Piaggio Report

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Managing Change: Travel Grid Implementation



Submitted to

University of Pune

Ashim kumar Maity

Under the Guidance

Mr Rajeev Mittal

It is often said that life is a mixture of achievements, failures, experiences, exposures and efforts to make your dream
come true. There are people around you who help you realize your dream. I acquire this opportunity with much pleasure
to acknowledge the invaluable assistance of PIAGGIO Vehicles Pvt Ltd and all the people who have helped me
through the course of my journey in successful completion of this project.

I wish to express my sincere gratitude to my Company Guide, Mr Rajeev Mittal, and Head IT for his guidance,
help and motivation. Apart from the subject of my study, I learnt a lot from him, which I am sure, will be useful in
different stages of my life. I would also like to thank Mr Mangesh Kulkarni, VP HR for his extension of
I feel deep sense of gratitude towards Prof ................., Faculty Guide, ASMA Institute of Management, and
Pune for his continuous help, support and guidance during my internship at Piaggio Vehicles Pvt Ltd and being
a constant source of motivation throughout the course of my action.

Thanks and Regards

Ashim Kumar Maity
Student 2013-2015

1) Executive


2) Organisation
3) Objective

of the study

4) Research

methodology and literature review


data analysis

6) Findings
7) Conclusion
8) References


Executive Summary
Todays managers are challenged in the workplace and global marketplace to add value to their
organizations bottom-lines. However, environmental forces of change (i.e., competition, globalization,
technology) have changed the rules of the management game. Also, the growth of emerging technologies
(i.e., Internet, Internet 2, Intranet, e-commerce, e-business, m-commerce, voice over Internet Protocol,
wireless, and sophisticated software applications) which are fuel by the expanding information age have
forced managers to use data in the decision-making process .
Organizations depend on the continuous (24/7) and seamless flow of information in order to fully participate
in the new global economy. Global companies use the virtual enterprise strategy to manage suppliers,
business partners, collocated employees, and contract workers. How can these managers survive in a
turbulent sea of changes while meeting their objectives? The solution lies more in the form of online
Online support systems help computer users achieve goals and accomplish tasks within the contexts of their
primary work. These are the integrated mechanisms which centralise the information and make it easy to
share. Be it Travel, accounting, human resources, production processes, etc. these systems help regardless of
their instantiation.
My Summer Intern Project Travel Grid Implementation is also an online System to ease the functioning of
various departments where tens of people are travelling almost on daily basis across India and overseas.
Travel Grid aligns entire organisations cost centers and gives them speedy, reliable, effective and more
efficient platform to ensure the comfort of employees and employer.
Through this application we can cut down almost on the manual labour of making the arrangements and
smoothen the operational effort. This is one of the finest applications that Piaggio has come up towards
employee betterment as it shapes the delivery and encourages process orientation.

Travelling is divided into two parts:
1. TR means travel request where traveller makes a request to his/ her immediate supervisor (nearly 2)

by filling a detailed online form which is aligned with their apnaHR.

2. TE, means travel expense which can be made against all the travel expenditure and happens only for

the travel done in past.

Step: 1
For accessing the Travel Grid portal the below URL to be hit from the browser
The below screen will appear

Screen Shot 1: Login screen for Traveler

Step: 2
Fill the necessary details and click on Login. The below screen will appear with Traveler profile.

Screen Shot 2: Traveler Home Page

1) The calendar available on Left hand side will provide the details of upcoming Travels for existing month.
2) The Alert zone displays the alerts for Travel requests which are ready for Expense, Invoices pending for
approval and Travel Request pending for approval.
3) The Travel document section on the right hand side provides details of User manual and Travel Policy details.

Step: 3

Then Click on the Create/View TR tab above the travel documents section. The below screen will appear with the
status of the request raised.

Screen Shot 3: Traveler screen for raising the request

1) Once the Create/View TR tab is clicked, traveler has two sub-tabs to create Domestic Request and Overseas
2) Traveler has option to search the request by TI number and can view the TRs he/she has raised.
3) For creating the New request click on the Domestic request tab.

Step: 4 Once the Traveler clicks on the Domestic request the below screen will appear.

Screen Shot 4: Traveller Domestic request Form

1) Traveler has to fill the required information for filling the Domestic form.
2) First fill the contact number in the Traveler Details section.

Screen shot 5: Fill the contact details

3) Then fill the following fields under Visit Details section:

a) Purpose of Travel
b) Destination
c) Billable
d) Details of Purpose of Visit

Screen Shot 6: Fill the visit details

4) Then fill the Trip Plan. Please find the screen shot provided below.
a) Round trip: Which provides you to the option to create Onward and Return journey itinerary using the
details entered.
b) One way: provides you to create a one way journey with one itinerary containing all the details.
c) Multiple Destinations: Provides you to the option to add multiple destinations to visit.
d) Fill the Origin, Destination, and Travel Mode: Air/Rail/Road.
e) By Company: Yes/No, Onward Date and Time

Click on next button once all the fields are filled.

