on J and K revels a clearly tendency to
increase (absolute value) on J when elastic modulus decreases, whereas K remains constant under constant applying load, no
matter the material of plate.

Keywords. J integral; Stress intensity factor; Parametric analysis; Plane strain plate.

An important number of studies have been conducted aimed to determining the useful life of a material under
oscillating loading (fatigue life), and to determine the number of cycles enduring a mechanical element or system
before failure [1]. Frequently, fatigue failure in metallic alloys is associated with defects such as: micro-porosities, no
metallic inclusion, stress concentrations and others [2,3]. These defaults may induce catastrophic events in materials,
implying sometimes human risk and accidents (particularly in transport industries). Therefore, these conditions
implying the need for researching both: the fatigue endurance of elements and systems and the mechanisms associated
with crack initiation and propagation with the aid of Fracture Mechanics. Particular interest is focused on the
understanding of two main parameters involved in crack initiation and propagation: the stress intensity factor (K) and
the J integral [4, 5]. The first one is associated with the stress state close to crack tip whereas the second one determines
the energy released rate as the crack grows. In summary, these two parameters representing the energy state close the
crack and its dynamic grow. The present study is concentrated in the numerical evaluation of J-integral and stress
intensity factor for three different materials: the aluminum alloy AISI 6061-T6, the steel AISI 4140 and the polymeric
material ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene). These materials have been studied under fatigue testing at low
(rotating bending) and high (ultrasonic fatigue) frequencies.


Analysis by finite element method was performed to determine the behavior of the stress intensity factor and J integral
in different materials [6]. Table 1 shows the principal mechanical properties of these three materials [7, 9].
Table 1: Material Properties

Young Modulus



Aluminum alloy 6061-T6




Steel AISI 4140




Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene





Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

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IPASJ International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (IIJME)

A Publisher for Research Motivation........

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

Web Site:

ISSN 2321-6441

The main numerical conditions and parameters to be considered in the numerical simulation are listed below:
1. Numerical model plate is considered working under plane strain condition.
2. It is subjected to uni-axial loading and neglecting temperature effects.
3. The material is considered homogeneous, elastic and isotropic [10].
4. The analysis is carried out using the finite element method under the platform ANSYS.
5. The geometry and dimensions (mm) of the plate under study are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Specimen geometry

Where a is the crack length of the plate and the other dimensions are indicated in millimeters. Numerical simulation
was carried out taking into account the following configuration [11, 12]:
a) Uni-axial applying load (P) perpendicular to crack length, b) Because of axial symmetry, only a half of the plate is
considered, c) For numerical purposes, six integral lines were taken in evaluating the J integral, d) No thermal effects
are considered, Figure 2. The load P varies in the range of: 5, 10, 20, 40 and 80 N, for different crack lengths: a
from 10 mm to 50 mm with intermediate values increasing 5 mm. The evolution of two parameters (K and J) was
obtained varying the crack length a, the applying load P and the plate material.

Figure.2 Specimen configuration.

The results obtained in the simulations are plotted on graphs, in which the vertical axis represents K or J and the
horizontal axis the crack length. The behavior of K and J for the same material under different load levels and different
fracture lengths are compared. The numerical results for the stress intensity factor of aluminum alloy 6061 - T6, are
presented in Figure 3.

Figure 3 Stress intensity factor K evolution with crack length a for aluminum alloy 6061-T6

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

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IPASJ International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (IIJME)

A Publisher for Research Motivation........

