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Attachments elucidate how Irans Already Cheating, the many ways Rush remains

ahead-of-the-curve, the rhetorical legerdemain of Goldberg when probing what most

everyone has recognized, and an allegory *The Four Cats+ of BHOs redistribution.

Obamas Wrong: Irans Already Cheating

By Jonathan S. Tobin
When he met with the press last Wednesday, Obama gave a vote of confidence to his
Iranian negotiating partners as having upheld their end of the interim nuclear deal they
signed with the U.S. last year. But as much as the revelations about the presidents
secret correspondence with Irans supreme leader that were published in the Wall
Street Journal on Friday undermined the credibility of his promises about his willingness
to get tough with the Islamist regime, it turns out that his assurances about Iranian
compliance were also untrue. As Reuters reports, there is now good reason to believe
that the Iranians have already violated the deal.
According to the International Atomic Energy Agency, while U.S. diplomats have spent
2014 offering even more concessions to Iran, the ones Tehran pocketed last year are
already worthless:
Western officials were not immediately available to comment on the
allegation by the Washington-based Institute for Science and
International Security (ISIS), which closely tracks Irans nuclear program.
There was no immediate comment from Tehran. ISIS, whose founder
David Albright often briefs U.S. lawmakers and others on nuclear
proliferation issues, cited a finding in a new report by the International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) about Iran. The confidential document,
issued to IAEA member states on Friday, said that since the U.N.
agencys previous report in September, Iran had intermittently been
feeding natural uranium gas into a single so-called IR-5 centrifuge at a
research facility.
The IR-5 is one of several new models that Iran has been seeking to develop to replace
the erratic, 1970s vintage IR-1 centrifuge that it now uses to produce refined uranium.
Unlike other advanced models under development IR-2m, IR-4 and IR-6 at a
research site at its Natanz enrichment plant, Iran had until now not fed the IR-5 with
uranium gas.
Iran may have violated (the interim accord) by starting to feed (natural uranium gas)
into one of its advanced centrifuges, namely the IR-5 centrifuge, ISIS said in an analysis.
This is significant for two reasons.
The first is that this piece of information uncovered by the IAEA shows that Iran is
actively working to circumvent the already loose restrictions on uranium enrichment
that were part of the interim deal. Even had Iran kept their word, it wouldnt have taken

much for the Iranians to reverse the measures that rendered their stockpile of nuclear
fuel harmless. But if even the IAEA, whose efforts to monitor the Iranian nuclear
program have been stymied by Iranian obstructionism, has been able to discover this
deception, its clear the regime has been working all out to get around even the loose
restrictions imposed by the interim deal.
It is true that, as Reuters also reports, advocates of appeasement of Iran are arguing
that none of this constitutes a technical violation of the agreement. But their arguments
sound like hair splitting. Whether or not Iran has introduced a new kind of centrifuge,
its obvious that the effort noted by the IAEA is seeking a way around the rules and may
well have already found it. The interim deal gave tacit recognition to an Iranian right
to enrichment that had already been denied by an international consensus that realized
Tehrans goal was to build a nuclear weapon, not provide for their peaceful energy
Just as important is that the Iranian effort to get around the interim deal explodes not
only the presidents assurances but also calls into question the entire negotiating
process. If the Islamist regime can violate the weak interim deal, which only sought
ineffectively to freeze the dangerous nuclear program in place, how can anyone possibly
expect a new and more far-reaching agreement to be credible, let alone adequately
We already know that the administrations zeal for a deal caused it to discard the
considerable economic and military leverage it had over Iran before the interim deal
began the process of unraveling the international sanctions. Despite the presidents
tough rhetoric, the Iranians believe his desire to create a new dtente with their
despotic, terror-sponsoring governmentwhat Deputy National Security Director Ben
Rhodes called the ObamaCare of the presidents second termhas put them in a strong
negotiating position. Thats why theyve spent this year demanding more concessions
from the West without fear that the U.S. will call them to account on their violations or
their stalling. They are confident that Obamas lust for an agreement and pressure from
Europe to end the concessions will obtain for them an even weaker nuclear deal or the
time and leeway to achieve their nuclear ambition without even bothering to sign a
The reaction from the administration and its apologists should confirm them in this
belief. But the news about the violation should give Congress even more reason to pass
tougher sanctions to increase the pressure on Iran. Irans cheating strengthens an
already strong case for more sanctions, not more concessions from Obama.