Screen Shot 7: Fill the Trip Plan details

5) Once the Next button is clicked the below screen will be displayed called the Itinerary Details page.
a) Traveler can see his profile data under Traveler details.
b) Traveler can check the itinerary details what he have filled in Trip Plan.
c) Traveler can add the itinerary for Air, Rail and Road.
d) Traveler can also edit itinerary.
e) Next button will route to Advance page.

Screen Shot 8: Traveler Itinerary Details

6) Once the Next button is clicked after the Itinerary details, the page will route to Advance page. If required
traveler can add request by using Add Advance button or else click on Next button without adding advance
will display a message as shown below.

Screen Shot 9: Advance screen on clicking on Next

7) Once the Traveler is completed with Advance page and clicks Next button after adding advance or skipping
advance, task will route to Summary page, in which traveler can check all the details he has filled. Then clicking
Submit TR the task will route to his immediate manager for approval and the same is in the screen provided below.

Screen Shot 10: Traveler Summary page

7) Traveler can modify the itinerary and any other option, by using Previous button to go back.
a) Traveler can save the Travel Request as draft using the Save as draft button.
b) Traveler can quit making Travel Request by clicking on Quit button.
c) The below screen shot will provide you the information like request has been created.

Screen Shot 11: Traveler Request Confirmation Number

8) Once the Travel Request is created, a unique TR number will be generated for the task which can be used to
track the status under Create/View TR menu.

Creating Domestic Travel Expense

Step: 1
Once the Invoice is approved, then the Task will be visible under Create/View TE menu in the application. Traveler
logs into application and create his expense with respect to travel request.
For accessing the Travel Grid portal the below URL to be hit from the browser

The below screen will appear with employee-id and Username

Screen Shot 1: Login screen for Traveler

Step: 2
Fill the necessary details and click on Login. The below screen will appear with Traveler profile.

Screen Shot 2: Traveler Home Page

1) The calendar available on Left hand side will provide the details of upcoming Travels for existing month.
2) The Alert zone displays the alerts for Travel instructions which are ready for Expense, Invoices pending for
approval and Travel Instructions pending for approval.
3) The Travel document section on the right hand side provides details of User manual and Travel Policy details.
Step: 3
Click on the Create/View TE tab above the travel documents section. The below screen will appear with the status
of the request raised.

Screen Shot 3: Traveler screen for raising the Expense request

1) Once the Create/View TE tab is clicked, traveler has two sub-tabs provided for creating Domestic and
Overseas Expense.

2) The list displayed by default on clicking Create/View TE tab is the Domestic TRs list pending for Expense
3) Traveler has option to search the request by TR number and can view the TRs which are pending for creating
Travel Expense and also the Submitted Travel Expenses.
4) For starting creation of expense, click on the Create button after searching the task with the TR number.
Step: 4
Once the Traveler clicks on the Domestic Expense the below screen will appear.

Screen Shot 4: Traveler screen for raising the Expense request

1) Traveler has the option of searching the Expense request from the search bar provided.
2) Traveler clicks on Create button, and the screen displayed is shown in Screen Shot 5.

Screen Shot 5: Instructions window on clicking Create button.

3) Traveler must read the instruction carefully and then click Yes button to proceed to creation of Travel
The screen which gets displayed on clicking Yes button is displayed in Screen Shot 6 below.

Screen Shot 6: Traveler Expense creation page

4) Traveler has to fill the Trip End Date and End Time mandatorily in order to start adding Expenses.
5) The Trip Duration gets calculated based on the Trip Start and End Date and Time details and gets displayed
under Trip Duration box. The duration is displayed in number of days and hours, but it is rounded of by
considering 8 hours equivalent to 1 day.
6) Only after having entered trip end date and end time, the Traveler can click on the individual tabs such as
Ticket, Accommodation, Food, Daily Allowance, Conveyance and Miscellaneous for keying in the details for
which he have spent during Travel.

Screen Shot 7: Traveler clicks on Ticket Tab in Expense after filling Trip End Date and Time

7) Traveler has the option to add the itinerary details directly in the Expense, in case of any immediate trip
occurred and also if he has not specified at the time of TI creation.
8) Traveler has to fill the Date, Time, and Leaving From, Going To, Mode (Air/Rail/Road), PNR/Bkg Ref/Tkt. No.,
Amount, Flight No and Class of Booking.
9) By Company is considered as No for any new itinerary added during Expense creation as it was not
requested at the time of creating Travel Instruction.
10) Once traveler clicks on save button, the itinerary gets saved.
11) Similarly the next tabs also to be filled.
12) Traveler can claim the same by adding details under Accommodation tab as shown in Screen Shot 7.

