Adventures of Ariel

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Adventures of Ariel

by celestija
Ariel laughed as she fell into the back seat of her waiting limousine. She had just finished
yet another successful concert, and finally convinced one of her colleagues to join her for a
little fun that night. Her flowing black skirt revealed more than a little thigh as she reclined
across the seat, waiting for Tim to get in.
As he stepped into the limo Tim caught sight of Ariel's long, slender legs and decided to
make his move while they were still high from their performance. He sat next to Ariel and
leaned close, his hand grazing her inner thigh as the limo moved away. Tim caressed her
legs, teasing, yet denying Ariel any sort of relief.
The first touch was like an electric jolt for Ariel. She was still buzzing from the concert, and
not really caring that her colleague was feeling her up. Something should have screamed at
her to stop it here, before it got awkward, but all she could think about were those
musician's hands massaging her legs when she so desperately needed to come. How was
not important.
They fooled around in the back seat for a little bit, doing everything but what they both
really wanted. Tim spotted a familiar bar through the window and asked Ed, their driver, if
they could stop here for a while. Both men knew this was a bar whose patrons had a
tendency to start fucking at their tables, while those who were interested looked on from
their own seats. Ed's shift finished in half an hour, and he decided to join them for a quick
Ariel looked around as she walked into the bar. There were two older guys sharing a beer
near the door. They looked like truckers, in their beer stained flannelette shirts. The
windows were blacked out, although she couldn't figure out why. She sat at a table in the
corner while Tim and Ed got the drinks.
'This place should be packed on a night like this,' she thought. It seemed like a semidecent place, and the music was good. Ariel tried not to move to the music while she was
sitting on the stool, half fearing looking stupid, or attracting the trucker's attention. Tim
came over with the drinks while Ed made a phone call. They each downed a shot of
sambucca while they relived the highs of the concert.
One drink quickly turned into four, and Ed, who by now had finished his shift, joined them
in a round of tequila slammers. Ariel, who was feeling more than a little naughty, suggested
the guys lick the salt from her breasts. She giggled during the first round, unaccustomed to
the feel of one man's tongue on her breasts, let alone two.
Ariel downed her drink as Tim licked her chest ready for the second, and moaned with
pleasure as his tongue explored all of her cleavage. He lingered over her hard nipples, his
tongue swirling and teasing in way Ariel did not know was possible. She found herself
wondering what else he was so good at, when she was snapped back into reality by a shot
being placed in her hand and a wedge of lemon between her breasts. Ariel could not believe

