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/The earliest king of Pragjyotisha was-/(a) Mahiranga Danava /(c) Narakasura/

Ans: (a) Mahiranga Danava.
2./ The origin name of the Assam was-/(a) Asama /(c) Pragjyotisha /Ans: (b) Kamr
3. /The most powerful and celebrated king of ancient Pragjyotisha wasThe most important source to know about ancient Assam is-/ (a) Kalita-Purana/(b)
Jogini-Tantra/(c) Both Kalika-Purana and Jogini-Tantra /(d) None/Ans: (c) Both
Kalika-Purana and Jogini-Tantra.
In which earliest literature of ancient India mention the name of ancient Kamrup
-/ (a) Ramayana /(b) Mahabharata/(c) Gita/(d) Purana/Ans: (b) Mahabharata Bhagad
atta was the eldest son of- (a) Narakasura (c) Ghatakasura Ans: (a) Narakasura.
Bhagadatta s another name was- (a) Bajradatta (c) Suprahu Ans: (d) Sailalaya
In ancient Assam the primary source of income was- /(a) Land tax/(b) Religious t
ax/(c) Pilgrim tax/(d) Income tax/Ans: (a) Land tax.
From ancient time Assam was famous for special types of silk. They are- (a) Endi
/(b) Muga/(c)Pat
/(d) All of them/Ans: (d) All of them
The legends of the mythical kings Naraka, Bhagadatta and Brajadatta are found in
Sanskrit literary works like /(a) The Mahabharata/(b) The Harivamsa/(c) The Puran
as/(d) All of them/Ans: (d) All of them.
Pragjyotispurmeans-/(a) The city of eastern light/(b) Light/(c) Eastern light/(d
) Bright/Ans: (a) The city of eastern light In many Tantric works Kamrupa is men
tioned as a15./ The founder of the Varman dynasty was-/(a) Samudra Varman/(b) Pushya-Varman
/(c) Bala-Varman/(d) Bhaskar Varman/Ans: (b) Pushya-Varman.
16./ Bhaskar Varman succeeded to the throne of Kamrup in-/a) 590 A.D/(b)598A.D/
(c) 594 A.D/(d) 595 A.D/Ans : (c) 594 A.D
17./ Bhaskar-Varman is also known as-/(a) Young Raja /(b) Kumar Raja /(c) Old Raja /(
d)None/* Ans : (b) Kumar Raja .
18. / In northern India, Bhaskar-Varman established alliance with- /(a) Harshava
rdhan/(b) Hansabega/(c) Sansanka/(d) Graha-Varman/Ans: (a) Harshavardhan.
19./ Hansabega was a-/(a)Poet/(b)Ambassador/(c) Pilgrim/(d)Minister/Ans: (b) Amb
20./ The Chinese pilgrim Hien Tsang came to India during the reign of- /(a) Hars
havardhan/(b) Sasanka/(c) Rajyavardhan/(d) PrabhakarVardhan/Ans: (a) Harshavardh
21./ Hiuen Tsang came to Kamrup during the reign of-/(a) Silabhadra/(b) BhaskarVarman/(c) Sasanka/(d) PrabhakarVardhan/Ans: (b) Bhaskar-Varman
22. /Bhaskar-Varman attended a grand religious assembly at -/(a) Kamrup ./(b)Kan
ou/(c) Sri Lanka/(d) Bengal/Ans: (b) Kanouj
23./ Bhaskar-Varman died in-/(a) 650 A.D./(b) 655 A.D./(c) 750 A.D./(d) 755 A.D.
/Ans : (a) 650 A.D.
24./The famous account which was written by Hiuen Tsang about Assam and her peop
le was- (a) Si-yu-ki (b) See-yu-ki /(c) Harsacarita/(d)Kalika Purana/Ans: (a) Si-y
25./ Name one great centres of the sakti cult in ancient Assam-/(a) Durga/(b) Kama
khya/(c)Laxmi/(d) Uma/Ans: (b) Kamakhya.
26. /Name the king of Varman dynasty which was mentioned in the Allahabad incrip
tion- /(a) Samudra Varman/(b) Bala Varman/(c) Bhaskar Varman/(d) Pushya Varman/A
ns: (d) Pushya Varman.
27./ Which king of Varman dynasty was contemporary with Samudragupta of Gupta dy
nasty-/(a) Bhaskar Varman/(b) Pushya Varman/(c) Samudra Varman/(d) Bala Barman I
/Ans: (b) Pushya Varman
28./The Nidhanpur Grant was issued by Bhaskaravarman to-/(a)Kamakahya temple/(b)
Brahmins/(c)Umananda temple/(d) DurgaDevi/Ans: (b) Brahmins
29./According to the account of Hiuen Tsang the circumference of Kamrupa was abo
ut - /(a) 20,000 li/(b)15,000 li/(c) 10,000 li (d)
6,000 li/Ans: (d) 6,000
30./ Hiuen Tsang s account specifically states two kinds of tree esteemed by the p
eople of Kamarupa. One of these are-/(a)Nim/(b) Mango/(c) Jack fruit/(d) Guava/A
ns: (c) Jack fruit