Screen Shot 7: Traveler screen for Accommodation in Expense

13) Traveler can claim his Accommodation expense.
14) Traveler has to fill the Check In, Check Out, Place, Type (Hotel/ /Self Arrangement or Customer Guest House),
Bill No and Amount.
15) Once he clicks on save the itinerary gets and saved and will appear as shown in Screen Shot 8.

Screen Shot 8: Traveler screen for Accommodation in Expense

16) Similarly Traveler can add more line items in Accommodation tab.
17) Traveler claims his food expense under Food tab. Click on Food tab to update food expenses (Screen shot
9 displays the details a user needs to enter with food expense).
18) The saved line item is displayed in Screen Shot 10 for Food Expense. The saved line item can be edited and
deleted as needed.

Screen Shot 9: Traveler screen for Food

Screen Shot 10: Food expense saved line item

19) Traveler can view the Daily Allowance under Daily Allowance tab.

Shot 10: Traveler screen for Out of Pocket

20) Traveler can claim conveyance expenses under Conveyance tab. (as shown in Screen Shot 12).

Screen Shot 12: Conveyance details under Conveyance tab for expense

21) The conveyance details can be claimed by updating the details and then clicking Save button. Screen shot
13 displays saved line item for Bus conveyance.
22) Different conveyance modes are present under Mode drop down for the traveler to choose.

Screen Shot 13: Conveyance line item saved to claim conveyance expense

23) Traveler can claim any other type of expense (other than Accommodation, Food, Daily Allowance and
Conveyance) by using Miscellaneous tab. The section which appears on clicking Miscellaneous tab is
shown in screen shot 14.

Screen Shot 14: Miscellaneous expense claiming screen

24) The Voucher No is an optional field based on the availability and can be left empty if there is no bill
number available. The screen shot 15 displays a saved line item for miscellaneous expense.

Screen Shot 15: Miscellaneous expense save line item

25) After having claimed all the types of expenses, the Traveler can view the summary of the expenses added by
him/her in the Summary tab. Clicking on the Summary tab will display screen as shown in Screen Shot 14

Screen Shot 13: Traveler Summary screen.

26) In the Summary page the Traveler can check the Total summary of the all the line items added for claiming
Ticket, Accommodation, Food, Daily Allowance, Conveyance and Miscellaneous expenses.
27) If the Traveler had requested for Advance during Travel Instruction creation, then it will appear in Advance
in INR box under INR Expenses section in the Summary page.
28) The Traveler can choose the approver from the list under Approver drop down.

29) Traveler can save this expense task as draft using Save as draft button in Summary page. This draft then
later be opened and sent for Approval.
30) The traveler needs to check on the box with message The above information is true and correct
mandatorily before clicking Send for approval button.
31) Once the Travel Expense is sent for approval, it will be available for editing or printing under Submitted
option in the drop down in Create/View TE menu (Shown in Screenshot 14)

Screen Shot 14: Displaying list of submitted Travel Expenses under Create/View TE menu
32) All the Travel Expenses (domestic or overseas) which are submitted or saved as draft can be found under the
option Draft (as displayed in screen shot 14) under Create/View TE menu.
This concludes the process of creating Domestic Travel Expense.

Chapter 2

Company Profile

Piaggio is a motor vehicle manufacturer based in

Pontedera, Italy that has seven brands of scooters and motorcycles, and compact
commercial vehicle brands. Piaggio produced 6, 53,300 vehicles in 2013, with five research
and development centers, more than 6,700 employees and operations in over 50 countries.
Type - Public (Borsa Italiana: PIA)
Industry- Automotive
Founded -Sestri Ponente, Italy (January 24, 1884)
Founder(s)- Rinaldo Piaggio
Headquarters- Pontedera, Italy
Area served -Worldwide
Key people -Roberto Colaninno (Chairman and CEO),Michele Pallottini, General Manager