she had worked with Tim all these years and not once thought about what else he might get
up to.
When they were ready for the final round of tequila Tim whispered into Ariel's ear. Her
cheeks blushed a rosy red and she found herself standing up and leaning over the table,
lifting her ass into the air as Tim slid his hand under her skirt. Ariel wondered if he would
notice she wasn't wearing any underwear, while Tim slowly worked his tongue across both
of her ass cheeks and salted the glistening trail he had left behind. His dick had become
rock hard at the sight of her perfectly rounded ass sans underwear, and he turned his head
to see Ed standing next to him watching.
Tim waited for the exact moment Ariel downed her shot to thrust his cock deep into her
glistening pussy. He was hoping this would be met with desire rather than anger, since he
had told her he only wanted to see her ass. Tim began moving his cock in and out as Ariel
sucked on the lemon wedge in her mouth, muffling any cries that would tell him whether to
keep going or stop and run. His cock went so deep that each thrust bounced the table and
the glasses slid perilously close to the edge. He watched as Ariel let the lemon wedge fall
out of her mouth, and heard what he had so wanted to hear, the gentle cries of delight that
allowed him to do as he pleased.
Ariel did not know what to think when she felt that first, gloriously hard thrust. She did not
know if she should stop it, since they were in a public place, but it felt so good her mind was
incapable of reasoning. As she leant over the table she watched the glasses bouncing with
each thrust, teetering so close to the edge they would surely fall, when the barman came
over to clear them. Ariel was keenly aware of this stranger watching the whole event, yet
for some reason she didn't care. It made her feel good to know that someone she didn't
know was so appreciative. Tim was fucking her so hard now that Ariel did not think it was
humanly possible for it to get any deeper or better than this. She closed her eyes and
opened her mouth in little moans of joy, and felt something invade that space.
Ariel opened her eyes to see a cock working its way in and out of her mouth. From this
angle she could not see who it was, and found herself not caring. Ariel was stunned as she
realized this huge cock was in her throat and she hadn't felt any resistance at all. She
started throat fucking this cock as best she could given it was larger than anything she had
sucked before, secretly delighted that she could deep throat. Each time one cock pushed in,
her body was forced against the other. They found a rhythm and Ariel reveled in how good
it felt to have two cocks so deep inside her. She closed her eyes and suddenly felt both men
pull out, leaving her feeling emptier than she had ever felt in her life.
She felt herself being pulled off the table and led to a sofa nearby. Tim lay on the sofa, his
cock shiny with her pussy juices, and she obliged in tenderly licking his cock clean. When
she was done she turned and found Ed behind her, stroking his hard cock. Ariel then
realized this was the cock she had been sucking, and with a mischievous look she sat
herself on his cock, slowly sliding it into her pussy. Tim pushed her forward and started
licking her puckered rosebud. Ariel had never had a man do this to her before, and
wondered if Tim's cock up her ass would be any better than her previous experiences. It felt
so delightfully good that Ariel soon asked for Tim to fuck her ass, and he obliged by slowly
pushing his long cock into her. He was soon all the way in, and began fucking her ass in
Ariel could not believe this was really happening. For so long she had dreamt about what it
would be like to fuck two guys at the same time, but never had she imagined it would feel
as good as it did now. Tim started fucking her ass so hard Ariel thought she would split in

two. When he started slapping her ass she couldn't hold back any longer and her body
began shuddering in orgasmic bliss.
Tim suddenly withdrew, not wanting Ariel to come yet. He motioned to the barman for
another round of drinks. When they were brought over Tim suggested Ariel give him a
blowjob in lieu of payment. Ariel did not hear this comment, and Tim knew her mind was on
the orgasm he had so cruelly denied her. The barman freed his bulging cock from his pants
and waited for Tim's signal to join in.
Ariel screamed as Tim's cock plunged deep into her ass without warning. At that exact
moment a cock forced its way into her mouth and for a second or two Ariel was unsure if
she really wanted to keep going. Here she was with her driver's cock in her pussy, and at
the same time she was being ass fucked by one of her friends with a strangers cock in her
mouth. Her hesitation was brief as she realized she may never have the chance to do
something like this again, and gave herself completely to the three men. She felt better
than she ever had before, and the mere thought of being stuffed with three cocks was
enough to bring her back to the edge of orgasm. Ariel tried to scream with delight as her
body arched and shuddered, feeling her pussy being flooded with cum. She tried to scream
as the cock in her mouth released its treasure deep into her throat. It stayed there for the
briefest of moments before her mouth was finally free and she could scream as she felt
rivers of cum surging into her ass. Ariel had never been one to stay quiet when it mattered,
and at that moment she was oblivious to the many eyes in the room focused on her bliss.
The trio gathered their belongings and were ushered through the back door. Ariel was
already thinking about her next adventure as she stepped into the cool evening air.

After the Concert

by Pokerman

The following is based on a true story.