Rush Limbaugh Echo for Monday, 11/10/14

Quote Gems:

"Nobody thinks I was saying "no" to advance a conservative agenda. I'm the guy who
thinks one should have been advanced the past six months. What I was saying is don't
compromise with these losers, and don't treat them like winners."
"There's been a document dump. Reuters says the number of troops in Iraq is going to
skyrocket up. Of course, this news was not released before the election, obviously. And I
thought Wendy Davis lost because of Ebola. I thought that's what she said."
"I love it when it's demonstrated how far outside the mainstream leftists really are,
when they think they are the mainstream. I love it when it is demonstrated how kooky
and fringe they really are. And this election did that."
"I'll bet you I have brought more people together than Obama. I know that's been the
case, 'cause Obama's divisive."
"Making yourself understood is a very, very important thing to do. I am a professional
communicator and I take it very seriously, saying what I mean and being understood
when I say it."
"The left simply cannot afford for people in this country to believe the Democrats lost
because the people wanted liberalism stopped and thrown out, Obama stopped,
Democrat Party stopped and thrown out. They simply can't allow that to set in. So they
will continue to oppose it with their buddies in the media."
"My analysis of the election results is all over the place, and it's predictably being shot
down in a number of places, and others are agreeing with it somewhat but it doesn't go
far enough. Understandable in all cases. The left, their opposition to it, is fascinating."
"Obama doesn't confound me and he doesn't stun me, and the fact that he wants
friction and chaos is documented. Why would that change now? These next two years
are going to be potentially worse than anybody is contemplating. You don't personally
insult a narcissist like the country just did in this election and get away with it."
"I do not watch cable TV at night, and this is not a criticism. I just don't. It's partly my
way of getting away and having balance in life."
"It takes six weeks of listening to this program to fully understand. It takes six weeks,
minimum, to get the context of this program so that you can tune in any day of the
week and understand why what is being said is being said and what's going on."
"There is a radical liberal element in the Democrat Party which doesn't need to win
elections in order to implement what they believe throughout the strata of this country.
That's the purpose of community organizations like ACORN."
"We've won this election, and it's not time to get fatalistic yet. Just hang on. Hang in
there and be tough. We're just getting started."
"Do you know that the Weather Channel -- the Weather Channel -- has more viewers in
the morning than MSNBC's Morning Joe and CNN? The Weather Channel has higher
ratings than MSNBC and CNN."

Most Popular Segments

It's Time to Understand Barack Obama

Without Writers, Jon Stewart Gets in Trouble

Michael Jordan Makes Obama's Enemies List

We're Making Progress, Folks! (But There Are Still Those Who Misunderstand)

We Have Not Lost the Pop Culture

Quick Hits Page

My Suggestion for John Boehner

From the Rush Limbaugh Morning Update: "Post-Script"
Theres a post-script to the so-called War on Women campaign theme that Democrats
unsuccessfully rolled out for the 2014 elections. More than any other candidate, Texas
Democrat Wendy Davis was supposed to personify the noble liberal warrior in her run
for governor.
Despite one embarrassing misstep after another, big out-of-state liberal money kept on
pouring in on her behalf. She was a fixture in Drive-By Media coverage and right up to
Election Day she was treated as a serious challenger.
It wasnt even close. Republican Greg Abbott won by 20 points. Got almost 60 percent,
including 52 percent of women. The bottom line: the entire Wendy Davis story was
concocted. This defeat has not turned her into a has-been.Politically speaking, Wendy
Davis is a never-was.
P.S. The Congressional seat that Wendy Davis held prior to her failed gubernatorial run
has been picked-up by Konni Burton, Republican, who also happens to be a Tea Party
In her victory speech, Burton pulled no punches. She said the district was sick and tired
of being represented by a liberal who didnt reflect their conservative values. She
concluded: Nationally, the American people have rejected the presidents agenda for
our nation. In Texas, the people have sent the Democrats packing.
A further post-script may be on the way. The election of Konni Burton means
Republicans in the Texas legislature are closer to a supermajority. It sounds like America
and Texas had a war on liberals. And it sounds to me like America won.

