12th November, 2014 Daily Exclusive ORYZA E-Newsletter by Riceplus Magazine

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Daily Exclusive ORYZA E-Newsletter by Riceplus Magazine


Daily Exclusive ORYZA E-Newsletter

12th November, 2014
Todays News Headlines

ABARES Forecasts Australia 2014-15 Paddy Rice Production at

894,000 Tons, Up 7% from Last Year
Asian and African Rice Prices Show Mixed Trends in October
Asia Rice Quotes Unchanged Today
Iraq Issues International Tender to Purchase Minimum 30,000
Tons of Rice
South Korea and China Leaders Conclude FTA; Exclude Rice
from Deal
Oryza Overnight Recap - Chicago Rough Rice Futures Continue
Lower in Search for a Bottom as S&D Report Fails to Provide
Much Needed Support
Oryza Afternoon Recap - Chicago Rough Rice Futures Unable to
Maintain Midday Recovery, Continue to Add to Losses
Oryza U.S. Rough Rice Recap - Price Continue to Fall in OverSupplied Market
Oryza Overnight Recap - Chicago Rough Rice Futures Continue
Lower in Search for a Bottom as S&D Report Fails to Provide
Much Needed Support
South Korea and China Leaders Conclude FTA; Exclude Rice
from Deal
Rising Up Against the Rice Pest Family, One By One
Global Rice Quotes

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News Detail.

ABARES Forecasts Australia 2014-15 Paddy

Rice Production at 894,000 Tons, Up 7%
from Last Year
Nov 11, 2014

Australia's paddy rice production in MY 201415 (April 2014 - March 2015) is estimated to
increase to around 894,000 tons, up about 7%
from an estimated 833,000 million tons in MY
2013-14, according to data from the Australian
Bureau of Agricultural and Resource
Economics and Sciences (ABARES).n its
September crop outlook report, the ABARES
attributes the increase in paddy rice production
to an increase in planting area during the
marketing year. Paddy rice planting area is expected to increase to 91,000 hectares, up about
20% from an estimated 76,000 hectares in the previous year due to resumption of the supply of
irrigation water to the rice growing regions. It estimates the country's paddy rice yield at around
9.88 tons per hectare.
About 99% of paddy rice is produced in New South Wales. In its August crop outlook report, the
ABARES estimated the paddy rice production in the region at around 890,000 tons from around
90,000 hectares of planted area. The region is expected to produce a yield of about 9.89 tons per
hectare during the marketing year.
USDA estimates Australian paddy rice production to decline to around 700,000 tons (around
504,000 tons of rice, basis milled) in MY 2014-15 (April - March), down about 15% from an
estimated 833,000 tons of paddy rice (around 600,000 tons of rice, basis milled) produced last
year. It estimates Australia to produce a yield of 10 tons per hectare during the marketing year,
down about 9% from around 10.96 tons per hectare produced last year.
Tags: Australia rice production, Australia rice acreage, Australia rice yield

Contact us for Advertisement & Specs: mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com +92 321 369 2847

Daily Exclusive ORYZA E-Newsletter by Riceplus Magazine

Asian and African Rice Prices Show Mixed

Trends in October 2014
Nov 11, 2014

Domestic rice prices in the Ebola-affected countries such as Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone have
increased or remained stable in October 2014 as major seaports have been functioning and rice imports
have not been affected, according to the UN's Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). While prices of
imported rice remained stable in Guinea and Sierra Leone, they increased slightly in Liberia. Rice prices
of locally produced rice in Madagascar increased moderately in October but were lower than imported
rice due to increasing supplies from ongoing harvests.

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Daily Exclusive ORYZA E-Newsletter by Riceplus Magazine

Meanwhile, domestic rice prices in Asia have shown mixed trends in October 2014, according to
the FAO. While domestic rice prices in Myanmar, Vietnam and the Philippines declined sharply,
prices increased in Sri Lanka.
Wholesale rice prices in Thailand remained stable in October 2104 due to lower export activity.
Retail prices of Japonica rice in China also remained relatively stable due to strong domestic
demand and high support prices. Prices in Bangladesh remained stable in October as the
government procurement of Boro crop output offset the downward pressure from increasing
supplies from the Boro crop. Prices in Indonesia were stable due to an expected good output
from the 2014 secondary dry season harvest. Retail rice prices India also remained stable
supported by the government 2014-15 procurement program, which targets to procure around 30
million tons of rice at prices about 4% higher than last year.
Prices in Myanmar continued to decline for the third consecutive month due to reduced export
demand from China and the arrival of the 2014 main wet season crop in into markets. Wholesale
rice prices in Vietnam declined in October due to ample supplies from the near-record 2014
summer-autumn harvest and a slowdown in export demand. Rice prices in the Philippines
declined for the second consecutive month in October due to an expected increase in the output
from the 2014 main season harvest. The government's attempts to increase official imports this
year to replenish stocks and control prices also led to an easing of prices.
Rice prices in Sri Lanka increased sharply during the month due to expected decline in this
year's paddy production and reduced supplies.
Rice export prices in general declined in October 2014 for second consecutive month due to
increased supplies from arrival of newly harvested crops and strong competition between
markets, including Thailand, India, Vietnam and Pakistan.
Tags: Asia rice prices, Africa rice prices, FAO

