Human Resources - IJHRMR - A View - Real Democratic - Sidramappa Shivashankar Dharane

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International Journal of Human Resource

Management and Research (IJHRMR)

ISSN(P): 2249-6874; ISSN(E): 2249-7986
Vol. 4, Issue 4, Aug 2014, 1-4
TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.


Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, SVERIs College of Engineering,
Pandharpur, Solapur, Maharashtra, India

The real democratic India, non corrupt India, happy India can be made more powerful by adopting steps explained
in phase I and II. The steps explained in phase I are also be reviewed in this article

KEYWORDS: India, Democracy, Democratic, Superpower, One Man-One Political Party, Terrorist and Terrorism
The India, my India, real democratic India, happy and non-corrupt India can be made more powerful by adopting
steps which are explained in phase I. It consists of to open the bank accounts, giving addhar Id facility, giving voting right
and openly declaring the students studying from first standard as C. B. I. officers ( i.e. above five years old child) and
paying to their bank accounts on regular monthly basis. The funds can be generated by increasing the tax at drastic rate on
unwanted things like gold, diamond, silver etc, etc. Also government should ban use and storage of such unwanted things
in the country, so that human resource can be used more effectively. As human resource plays very important role in
national development and it is the real strength of the country. So it is necessary to increase the population. All political
parties should be demolished and the basic concept of one man one political party should be adopted to achieve the real
democracy. Because all political parties are facing the problem of deserving candidates and deserving candidates are not
coming up, so that nation is facing the problem of deserving candidates. Also because of this decision the religion and cast
based politics will automatically stop. Also every citizen will get opportunity to serve the nation in better way by giving
equal rights to all citizens. The election period can be reduced to one year. The voting system should be on positive and
negative point basis. The voting period should be one month and election commission should work around the clock to
achieve the real democracy. The ministry should be formed in one step only.
Phase II Consists of following Steps
Step 1: Up and Down System for Fast Rural and National Development
This system consists of fast rural development. In this system the person/ candidate who are directly elected for
higher than the post of surpanch of any village should elect as a surpanch of any village in the country for next year and
serve the nation. Otherwise he will not be eligible for the higher post than the surpanch. Because of this decision,
all political leaders (one man one party) will start to develop the villages in all respect, so that the rural and national
development will takes place at faster rate. e. g. if the candidate is directly elected for the post of minister
(even priminister), he should elect as a surpanch of any village in the country, otherwise he will not be eligible for the post
higher than the surpunch.

Dharane Sidramappa Shivashankar

Step 2: Human Religion and Male Female Cast

My government should start the basic religion i.e. human and basic cast i.e. male female only. Because of this
decision the religion cast based, unwanted politics will automatically stop. Also thinking of people, every human will
become stronger and there will be a real great enjoyment of every human being a human.
Step 3: Funds
Funds can be generated by increasing the tax at drastic rate on unwanted things, also such unwanted things should
be banned in the country to use and store. The unwanted things are gold, diamond, silver, health hazards food, unwanted
thing which are spoiling the great Indian culture like condoms etc. because of this decision real value based education will
automatically rebuild in the nation, and unwanted businesses will come in control. Already government is created a lot of
awareness about AIDS.
Step 4: Population
The population of any country is the real strength of the country. So it is necessary to increase the population of
the country. Also there should not be any kind of family planning to reduce the population, as it is the real strength of each
family, society and the nation. Because of this decision the value based education in rural area and country will become
easier than the present system.
Step 5: Marriage Age
The marriage age should not be restricted. Early age marriages develop love and Pease in family and nation.
The life and career will become stronger and interlinked so that there will be real enjoyment of the life of people along
with great career. The divorce cases will automatically reduce and every child will get their parents, love, and family.
Also it reduces the nuclear families. The children will get the value based education from old age family and society
members. If we talk about the life of people it is observed that the persons who are getting marry at earlier age they are
getting maximum life than the persons who gets marry at the later age. Also it is observed that in almost all families the life
of the elder son/daughter is more than the younger son/daughter. So because of this every family/nation gets human
resource with love and Pease for maximum period for the development of the nation. Also the education process becomes
more easy and at faster rate. Overall happy and lovely families will once again grow up at faster rate.
Step 6: Ceiling of Land and Money in Bank Accounts
The land ceiling act is very necessary to reduce the difference between the rich and poor people. Also because of
this decision corruption will also come in control as well as even barren lands will also be cultivated and national economy
will be improved at faster rate. Also the amount in bank accounts on each citizen should be sealed at particular level,
so that human resource can be used more effectively for their and national devolvement. Even because of this decision the
education, employment problems will reduce at faster rate and every hand will get the work.
Step 7: Defense and Research Activity
My country should start the research and defense activity at faster rate. The Research should focus on demolishing
the missiles and missile technology in the country and the world. Also it should be studied very carefully to change the
violence creating mind. Because of this decision the students will learn from childhood the real defense activity, love and
Pease, which will develop nonviolence country and the world. There is big misunderstanding between the people and
Impact Factor (JCC): 4.9135

Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0

A View Real Democratic India Towards Superpower (Phase II)

political person regarding fear and power. To remove the fear in the mind of the people regarding political parties & the
political persons and to build the great visions in favor of nation and people, it necessary that to conduct some workshops,
seminar, short term training programs for political persons as well as for the people e.g. Creating the awareness, explaining
the constitution of great countries. Every Sunday should be celebrated as national day by conducting such workshops.
Seminars, research activities related to politics, economics, science and technology. It should be conducted in every village
by the expert trainers to achieve the real democracy and build the great visions in the mind of the people and political
persons for the development of the nation and the world. Also question answer sessions should be conducted at every
village to solve the problems of the people in presence of political persons so that new innovative ideas will automatically
come up to develop the nation.
Step 8: Power Tree
The power tree consists of distribution of power of ministry to the level of every citizen to achieve the real
democracy. If we take the example of any ministry at national level or state level, only one minister cannot serve his duties
in better way. So the power of any ministry should be distributed up to the village level. To achieve this at national level
the number of any ministry should be equal to the at least number of states. And the number of ministry in the states should
be equal to the number of districts. And the number of ministers in the district should be equal to the number of villages in
the district. Because of this decision the every village will get the ministry power at village level and development rate will
become at faster rate. Also every citizen can connect to any ministry for the development of the nation. So power of
ministry will come to grass route and every day real democracy will be achieved.
Step 9: Black and Green Day
Every human on earth should celebrate one black and green day to give the massage to whole world to stop
missile technology/violence based education and to save the life of people, animals and nature.
Step 10: International Terrorism
If anybody thinks on humanity ground being a human about who is the terrorist? Definitely everyone will come to
conclusion that who is creating the thinking of terrorism for the unwanted power and money. If we talk about the terrorist,
no one is terrorist by birth. So the countries, people involved in unwanted thing to motivate the missile technologies, etc.
Are not the terrorist? So all countries, people should come forward at faster rate to stop the thinking of terrorism by
demolishing the missiles, missile technology, etc at grass root itself. It makes the world very peaceful and happy and
thereby there will be real enjoyment of every human life being a human.


Real pillars of country will become stronger

No corruption

Love and Pease

Real enjoyment being a human

Life of the people will increase.

Dharane Sidramappa Shivashankar

Effective human resource can be used for national development

No terrorist, no terrorism

Happy India and happy world.


Dharane S. S. A View Real Democratic India towards Superpower phase I, American International Journal of
Research in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences(AIJRHASS 14-379), March-May 2014, issue, Issue 6, Vol. 3,
pp 153-154.

Impact Factor (JCC): 4.9135

Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 3.0

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