There were four of us that night, all guys, going to a concert at the local arena. We were all freshman at
college, and going out for the last time before final exams and summer vacation. The concert was great we had floor seats and stood yelling and singing the whole time. We ended up next to this beautiful girl
that one of the guys seemed to know from school. Nikki was gorgeous - around 5 foot 7, brown hair,
sensual green eyes and a perfectly proportioned body.
Her breasts strained against her t-shirt, and her jeans were so tight, they perfectly conformed to her sexy
ass. As the concert ended and the lights came up, Dave told us that he was going to give Nikki a ride
back to campus. The five of us squeezed into Dave's four-seater. Somehow I ended up sitting on the
hump on the way back, but next to Nikki, so I didn't mind so much. The two of us made small talk the
whole way back to campus, and I told her I knew of a party going on, if she wanted to come with me. She
smiled and said, "Sure."
We got out of the car, and I told Nikki that I needed to pick up some alcohol from my room before
heading up to the party, so she followed me up the stairs to the third floor. (The elevators were always
slow or broken, and the stairs were the fastest way to go sometimes). We were a little sweaty after the
concert and the stairs by the time we reached my room. As I went about finding a bag and packing up the
alcohol, Nikki flipped through my CD's.
She found "The Cars' Greatest Hits" (ok, ok, this was the mid-80s....) and cooed "Ooohhhh I love The
Cars!!! Can we listen to this for a while before we go to the party?" Here I was with a beautiful girl in my
room, who I just met - what would YOU say? So she put on the CD and sat down on the bed, as I offered
her a beer. We sat there, drinking, talking about classes, summer vacation, stuff like that. We finished our
beers, but the CD was still playing so I asked her if she wanted another. She nodded as she sucked down
the last few drops of Molson.
As I sat back on the bed with our beers, she took hers from me and set it down on the floor. Taking my
hand in hers, she leaned forward and kissed me. It was a small kiss, one like when you're unsure if the
other person is feeling the same way you are. I kissed her back, and as we broke our kiss she looked
down at the bed, and bit her lip. I turned around and put my beer on the desk and pushed her head up
with my index finger. I tilted my head and kissed her again - more passionately this time. She wrapped
her arms around my neck as our mouths opened and our tongues wrestled together.
I was still very inexperienced at this time. I'd only had one serious girlfriend, and no one-night stands, so I
really wasn't expecting to do much more than some kissing before being told we needed to stop and go to
the party. We kissed for a few minutes before taking a break and drinking some more beer. I chugged
mine a little, getting some more courage from the bottle. I scooted closer to her as we kissed again. I still
wasn't sure what was going on, and I loved kissing Nikki, so I let her dictate the pace. My hands caressed
her back, over her t-shirt as we kissed. She pushed her hands under the front of my shirt and stroked my
chest up and down. I took this as a sign to do the same to her, as I slipped my hands under her shirt and
felt her incredible breasts.
They didn't even fit in my hands. I fondled them through her bra as we kept kissing. After a few minutes I
took a chance and pushed her bra up over her tits, and groped her bare flesh. Her nipples were already
hard and sticking out as a pulled and teased them. She moaned into my mouth as I felt her tits, rubbing
and squeezing them over and over. I reached around and unhooked her bra. She broke our kiss and