The Goldberg File

By Jonah Goldberg

Dear Reader,
In Men in Dark Times Hannah Arendt says, Storytelling reveals meaning without
committing the error of defining it . . . it brings about consent and reconciliation with
things as they really are.
This, naturally, brings to mind that great episode of the Brady Bunch Adios, Johnny
Bravo. This YouTube video summarizes the tale expertly, but since you might be at
work and are reluctant to get caught watching Brady Bunch videos (again) at the office, I
will summarize. Greg Brady, scion of House Brady, is offered a contract from a record
label. At first he is reluctant to sign on because hes a loyal member of his family band.
But the record producers convince him that he owes it to himself to be all he can be.
They want him to become the new smash-hit sensation Johnny Bravo.
The role of Johnny Bravo comes complete with a sensational matador-themed costume
and a rented gaggle of winsome young ladies ready to tear it off on command (very
much like the job of senior editor here at National Review). The producers promise that
he wont simply be in the Top 20, hell be the Top 20. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the
ride, they tell him. It would be a tempting offer for any young man.

After much soul-searching, Greg agrees to become Johnny Bravo. That is, until he finds
out that the producers dont much care about his musical talent. Through the wizardry
of music production -- long before the advent of AutoTune -- they twist his vocal stylings
to what the market wants, not what Gregs muse has on offer. Thats not the
way I sound! Greg protests.
The producer retorts, You? Now cmon baby, dont get caught up on an ego trip. I
mean who cares how you sound? Were after the sound.
If you dont care about my sound, what do you need me for? Greg asks.
Because you fit the suit, another producer responds.

Putting the O in BravO

Forgive me for committing the error of defining my meaning. But Barack Obama fits the
In my USA Today column this week, I argued that Barack Obama is indisputably good at
one thing: Getting elected president of the United States.
Thats it. Hes not good at being president of the United States. Hes not good at being
the head of his party. Hes not good at diplomacy or public policy or managing large
bureaucracies. He has no new ideas . But man did he fit the suit, metaphorically
The Annals of Johnny Bravo
Ive used this Johnny Bravo analogy before because, lets face it, great literature is
timeless. (I was sorely tempted to use the Dreadstar comic book plotline about Maxilon,
the robot messiah. But that felt too obvious.) In 2004 I compared former general Wesley
Clark to Johnny Bravo for similar reasons. Liberals such as Michael Moore, desperate to
negate President Bushs national-security advantage, saw in Wesley Clark the perfect
figurehead for their anti-war message. But Clark proved inadequate to the task, so in the
Democrats infinite wisdom they went with the human toothache who now serves as
our secretary of state.
The logic remained the same, though. Because of John Kerrys overly mythologized
military record, Democrats convinced themselves that he would be the perfect person
to stand up to those evil neocon-chickenhawk Republicans. The problem in retrospect is
only slightly more obvious than it was at the time: Kerry wasnt famous for his war
exploits; he was famous for his anti-war theatrics. Also, there was that humantoothache thing.
But heres where Obama is different from Kerry and Clark. Obama is Johnny Bravo. They
asked Kerry and Clark to play a role. Obama was asked to be exactly who he is.
I realize this runs against the grain of a lot of right-wing thinking -- that Obama is really a
secret Muslim-Marxist radical biding his time to seize the means of production and
impose sharia. Well, the clock is running out on that theory.
I have no doubt that Obamas more left-wing in his heart than he is in his speeches and
public priorities. But my basic point is that Obama doesnt realize that his electoral
success was a function of the media age we are in. He fit the part. He said the right
words. He was an anti-George W. Bush when lots of people desperately wanted an antiGeorge W. Bush. He was black, cool, and eggheady in just the right way. Voting for
Obama made lots of people feel good about themselves which is a terrible reason to
vote for anybody. Media elites and average Americans alike were seduced because they
wanted to be seduced.
They starting with Obama himself believed the hype. And he still does.
Hes like modern-day Johnny Bravo lip-synching an auto-tuned song about keeping it
real and he thinks hes actually keeping it real. He goes around talking about how much
he hates talking points and sound-bites, how much he loathes cynicism and ideology.

