Graduate Nursing Program Presentation Rubric Name: - Course: - NURS 601 - Faculty: - Dr. Austin

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Graduate Nursing Program Presentation Rubric

Name: __________________________

Course: _NURS 601_____________

A Level

Faculty: _Dr. Austin______________

B Level

C Level

D Level


Content fully appropriate to project

guidelines; accurate and reflective of
current research and evidence;
provided research topic and criterion
used to obtain resources; at level
consistent with class knowledge;
offered appropriate examples or case
studies. (20 pts)

Majority of content appropriate to

project guidelines; Majority of
presentation accurate and reflective of
current research and evidence;
provided research topic and majority
of criterion used to obtain resources;
mostly consistent with class
knowledge; supported by some
appropriate examples or case studies.
(17.8 pts)

Little content appropriate to project

guidelines; much of presentation not
accurate or not reflective of current
research and evidence; research topic
provided, little criterion used to obtain
resources; supported by few
appropriate examples or case studies.
(15.8 pts)

Overall lack of appropriateness to

project guidelines; majority of
presentation not accurate or not
reflective of current research and
evidence; lack of research topic
and criterion used to obtain
resources; inconsistent with class
knowledge; no examples or case
studies offered. (13.8 pts)


Thorough and accurate adherence to

all guidelines; All main points
appropriate to topic; Presentation
displayed with orderly development and
progression; Introduction established
flow of presentation. (20 pts)

Majority of presentation adhered to

guidelines: Majority of main points
were appropriate to topic; Majority of
presentation displayed orderly
development and progression:
introduction established good flow of
presentation. (17.8 pts).

Some of presentation adhered to

guidelines; Some main points were
appropriate to topic; Some portions of
presentation displayed orderly
development and progression;
Introduction weakly established flow of
presentation. (15.8 pts)

Little evidence of presentation

adherence to guidelines; few main
points appropriate to topic; Limited
portions of presentation displayed
orderly development and
progression; Introduction barely
established flow of presentation.
(13.8 pts)


Presentation consumed appropriate

amount of time; Terminology correctly
articulated; Presented conversational
and fluid verbal discussion; Direct eye
contact to audience; engaged listeners;
used notes minimally. (20 pts)

Presentation consumed acceptable

amount of time; Most terminology
correctly articulated; Presented a
mostly conversational and fluid verbal
discussion; Direct eye contact to
audience for majority of presentation;
Engaged listeners for a majority of the
presentation; use notes a moderate
amount. (17.8pts)

Presentation consumed minimally

acceptable amount of time; Some
terminology correctly articulated;
Presented some conversational and
fluid verbal discussion. Occasional
direct eye contact to audience;
Occasional engagement of listeners;
Used notes for a majority of
presentation. (15.8 pts)

Presentation consumed
unacceptable amount of time;
Incorrectly articulated many terms;
Did not present conversational
and fluid verbal discussion; Little
direct eye contact; Little
engagement of listeners; Used
notes for majority of presentation.
(13.8 pts)

Use of

Presentation utilized technology

effectively and appropriately;
technology use and application
contributed positively to presentation.
(20 pts)

Majority of presentation utilized

technology appropriately; technology
use and application mostly contributed
positively to presentation. (17.8pts)

Some of presentation utilized

technology appropriately; technology
use and application slightly contributed
positively to presentation (15.8 pts)

Very little of the presentation

utilized technology appropriately;
technology use and application did
not contribute positively to
presentation. (13.8 pts)


Topics and main points were presented

with high level of expertise and
knowledge. (20pts)

Topics and main points were

presented with moderate level of
expertise and knowledge. (17.8ps)

Topics and main points were presented Topics and main points were
with low level of expertise and
presented with lack of knowledge
knowledge. (15.8 pts)
and expertise. (13.8pts)

Created 2/2013


Created 2/2013


Created 2/2013

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