Piaggio Journey and Achievements

Piaggio boasts a long-standing history in Italian industry and mobility. Back in 1882, Enrico Piaggio
opened a factory for the production of naval supplies. This was followed, two years later, by the
founding of Piaggio & C by Rinaldo Piaggio, engaged from 1889 in the railways sector.
The company made its dbut in the aeronautical field in 1916, and after a series of ups and downs,
finally approached the world of two-wheeled vehicles. In 1964 the aeronautical (I.A.M. Rinaldo
Piaggio) and motorcycle (Piaggio & C.) divisions split to become two independent companies, with

the latter paving the way for the birth of Italian mobility, in the wake of the economic boom enjoyed
in those years.
As from the 1960s, Piaggio began to churn out a series of highly successful products.
Between 1990 and 1994, Piaggio turned out the Sfera, the first scooter to feature plastic bodywork,
followed by Hexagon, a milestone in the maxi-scooter segment. Between 1973 and 1988, the Bravo
moped was a big hit, and a series of new vehicles were introduced, such as Cosa, Superbravo and
Born as a 50cc moped in 1997 and instantly carving out a place for itself on the market as a highly
innovative product, Liberty soon become one of the most popular high-wheeled scooters around: the
credit goes to its young and dynamic line, excellent build quality, and competitive price. A
distinctive feature for its category is a great attention to detail.
The year 2001 saw the dbut of Beverly, an extraordinarily agile, reliable and safe scooter that
revolutionized the market, quickly becoming the absolute leader in terms of sales in the competitive
and prestigious "high wheel" sector. The following year, it was completely overhauled in style and
technology, flaunting a new elegant and distinctive look and offering top-rate equipment and
finishings, as always with the guarantee of top safety and performance. In 2012, the range of bestselling Piaggio high-wheeled scooters was enriched with a new model - the Beverly Sport Touring,
fitted with a new 350cc engine (as compact as 300cc but with the performance of 400cc) - that
interprets the class and elegance of Beverly in a sports version. The newborn is the first scooter in
the world to be equipped with ABS/ASR, to exploit the vehicle's maximum performance in complete
The Piaggio Mp3 is a tilting three-wheeled scooter offering safety, road grip and a stability
unattainable with a two-wheeled vehicle, combined with considerable power and agility, making for
pure fun and maximum driving pleasure. These winning features have earned the Mp3 enormous
success since its launch in 2006. The use of three wheels, two of which at the front, was a
revolutionary technical intuition that has led to a truly unique scooter and has redefined the very
concept of dynamic stability. This winning formula has led to the proliferation of versions over the
years, to meet the needs of the most extensive customer base, culminating in the Mp3 Hybrid, the
first scooter in the world with a parallel hybrid drive and plug-in technology, and the Mp3 Yourban,
which offers a more urban and casual use of the excellent stability and safety features of the Mp3
The year 2007 saw the launch of the Piaggio HyS (Hybrid Scooter), the prototype of hybrid drive set
to revolutionise urban mobility. Available in three different prototypes, based on the models Vespa
LX, X8 and MP3, the Piaggio Hybrid Scooter combines a conventional internal combustion engine
with low environmental impact with a zero-emission electric motor.
In 2012, the new Piaggio X10 - available with three modern engines (125, 350 and 500) to meet the
most diverse commuting needs - made travel an everyday luxury, bringing Piaggio back with a
splash in the Gran Turismo segment. The X10 - an authentic flagship on two wheels, dedicated to
those who want maximum comfort and all-Italian elegance - offers modern, sleek and attractive
lines, designed in a wind tunnel, combined with a wealth of equipment and top notch performance.

Piaggio's India operations

Entered India in 1998 as a joint venture with
Greaves Limited, later acquiring Greaves' stake
To become a 100 per cent subsidiary
Manufacturing facility in Baramati produces
500 vehicles per day
Has a marketing and sales network of 240 dealer
Locations and 420 outlets for sale
Today it is the second largest three-wheeler
Of 33 per cent
India is also a hub for exports of Ape' vehicles
To countries like Argentina, Peru, Sudan, Sri Lanka,
Mexico, South Africa, Cuba and Bangladesh

Piaggio in India
Piaggio entered India in 1998 through a joint
Venture with Greaves Limited to manufacture
Three-wheeler. Piaggio had a majority stake of
51 per cent in this joint venture. Three years later
In August 2001, Piaggio went on to acquire the
49 per cent holding of Greaves Limited and the
Company, Piaggio Vehicles Private Limited
Became a 100 per cent subsidiary of Piaggio SpA.
Since then the company has achieved phenomenal
Growth in its revenues - an average growth of more
Than 40 per cent has been realised, year on year.
The Indian operations, ably spearheaded by Ravi
Chopra, Chairman and Managing Director, have
Today become a key focus area and a significant
Destination for the Group's overall business.
The company has its state-of-the-art plant at
Baramati (Maharashtra), with a fully automated
Paint shops and advanced R & D facilities.
Way back
In 1999, the company had started its production
Activities with only 40 vehicles per day. Today it

Grown to a scale where it manufactures 500

Vehicles in a day. The company has successfully
Utilised Pune as a strategic hub for its marketing
And sales network, which has grown to over 240
Dealer locations providing 420 outlets for sales and
Service across the country. The company employs
Around 1,200 people in India. It has seven regional
Offices and fourteen branch offices all over the
Country. This is perhaps one of the largest and
Best-organised distribution networks for threeWheeler in India.
In the last few years, PVPL has emerged as the
Second largest three-wheeler manufacturer in India.
With an overall market share of 33 per cent, the


Its remarkable growth and achievements today are

The result of the total commitment, dedication and
Hard work of a "winning team".

