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Relevance: What possible challenges you might face while practicing those values, if you

want to practice.

"If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again," is a saying we have heard time and
again from our loved ones. We believe with dedication, faith and the right amount of motivation,
any person can accomplish what they set out to do in life and become a winner. The eagerness to
make her parents proud and the urge to learn and grow was a source of motivation for Monica
Chi. From her story we understand the core values of Respect, humility, integrity, perseverance,
and many more ingrained in her by her Family and her surroundings. The motivation that most
people receive or cultivate are short lived. An incentive that motivates one person may actually
inhibit the behavior of another.
Each and every point in life we fail to follow the core values we hold on to dearly because of the
many internal and external factors, reasons or compulsions. An individual who is more aligned
with perception isn't overly interested in external achievements nor in relationships with
others. The element of respect is not bought but earned. Many a times if we reflect in our
experiences we can observe lack of respect due to various biases and egos. Humility is one of
the most challenging values to practice as it is in direct contrast to ones self-esteem. No one is
willing to transfer the credit of doing something to others. We are so crazed in the 15 minutes of
fame phenomenon that we dont wish to share the dais with anyone ever. Like many other
important, popular values in life e.g. respect integrity itself can be conceptually, morally and
practically ambiguous. Different shades of integrity develop in us such that the very term has
become diluted in day to day practice. Following the path of true integrity is sometimes
considered foolish as well as less effective. Most of us develop the values from the way we were
brought up. Like Monica Chi, the sacrifice of our parents, their role model and examples of
character have shaped us in a certain mold were we refuse to compromise on our values but are
flexible and open to ideas. The way each practice the same is though different and open to
debate. Perseverance is a huge deciding factor and one value which makes a lot of difference in
being motivated for the long run. Very few people and motivated enough to perceive through and
see their dreams come true, most people fail at the sight of failure or trouble. Rather than taking
on a huge, seemingly insurmountable challenge all at one time and getting overwhelmed, it
would be best to take anything and everything one step at a time. Proper motivation in apt
quantity and time can help us to perceive.
One of the most powerful individual factors influencing intrinsic motivation is challenge itself.
The belief that we are making acceptable progress toward a goal, along with the expected
satisfaction of goal attainment, enhances self-efficacy and sustains motivation. As we work
toward our goals, we are motivated to the extent that we receive feedback and feel that our
eventual success will enhance our self-esteem. We see this being effective in Monicas story as
she made tremendous satisfaction by making substantive progress in areas where she had not
been able to in the past. The main obstacle that we might face while practicing such values is
fear. The fear of failure and success are equally intimidating and painful. Respect, humility,
integrity, perseverance, and other values are easy to preach but difficult to practice as we do not
derive immediate positive results. This mental challenge prevents us from moving forward in
anything we do out of doubt and fear. Lack of support from others in the means we take to

achieve something, the mental fear of failure, the lack of time to prove oneself and the initial
minimal returns are all challenges we might face while practicing any core value in life.

Feasibility: How can organizations support employees to practice these values? Suggest
some key points and write within one to two pages
If we consider any organization, people are expected to do their best. Best work is best achieved
when theres proper motivation. Motivation is one of the important factors to create effective
management inside any Organization. A motivated person will perform at maximum capacity in
their jobs. The sense of purpose, respect and money are the important factors that motivate
people the most. Ability to contribute positively and with the appropriate values helps the
individual and the organization to grow. An employee that is willing to work hard and follows
values of respect, humility, integrity, perseverance is considered as an asset for life. The
organization plays equal role in shaping the value and character of all its employees. An
employee can be intrinsically or extrinsically motivated to practice such values at work place. In
Monicas story she admits that shes not the most extrinsically motivated person but she
confirms that being a true team player makes a huge difference. Values and principles help to
identify the culture that an organization establishes for how its employees will operate. To be
effective, they must be in tune with the behaviors and actions so that employees are clear about
what actions are necessary for them to successfully fit into the culture of the organization. All
levels of employees have a responsibility to understand these values and principles and to
demonstrate them in their day-to-day actions and interactions. By providing a 360-degree
feedback assessment or polices like open door, to assess how each employee is "living" the
values and principles set forward by the organization, can guide employees towards greater
awareness of their actions as they relate to the Values and Principles of the organization.
Integrity and humility are those values that cannot be taught to someone through force or
compulsion or in a very short period of time, they have to be ingrained in the employees through
observation and practice. The organization can develop or adjust its mission and vision
statements taking into account the core principles they wish to portray and implement.
Developing a strong code of conduct with huge importance to ethics can go a long way in
developing the value system of an employee and the organization as a whole.
It is important when doing business that a company understands what the cultural differences and
similarities of each employee are and what is important to those cultures. By having an
understanding of the differences managers will be better equipped to motivate their employees.
Although there may be many differences there may also be some similarities. The important
thing to remember is that it is important to have an understanding of the cultures and base the
motivational techniques around each culture. By understanding the background of the employees
and their behavior to different practices at work, we can adjust and fine tune the value system.
Perseverance can only be cultivated by the employee himself. By organizing outbound activities
and other team building events at work place, the overall motivation and energy level can be
uplifted. Opportunities to grow and learn as well as respect to different cultures can provide
momentum to develop quality values and best practices. Through the constant efforts from upper
management employees, the overall team morale and discipline can be achieved. Timely
monetary incentives and opportunities motivate employees to perceive and work harder.

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