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Who all are to be informed after an accident as per Petroleum Act

any accident by explosion or by fire as a result of the ignition of petroleum or petroleum vapour
attended with loss of human life or serious injury to person or property, or of a description usually
attended with such loss or injury, the occupier of the place or the person for the time being in charge of
the petroleum or the person in charge of the carriage or the master of the vessel, as the case may be, shall,
within such time and in such manner as may be prescribed, give notice thereof and of the attendant loss of
human life, or injury to person or property, if any, to the nearest Magistrate or to the officer-in-charge
of the nearest police station and to the 'Chief Controller of Explosives.

5. Explain Section 5,Section 6 in Petroleum rules?

Containers for petroleum Class A1. Containers for petroleum Class A shall be constructed of tinned, galvanized or externally rust-proofed
sheet iron or steel
2.The containers shall not become defective, leaky or insecure in transit and they shall be kept in proper
3.The containers shall have well-made filling aperture which shall be fitted with well fitting and secure
air tight screw plugs of screw caps or other caps.
Containers made of sheet iron or steel shall have the following thickness of metal :
Containers for petroleum Class A 6. The capacity of any container, shall not exceed 300 litres.
7. An air space of not less than 5 % of its capacity
8. The container shall bear a stamped, embossed or painted warning exhibiting in conspicuous characters
the words "Petrol" or "Motor Spirit" or an equivalent warning of the highly inflamable nature of the
Containers for petroleum Class B & Class C
1. shall be constructed of steel or iron
2. An air space of
not less than 5 % Class B and
not less than 3 % petroleum Class C.

6.What is bulk storage and non-bulk storage according to petroleum rules?

"petroleum in bulk" means petroleum contained in a tank irrespective of the quantity of petroleum
contained therein; Tank means a receptacle for petroleum exceeding 1000 litres in capacity.

7.Explain Section 7 According to Petroleum Rules 1976.

R7. Empty receptacles- All empty tanks / containers which had petroleum Class A shall be kept securely
closed until they have been thoroughly cleaned and freed from petroleum vapour

8.What does Rule no. 12 of Petroleum Act say?

RULE-12. General power of exemption- The Central Government may, by notification

in the Official Gazette, exempt any petroleum specified in the notification from all or any of the
provisions of this chapter.

9.What is section 37 of Gas cylinder Rule?

Sec 37 Protection of valves during transport:
1. Unless packed inn a crate or box follow the guidelines (2,3) given below to protect the
valve against damage while transporting:
2. Where the design of the cylinder does not provide for the valve lying wholly below the
level of the body of the cylinder a stout metal cap, metal cover or a protective metal ring
or a grill of approved design shall be provided such that the cap is nowhere in close
proximity to any part of the valve or valve body.
3. Where metal caps or covers are provided to protect valves fitted to cylinders other than
those containing highly toxic gases like hydrogen cyanide etc., it shall be provided with a
vent of such size so as to prevent any gas pressure inside the cap or covers.
4. Cylinders containing highly toxic gases shall have their valves protected with gas-tight
metal caps or covers.
1,2,3 does not apply to cylinders used for medical purpose having water capacity <= 5 litres.

10.What are the different schedules in Gas Cylinder rules? ( 1981 )


Types of standards Cylinders and Valves

Test and inspection certificate formats
Application details for manufacturer of cylinders, valves and
Facilities required for cylinder testing
Application for license, purpose for which granted, authority
empowered to grant, fees structure etc.,

11.Define Flammable gas and inflammable gas according to Gas Cylinder

Flammable-required external spark or source or flammable gas means any gas which, if either
a mixture of 13 per cent or less ( by volume) with air forms a flammable mixture or the
flammability range with air is greater than 12 per cent regardless of the lower limit and these
limits shall be determined at atmospheric temperature and pressure;
Inflammable- if the temp reaches some level automatically explosion introduced

12.What are the special precautions against accidents as per Gas Cylinder

Sec 16 Special precautions against accidents:

1.No person shall commit or attempt any act that will cause fire or explosion
2.Every person storing, handling, transporting and the in charges shall at all times
-Comply with all the provisions of these rules and also the licensing conditions.
-Preventing any person from committing any act as referred in (1) above.

