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SWOT Analysis


The classification for my film is Universal meaning that it is

suitable for all people to watch as there isnt any harmful or
unsuitable content within the film. The target audience for my
animated film is target at people from the ages of 4 years old
to 18 years old however; it is also target to those who enjoy
watching animated films or work within this industry.
The title of my film is called The Crescent with the added
catchphrase: What If the Moon Was Made Out Of Cheese?
which was my original title)? I thought that this would be
effective as the title is short meaning that it is easy to
remember. Along with this, having the catchphrase will
intrigue the target audience more as it gives them an insight
to what the film is about. The rhetorical question adds
emphasis to this too.
The correct conventions of an animated film where used
keeping the scenes entertaining for the viewer.
The scenes where portrayed clearly and it was easy to identify
what the protagonist had to face within each frame.
As I worked individually, I was able to work efficiently and
learn about the different roles I had to take throughout


As it started getting darker earlier in the evenings, it

interfered with the lighting that I used for my production
meaning that I had to extend the filming sessions and film for
extra days.
As I was taking each picture frame by frame, it was hard to tell
what the resolution of the film would be like till the end where
I had to alter the sizing of the video so that it was of a higher
resolution. This is because each frame needed to be clear and
stand out so that colours within the frame could be identified
It was challenging finding appropriate sound for the animation
so that it could relate well with the film.


By working individually I was able to realise the significance of

planning things in advance so that the production work could
be completed efficiently.

I was also able to realise the importance of the filming and the
process of going back to re-film different sections of the
production so that the final piece could flow well.
I was able to familiarise myself with different types of
animation software when I was researching and practicing
what software would be appropriate to use for the short film.


Finding it difficult to meet deadlines and the pressure of

working individually may have had an impact on the film.
Going back and re-filming several times may have had an
impact on the film meaning that there was less time in
producing it to a high standard.

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