31. /The only gift that Hien Tsang accepted from Bhaskaravarman was- /(a) a hors
e/(b)an elephant/(c) an umbrella/(d)a cap/Ans : (d) a cap.
32./ The royal symbol of the ancient kings of Kamarupa was-/(a)Lion
/(b) Tige
r/(c) Elephant/(d) Deer/Ans: (c) Elephant.
33. /During the Varman dynasty which was a part of the Kamrupi kings-/(a) Pundra
vardhana/(b) Kamasuvama/(c)Uzzaini/(d) Orissa/Ans: (a) Pundravardhana 3 4. Who c
onquered the Gaur, Odra, Kalinga Koashal/(a) Haijara Varman/(b) Bala Varman II .
/(c) Harshadeva/(d) Bhaskarvarman/Ans: (c) Harshadeva.
35./The Prayag festival organisedby Harshavardhana lasted for-/(a) 30 days/(b) 6
0 days/(c) 75 days/(d) 90 days/Ans : (c) 75 days 3 6. Kamasurvama was the capita
l of-/(a)Sasanka/(b)Harjara Varman/(c) Bhaskarvarman/(d)Yosavarman/Ans: (a) Sasa
Sankaracharya came to Assam to enter into religious and spiritual discourses was
a Buddhist schoalr- /(a) Hies Tsang/(b) Abhinava Gupta/(c) Mirza Nathan/(d) Han
gasavega/Ans: (b) Abhinava Gupta.
Who had conquered Pundravardhan or North Bengal from the later Guptas- (a) Bhuti
varman (b) Bhaskarvarman/(c) Haquravarman/(d) Bana/Ans: (a) Bhutivarman
Which year, did Harshavardhana ascend the throne of Kanauj and Thaneswar-/(a) 60
5 A.D/(b) 505 A.D/(c) 606 A.D (d) 506 A.D/Ans : (d) 506 A.D.
Name the Varman ruler who was contemporary of the Gupta emperor Chandragupta IIKanai Barasi Rock is near the/(a) Kamakhya Temple/(c) Dol Gobindo Temple /Ans.:
(d) Manikameswar Temple Who was the earliest known king of ancient Assam?/(a) Ma
hiranga Danav/(b)Hatakasura/(c) Sambarasura/(d)Ratnasura/Ans.: (a) Mahiranga Dan
av The Tezpur grant and Parvatiya plates were left by/(a)Horjara/(b)Vanamala/(c)
Joyamala/(d) Balavarman III/Ans.: (b) Vanamala
Ulubari copper plates, Uttarbarbil grant and the Nowgong grant are the records b
elonging to the of/(a) Tyagasingha
/(b)Brahmapala/(c) Balavarman III/(d)
Devapala/Ans.: (c) Balavarman III
The first known traditional king of Kamarupa was (a) Hatakasur (b) Ratnasur/(c)
Gatakasur/(d) Mahiranga Danava/Ans.: (d) Mahiranga Danava Ghatak was a leader o
f the/(a) Kiratas/(b) Dravidians/(c) Aryans/(d) Mongolians/Ans.: (a) Kiratas
The Kamarupa King who took part in the Mahabharata war was/(a) Naraka/(b) Bhagad
atta/(c) Bhaskaravarman/(d) Bajradatta/Ans.: (b) Bhagadatta Sonitpur was the cap
ital of/(a) King Bana/(b) Bhagadatta/(c) Narakasur/(d) Pusyavarman/Ans.: (d) Pus
The first known king of the Varmana dynasty was(a) Balavarmn /(c) Kalyan varman
/Ans.: (d) Pusyavarman The City of Eastern Astrology was (a) Harupeswar (c) Pragjy
otishpur Ans.: (c) Pragjyotishpur
The king of Kamarupa Who cultivated friendship with Harshavardhana was /(a) Ramp
al/(b) Bhagadatta/(c) Naraka/(d) Bhaskaravarman/Ans.: (d) Bhaskaravarman
5 9. The Dighali Pukhuri in Guwahati is associated with/(a) Hatjaravarman/(b) Na
raka/(c) Bhagadatta/(d) Bhaskarvarman
Ans.: (c) Bhagadatta r 0. The ruins of the Dahparbatiya temple is supposedl
y dedicated to (a) Durga(b) Vishnue
(c) Siva
(d) Kamakhya
Ans.: (c) Siva -1. The title of Kumara Raja was associated with
(a) Bhaskaravarman
(b) Pusyavarman
(c) Harsavardhan
(d) Samudravarman
Ans.: (a) Bhaskaravarman 62. The ambassador sent by Bhaskaravarman to Harsa
vardhan was named (a) Meghadut (b) Hangasavega
(c) Varuna
(d) Vayu
Ans.: (b) Hangasavega -3. The articles of presents sent by Bhaskaravarman t
o Harsavardhan included (a) Living birds
(b) Silver coins
(c) Tiger s teeth
(d) Cane articles
Ans.: (d) Cane articles : 4. Hiuen Tsang visited Kamarupa during the reign
(a) Bhagadatta (b) Pusyavarman
(c) Bhaskaravarman
(d) Vanamalavarman
Ans.: (c) Bhaskaravarman -5. The Nidhanpur Grant was issued by Bhaskaravarm
an to (a) Kamakhya temple
(b) Brahmins

