Exercises - Future Tense

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Future Tense and Future Perfect Tense

I. Fill in the blanks with shall or will as appropriate:

1. We be very happy to welcome you.
2. Who be on duty tomorrow?
3. The Bartons havent been invited to the party yet, but they be.
4. I leave for Constana next week.
5. You take an important exam next year.
6. I think it snow the day after tomorrow.
7. If you enter my yard, the dog bite you.
8. I do my homework from now on.
9. Sue never watch any soap opera again.
10. He says he call on us soon.
II. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Continuous Tense:
1. This time next year I (to sit) in the chairmans chair.
2. When you come I probably (to sleep).
3. In a few days time we (to sail) down the Mississippi.
4. We (to wait) for them when they arrive.
5. He (to deliver) a special grammar course next year.
6. Put on your new suit, because I (to wear) my best dress.
7. Youd better ring up your parents, otherwise they (to wonder) where you are.
8. When we get back home the fire (to burn) brightly in the fire-place.
9. I (to come) round to see you next week.
10. We (to see) a lot of each other at the seaside.
III. Translate into English:
1. Jessica i va spune mine ce s-a ntmplat ieri.
2. Noi vom vinde casa luna viitoare.
3. Ei te vor convinge s o ieri pe sora colegului tu.
4. Ei te vor convinge s nu te duci acolo.
5. Mine pe vremea aceasta, noi ne vom face temele.
6. Al Bundy va vinde pantofi timp de dou ore.
7. n tot acest timp soia sa, Peg, va mnca bomboane i se va uita la Oprah.
8. Voi vei munci din greu tot restul acestui semestru.
9. ntruct nu am timp acum, voi rezolva problema mine.
10. Mine, n timpul dup-amiezii, noi vom rezolva probleme.
IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Tense or Future Perfect:
1. In a months time he (to finish) all this work.
2. Tomorrow I (to finish) your book.
3. By tomorrow I (to finish) your book.
4. The expedition (to reach) the North Pole by May.
5. By the end of July he (to teach) in this school for a year.
6. By this time next year, we (to return) from our holiday.
7. I (not sell) you any piece of furniture next year.
8. If you stay away another week I (not see) you for 5 whole weeks.
9. By six oclock she (to take) her lesson.
10. The doctor (to start) out on his round by the time you leave.

V. Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous and the
Present Perfect Tenses:
1. I (look up) the word in the dictionary before you (remember) it.
2. By the time you (come) back she (marry) somebody else.
3. By next Sunday Bob (stay) in the mountains for a month.
4. I hope the rain (stop) by six oclock.
5. Ill not speak to him again until he (apologize) for his impoliteness.
6. We will come back when you (want) us to.
7. You will give the DVD back to me as soon as I (ask) for it.
8. I shall tell him everything when he (recover) from his illness.
9. At 12 oclock I (write) for six hours.
10. The child (eat) all the sweets before the other children (arrive).
VI. Translate into English:
1. Delegaia va pleca la Londra de ndat ce va primi viza.
2. Voi urmri acest film cnd voi avea chef.
3. Vei ncepe s culegi garoafe dup ce vei primi un telefon de la ea.
4. Am s merg la farmacie numai dup ce va ncepe s vomite.
5. Vom iei la plimbare cnd se va opri ploaia.
6. Voi fi splat vasele de o or la zece fr un sfert i, cum sunt grbit, a vrea s vii
i, dac nu te deranjeaz, s termini treaba n locul meu.
7. Pn la urmtoarea voastr ntlnire i va fi dezvluit taina tuturor celor care te
cunosc i vor rde cu toii de tine, iar tu nu vei mai putea s te ii tare.
8. Pn cnd ai s-i spui c ai vrea ca el s spun lucrurilor pe nume, el i va fi spus
deja tot ce a fcut i-i vei da seama c mai bine nu-i spunea nimic.
9. Am s vnd televizorul numai dup ce se va termina serialul.
10. Presupun c o fi terminat de fcut temele i precis c s-a dus n ora fiindc voia
s vad un film i chiar m ntrebase dac tiu ce ruleaz.

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