Unit 4 Final

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Unit 4

Section One

Activity 1: Expressions

Talk about the following expressions.

When do you use them?
Use your dictionary.

Listen to your teacher.

Say the expressions with good pronunciation.

• I have ice cream.

• It’s my ice cream.
• She has red shoes.
• They are her shoes.
• He has some biscuits.
• They are his biscuits.
• I have a book.
• It’s my book.
Activity 2:

Look at the pictures.

They are things the English eat.

They have milk, pancakes and juice for breakfast.

They have sandwich, hamburger, or hot-dog for lunch.
They have chicken, salad, or jelly for dinner.

What do you have for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

Look at the pictures above.
Tell your friends what you usually have.
For example:

I have fried eggs for breakfast.

Activity 3:

Say these numbers.

Number Pronunciation Date Pronunciation

My first 1 One 1 First
birthday 2 Two 2 Second
Numbers 3 Three How to read
3 Third
0.2 4 Zero point
Four two 4 Fourth
1.1 5 One point
Five one 5 Fifth
2.5 6 Two point
Six five 6 Sixth
100 7 One hundred
Seven 7 Seventh
1,500 8 One thousand
Eight five hundred
8 Eighth
10,000 9 Ten thousand
Nine 9 Ninth
10 Ten 10 Tenth
Activity 4: 11 Eleven 11 Eleventh
Number, Colour 12 Twelve 12 Twelfth
and Thing 13 Thirteen 13 Thirteenth
14 Fourteen 14 Fourteenth
15 Fifteen 15 Fifteenth
16 Sixteen 16 Sixteenth
17 Seventeen 17 Seventeenth
18 Eighteen 18 Eighteenth
19 Nineteen 19 Nineteenth
20 Twenty 20 Twentieth
21 Twenty one 21 Twenty-first
22 Twenty two 22 Twenty-second
23 Twenty three 23 Twenty-third
24 Twenty four 24 Twenty-fourth
25 Twenty five 25 Twenty–fifth
26 Twenty six 26 Twenty-sixth
27 Twenty seven 27 Twenty-seventh
28 Twenty eight 28 Twenty-eighth
29 Twenty nine 29 Twenty-ninth
30 Thirty 30 Thirty
31 Thirty one 31 Thirty-first

Look at the pictures.
How many things are there?

Read the phrases aloud.

Read them with good pronunciation.

 One mouse
 One black mouse
 Ten black mice

 One polar bear

 One white polar bear
 Two white polar bears

 One elephant
 One grey elephant
 Two grey elephants

 One squirrel
 One brown squirrel
 Three brown squirrels

 One flamingo
 One pink flamingos

 Four pink flamingos

 One frog
 One green frog
 Five green frogs

 One carrot
 One orange carrot
 Seven orange carrots

 One grape
 One purple grape
 Twenty-six purple grapes

 One whale
 One blue whale
 Two blue whales

 One strawberry

 One red strawberry
 Twelve red strawberries

Activity 5: Patterns

How do you put words together?

Try to make noun phrases.

Noun Phrases
Number Colour Thing (Nouns)
One Verb
blue Noun Phrase
Twelve have
red one blue book
You have ten red grapes
We have new bags
They have five corns
She has two green pencils
He has a black hat
It has a white tail

I have got one blue book

I ‘ve got twelve pens
He has got strawberries

It is my book
It is your apple
It is our house
It is their car
It is her skirt
It is his shirt
It is its tail

Look around you.

Do you see things around you?
Describe the things using noun phrases.

1. ……………………………………………………………

2. ……………………………………………………….….

3. …………………………………………………………..

4. ……………………………………………………….….

5. …………………………………………………………..

Section Two

Activity 1: Tomy has

Look at the picture.

It is Tomy’s bedroom.

What does he have in his room?

Describe the things using noun phrases.

For example: Tomy has one green mat.

Activity 2

Look at the following pictures.

Tell your friends what you have in your bedroom.