(c) Umananda temple

(d) Durga Devi
Ans.: (b) Brahmins
-6. According to the account of Hiuen Tsang, the circumference of Kamarupa was a
bout (a) 20,000 li
(b) 15,000 li
(c) 10,000 li
6,000 li
Ans.: (d) 6,000 li
67. A detailed account of the sacred Hindu shrines of Kamarupa is given in (a) M
atsya Purana
(b) Kalika Purana
(c) Siva Purana (d) Kamakhya Purana
Ans.: (d) Kamakhya Purana - 8. Hiuen Tsang s account specifically states two
kinds of tree esteemed by the people of Kamarupa. One of these was
(a) Nim .
(c) Jack fruit (d) Guava
Ans.: (c) Jack fruit
Hiuen Tsang s account records that Kamarupa had a large number of (a) Buddhist Vih
(b) Mosques
(c) Deva temple (d) Jaina shrines
Ans.: (c) Deva temple
70. The rule of Varman dynasty came to an end with
(a) Mahendravarman
(b) Bhutivarman
(c) Bhaskaravarman
(d) Banamalavarman
Ans.: (c) Bhaskaravarman
71. The large tank in Tezpur known as Hajara Pukhuri is associted with
(a) Sri Harsadeva
(b) Bhaskaravarman
(c) Bana
(d) Harjaravarman
Ans.: (d) Harjaravarman
72. The only gift that hiuen Tsang accepted from Bhaskaravarman was
(a) a horse
(b) an elephant
(c) an umbrella (d) a cap
Ans.: (d) a cap
73. Hiuen Tsang s account mentions that a famous port in the Bay of Bengal was und
er the contrc 1 Bhaskaravarman. It was
(a) Vishakhapattam
(b) Chittagng (Chattagram)
(c) Tamralipti (d) Dhaka
Ans.: (c) Tamralipti
74. The contemporary of Bhaskaravrman in northern India was
(a) Raja Chola (b) Raja Man Singh
(c) Harsavardhan
(d) Raja Prithvinarayan
Ans.: (c) Harsavardhan
75. Bhaskaravarman attended the grand council at
(a) Prayaga
(b) Lahore
(c) Taxila
(d) Sanchi
Ans.: (a) Prayaga
76. The ruins of the stone temple at Dah Parbatiya belong to
(a) Mauryan period
(b) Later Gupta period
(c) Harappan period
(d) vedic period
Ans.: (b) Later Gupta period
77. The first king who performed Asvamedha sacrifice in Kamrupa was
(a) Bajradatta (b) Bhaskaravarman
" (c) Ratnapala (d) Indrapala
Ans.: (a) Bajradatta
78. In ancient Kamarupa, Brahmaceya land was granted to
(a) Brahma
(b) Brahman
(c) Gods
(d) Bhiksu
Ans.: (b) Brahman
79. One of the animals was widely used in wars in ancient Assam. It was
(a) Camel
(b) Elephant
(c) Dog (d) Buffalo
Ans.: (b) Elephant
80. The royal symbol of the ancient kings of Kamarupa was

(a) Lion
(b) Tiger
' (c) Elephant (d) Deer
Ans.: (c) Elephant
81. The account of Muhammad-bin-Bakhtiyar s Kamarupa invasion is given in (a) Tab
aqak-i-Nasiri (b) Baharistan-i-Ghayibi
(c) Fathiya-i-Ibriya
(d) Tarikh-i-Firozshah
Ans.: (a) Tabaqak-i-Nasiri
82. The annihilation of the Turkish soldiers under Muhammad-bin-Bakhtiyar is rec
orded in the inscription at
(a) Nilachal
(b) Umananda
(c) Kanai Boroshi
(d) Tezpur
Ans.: (c) Kanai Boroshi 8 3. The cultural and commercial contact between an
cient Assam and China both by- fa) land (b) sea routes
(c) river routes
(d) both land and sea routes
Ans : (d) both land and sea routes
84. In ancient Assam who introduced the chewing of betel-vine and unit (tambul-p
(a) Khasis
(b) Bodos
(c) Kachari
(d) Chutia
Ans: (a) Khasis
85. In ancient Assam the primary source of income was(a) Land tax
(b) Religious tax
(c) Pilgrim tax (d) Income tax
Ans: (a) Land tax
86. Which people were the earliest inhabiting of Assam(a) Khasis
(b) Jayantias
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Ans : (d) Both (a) and (b)

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