Company today has maintained its leadership in the

Three-wheeler cargo segment with a share of 39
Per cent. It also has a significant 30 per cent share
in the passenger segment.
PVPL has also begun to export its ape' vehicles
From India to many countries including Argentina,
Peru, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Mexico, South Africa, Cuba
And Bangladesh. Till recently PVPL's focus was on
Catering to the increasing domestic market needs
In India, however it now has aggressive plans for
A major thrust on the export front in the coming
Years. The company expects 10-15 per cent
Contribution to its turnover from exports in the
Future years.

Product range and quality

PVPL's product range in India includes one tonner
Pick-up vans, delivery vans, special purpose
And passenger vehicles. The company has developed
Close to fifty customised applications to cater to
various product requirements of industries like fast
moving consumer goods, mineral water, waste
disposal, ice cream, poultry etc.
These vehicles are engineered for remarkable fuel
efficiency, rugged performance and high load
carrying capacity. They are extremely environment
friendly and conform to the most stringent
emission norms. Piaggio Ape' is today the first
choice with over 4,00,000 customers because of its
high mileage, low operating cost and an extended
warranty of twenty months.

large domestic market

The rapid industrialisation and growth in the Indian
Economy and the resulting need for logistics
Key factors of success in India
management has driven PVPL's growth in the
Country. Going forward, transportation of man and
Creditable and empowered local management
material will continue to improve, given the growth
Piaggio's success story in India is a typical case target of the Indian economy in the Tenth FiveExample of how a global company can effectively
Year Plan. The need will further get enhanced with
Use its global processes in a local environment
the development of the rural sector. Given this
By customising its product market and fine tuning
growth potential the company envisages a growth
Its business model to suit the Indian market. The
of 15 per cent per annum for itself over the next
Companys growth and performance reflects a
five years.
Creditable and empowered local management,
Which has effectively evolved its business model
the goods transportation sector in India is also?
On the basis of three principles
witnessing a major shift in focus and is developing
Commitment at the global level
into a "hub and spoke" model. Whilst multiple axle,
Empowered local level management
tractor-trailer large size vehicles are today
Localised product / market mix
dominating inter city transportation system, smaller
Three-wheeler and light commercial vehicles are
Driven mainly by the local management, today the
catering to the movement of goods within a city.
Company is seeing its vision unfold into a reality.
This shift in focus is expected to generate a large

Piaggio Commercial Vehicles

Cargoes: ape XTRA, ape XTRA LD, Porter 600, and Porter 1000
Passengers: ape XTRA, ape (Diesel), new ape city 200
Customized: Municipal Application: Special Purpose Application

Piaggio 2 Wheelers




Organisation Structure:

Piaggio Market Share


Chapter Three
Objective of the Study

Travel is often the third most important cost element after material and payroll. Companies
engage significant manpower and man hours for processing business related travel and its
accounting. It is easy to overlook this aspect since the associated costs remain buried under
distributed heads ranging from the travelling employee, approver, cash desk, travel desk,
travel manager, finance and accounts, Travel Grid. Taken together, this can create
considerable overhead burden on the company's operational costs. Also overlooked is the
rework cost associated with corporate travel as travellers cancel journey, modify sectors,
reroute tickets, buy bulk tickets under schemes and then try to accommodate all this in their
accounting process.
Channel Mentor's Travel Grid solution has made all such procedures and controls completely
hassle free and paper free. From the point a new indent for Travel is made in an on-line form,
the system moves the indent through approvers in a smooth workflow. Mails are triggered at
each point to appropriate roles. The expense report is populated in the background with ticket
costs making the on-line expense report a breeze.
The Travel Grid system completely automates the following aspects for both domestic
and overseas travel:
1) Budget Control
2) Alerts and Reminders
3) Travel Request and Advance
4) Trace Approval
5) Travel Desk Coordination
6) Travel Agent Coordination
7) Invoice Creation
8) Invoice Approval
9) Travel Expense
10) Cancel and Reissue
11) Audit Trail
12) Mobility
13) Multiple Country Implementation
14) Travel Policy and Approval Policy
15) HR and Finance Travel Grid Integration
16) Travel Analytics and MIS

Organisational fit and adaptation are important to

implementation of modern large-scale enter- prise systems that are built with predetermined business process methodology. As a result, customisation is a crucial, lengthy,
and costly aspect in the successful implementation of online systems. The main objective of
the project is:
1. To minimise or cut down absolutely on manual handling of employees queries.