Asia Rice Quotes Unchanged Today

Nov 11, 2014

Asia rice sellers kept their quotes mostly unchanged today.

5% Broken Rice

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Daily Exclusive ORYZA E-Newsletter by Riceplus Magazine

Thailand 5% rice is quoted at around $410 - $420 per ton, about $20 per ton discount to
Vietnam 5% rice shown at around $430 - $440 per ton. India 5% rice is quoted at around $410 $420 per ton, about $15 per ton premium on Pakistan 5% rice quoted at around $395 - $405 per
25% Broken

Thailand 25% rice was last quoted at around $350 - $360 per ton, about $40 per ton discount to
Vietnam 25% rice shown at around $390 - $400 per ton. India 25% rice is quoted at around $370
- $380, about $20 per ton premium on Pakistan 25% rice quoted at around $350 - $360 per ton.
Parboiled Rice
Thailand parboiled rice is quoted at around $410 - $420 per ton. India parboiled rice is quoted at
around $390 - $400 per ton, about $35 per ton discount to Pakistan parboiled rice quoted at
around $425 - $435 per ton.
100% Broken Rice
Thailand broken rice, A1 Super, is quoted at around $330 - $340 per ton, on par with Vietnam
100% broken rice shown at around $330 - $340 per ton. India's 100% broken rice is shown at
around $310 - $320 per ton, about $10 per ton discount to Pakistan broken sortexed rice quoted
at around $320 - $330 per ton.
Tags: Vietnam rice prices, India rice prices, pakistan rice prices, Thailand rice prices

Iraq Issues International Tender to Purchase

Minimum 30,000 Tons of Rice
Nov 11, 2014

The Iraqi Grain Board (IGB) has issued a new international tender to buy at least 30,000 tons of
rice from Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, Vietnam, Thailand and the U.S., according to Reuters.
According to Reuters, the Iraq Trade Ministry stated that the closing date for the tender is
November 16, 2014 and the offers would be valid until November 20, 2014.

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Daily Exclusive ORYZA E-Newsletter by Riceplus Magazine

In the last tender that closed on November 6, 2014, Iraq purchased around 170,000 tons of rice
from Thailand and South American origins such as Uruguay, Brazil and Argentina. It however
declined offers from the U.S.
Tags: Iraq rice tenders, Iraq Grain Board (IGB)

South Korea and China Leaders Conclude

FTA; Exclude Rice from Deal
Nov 11, 2014

Leaders of South Korea and China concluded the Korea-China Free Trade Agreement (FTA)
after nearly two-and- half years at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in
Beijing on Monday, according to local sources.
China is South Korea's largest trading partner and their bilateral trade grew to around $228.9bn
in 2013, according to BBC.Negotiations for the FTA began in May 2012 and held 14 rounds of
negotiations since then. Negotiations have been delayed due to contentions on tariff cuts. While
South Korea sought a wider range of cuts on industrial products, China had sought cuts on
agricultural and fisheries products.
Finally, the two sides agreed on a total of 22 chapters highlighting tariff cuts and removal of
investment barriers in various economic sectors, including services, finance and
communications. However, both the sides have excluded rice from the FTA citing it as an
important agricultural product, which needs protection.
South Korea has recently announced its intention to liberalize rice imports from January 1, 2015.
The government's decision to impose a tariff of around 513% on rice imports over and above its
minimum market access (MMA) quota under the World Trade Organization (WTO) rules is yet
to be ratified by the WTO.
South Korea also has similar FTAs with the U.S. and the European Union (EU).a
Tags: Korea-China FTA, Tariffs, Rice

Contact us for Advertisement & Specs: mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com +92 321 369 2847