pulled off her bra and t-shirt, leaving her naked from the waist up. I couldn't help but stare at her breasts.
They were magnificent!
Perfectly shaped, full...her nipples pointing straight out at me....I pulled off my shirt and dove in to her tits.
She held my head to her chest as I hungrily licked and sucked her breasts. She was squirming and
moaning as I pulled her nipples into my mouth, sucking them in and out. We fell back to the bed, as I laid
next to her, licking and sucking on her nipples, my left hand fondling her other breast. I moved my mouth
back and forth between them, licking and kissing all over her sweet skin. This was all so new to me; I
wasn't a virgin or anything, but I kept expecting her to make me stop.
As I devoured her breasts with my mouth, I moved a hand behind her and slid it into the back of her
jeans, squeezing and rubbing her sexy ass. This turned her on even more and she started rubbing my
cock through my jeans. For the first time, I thought I might actually get laid here, although I think I would
have settled for a handjob just to release the tension in my balls. I pulled my hand out of the back of her
tight jeans, and unbuttoned them from the front. I quickly pulled down the zipper and shoved my hand
inside her pink panties.
She moaned loudly as my index finger found her clit. Nikki grabbed the back of my head and held me
hard to her chest as I fucked her with my finger. She was so wet as I spread her juices around, fingering
her in and out, then up to her clit, over and over. She bucked her hips, moaning, ohhhhh Jake.....she
reached down and pushed her jeans lower. I followed her lead and moved down to her feet, and as she
lifted her hips, I pulled her jeans and panties off all the way. I was surprised - Nikki had a completely
shaved pussy, except for the little tuft of hair above her clit. I had never seen a pussy so clean and bare
before, except in magazines. My previous girlfriend never even trimmed her pussy hair, making eating her
an adventure just to find it. Nikki saw me staring at her bare flesh and smiled at me.
"Do you like it?"
"I love it," I told her. And with that I buried my face inside her legs and attacked her sweet pussy with my
mouth. She was going nuts - thrashing against the bed as I licked and sucked her as hard and fast as I
could. She tasted so incredible - so much better than my ex-girlfriend did. I moaned into her pussy, "Oh taste so good. I love eating your pussy..."
That was enough for her, as she came hard on my mouth. As I sucked all her juices she rocked her hips
against my mouth, and when she couldn't take any more she pulled me up and kissed me hard on the
mouth. As we broke out kiss she told me "Nobody's ever done that before." I couldn't believe it. I loved
eating pussy - how can anyone not want to taste Nikki's? She's so beautiful, and her pussy so incredible.
She told me that as much as she loved sucking cock (more about that later) none of the other guys she
was with ever liked eating her pussy. I told her they didn't know what they were missing. I moved back to
eat her again and she stopped me. She shook her head and whispered "Fuck me Jake," as she tried to
pull me on top of her.
I pulled away and reached into the desk drawer to grab a condom. (I may be horny, but I wasn't stupid.) I
quickly put it on as she drew me back to her. She reached down and guided my cock inside of tight
pussy. I started pounding her as hard and fast as I could. She wrapped her legs around my ass and her
arms around my neck as we fucked each othe. Nikki was incredible. She was squirming and moaning as
we thrust at each other. She kept calling my name "Ohhh Jake!!! Ohhhh Gggdddd Jake, fuck me!!!!!" My
ex was never so active in bed, and Nikki made me want to fuck her to death. My cock drove into her over
and over as she gasped and moaned.
I was fucking her as hard as I could - barely pulling my dick out before slamming it back inside her again.
I knew I wouldn't last long, and soon I could feel my balls start to ache. I pound her harder....calling out
"NIKKKIIIII....ohhhh Gggddddd Nikkkiiiiiii!!!!!" I came hard.... my whole body spasming as I collapsed on
her. She pulled my face in her hands and kissed me.

