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STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT AND LEADERSHIP /essays/business/assignment-on-developing-strategic-management-andleadership-skills-business-essay.php
Management is the group of people who make decisions on how the business can be run and profitable
in all dimensions of the organizations or company according to Gold (2010). In fact, these individuals
who are involved in the decision making of the organization and are called the management are
responsible and accountable before the strategic leadership in the organization.
The second definition that can be given about the management is the initiative and maintenance of an
investment portfolio in the business organization in all the ways to success achievements according to
Harrison (2002). This is the management in which the organization deals with dealing of matters in
different sectors for improving the productivity and profitability in every area of the business of the

Bill Gates is the leader and pioneer of Microsoft Inc, but he is not a manager. This statement shows the
position of the leader and the manager. The manager must have the leadership skills but on the
contrary for the leader it is not compulsory to have the managerial skills as these skills are important for
the leader but the vision is the goal of the leader but the manager works for targets and tasks for the
specific time period and for the certain period of time.
Leadership and management both are important in the organizations or even in the industries. Leaders
are welded to the performance and it is also the duty of the leaders to increase the productivity in
different sectors of the organization. Management with good leadership qualities and the leadership
with managerial competencies is the demand of the organizations around the globe.
Task 1.2 Analyse the impact of management and leadership styles on strategic decisions.


Dynamic leadership always does its best to influence the environment and the environment is the
situation in which the decisions are to be taken as the needs arise in the organizations. There are
different styles of management and leadership in the business world.


Kouzes (2008) states that the participative leadership and management style are open and flexible
manner of management where employees have the prominent decision making role in the organization
and the participation of the employees is considered as the asset of the organization. So this is very
important factor in decision making of the organizational setup.
This style is very much appreciated in progressing and growing organizations. Employees feel
responsible and honoured by the leadership which boosts the morale of them in order to complete the
tasks of the organization. This leadership style helps in the organization in decision making and when
this style is applied, the team work and dignity of the employees come forth and they become more
and more productive.


Megginson (2003) opines the Persuasive leadership style is all about the quality of the leader in which
the leader convinces people around him/her in all the effective ways to achieve the goals of the
organization. This style is not possible if the leader fails to convince other people.
Persuasion is the essential proficiency for all the leaders as they take people to the level where they
can perform their best and be more and more productive in the organization. The ideas and
approaches of the leader must appeal the people around the leader for the common goals and
objectives in the organization. This style can develop the unity in the organization and the employees
and if the decision is take by the agreement of the employees then it increases the accountability in the
employees in the organizations.
Evaluate how leadership styles can be adapted to different situations.


Both of the styles stated above are the need of any progressing and developing organization around
the globe. Which one is suitable for the organization, depends on the situation from which the
organization is passing through.
Most of the bureaucratic organizations being the strict in the rules and regulations make the employees
feeling bored and the work becomes just and obligation and burden for them to hold. People lose their
creativeness and become like the robot and just commitment becomes a burden for them. These
situations give birth to the less productiveness and profit as well.
If in this situation the leadership decides to give the chance of participation and cooperation and
promote team spirit then the employees come to know that they are not just the machines but the
human beings and everyone is unique and precious in the way he or she is. Everyone in the world has
some hidden qualities and the only thing is to give that particular one chance to show what that person
has what should be considered while taking the decisions of the different department of the
As this is simple and effective so the organizations must follow these styles. Now the persuasive is the
manner in which the employees might come to know that they are special because the leadership will
persuade the employees or staff with the highly professional and reasonable way. So the persuasive
and participative both the styles go together in the organizations have the situation in which people feel
being bored.
2.1 Review the impact that selected theories of management and leadership have on organisational
strategy in your chosen organisation.


Leadership skills are the essentials for the leadership in any business organization. If the organizations
promote the leadership development methods then the success is obvious and there is no way that the
situations may come in the pace of success. There are different leadership theories by which the
effectiveness and need of the leadership become more and more essential. The few of the theories are
given below to clear the picture of leadership in organizations.