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

Web Site:

ISSN 2321-6441

Concerning the integral J, negative values are obtained since it represents the energy release rate associated with the
crack length a. Figure 3 shows that random behavior is observed for the high applied loading of 80 N in the range of
10 to 20 mm in crack length. Such behavior can be attributed to the accuracy of the software and the type of mesh size
used around the area of analysis; for which further studies are needed with mesh refinement in this area. As sown in
Figure 3, for values beyond 20 mm of crack length and 80 N of applying load, a predictable behavior can be
approximated by a polynomial line. The other applying load (40, 20, 10 and 5 N), are adjusted by a polynomial line
from 10 to 50 mm of crack length. The J integral curves are represented on Figure 4. Increments of 5 mm were taken
for the range of 10 mm to 50 mm in crack size and a polynomial line was adjusted to describe the evolution of this
parameter. For the values of high loading 80 N and in the rage of 10 to 20 mm of crack length, a random behavior is
observed again, attributed to software capacities and meshing election. The stress intensity factor K and J integral J for
this aluminum alloy increase as the applying load P and crack length a increase. A non linear behavior is clearly
observed for both parameters from 20 mm of crack length and 40 N of applying load.

Figure 4. J integral evolution with crack length a for aluminum 6061-T6

Next graphs present the evolution of these parameters (K and J) for steel AISI 4140. As it clearly observed, at 10 mm of
crack length and 80 N of loading, the stress intensity factor K is close to 22 MPa m1/2 for the steel 4140, Figure 5. This
value is similar for the aluminum alloy 6061, under same conditions, Figure 3. Furthermore, refinement of numerical
model mesh induces an important improvement on the random behavior for the crack length between 10 and 20 mm
and high loading: comparing Figure 3 and Figures 5. Concerning the J integral, in Figure 6 are plotted the results for
steel 4140. Since the Modulus of Young of this steel is higher in regard the aluminum alloy, the value of J for the
aluminum alloy with the crack length of 10 mm and applying load of 80 N is close to: -6 x10-9 J/m2, Figure 4; whereas
this value for steel is: -2 x10-9 J/m2, Figure 6. Finally, the corresponding K and J graphs for the polymeric material
ABS, are shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8, respectively. Stress intensity factor for this material with a crack length of
10 mm and applying loading of 80 N, is close to 22 MPa m1/2, as it was in steel and aluminum alloy, under similar
conditions. The J integral shows a higher value (absolute value) for this material: with 80 N of loading and 10 mm of
crack length, the value of J for this polymeric material is close to -1.8 x 10-7 J/m2, whereas with 50 mm of crack length
and same loading, it is -4.3 x 10-7 J/m2. These values are higher (absolute value) in regard the two first metallic alloy.

Figure 5. Stress intensity factor K evolution with crack length a for steel 4041.

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

Page 19

IPASJ International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (IIJME)

Web Site:
ISSN 2321-6441

A Publisher for Research Motivation........

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

Figure 6. J integral evolution with crack length a for steel 4041.

In the case of ABS material, as it presents the lower Young Modulus, the energy release rate calculated by J is higher
in regard the two first metallic alloys. Energy release rate is related to elastic energy recovery as crack grows and for a
polymeric material as ABS this elastic energy recovery is higher in regard the two metallic alloys.

Figure 7. Stress intensity factor K evolution with crack length a, for ABS Polymer.


Figure 8. J integral evolution with crack length a for ABS Polymer.

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

Page 20

IPASJ International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (IIJME)

A Publisher for Research Motivation........

Volume 2, Issue 10, October 2014

Web Site:

ISSN 2321-6441

a) The stress intensity factor (K) remains constant at the same crack length and the same applied load regardless of
the materia of study.
b) For aluminum alloy 6061-T6, a random behavior is observed for the high applied loading of 80 N in the range of
10 to 20 mm crack length; this behaviors is eliminated in refining the numerical model mesh for steel and ABS
c) The J integral increases (absolute value), when the Young Modulus decreases, in the case of metallic alloys,
d) As the crack increases, it increases the absolute value of the integral J. A higher crack length, greater energy
relaxation rate.
e) For a given crack length, it is observed a linear behavior of the stress intensity factor as the load increases, for the
same material,
f) J integral in polymeric material is higher in regard the two metallic alloys for the same crack length and same
applying loading, as a consequence of higher elastic energy recovery.

The authors express their gratitude to the University of Michoacan in Mexico (UMSNH), for the facilities received to
carry out this study. A special mention of gratitude to CONACYT (The National Council for Science and Technology,
Mexico), for the financial support destined to this study.

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Page 21

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