"That was incredible," she said, as she rolled me onto my back. I watched her as she positioned her
beautiful body, kneeling between my thighs. She took my softening cock in her hands and gently rolled off
the condom. She leaned down and slowly licked up and down the sides of my cock. I was coated in my
cum, and she hungrily licked it off like it was her favorite food. As she cleaned all the cum off my cock, I
started to get hard again. She looked at me and smiled, as she reached into my desk drawer for another
Nikki ripped open the package and forcefully covered my cock with it. She spread her legs as she
straddled my cock, and with one hard motion, she sunk down on me, impaling herself on my shaft. I
moved my hands to her huge tits, rubbing and squeezing them as she fucked me hard. I watched her as
she rode my cock - I had never done it this way - my ex was so conservative - always in the dark,
missionary position - it was the first time I'd ever seen my cock as it moved in and out of someone. It was
such a turn-on I thrust my hips up at Nikki as she fucked me. I moved my hands away from her tits and
put one on her hip, and the other I used to finger her clit.
She went nuts. She kept calling out "OHHHHH JAAAKKKEEEEEEE" as I fingered her harder and faster.
She slammed up and down on my cock again and again, as her orgasm got closer, her breasts bouncing
up and down . She held onto the wall with one hand as she slammed down on me again. I felt her pussy
clenching me as she came hard on my cock.... squeezing my shaft deep inside her pussy as her whole
body shook in ecstasy. As she calmed down, she climbed off my cock and in one swift motion rolled off
the condom and sunk her mouth over my shaft. I watched her head as it bobbed up and down on my
cock, a blur of motion.
She reached between my legs to rub my balls (how did she know I loved that?) as her mouth fucked my
cock. She drove all the way down on me, my whole cock deep in her mouth.
Quickly she moved up and down my cock as she rubbed my balls. If I hadn't just cum a few minutes ago,
I would have lost it by now for sure. She slid all the way down my cock, taking me deep in her and kept it
there. Instead of moving her head up and down she swirled her tongue all over my cock. It was incredible!
My whole cock inside Nikki's mouth as her tongue drove me crazy. It was all I could do not to explode
right there. I kept calling out "Ohhhhhh gggggddddd ohhhhh gggdddddddddddddd" as she drove me
insane with her tongue. She pulled her head back until just the top of my cock was inside her as she
teased me. That was all it took - I thrust my hips up at her and came. She slid her mouth half way down
on me as I shot load after load of my cum down her throat.
She kept sucking as she emptied me. I watched her as she swallowed it all, this beautiful girl eating my
cum and loving it. As I finally emptied my balls, she gave me one last lick, and I pulled her to me, kissing
her hard on the mouth. She moaned and told me nobody ever kissed her after a blowjob, either. I smiled
and kissed her again. She looked at the clock and yelled "Oh shit!!!" I asked her what was wrong, and she
told me that she lived at home while going to school, and she told her parents she'd be back from the
concert no later than 2:00. It was nearly 2:15 now.
We quickly got dressed (I tried not to be too disappointed, since I was hoping she'd stay over and we
could fuck all day on Sunday) and I grabbed my car keys and drove her home. She lived about 20
minutes away from campus, and as we drove, she kept rubbing my cock, teasing me. I reached over,
trying to drive one-handed and played with her tits. She never bothered to put her bra or underwear back
on, so I had my hand up her shirt, playing with her hard nipples as we drove.
She moaned loudly, and unbuckled her seat belt. She leaned over and unzipped my jeans. She pulled
out my cock and started sucking me again as I drove! I couldn't believe it, and I almost lost control of the
car. I told her she needed to stop, or we'd both get killed before she got home. Reluctantly she sat back
up in her seat (I don't know who was more disappointed, me or her) and at the next block I turned to her,
kissed her as I played with her tits (her shirt was now pushed up to her armpits) and told her to recline the
seat all the way back.

She smiled, and leaned it back, almost horizontal, as I whispered, "unbuckle your pants." She pulled
them down to her knees, and as the light turned green, I started fingering her quickly. The scent of her
wet pussy filled my small car as she squirmed in the seat. I did my best as I drove, concentrating mostly
on her clit, sending her quickly into another screaming orgasm.
She sat the seat back up, and pointed out her block. I turned the corner and she told me to turn off the
headlights as I drove, so her parents wouldn't see us coming. As I pulled quietly into her driveway, she
dove back onto my cock, sucking me for all I was worth. I couldn't believe how much Nikki loved to suck
cock, as she furiously bobbed her head up and down, her hand rubbing and teasing my balls.
I leaned the seat back to get more comfortable as she lifted her head off my cock. I had no idea what she
was doing, when she started licking my balls. I couldn't believe it - I never had that done before. She was
jerking me off with one hand while her mouth licked and sucked my full balls. I moaned and called out
ohhhh Nikki...I'm gonna cum.....She moved her mouth back to my cock just as I shot my third load of the
night. Some of it hit the side of her face, but the rest went straight down her throat. As she finished
squeezing the last of my cum out of me, Nikki sat up and kissed me deeply. "Thanks for a wonderful
evening, Jake."
I kissed her back, and told her how incredible she was. She smiled and waved goodbye, my cock still
sticking out of my jeans as she went inside her house.
Unfortunately, the semester ended before I could see Nikki again, and I was due to transfer to another
school closer to my home for the next term. So to Nikki, wherever you are, thanks for a great night. I
never hear The Cars without thinking of you.

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