Look at the picture above and read the text carefully. Then, answer the following

My bedroom

Now, I want to describe my bedroom. This is my best place to live in. There
are many kinds of furniture in my bedroom. All of them are put neatly. In the
centre of my room, there is my lovely wooden bed. I always make it good. I put a
colourful bed cover and a warm blanket on it. On the left side of my bedroom, I
put a big wooden wardrobe. I always put my clean clothes inside it. On the right
side, I have a desk and a chair. I put my books, pencils, erasers, crayons and some
other things there. I learn the lessons and do my home assignments there too.
There is also a clock with its alarm to wake me up. I always set the alarm at 4.30
a.m., to wake me up then start to do my daily activities. Besides having a big lamp
on the ceiling, I also have a desk lamp. I usually use it for studying. These are all
my things in my bedroom. I always keep my room nicely to make it the best place
to live in.

1. What is described in the text above?
2. How is the room? Is it messy or tidy?
3. Where is the wardrobe?
4. Where does he usually study?
5. Why does he set the alarm clock at 4.30 a.m.?
6. Where does he possibly put his bag?

Activity 3:

Discuss the texts.

Where are the people?
What do they want?
Perform the dialogues.

In the canteen

Danny : Excuse me, Mrs. Adams.

Mrs. Adams : Yes Danny. What is it?
Danny : Do you have small change?
Mrs. Adams : What do you need?
Danny : I need two five-hundred-rupiah coins.
Mrs. Adams : Ah… here you are.

Danny : Thank you very much, Mrs. Adams.
Mrs. Adams : You’re welcome.


In the library

Max : Excuse me.

Librarian : Sure. What can I do for you?
Max : I forget to return the book today.
Librarian : Don’t forget to return it tomorrow.
Max : Sure I promise.
Librarian : It’s okay.
Max : Thank you very much.
Librarian : My pleasure.

At home

Peter : Mum, have we got ice cream?

Mrs. Brown : I think so.
Peter : May I have some?
Mrs. Brown : Okay, but not now.
Peter : When?
Mrs. Brown : After dinner.
Peter : Promise?
Mrs. Brown : I promise.

Activity 4:
What do people do when they go shopping?
Perform the dialogues.

At a Bakery
Assistant : May I help you?
You : Yes, please. Do you have chocolate cakes?
Assistant : Yes, we do. The chocolate cakes are very good.
They are on sale today.
You : How much are they?
Assistant : Two thousand rupiahs each.
You : I’ll have three, please.
Assistant : Anything else?

You : No, that’s all.

At a Shoe Shop
Assistant : Can I help you?
Ben : Yes, please. Do you have black sports shoes for my school
Assistant : What size do you wear?
Ben : Forty.
Assistant : Here they are.
Ben : How much are these?
Assistant : The normal price is one hundred thousand rupiahs. You’re my
first customer today. You can have them for seventy-five
Ben : All right, I’ll have them. Thanks.

Section Three
Role Play
1. You want to shop for your birthday party.
You want to order the things by telephone.
Tell the shop keeper what you want and how many.

2. You plan to go camping.

You need to buy things.
Discuss with your friends what you need to buy.

Section Four


Read the text carefully then copy the text in the space below.

Roses are Red ……………………………………………………..……………

Roses are red

Violets are blue ……………………………..……………………………….…..
Sugar is sweet
And so are you. ………………………..………………………………………….




Baa, Baa, Black …………………………………………………………

Baa, baa, black sheep,
Have you any wool? …………………………………………………………
Yes, Sir, yes, Sir,
Three bags full. …………………………………………………………

One for my master, …………………………………………………………

And one for my dame,
And one for the little boy …………………………………………………………
Who lives down the lane.

Section Five

Activity 1: Creation

Write a rhyme like “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep”, but use different words. Use the
pictures below to give you ideas.

Hen Eggs

Pails Little girl Policeman

Little boy Igloo

Activity 2: My living-room

Tell your friends what you have at home.

Activity 3

Next week is your birthday. You want to celebrate it with your

close friends. There are five of them. You need to buy things
for the party. Complete the shopping list below:

Shopping List

1. A birthday cake
2. A pound of sweets
3. …………………………..
4. …………………………..
5. …………………………..
6. …………………………..
7. …………………………..
8. …………………………..

Section Six

It’s time to use numbers in a song.


Blue is the colour of beautiful skies

Red is the colour of a burning fire

White is the colour of winter’s snow

Pink is the colour of my tongue

Brown is the colour of the mud and earth

Grey is the colour of an elephant

Yellow is the colour of sour lemons

Black is the colour of a mynah

Things in Shops



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