Summary of Research Proposal

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Miftachul Huda (C451130171)
East Java is surrounded by WPP WPP-RI 572 and RI 713 that has the potential for
sustainable fisheries respectively 491.7 thousand tons / year and 836.6 thousand tons / year.
Potential in the field of water makes fishing activities mushrooming in almost all regions of the
north and south of East Java. Evidence of the magnitude of fishery production owned by the East
Java can be seen with the activity of loading and unloading the catch at Archipelago Fishing PortLamongan Brondong and Archipelago Fishing Port Prigi-Trenggalek. National Statistics data
shows total fish production for the province of East Java in 2012 amounted to 40,506 tonnes were
landed at the fish auction (BPS, 2014).
Fish is a perishable commodity that required special handling in the distribution process
in order to maintain its freshness. According to Lopez (2012), Fishing Port is where the beginning
of the marketing done so since the fish from fishing ports to handle its distribution need to be
considered in order to keep the fish in fresh condition when it reached the consumer. Fishing
activities can not be separated from the activities of fish distribution and value-added fishery
commodities from the port directly to the processing industry and the end consumer. Management
in the distribution of activity is commonly known as the value chain.
Value chain is a series of activities required to bring a product (or service) starting from
the conceptual stage, followed by several stages of production, to delivery to final consumers and
disposal after use (Kaplinsky 1999; Kaplinsky and Morris 2001).
Distribution activities in the fishing port is to be there for the fish market to the hands of
consumers. Fish prices the consumer level is relatively higher than the new price of fish landed at
the fishing port. Less efficient handling and distribution system constraints high prices of fish into
fish in the market. Looking at these issues need to be thoroughly known problems of the existing
distribution activities in PPN Brondong and PPN Prigi and looking for strategies to improve the
efficiency of the value chain in the second port.
Research will be conducted in Arcipelago Fishing Port (PPN) has four objectives that are
expected to improve the efficiency of the distribution of fish in the market today.
1. Identify fish distribution problems of Archipelago Fishing Port Brondong and Prigi;
Identification and analysis of problems in both the fishing port is done by using the
Ishikawa diagram (fishbone diagram). Through this diagram is hoped will be identified and
their causes problems in the value chain fish in Archipelago Fishing Port Brondong and Prigi.
2. Describe the value chain as well as the type of fish that is the culprit in Archipelago Fishing
Port Brondong and Prigi;
Value chain analysis is used to describe the value chain fish in Archipelago Fishing Port
Brondong and Prigi with the number of chains and the culprit. Through this analysis it is
hoped will be clearly illustrated with the existing value chain, the location of destination
marketing, as well as the amount of goods sold.
3. Comparing the efficiency of the value chain of fish in Archipelago Fishing Port Brondong
and Prigi
The analysis is performed by measuring the level efficiency of the marketing of fish in
Archipelago Fishing Port Brondong and Prigi up into the hands of consumers. Measurement
of levels of efficiency seen from several indicators measuring the cost of marketing fresh
fish, fresh fish share prices, corporate profit marketing, and marketing efficiency.
4. Determine a strategy to improve the efficiency of the value chain of Archipelago Fishing Port
Brondong and Prigi
The use of SWOT analysis is intended to seek solutions to problems that arise in the
existing value chain activities in Archipelago Fishing Port Brondong and Prigi. Through
SWOT analysis is expected to be the existence of solutions to problems that have a positive
impact on the efficiency of the existing value chain activities in Archipelago Fishing Port
Brondong and Prigi until it reaches the processing industry even to the end consumer based
on enhancing the role of the seaport.
[BPS] Badan Pusat Statistik. 2014

Kaplinsky, R. And M. Morris. 2001. A Handbook for Value Chain Research. Brighton, United
Kingdom, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex
Lubis, E. 2012. Pelabuhan Perikanan. PT Penerbit IPB Press. Bogor

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