This theory states that leaders everywhere behave in the certain way of their leadership which
depends upon the situation of the time and the scenario of the company. Moon (2000) opines there can

be different situations in which there might be possible leadership behaviour but these behaviours also
depend on the situation of that specific time period.
In the organizations, this theory is very popular and effective because it goes with the flow and need of
that particular time and the best decision is the decision that is done according to the time and demand
of the organizations.

This theory has very close resemblance with the first theory (Situational Theory) and this theory is all
about the alternatives and options in order to deal with the problems that come in the way of the
success in any dimension of the organization. Mumford and Gold (2004) state leadership must have
answer to every question arises in the growth and this is only feasible and possible when the
contingency theory is applied in the organizations.
Tesco Plc has high rate of such a dynamic leadership which always have alternatives and options as
well as the answers to the questions that come in the situation of the danger or need of the

Treasy (1998) opines the participative leadership and management style are the open and
approachable manner of supervision of the organization and the monitoring with the passion and
comforts is really seen in this leadership theory. Everyone in the organization feels pride and honoured
to be involved and get their precious opinions be answered in the company really appreciates them. So
this theory is very important when the employees feel burden while working in the organization.
Tesco plc is promoting this theory in every departments and gives right to all of its employees to take
part in new strategies and planning as everyone has got the right to comment and give suggestions and
drop their precious opinions in writing form and the suggestion boxes everywhere in the stores.

TASK 2.2:
There are different strategies that give the direction to the organizations. One of them is the
INNOVATION that is very effective and the most important factor of the organization. Every
organization has to develop the creativeness that develops the innovation. This strategy is the unique
and potential strength of the organization.
Gold (2010) opines the process in which an idea of any individual is translated into a good or service
for what people would love to pay and give attention. Companies or organizations have special people
who are supposed to do create and bring new ideas in the form of innovation and these creative and
innovative leaders are the real assets of any developing organizations.


Human resource is one of the most effective departments in the organizations that direct the
organization in the way of growth and development. There are different human resource activities that
are performed by this department in the organizations.
Human Resource Management deals with different issues in the companies, some of them are the

most important because of their need and necessity in the organizations. Human resource is the vast
department that organizes the major issues in the organizations.
The first activity of the human resource is the Recruitment and Selection in the companies. Harrison
(2002) opines that the in the recruitment the duty of the HRM is in various sectors. Firstly, it publishes
or advertises the need of the organization or the companies as the vacancy comes in them. This is also
the duty of the HRM to contact with the recruitment agencies for the better selection of the candidates
in the companies.
After the ads the term comes when the candidates come to the recruitment section and the interviews
take place, if somebody passes the interview then it is the chance for that candidate to go further and
get the training to join the organization for the post he has applied or for the post the admin believes
that the person can perform well according to the capability of the candidate. This is the very important
aspect of the companies. If the right people are not coming in the companies then it will be impossible
to have more and more innovative ideas in the companies. From the very first stage to the ending
stage the HR plays the significant role in bringing the right people in the companies.
The second activity the HRM is the Performance Management which is simply the encouragement of
the employees. Johnson (1992) states the performance management is the criteria to check the
performance of the employees and then to bring the unity and uplift the morale, there should be the
regular behaviour of the appraisals and the rewards by the companies.
The companies do their best to have such an opportunity to arrange the reward system in the
organizations. This is very important that the companies can only help the employees if they are the
showing their excellent performance in their duties and their responsibilities. Performance of the
employees decides who the next for the reward and the encouragement is. Performance management
is the main factor in the organizations in the term of reward system of the employees.
In the Tesco Plc, both of these strategies are implemented in order to direct the organization on the way
of success and development in all the stores and branches around the globe.

TASK 3.1:
Moon (2000) states Globalization is the system of the interaction among different countries of the world
and the purpose of this interaction is to develop the global economy. This unique economy building
system refers to the integration of economists and societies around the globe. This also covers the
technological, economic, cultural and political exchanges in the organizations and the communications,
infrastructure and transportation is also the fruit of this globalization.
There are two types of integration. The first one is called Positive and the second is the Negative
integration. The positive integration is used to aim at standardizing international economic laws and
policies. In this the countries have their own policies on their tariffs. In the negative integration, Mullins
(2010) states negative integration is the breaking down of trade barriers of protective barriers or
protective barriers such as tariffs and quotes.