13.Who are called dependants as per Workmen Compensation Act?

Dependant means any of the following relatives of a deceased workman, namely:
a widow, a minor legitimate or adopted son and unmarried
legitimate or adopted daughter, or a widowed mother, and
if wholly dependant on the earnings of the workman at the time of
his death,
a son or a daughter who has attained the age of 18 years and who is
And any of the following wholly or partly dependent on the
workman at the time of his death

a widower, a parent other than a widowed mother, a minor

illegitimate son, a unmarried illegitimate daughter, a widowed
daughter in law, a minor child of the deceased son & daughter & a
paternal grandparent if not the parent of the workman is alive.

14.What is partial disablement according to Workmen Compensation

Disablement is said to be permanent partial when it reduces for all times, the earning
capacity of a workman in every employment which he was capable of undertaking at the
time of the accident. Every injury specified in Part II of Schedule I is deemed to result in
permanent partial disablement.
Where the disablement is of a temporary nature and reduces the earning capacity
of a workman in the employment in which he was engaged at the time of the
accident it is "temporary partial disablement.

15.When is compensation for accident given?

The employer of any establishment covered under this Act, is required to compensate an
who has suffered an accident arising out of and in the course of his
employment, resulting into (i) death, (ii) permanent total disablement, (iii)
permanent partial disablement, or (iv) temporary disablement
who has contracted an occupational disease accident arising out of and in
the course of Employment
Accident arising out of and in the course of Employment

An accident arising out of employment implies a casual connection

between the injury and the accident and the work done in the course of

16.What is the scope and coverage of Workmen Compensation Act?

The Act extends to the whole of India . The Workmen's Compensation (Amendment)
Act, 2000. has brought all the workers within its ambit irrespective of their nature of
employment i.e. whether employed on casual basis or otherwise than for the purposes
of the employer's trade or business. For the first time, casual labourers will be provided
compensation for death or disability. . Establishments which are covered by the
Employees State Insurance Act, are outside the perview of this Act.

17.When is an employer not liable to pay compensation?

BUT, the employer shall not be liable to pay compensation in the following cases:
if the injury did not result in total or partial disablement of a workman for a period
exceeding three days,
if the workman was at the time of the accident under the influence of drink of drug, or
if the workman willfully disobeyed an order expressly given or a rule expressly framed
for the purpose of securing safety of workman, or
If the workman willfully removed or disregarded any safety guard or other device which to his
knowledge was provided for the purpose of securing his safety

18.What is compensation for death according to Workmen compensation act?

In case of death resulting from injury, the amount of compensation shall be equal 50% of the
monthly wages of the deceased workman multiplied by
the relevant factor.
Or an amount of Rs 80,000/- whichever is more.
EXAMPLE - A workman is employed in a factory on a monthly wage of Rs 3000. While working he
met with an accident and dies on oct 2000. His date of birth is july 18 , 1970. The amount of
compensation payable to his dependent would be
50* monthly wages* Relevant factor of age 30
0r 80,000 whichever is higher
50* 3000* 207.98 = 3,11,970
Since Rs 311970 is more than 80000 the compensation payable to him shall be Rs 311,970

19.What is definition of Occupational Diseases according to Workmen

Compensation Act?
Workers employed in certain types of occupations are exposed to the risk of contracting certain diseases
which are peculiar and inherent to those occupations. A worker contracting an occupational disease is

deemed to have suffered an accident out of and in the course of employment and the employer is liable to
pay compensation for the same.

Liquid Oxygen Explosives (LOX) means an absorbent carbonaceous

material such as wood pulp. carbon black, metal powder, coal dust etc.
impregnated with liquid air or liquid oxygen with or without the addition of
other substances

"Magazine means a building specially constructed in accordance with a

design approved by the Chief Controller and intended for storage of more
than 5 kg of explosives.

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