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English words

1. instance (n) trng hp

for instance = for example
instant (adj): tc thi
instantly (adv)
2. diagnose (v) to say exactly what an illness or the cause of a problem is
Ex: The test is used to diagnose a variety of diseases.
(n) diagnosis
3. step down = resign (v): give up a job
resignation (n)
4. abuse /6'bju:s/ (v): the use of sth in the way that is wrong or harmful
Ex: Alcohol abuse, abuse of authority
- sexual abuse
5. generate (v) = produce, create
ex: generate electricity/income
-generator (n) a machine for producing electricity
6. - distribute (vt): phn b, phn phi, phn pht
Ex: The newspaper is distributed free.
- contribute (v) to give sth, esp money or goods, to help sb/sth
Ex: We contributed $5000 to the earthquake fund.
7. - spectacular/spek'taekj6l6r/
(adj) very impressive
(n) an impressive show or performance
8. - feasible (adj): c th thc hin c, kh thi
9. - attempt (n): s c gng, s th, n lc

10. A picture released by the North Korean Central News Agency on Thursday, September 4,
shows North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and his wife watching a performance by the
Moranbong Band in Pyongyang, North Korea, on September 3. Kim has been out of the public
eye since then.
11. The report adds that historical stations are now being eyed for elaborate and unusual
- elaborate (adj) /i'laeb6r6t/ very complicated and detailed, carefully prepared and organized
- renovate (v) /'ren6veit/ to repair and paint an old building, a piece of furniture, etc. so that it is
in good condition again
12. - occasionally (adv)
sometimes but not often
13. - preclude /pri'klu:d/
(v) (formal)
to prevent sth from happening or sb
14. - brief (adj) ngn gn, tm tt
15. flexible >< complex
mm do, linh hot
phc tp, rc ri
16. - archaeology /a:rki'a:l9d3i/
kho c hc
= archeology
17. - inspection
s kim tra, s thanh tra
18. - impede / im'pi:d/ (v) lm tr ngi, ngn cn.
Ex: Work on the building was impeded by severe weather.
- impedance /im'pi:dns/ (n) a measurement of the total resistance of a piece of electrical
equipment etc. to the flow of an alternting current.

19. A day after Bayern Munich had ransacked Rome by scoring seven, Real arrived at another of
European football's most famous fortresses and blew it to smithereens
- ransack (v) /raensaek/ to make a place untidy, causing damage, because you are looking for sth
Ex: The house had been ransacked by burglars.
- fortress (n) /'fo:rtrs/ a building or place that has been made stronger and protected against
- smithereens (n) / smi6'ri:nz/ smash, blow, etc. sth to smithereens (informal) to destroy sth
completely by breaking it into small pieces
20. A high school freshman opens fire on his friends in the cafeteria, a witness says, leaving one
dead, three critically injured and another in a serious condition.
- witness (n): a person who sees sth happen and is able to describe it to other people.

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