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[21.01.2014] ============================================= =====================
imgRePackerRK.exe & imgrepackerrk
version 1.03 (windows & linux)
(C) RedScorpio, Moscow, 2013-2014
Program dyal unpack / firmware images zapakovki RockChip (*. Img)
Unpacking for modification and subsequent firmware images zapakovki format R
Can also be used to correct md5 checksums and RockChip CRC.
Unpacking and wrapping RKFW-firmware images (with the possibility of processin
files 2nd layer);
Unpacking and wrapping RKAF-firmware images (with the possibility of processin
files 2nd layer);
Unpacking and wrapping files 2nd layer supported:
Android boot image (04);
RockChip bootloader image (15);
Gzip / cpio archive file (14);
Cpio_ascii_new archive file (19).
Check and repair checksums md5, SHA and RockChip CRC.


Tested on firmware:
- RK29xx (ChipID = 0x00000050);
- RK30xx (ChipID = 0x00000060);
- RK31xx (ChipID = 0x00000070).
". / Imgrepackerrk
". / Imgrepackerrk
". / Imgrepackerrk

[options] <name[.ext]>" - unpacking (Windows)

[options] <name[.ext]>. Dump" - wrapping (Windows)
[options] <name[.ext]>. Cfg" - wrapping file 2nd layer (W
[options] <name[.ext]>" - unpacking (Linux)
[options] <name[.ext]>. Dump" - wrapping (Linux)
[options] <name[.ext]>. Cfg" - wrapping file 2nd layer (L

Options (shown in brackets in the name of the ini-file and the default value
/ Log - create log-file (log = 0);
/ Debug - write debugging information, works only with option / log (debug =
/ Quiet - disable output in the console (quiet = 0);
/ Mono - include monochrome mode (mono = 0);
/ Md5 - md5 igonrirovat error when unpacking or
Do not add md5 checksum at zapakovke (md5 = 0);
/ Rkcrc - ignore errors RockChip CRC (rkcrc = 0);
/ Rkaf - create RKAF image at zapakovke (rkaf = 0);
/ Skip - skip checking the firmware image file size,
(Skip = 0);
/ 2nd - unpacking / wrapping files second layer (2nd
/ Cid - do not check ChipID (cid = 0);
/ Blk - ImgFSize indicates the number of blocks (blk
/ Ini - overwrite the ini-file with the options from

used when unpacking

= 0);
= 0);
the command line (-);

Command line options always have higher priority parameters ini-file.
To unpack / zapakovki gzip /
external biblirteku
zlib1.dll (
apakovki cpio (however,
similar, judging by the results,
utilities gzip / gunzip and cpio
tly match
received firmware).

cpio files Windows-version of the utility uses

and your own simple decompression algorithm / z
the original). Linux-version uses external call
(so simple repackaging unchanged does not direc

Used codes designating types of files:

-1 - To be determined;
00 - Unknown;
04 - Android boot image;
06 - ext3 image;
11 - RockChip KRNL signed file;
12 - RockChip PARM signed file;
14 - gzip / cpio archive file;
15 - RockChip bootloader image;
16 - ext4 image;
17 - cpio_bin_odc archive file;
18 - cpio_ascii_odc archive file;
19 - cpio_ascii_new archive file;
20 - cpio_ascii_crc archive file.
The composition of the archive:
1. imgRePackerRK.exe - Windows-version.
2. zlib1.dll - gzip-support library files for Windows-version.
3. imgrepackerrk - Linux-version.
4. ReadMe.txt - this file.
================================================== =============================
Download: (rus) (eng)
================================================== =============================
Special thanks:
Jean-loup Gailly & Mark Adler for zlib library (
================================================== =============================
1.03 [W & L] (21.01.2014)
~ The bug check symlink-s with absolute paths (CPIO);
+ Added automatic error correction description size of the area allocated for
individual files;
+ Added key / blk;
+ Added key / cid.
1.02 [W & L] (03.10.2013)

~ Fixed bug with unpacking / wrapping "the single standing" KRNL-signed images.
1.01 [W & L] (01.10.2013)
+ Added support for the format nongzipped cpio_ascii_new archive file;
+ Added key / skip.
1.00 [W & L] (06.09.2013)
! Release;
+ Added support for the format gzip / cpio archive file;
+ Added support for the format cpio_ascii_new archive file;
~ Optimized some parts of the code;
- Removed key / inter;
- Corrected minor errors in the code;
+ Minor improvements.
0.95 [W & L] (26.05.2013)
! pre-Release # 5;
+ Added support for the format RockChip bootloader image.
0.94 [W & L] (17.05.2013)
! pre-Release # 4;
+ Added key / 2nd;
+ Added support for the format Android boot image.
0.93 [W & L] (29.04.2013)
! pre-Release # 3.
0.92 [W & L] (21.04.2013)
! pre-Release (for internal use).
================================================== =============================

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