OLD - Week 3 Lecture

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OLD Week 3 Lecture

Definitions of learning
The acquisition of skills, through study, experience or being

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The differentiation between the know how and the know how (knowhow is how to put your learning into action) and (know-why is why it
is being used).
Some types of learning require knowing how it is done.
Knowing how to do its becomes critical in certain aspects (e.g. a
contractor on a building site). The focus is on how to do it and it is
back up on why it is done.
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How behaviors can be modified.
Behaviour modification tactics are applicable for organizational
learning. Reward and punishment is part of organizational learning.
Classical conditioning Ringing a bell every time you fed a dog and
then ringing the bell when not giving food and the dog still
associates it with food being served. How applicable is it to human
Infrequent rewards and punishments are better to keep people
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Child hood learning was completed through repetition, pictures and
observation. Through positive reinforcement as well, also through
memory (committing it through memory and years later applying it
through memory). The child has undertaken rote learning in which
something has been committed through memory without an idea
that it will be used in the future. E.g. committing it to memory and
bringing it our in your exam, but because you havent considered it
important to related to you wont remember it for long.
Rote learning memorizing for that specific need but then not
memorizing it after it has been used for a certain task (e.g.
memorizing for a presentation and then forgetting it after the
presentation has been completed).

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Learning through feedback, feedback does not just need to be from
human being but it can also come from other processes and
Feedback (through human systems) is effective through taskoriented processes in which a superior/senior position is testing you
Feedback is basically getting another individuals view of what you
have done and how well you have completed the task.
The next level of feedback is from your own level (peer evaluation)
and whether you are open to getting suggestions from people who
are as good as you or as bad as you.
Feedback is a very important tool when it comes to learning and
whether you agree with that content. It is intricacy linked to how
you value that persons advice and their relationship with you and
how you take that feedback and its affect on your behaviour.
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Explicit knowledge is one that is available and can be put into
Tacit knowledge is one that is personal knowledge and is difficult to
express into words. It is easier to show somebody and to
demonstrate rather than explaining through words.
Tacit knowledge is more appropriate for things such as paintings in
which you have to watch someone paint to learn. Also learning to
cook, learnt by action and demonstration (showing) rather than
ones that is learnt through words.
What is explicit knowledge is only the tip of the iceberg, tacit
knowledge is everything that is below the water 12.5% of the
iceberg is above the water, the rest of it is below.
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Learning from experience can be through tacit or explicit knowledge
or a combination of both. The idea is that you have gone through
the process of learning through first hand experience and
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sitting with Nellie sitting with an experienced person and
learning through demonstration and action.

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WITH IT. When you learn it and apply it is when it becomes a part of
your mental models.
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Learning for individuals is also helped by sharing your knowledge
with others, learning can happen in groups. In team learning,
knowledge transfer and sharing is evident only if you are willing to
share and receive ideas.
Team learning can be impeded by prejudices, fear of losing your job
due to someone else gaining the same knowledge as you.
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Things that happen in society today may not have happened before.
We are learning from social values are implemented by family,
political leaders, society and cultural leaders. We adapt our
behaviour to what society demands.
Learning will only occur when it is in line with what your society or
family tells you.
Action learning is when you learning by putting something into
Within your team, how did learning occur. How did wach individual
learn and how did each individual learn from one another
(assignment 2). Action learning, as a group, how you learned.
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Using aids to help you explain.

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