2. Zero usage of paperwork, eventually to comply with environmental standards

3. Travel process automation, pre and post.
4. Collate huge amount of data, so as to centralise, to ensure easy and convenient
accessibility as and when required.

Companies that use online systems can gain a competitive advantage from the way they
implement the system and then exploit the resulting data. Many companies that have
installed such systems have claimed to be more nimble within the marketplace than their
competitors with hard-to-change custom
Piaggio have spent big amount and used numerous amounts of man-hours installing
elaborate the systems. Activities or tasks carried out during the phase of the project

High level design reviewanalyse the enterprise model, and develop 'Vanilla' prototype.
Critical design reviewdetailed design and customisation of the prototype.
To make it temporary live by giving presentations to various teams.
Implementation realisationto fix the bugs as identified during T&D.
Technical/operation reviewuser acceptance testing.
Post implementation reviewssystem deployment, systems conversion, user training before
the 'Go Live'.

Chapter 4
Research Methodology and Literature Review

"What is change management?" This is a question you may have heard from colleagues or
co-workers in passing or in formal presentations. While many of us 'know' intuitively what
change management is, we have a hard time conveying to others what we really mean.

In thinking about how to define change management, it is important to provide context

related to two other concepts the change itself and project management. This tutorial shows
how change management and project management are two critical disciplines that are applied
to a variety of organizational changes to improve the likelihood of success and return on

Ultimately, the goal of change is to improve the organization by altering how work is done
When you introduce a change to the organization, you are ultimately going to be impacting
one or more of the following four parts of how the organization operates:
Organization structure
Job roles

While there are numerous approaches and tools that can be used to improve the organization,
all of them ultimately prescribe adjustments to one or more of the four parts of the
organization listed above. Change typically results as a reaction to specific problems or
opportunities the organization is facing based on internal or external stimuli. While the notion
of 'becoming more competitive' or 'becoming closer to the customer' or becoming more
efficient' can be the motivation to change, at some point these goals must be transformed into
the specific impacts on processes, systems, organization structures or job roles. This is the
process of defining the change.


Organisational Change

First of all, most organizational changes are planned, intentional changes, introduced
By management for different reasons (that vary from a response to internal or environmental
Pressures, to strategic changes, meant to develop the organization). Secondly, organizational
Changes are easily noticed, as they unfold in a more orderly, a better structured and a
Significantly smaller space than social changes. Moreover, changes that take place at
Organization level often evolve in a shorter time span than those taking place at a macro level
(Except for the revolutions, of course). One other difference is in identifying the operator of
Change thanks to the features presented so far, it (or they) can be easily identified. Yet
Another significant difference is the fact that, in the case of organizational changes, the
Systematic paradigm has a leading role; for instance, in OD the most frequently used means
Measuring the effects of a change is measuring a set of factors specific to the system both
Before, as well as after the change, the variation thus representing the effect of the
Intervention. Otherwise said, two different stages of the system are measured, estimating the
Difference between them at different moments in time the very core principles of the
Systematic model.
The theoretical space of organizational change has a few more features that are part of

The met language; first of all, most of the expert literature is written from a managerial point
Of view that is OD represents the point of view of the management team that is certainly
Interested in the most effective ways of introducing change in the organization they run. The
Second feature refers to the fact that there are two main ways of approaching the issue of
Organizational change: the one that is an explanation for the means of implementing a
Change and the one that represents a description of the process, that analyzes change instead
Of offering norms for applying it. We will continue by presenting the two models included in
each approach.

Context Management of Change

Management of Change, meaning the execution of business strategic plans and delivery of
required change projects, through communication to stakeholders and partners, integration of
multidiscipline teams and management of people. However, this tends to be on a fragmented
basis as there tends to be no consistent operating model for managing change across
organisations and divisions.

Without a doubt, IT departments have significant expertise to manage IT project deliverables

and business as usual IT service deliverables. They are asked to drive a large number of
change projects and have to juggle budgets, priorities and manage outcomes on behalf of the
business. If it goes wrong, and there is a high tendency for this to happen, then IT is seen as
the whipping boy for the organisations failings.

Though IT is normally a major component of most large change projects, change is initiated
to support or grow the business to meet the organisations strategy. Change is all about
modifying, introducing or removing business processes to service evolving set of products to
meet customer needs. IT is the automation of some or all of those processes

Some in IT will say that infrastructure projects are IT owned. Yes they are managed by IT,
but there must be a business reason for the infrastructure; such as increased performance for
customers, improved service availability for customers all these are business driven
imperatives to managing a successful service to its customers.

