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Statistics 2500

Exam #3

SP2008 / Form F1

April 24, 2008

All sections
100 points

Name:_________________________ Student #:__________________ Sect. or time: ________

Circle the name of your Instructor:





Ha Thu





Point values are marked next to each part.

In order to receive credit for a problem, your solution must show sufficient details so that
the grader can determine how you obtained your answer. (No work = no credit.)
Clearly indicate your final answer. If a space is not provided, circle your final answer.
Carry all computations to at least three decimal places. (You may round z-scores to two
decimal places.) Only round the final answer. Do not round during intermediate steps.
For hypothesis tests you must: Clearly state H 0 and H A ; Show the computation of the
test statistic; Indicate the rejection region by drawing a picture and labeling the critical
value(s) (or by computing a p-value); and Clearly indicate your conclusion.
You may make any assumptions that are necessary to work the problems using the
methods that were developed during class. However, you should not make any
assumptions beyond what is necessary.
Any questions or complaints about the scoring or grading of the exam must be brought to
your graduate instructors attention during or immediately following your first class
following the exam. If you miss that class without prior approval, you will forfeit any
possibility for grade appeals or corrections.

Grading use only:

- ____________________

1 of 4

Q1. (16 points.) A large university claims that, on average, graduating seniors owe 8
thousand dollars on student loans. A particular student believes that the mean indebtedness
amount is larger than this. The student plans to test H 0 : = 8 vs. H A : > 8 at the .05 level of
significance using a simple random sample of 100 graduating seniors. Assume that the
population standard deviation is = 4 thousand dollars. If, in reality, the true population mean
indebtedness is 9 thousand dollars, what is the probability that the test will commit a type II

Q2. (12 points.) Suppose we wish to estimate the average amount of weight gained by a
former smoker one year after he or she quit smoking. Assume that the population of weight gain
amounts is approximately normally distributed with a standard deviation of = 6 pounds. If we
estimate the population mean weight gain using the mean of a sample of n = 121, with what
confidence can we assert that the error in our estimate will be no more than 1.25 pounds?

Q3. (12 points.) In a normal year, about 30% of university faculty do outside
consulting work. In order to see if the consulting rate was different from normal last year, the
university plans to test H 0 : p = .3 vs. H A : p .3 (where p represents the proportion of faculty
who did outside consulting work last year). A sample of 84 faculty showed that 20 of them did
outside consulting work last year. Compute the p-value of the test.

2 of 4

Q4. (16 points.) Recently an airline instituted a quality improvement program designed
to reduce the lateness of its flights. Before the program was implemented, a random sample of 7
flights was monitored and it was found that the sampled flights were late an average of 32
minutes with a standard deviation of 10 minutes. After the program was implemented, a second
(independently-selected) sample of 11 flights was monitored and it was found that the sampled
flights were late an average of 20 minutes with a standard deviation of 12 minutes. Does it
appear that the quality improvement program was successful in reducing flight lateness? Test at
the .05 level of significance. You may assume flight lateness amounts for both populations are
approximately normal and that the population standard deviations are equal.

H 0 : _________________________ vs.

H A : _________________________

Supporting work:

Should H 0 be rejected? (Circle one):



Q5. (12 points.) A large warehouse, that is used to store beverage cans, was damaged by
fire. The owner of the warehouse wishes to estimate p, the proportion of beverage cans that were
damaged by the fire. In order to be 99% confidence that the estimate of p is off by no more than
.02, how large a sample of cans should be selected?

3 of 4

Q6. (16 points.) A university claims that, on average, students spend $400 per semester
on books. A particular student believes the amount is more than $400. The student selected a
random sample of 36 students and found that the sample spent an average of $450 on books last
semester with a standard deviation of $120. Conduct the test of interest at the .10 level of
H 0 : _________________________ vs.

H A : _________________________

Supporting work:

Should H 0 be rejected? (Circle one):



Q7. (16 points.) A highway patrol officer believes that less than 25% of drivers turn
their headlights on when driving in the rain during daylight hours. In a sample of 200 drivers
who were driving in the rain during raining daylight hours, it was found that 40 of them had
turned on their headlights on. Conduct the test of interest at the .01 level of significance.
H 0 : _________________________ vs.

H A : _________________________

Supporting work:

Should H 0 be rejected? (Circle one):


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