And yet, he does all this in talking points and sound-bites packed like verbal clown cars
with ideology and cynicism.

The Seduction
I believe it was Dwight MacDonald who first pointed out the problem with the Johnny
Bravo story. In real life, few of us would turn down the offer made to Greg Brady. A
teenager, raging with Bill Clinton-level hormones, is promised fame, fortune, and
femmes. All he needs to do is rationalize that its actually about his talent. Also, as
Alfred Kazin noted in his response to MacDonald, a more plausible story would have the
record producers lying to Greg Brady. They would manage the talent by telling him
what he wanted to hear. Theyd never, ever, tell him he got the gig just because he fit
the suit. Theyd explain that the distortion of his sound isnt as pronounced as it really is.
And besides, what a small price to pay to break into the business. He could indulge his
muse later once he was a star. And Greg Brady would believe it.
The Devil & Greg Brady
People like to quote the line from The Usual Suspects: The greatest trick the devil ever
pulled is to convince the world he doesnt exist -- even though Baudelaire said it long
before Verbal Kint (and I have no doubt someone will tell me Baudelaire was ripping off
the Bible). But I think people miss the point of why Satan is the Prince of Lies and not
the Prince of Excellent Negotiating.
If you know youre dealing with The Devil you wont sell your soul. Thats whats so
implausible to me about Faust. The moment you know youre talking to the Devil, all
self-serving existential and atheistic rationalizations should disappear. I mean its the
Devil! Its one thing to take a flier that you might be selling your soul. Its quite another
to know that a) your soul exists and b) youre trading it away for all eternity. Selling your
soul (for personal gain or glory, at least) only really makes sense if you dont realize
youre selling it. In a properly functioning market where players have perfect
information, the commodity market on souls is pretty moribund. Thats what makes
Adios, Johnny Bravo so allegorical. Greg Brady recognized that he was being asked to
sell his soul.
Fortunately for the Devil, the ability to delude oneself and rationalize in service to
ambition, ego, and self-interest is one of the knottiest and most enduring flaws of the
crooked timber of humanity. It is a big reason we are not angels.
We have a tendency to think this is only a problem for dumb people, but the fact is
brainpower is famously susceptible to the seductions of self-interest and ego. And not
just susceptible; intellect is just as often as not the Devils marketing department. Lenin
was the smartest guy in the room; so was Woodrow Wilson. Their IQs didnt ameliorate
their problems, they created them. I have no doubt that Obama has a high IQ. Its just
high enough for him to always come up with a clever reason why everyone else is