In summary all change should have a business imperative, otherwise why would the change
be incepted. So when we think of change, we must think of business objectives that have
been identified in a forward-looking business strategy and these are being turned into change
programmes to meet those objectives and desired outcomes.

Research Methodology:

Objective of Research:
1. To find out the readiness of employees for online support system.
2. To fix the bugs in current system.
3. To gather momentum towards process orientation.

Research Design:
A research design is a systematic plan to study a scientific problem. The design of a study
defines the study type (descriptive, correlational, semi-experimental, experimental, review,
meta-analytic) and sub-type (e.g., descriptive-longitudinal case study), research
question, hypotheses, independent and dependent variables, experimental design, and, if
applicable, data collection methods and a statistical analysis plan.

Design types
There are many ways to classify research designs, but sometimes the distinction is artificial
and other times different designs are combined. Nonetheless, the list below offers a number
of useful distinctions between possible research designs.

Descriptive (e.g., case-study, naturalistic observation, Survey

Correlational (e.g., case-control study, observational study)
Semi-experimental (e.g., field experiment, quasi-experiment)
Experimental (Experiment with random assignment)
Review (Literature review, Systematic review)

The type of research design used in Change Management Overview is Descriptive Research
Design. Since the research includes fact finding with adequate interpretations, descriptive
research design is used. In this research, more is involved in the form of reflective thinking.
Reflective thinking relates the facts gathered to the objectives and the assumptions of the

Scope of Research:
In Piaggio Vehicles Private Ltd research extended from Baramati Plant to Various
offices in Pune. Teams of Finance & Accounts, Technology, Engineering & Design,
Exports, Sales & Business Development, Vendor Development and Human Resources
were consulted on various parameters to examine and conclude the objective of
research. Nearly four Hundred employees data was recorded. People were dedicated
towards the approach and showed their best towards usage. Almost 100 % agreed on
the usage and applicability of Travel Grid.

Sampling Techniques:
Statistical sampling techniques are the strategies applied by researchers during the statistical
sampling process.
This process is done when the researchers aims to draw conclusions for the entire population
after conducting a study on a sample taken from the same population.
Sampling Methods fall into two categories:

Probability Sampling
Probability sampling is a sampling technique wherein the samples are gathered in a process
that gives all the individuals in the population equal chances of being selected.
In this sampling technique, the researcher must guarantee that every individual has an equal
opportunity for selection and this can be achieved if the researcher utilizes randomization.
Non-Probability Sampling

Non-probability sampling is a sampling technique where the samples are gathered in a

process that does not give all the individuals in the population equal chances of being
Most researchers are bounded by time, money and workforce and because of these
limitations, it is almost impossible to randomly sample the entire population and it is often
necessary to employ another sampling technique, the non-probability sampling technique.

Data Collection Methods:

Data collection is the process of gathering

and measuring information on variables of interest, in an established systematic fashion that
enables one to answer stated research questions, test hypotheses, and evaluate outcomes. The
data collection component of research is common to all fields of study
including physical and social sciences, humanities, business, etc. While methods vary by
discipline, the emphasis on ensuring accurate and honest collection remains the same. The
goal for all data collection is to capture quality evidence that then translates to rich data
analysis and allows the building of a convincing and credible answer to questions that have
been posed.
Regardless of the field of study or preference for defining data
(quantitative, qualitative), accurate data collection is essential to maintaining the integrity of
research. Both the selection of appropriate data collection instruments (existing, modified, or
newly developed) and clearly delineated instructions for their correct use reduce
the likelihood of errors occurring.

Quantitative Data collection methods

The Quantitative data collection methods rely on random sampling and structured data
collection instruments that fit diverse experiences into predetermined response categories.
They produce results that are easy to summarize, compare, and generalize.
In a structured interview, the researcher asks a standard set of questions and nothing more.
Face -to -face interviews have a distinct advantage of enabling the researcher to establish
rapport with potential participants and therefor gain their cooperation. These interviews yield
highest response rates in survey research. They also allow the researcher to clarify ambiguous
answers and when appropriate, seek follow-up information. Disadvantages include
impractical when large samples are involved time consuming and expensive.
Telephone interviews are less time consuming and less expensive and the researcher has
ready access to anyone on the planet that has a telephone. Disadvantages are that the response
rate is not as high as the face-to- face interview as but considerably higher than the mailed
questionnaire. The sample may be biased to the extent that people without phones are part of
the population about whom the researcher wants to draw inferences.
Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI): is a form of personal interviewing, but
instead of completing a questionnaire, the interviewer brings along a laptop or hand-held
computer to enter the information directly into the database. This method saves time involved
in processing the data, as well as saving the interviewer from carrying around hundreds of

questionnaires. However, this type of data collection method can be expensive to set up and
requires that interviewers have computer and typing skills
Paper-pencil-questionnaires can be sent to a large number of people and saves the
researcher time and money. People are more truthful while responding to the questionnaires
regarding controversial issues in particular due to the fact that their responses are anonymous.
But they also have drawbacks. Majority of the people who receive questionnaires don't return
them and those who do might not be representative of the originally selected sample.
Web based questionnaires: A new and inevitably growing methodology is the use of
Internet based research. This would mean receiving an e-mail on which you would click on
an address that would take you to a secure web-site to fill in a questionnaire. This type of
research is often quicker and less detailed

