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How to Do a Rubix Cube

Published by Beerubaraoyaji at Smashwords

Copyright 2011 Capee Slash
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The Lasagne Method

The lasagne method incorporates seven steps to solve a cube. It is called the lasagne method, as it is
solved layer by layer. This method uses algorithms based on the following rotation types. Algorithm
in this context means that you apply the rotation types in the order given. I recommend printing this
page or writing down the rotation types on a piece of paper to refer to as you follow the instructions.

Rotation Type

R = Right (Right side turned 90 clockwise)

L = Left (Left side turned 90 clockwise)
F = Front (Front side turned 90 clockwise)
U = Up (Up-side turned 90 clockwise)
D = Down (Down side turned 90 clockwise)

Ri = Right inverted (Right side turned 90 anti-clockwise)

Li = Left inverted (Left side turned 90 anti-clockwise)
Fi = Front inverted (Front side turned 90 anti-clockwise)
Ui = Up inverted (Up side turned 90 anti-clockwise)
Di = Down inverted (Down side turned 90 anti-clockwise)

The colour of the middle square of the cube determines what colour that side is called. As an example,
the orange side is facing towards the camera in this photo.

Step 1The white cross step

This step doesn't need any algorithms to set it up.

On the yellow side make a white cross. With the yellow side facing you, find a cube face where the
middle square aligns with another square of the same colourthis should be any other face except for
the back one. Rotate the face with the aligned piece 180 then repeat for all sides.

The end result should be a white cross on the white side with a white square in the middle.

Step 2The white corners step

During this step keep the white face on top ALWAYS.

Algorithm used: Ri, Di, R, and D.

This step allows you to correctly place the white corners in the right spot, which finishes the white
face completely. To complete this step without error, you must make sure to place the correct piece in
its place. For example the corner piece for the white, red and blue sides should have white, red and
blue on it. Find a white corner and then find its correct place. For example, if it has white red and blue
on it, then it is the corner piece for the white red and blue faces. Once you have located the pieces
correct place, position the piece below it. Once the piece is below it, use the algorithm; Ri, Di, R, R.
IMPORTANT! The piece will most likely not appear to be placed correctly so you must re-do the
algorithm until the piece is rotated correctly.
When repeating the algorithm, dont do anything else with the cube between the algorithms.
Repeat this whole step for each corner piece. Some pieces may already be on the white side but in the
incorrect place. In cases like this, just use the algorithm to get that piece to the bottom layer.

The end result should be the white face completed.

Step 3Second layer

Algorithms used: U, R, Ui, Ri, Ui, Fi, U and F or Ui, Li, U, L, U, F, Ui and Fi.

In this step, you finish the second layer of the cubewhite side now on the bottomand to do this
you will need one of the two algorithms for each side piece. There are four in total. To start this step,
you must first find a piece that does not have yellow on it such as green, orange, blue or red, then
align the piece with the matching colour.

If it's on the right then use the first algorithmU, R, Ui, Ri, Ui, Fi, U, F.

If the other colour is on the left side, then use the second algorithmUi, Li, U, L, U, F, Ui, Fi.

If you need to remove a piece from the side, then use the correct algorithm to do so.

Step 4The yellow cross step

Algorithm used: F, R, U, Ri, Ui, and Fi.

In this step you achieve a yellow cross at the top.

There are 4 possible ways the yellow side may already be arranged. The yellow cross is pictured

The centre yellow square pictured below.

A reverse L pictured below.

A yellow line pictured below.

If there is a yellow cross you can skip this step. If there is a reverse 'L', make sure to have the 'L' in the
top left corner. If its a line, it has to be horizontal.
The maximum amount of times you will need to use this algorithm is three times and that is with a
yellow centred square. With the reverse 'L' you only have to use the algorithm two times, and only
once with the horizontal line.

The end result should be a yellow cross at the top.

Step 5Middle pieces of the top layer step

Algorithm used: R, U, Ri, U, R, U, U and Ri.

This step allows you to get the centre-piece of the top layer completed as in the picture above. There
are three possible ways that the cubes may already be arranged. If it is already solved then skip this
step. If there are two cubes that are in the correct place but on the opposite sides of each other, then
use the algorithm once on a face that is unsolved. You should then have two consecutive sides solved.
Use the algorithm on the unsolved face that is to the immediate left of the solved faces. See the
picture below.

You should end up with only the top corners now needing to be solved.

Step 6Placing top corners in the right place

Algorithm used: U, R, Ui, Li, U, Ri, Ui, and L.

Find a corner piece that is already in its correct place. It does not have to be rotated correctly. With
that piece on the right side, use the algorithm until all the corners are in the correct place but again,

not necessarily correctly rotated.

Step 7Rotating the last corners and finishing the cube

Algorithm used: Ri, Di, R, and D.

Choose a corner that needs to be rotated and use the algorithm. Repeat this step on other corners. You
must stay on the same cube face when doing this last step or it will fail. Rotate the top layer only to
move the corner pieces around. You should only have to use this algorithm between six to twelve
times. If you use it anymore or any less then you have messed it up.


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