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Int. J. of Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology, Vol. 1, No. 3, Nov 2009

Characterization of Conducted EMI Generated by

Switched Power Converters
R.Vimala1, K.Baskaran2, K.R.Aravind Britto3
PSNACET/EEE, Dindigul,India.
GCT/CSE, Coimbatore, India.
RVSCET/ECE, Dindigul, India.
Email: {baski_101, krbritto}

The use of frequency-domain techniques allows for

overcoming the above-mentioned problems with
significant advantages. Accuracy of results depends only
on the accuracy of source and path models. In frequencydomain simulations, there is no need to cover the whole
frequency range if desired. Simulations covering a
restricted band, for example, 1 MHz may be run by only
considering time constants in the range of microseconds,
with considerable savings in the source and path models
complexity. Simulation tools presented here may help in
the evaluation of effectiveness of such techniques.

Abstract-A simplified simulation method for the calculation

of conducted electromagnetic interference (EMI) caused by
switched power converters (SPCs) is presented. The method
presented here is based on a source- propagation-pathderived disturbance simulation process and is specially
designed to simplify the mentioned computation problems.
In the design of the proposed method, quick and robust
simulations were preferred rather than very accurate
results. The resulting models allow quite accurate
predictions and sensitivity analysis when certain changes in
components or layout are introduced. The paper presents
two validation cases, where simulation and experimental
results of conducted EMI generated by a general-purpose
VSI, with different switching patterns and different layout,
are compared.
Index Term-Converters, electromagnetic interference (EMI),
modeling, power conversion.


The proposed modeling method is based on the
following basic assumptions.
1) The model is based on two equivalent circuits: one
for differential mode (DM) and another for CM. No
interaction is considered between DM and CM
2) The sources-DM disturbances are considered to be
caused by sudden changes (di/dt) of load current
flowing through inductive paths and will be modeled
by current sources.
3) Propagation paths are described by a set of series
and parallel impedances attributed to inductive paths
and capacitive couplings, including ground.
4) The switching pattern is considered to be perfectly
periodic. Since the random changes in the period
would decrease the EMI spectrum average [4].
5) The resulting disturbance- In the general case, the
simulation process consists of the calculation of two
current vectors, derived from the resolution of DM
and CM equivalent circuits.
The model is intended to provide quick and robust
simulations, which at this point of the design are
preferred rather than very accurate results.

Most electrical power used needs some kind of
processing before being consumed. Almost all of this
processing is done by switched power converters (SPCs),
like rectifiers, inverters, dc/dc converters, etc., used in
uninterruptible power systems (UPSs), variable-speed
drives, active power filters, and many other applications.
Several proposals have been made to reduce the problem,
like the use of soft switching techniques [1]-[3] or spread
spectrum commutation patterns [4]. Nevertheless, hard
switching is still playing a main role in electric power
conversion [5].
The most relevant characteristics of SPC, from the
EMI point of view, are the following.
1) Many nonlinear components involved in a complex
geometry- some common modeling techniques based
on finite-difference time domain (FDTD), method of
moments (MoM), partial- element equivalent circuit
(PEEC), etc., used in the simulation of conducted
and radiated EMI of printed circuit boards (PCBs) or
even power systems [6]-[8], are not suitable for a
commercial SPC with a complex geometrical
structure [9], [10].
2) Wide range of time constants involved in SPC
operation - First, are those related to output
fundamental frequency (app. range > 1ms). A
second group consists of switching frequency (app.
range 1s < <1ss). The third group is related to rise
and fall times and transients during switching (app.
range 10 ns < < 1s).
2009 ACEEE
DOI: 01.IJRTET.01.03.369


To show the features of the proposed simulation
method, it has been used to evaluate conducted EMI in a
commercial variable - frequency drive for speed control
of ac motors. A simplified schematic of the experimental
plant is shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 2 shows a more detailed
schematic of the inverter, showing the main elements and
some relevant stray propagation paths. Since we wanted
to evaluate EMI produced by the inverter alone (not the

Int. J. of Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology, Vol. 1, No. 3, Nov 2009
rectifier), a standard LISN was placed at the dc bus. This
allows repeatable measurements and also the comparison

of the proposed method with other standard test methods.

Fig. 1. Schematics of experimental plant.

Fig. 3. DM equivalent circuit.

The source of disturbance IS can be calculated from

the output voltage V0 divided by the load impedance ZL.
V0 is derived from the pulse width-modulation (PWM)
pattern, which has been represented in Fig. 4. For a first
approach, infinite slope pulses may be considered, but
this allows only rough predictions in the A band (10-150
kHz). If V0 is defined as a sequence of finite slope pulses,
where rise and fall times, tr and tf, are evaluated from real
behavior or from a short time-domain simulation, good
predictions can be done up to a few megahertz.

Fig. 2. Diagram of the experimental plant.

Since the modulation is at low frequency (300 Hz in

a 50-Hz mains), side bands of modulation cannot be
distinguished with the standard resolution bandwidth for
EMI measuring (9 kHz in the A band, or 120 kHz in the
B band). Therefore, the LISN at the dc side and still have
the same results produced by the inverter at the mains
As stated in Section II, the method is based on two
equivalent circuits, for DM and for CM, respectively.
A. DM Model
According to simplifications explained in Section II,
the DM equivalent circuit can neglect all the stray
couplings between live parts and ground. The source of
disturbances is considered to be the load current. The
resulting DM simplified equivalent circuit is shown in
Fig. 3, where ZL is the impedance of the LISN, ZC is the
impedance of the dc bus (including stray components), IS
is the load current (EMI source), and IL is the current
through the LISN (simulation result).

Fig. 4. Inverter output voltage V0.

Fig. 5. Experimental DM current spectrum.

2009 ACEEE
DOI: 01.IJRTET.01.03.369


Int. J. of Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology, Vol. 1, No. 3, Nov 2009

Fig.5 shows the EMI spectrum measured in the A

band by an HF current clamp with 1 A/1 V ratio. This
experimental spectrum should be compared with the
simulation results shown in Fig. 6.
B. CM Model
The CM equivalent circuit is given in Fig. 7. Sources
of EMI are considered to be the voltages at the midpoints
of phase legs, i.e., points A, B, and C, where high dv/dt
are found. Such points are connected to DC+ and DCaccording to the switching pattern. The CM experimental
and simulation results shown in Fig. 8 and Fig.9. Notice
that the source-propagation path-disturbance approach is
clearly reflected in the above equations.

A new method for conducted EMI prediction in an
SPC, using frequency-domain techniques applied to
simplified equivalent circuits has been proposed and
tested. The frequency-domain approach provides quick
and robust simulations and avoids problems of
convergence, which are typical in time-domain
simulations. The agreement between simulated and
experimental results is well within the uncertainty limits
of the site and the measuring equipment up to 5 MHz.
The model uses a source-propagation path-disturbance
calculation structure which facilitates the prediction of
influence on emitted EMI of different modulation
techniques or converter layout changes and allows
sensitivity calculations, which may be very useful to
achieve new improvements on already built equipment.

Fig. 6. Simulated DM current spectrum.


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Fig. 7. CM equivalent circuit.

Fig. 8. Experimental CM current spectrum.

Fig. 9. Simulated DM current spectrum.

2009 ACEEE
DOI: 01.IJRTET.01.03.369


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