Qualitative Data collection methods

Qualitative data collection methods play an important role in impact evaluation by
providing information useful to understand the processes behind observed results and assess
changes in peoples perceptions of their well-being. Furthermore qualitative methods can be
used to improve the quality of survey-based quantitative evaluations by helping generate
evaluation hypothesis; strengthening the design of survey questionnaires and expanding or
clarifying quantitative evaluation findings. These methods are characterized by the following
they tend to be open-ended and have less structured protocols (i.e., researchers may
change the data collection strategy by adding, refining, or dropping techniques or
they rely more heavily on interactive interviews; respondents may be interviewed
several times to follow up on a particular issue, clarify concepts or check the
reliability of data
they use triangulation to increase the credibility of their findings (i.e., researchers rely
on multiple data collection methods to check the authenticity of their results)
generally their findings are not generalizable to any specific population, rather each
case study produces a single piece of evidence that can be used to seek general
patterns among different studies of the same issue

Regardless of the kinds of data involved, data collection in a qualitative study takes a great
deal of time. The researcher needs to record any potentially useful data thoroughly,

accurately, and systematically, using field notes, sketches, audiotapes, photographs and other
suitable means. The data collection methods must observe the ethical principles of research.
The qualitative methods most commonly used in evaluation can be classified in three broad

in-depth interview
observation methods
document review

People from teams like sales & Business Development were heavily occupied

so couldnt respond on time which would have added valuable feedback.

In the Initial phase lot of technical bug need to be fixed, which consumed

more than required time, available?

Information available during the pilot study was incomplete which took away

lot of time.

Chapter 5
Data Analysis

I am convinced that if the rate of change inside an institution is less change

inside an institution is less than the rate of change outside, the end is in sight the
end is in sight.
John F. Welch
Former G.E. Chairman & CEO

Question 1) Do you agree that Travel Grid will cut down on the cost?
Table NO: 5.1



QUSTION 2) Do you agree with this process orientation in futre?

Table no: 5.2





Question 3) Do you agree that travel grid would improve the functioning compare to current manual
Table no: 5.3




Question 4) Do you agree that sufficient training is provided for such sophisticated?
Table No: 5.4



Question 5) Do you agrees that travel grid would save much of your physical labour during travel
Table no: 5.5



Question 6) Do you find tavel grid system as use friendly?

Table no 5.6

Dont Know
Total sample



Question 7) Do you agree that data, which is integrated inform and residing at one location, will help
in smooth functioning and monitoring?
Table 5.7

Dont Know
Total sample



Chapter Six

Most of the people are technically competent so the success rate of such
systems is confirmed.

Employees are pro-active and IT Savvy, which makes the transition smoother.

Culture is initiative and innovative to nurture such mechanisms.

Leaders are active towards new employee welfare practices motivate their
team and make such implementations successful.

Chapter Seven


A Travel grid application implementation is a commitment from the organization, causing

lacks of rupees and can take up to considerable amount of time to complete. However,
when it is integrated successfully, the benefits can be enormous. A well-designed and
properly integrated Travel grid application system allows the most updated information to
be shared among various business functions, thereby resulting in tremendous cost savings
and increased efficiency. When making the implementation decision, management must
considered fundamental issues such as the organizations readiness for a dramatic change,
the degree of integration, key business processes to be implemented, e-business applications
to be included, and whether or not new hardware need to be acquired.

In order to increase the chance of user acceptance, employees must be consulted and be
involved in all stages of the implementation process. Providing proper education and
appropriate training are also two important strategies to increase the end user acceptance
rate. To facilitate the change process, managers are encouraged to utilize the eight-level
organizational change process. Managers can implement their Travel grid application
systems in several ways, which include the whole integration, and the single-module
approach. Finally, the paper concludes with a flow chart, depicting many of the activities
that managers must perform to ensure a proper Travel grid application implementation.



Human Resource Management Gary Dressler

Research Paper:
Change Management: Johndan Johnson-Eilola, Purdue
Managing Change: Tim Creasey
Channel mentor user guide


www.channel mentor.com

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