Different economists gave their different opinions about the effects of the globalization. There are
different changes that can be identified through the globalization. The first effect is the improvement of
the international trade. There are more and more countries in demand of the products. Second effect is

the technological progress which is because of the demands from the customers throughout the world.
Third one states the increasing influence of multinational companies, the companies that have their
own subsidiaries in various countries is called the multinational. This is the third effect of the
globalization in the business world. Then the fourth one is power of the WTO, IMF and WB.
Globalization has these prominent effects everywhere in the world.

Treasy (1998) states the integrity leadership is the best tool of getting the trust of the employees and
involve them from their heart and prove themselves as the role model for all the employees around
them. This is very important in the organizations to have integrity among the staff so that the
environment remain calm and beautiful full if dignity and commitment.
Both of these methods of the requirements of the leadership in the organizational positions and every
progressing organization needs to prove that they are rich in terms of their globalization and integrity in
all dimensions.

TASK 4.1:
The firs development method is ON-THE-JOB TRAINING which is one of the effective development
methods in the companies. Mumford and Gold (2004) state that the process of the on the job training is
to arrange and the purpose is to enhance the abilities of the employees in the corporate settings of the
organizations. The environment in the organization is suitable for the employees and as well as for the
leaders to teach and for the employees to learn and understand the guidelines given by the authorities.
There are the reasons that make the on the job training important. In this the leaders demonstrate the
presentations which encourage the trainees to get the idea and after that there is the element of the
coaching in which the relationship becomes strong and the trainees learn in a beautiful way. In the
trainings, the employees can even get the understanding to get the appropriate knowledge about the
other departments in the companies.

The second development method is the Organizational Learning which is learning method in the
organization which is highly appreciated and required. Mullins (2010) states that the organizations that
influence the employees on the regular bases with the knowledge and information. Organizations that
promote the practice of the learning are the learning organizations and these learning organizations
are run by the HRM because the humans are the main assets in the HRM. So the department does its
best to empower the employees with the skills and knowledge.

TASK 4.2:

Planning and Development methods are explained in the above paragraph. Mullins (2004) opines that
the advertisements help the readers to know the vacancy in the companies and the leadership in the
organizations also receives the right selection of the employees. This is the first planning method in the
recruiting and the effectiveness can be measured with the results or the achievements done by the
companies after the exact staffing in any organization. The next is the online recruiting process in the
Megginson (2003) states there are the recruitments which are undertaken with the help of the online
recruiting processes. These kinds of recruitments are called the external type of the recruitments. But
the other type of the recruitment is the internal and the internal recruitment is the exchanging and the
promotions and then the filling of the vacant places in the companies. The effectiveness of the
recruitment and selection is monitored and done by the HRM and the results can be seen in the form of
the dynamic leaders that are brought every year in the companies by the leadership planning methods.
In the development of the leadership there are two methods. The first one is the on the job training and
this method is very impressive and authentic in the companies. If the trainings are given on the job then
the employees can learn better and be the best part of the organization. The second one is the
organizational learning. There must be the organizations which encourage the idea to make the flexible
environment for the employees to get the valuable information and then become the dynamic leaders
of the companies. Both of these methods are very important and effective in every situation of the
organizational learning processes.


Gold, G. (2010). Leadership and management Development. London. Chartered Institute of Personnel
and Development.
Harrison, R. (2002). Learning and Development, London. Chartered Institute of Personnel and
Johnson, K, B. (1992). Business Bureaucracy, How to Conquer your Organizations worst enemy,
London. The McGraw Hill Companies.
Kouzes, J. (2008). The Leadership Challenge. 4th Edition. London. Jossey-Bass.
Megginson, D. (2003). Continuing Professional Development, London. Chartered Institute of Personnel
and Development.
Moon, J. (2000). Reflection in Learning and Professional Development, Theory and Practice,
Manchester. Routledge Falmer.
Mullins, L. (2010). Management and Organizational Behavior. 9th Edition. London. Prentice hall.
Mumford, A. and Gold, J. (2004). Management Development. London. Chartered Institute of Personnel
and Development.
Treasy, D. (1998). Successful Time Management in a week. Hodder. Stoughton.

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