I really didnt intend to write about Lucifer, so forget the Devil for now and just think of
things like public choice, self-interest, ego etc. Most teachers union hacks actually
believe they are helping kids by making it hard to fire drunks, pedophiles, and buffoons.
Even most defectors from North Korea still harbor love in their hearts for their Dear
Leader. One can only imagine the things Justin Bieber tells himself about his art and
his craft, never mind what the people who make a living off him tell Bieber. The
people behind No Labels honestly think its everyone else who is delusional. Crony
capitalists are convinced they are free marketers. Male porn stars surely convince
themselves that they are a big reason On Golden Blonde did so well. No faction is
immune to the natural human tendency to believe what you want to believe. President
Obama says he believes his own bullsh*t, and hes not alone. I think he was utterly
sincere when he said that being good at running a presidential campaign was evidence
that he would be a good president. This is like a great shoe salesmen thinking hed be a
great cobbler. Its possible, of course. But the latter does not obviously flow from the
From Schadenfreude to Fremdschmen
In my corner of the world, schadenfreude has reigned supreme for the last few days.
Just look at the NRO homepage since Tuesday night. Its been the psephological
equivalent of dancing in the end zone. And Im all for it. Though I thought this display by
Mitch McConnell in Harry Reids office was a bit over-the-top.
But that press conference on Wednesday was interesting. For most of the last six years,
the press corps might as well have been wearing Johnny Bravo T-shirts to every news
conference, at the end of which theyd hold up a cigarette lighter and shout Free Bird!
as the president hit the same old refrains of being a problem-solver and a pragmatist
(Yes, I know that sentence was a crime on so many levels). Groupies like Chris Matthews
might shout out requests like Make fun of the birthers again! Or Do the one where
you say youre going to make Republicans sit in the back and shut up!
But as Obama droned on and on in that press conference on Wednesday, it felt like a
horrible realization was washing over the Johnny Bravo Fan Club: Obamas grown stale.
Johnny Bravo has a shelf-life. There was Obama prattling on and on about how he had a
mandate, he heard the voice of the non-voters, the GOP has an obligation to do what he
wants, he did nothing wrong, blah blah blah. It was all so tone deaf and otherworldly
and -- most of all -- it was so unfathomably boring. As I joked on Twitter, he could have
seamlessly segued into reading the instructions for how to change the toner cartridge
on a Xerox machine and the audience might not have noticed.
Maybe Im wrong. But it kind of feels like Obama is a karaoke singer who doesnt realize
someone unplugged the machine. Hes out their belting out his golden oldies and no
one is tapping their toes any more. When that Maryland crowd left the arena after they
got their picture of Obama a few weeks ago, it felt like the Bay City Rollers playing an
Indian casino and foolishly playing Saturday Night too early in the set.
And its not just Obama, its the Democrats generally. Remember when the
audience booed when that New York Democrat tried to play the war on women card?
Or when the press started openly mocking Mark Udall for being Mark Uterus? Just a

week or so ago, Hillary Clinton was out there like Mick Jagger with a cane belting out
trickledown economics like it was fresh material.
In January, in a far superior newsletter, I wrote of fremdschmen, the greatest
German word ever. I wrote:
Its a floor wax and a dessert topping! No, thats not right. Its my new
favorite German word. What is amazing, to me at least, is that I am
only just now learning of this word, despite having a soft spot (right
below my elbow) for fun foreign words (I myself am overcome with
backpfeifengesicht right now -- The Couch). Even more surprising is
that we live in the Golden Age of fremdschmen, so youd think more
people would be using it.
So what does it mean? It means feeling embarrassed for someone else.
But more than that, it means feeling embarrassed for someone
else because that someone else doesnt realize he should be
I think thats where were heading with Obama. (Lets face it, weve been there with
Biden for years.) That press conference was embarrassing, and pretty much everyone in
Washington who watched it thought so -- except for Obama. Just as he thought he won
his first debate with Mitt Romney, he thinks that whenever he belts out his standards,
people love it. And no doubt the producers behind the scenes are still telling Johnny
Bravo exactly what he needs to hear.

The Four Cats

Four men were bragging about how smart their cats were.
The first man was an Engineer,
The second man was an Accountant,
The third man was a Chemist, and
The fourth man was a Government Employee.
To show off, the Engineer called his cat, "T-square, do your stuff."
T-square pranced over to the desk, took out some paper and pen and promptly drew a
circle, a square, and a triangle.
Everyone agreed that was pretty smart.
But the Accountant said his cat could do better. He called his cat and said,
"Spreadsheet, do your stuff."

Spreadsheet went out to the kitchen and returned with a dozen cookies. He divided
them into 4 equal piles of 3 cookies.
Everyone agreed that was good.
But the Chemist said his cat could do better. He called his cat and said, "Measure, do
your stuff."
Measure got up, walked to the fridge, took out a quart of milk, got a 10 ounce glass
from the cupboard and poured
Exactly 8 ounces without spilling a drop into the glass.
Everyone agreed that was pretty good.
Then the three men turned to the Government Employee and said, "What can your cat
The Government Employee called his cat and said, "CoffeeBreak, do your stuff."
CoffeeBreak jumped to his feet.......

Ate the cookies........

Drank the milk.....
Sh*t on the paper.......

Screwed the other three cats........

Claimed he injured his back while doing so.

Filed a grievance report for unsafe working conditions.......

Put in for Workers Compensation..................and

Went home for the rest of the day on sick leave............


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