Daily Exclusive ORYZA E-Newsletter by Riceplus Magazine

Oryza Overnight Recap - Chicago Rough

Rice Futures Continue Lower in Search for a
Bottom as S&D Report Fails to Provide
Much Needed Support
Nov 11, 2014

Chicago rough rice futures for Jan delivery are currently noted 6.5 cents per cwt (about $1 per
ton) lower at $11.905 per cwt (about $262 per ton) during early morning floor trading in
Chicago. The other grains are seen trading with mixed results: soybeans are currently seen about
0.7% higher, wheat is listed about 0.7% lower and corn is noted about 0.7% lower.
U.S. stocks slipped on Tuesday, with the energy sector leading the retreat after Wall Street's
record-breaking advance. After ending at a record for four consecutive sessions, the Dow Jones
Industrial Average fell 26.68 points, or 0.2%, to 17,587.06. The S&P 500 dropped 2.21 points, or
0.1%, to 2,036.05. The Nasdaq shed 5.73 points, or 0.1%, to 4,645.88. On Monday, U.S. stocks
stepped modestly higher, with health-care companies leading the charge that again lifted
benchmarks to records, as investors tracked corporate results as the earnings season starts to
wind down. Gold is currently trading about 0.4% lower, crude oil is seen trading about 0.1%
lower, and the U.S. dollar is currently trading about 0.1% lower at 9:00am Chicago time.
Tags: chicago rough rice futures, U.S. rice market, U.S. rice prices

Oryza Afternoon Recap - Chicago Rough

Rice Futures Unable to Maintain Midday
Recovery, Continue to Add to Losses
Nov 11, 2014

Chicago rough rice futures for Jan delivery settled 12 cents per cwt (about $3 per ton) lower at
$11.850 per cwt (about $261 per ton). Rough rice futures continue to suffer from a lack of
demand and expectations of a large crop as the industry winds down with the current harvest.
Traders look to an abundance of supplies domestic and abroad as well in addition to pressure
from the recent retreat in other grain prices as negative signs and add to bearishness in the
market. Technically the outlook remains negative, with some analysts expecting a testing of the
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Daily Exclusive ORYZA E-Newsletter by Riceplus Magazine

recent spike low of $11.375 per cwt (about $251 per ton) put in place last month. Todays trade
action forecasts a continuation lower for tomorrows session. The other grains finished the day
sharply higher, led but a huge rally in soy; Soybeans closed about 3.7% higher at $10.6400 per
bushel; wheat finished about 1.6% higher at $5.2525 per bushel, and corn finished the day about
1.2% higher at $3.7475 per bushel.
U.S. stocks wavered on Tuesday, with benchmarks setting intraday records even as investors
found little impetus to move decisively in one direction or the other. After ending at a record for
four consecutive sessions, the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 24 points and fell as much as
28. It recently was off 17.46 points, or 0.1%, at 17,596.28. The S&P 500 shed 2.62 points, or
0.1%, to 2,035.64, with materials pacing gains and utilities hardest hit among its 10 major
sectors. Of the 449 companies in the S&P 500 that have reported third-quarter results, 74.6%
have posted earnings above estimates, while 59.3% beat revenue expectations, according to data
compiled by Thomson Reuters. After hitting its highest level since March of 2000, the Nasdaq
dropped 7 points, or 0.2%, to 4,644.72. Gold is trading about 1% higher, crude oil is seen trading
about 0.5% higher, and the U.S. dollar is seen trading about 0.5% lower at about 1:00pm
Chicago time.
Monday, there were 350 contracts traded, down from 401 contracts traded on Friday. Open
interest the number of contracts outstanding on Monday increased by 47 contracts to 9,812.
Tags: chicago rough rice futures, U.S. rice prices, U.S. rice market

Oryza U.S. Rough Rice Recap - Price

Continue to Fall in Over-Supplied Market
Nov 11, 2014

The U.S. cash market was softer yet again today falling in sympathy with the weak futures
market and an over supplied market.As it stands now, buyers have no interest in being anything
other than hand to mouth in this market especially since prices continue to fall.Analysts contend
that for prices to move higher going forward, export demand will have to pick up materially.
Tags: U.S. rice prices, U.S. rice market

Contact us for Advertisement & Specs: mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com +92 321 369 2847

Daily Exclusive ORYZA E-Newsletter by Riceplus Magazine

Oryza Overnight Recap - Chicago Rough

Rice Futures Continue Lower in Search for a
Bottom as S&D Report Fails to Provide
Much Needed Support
Nov 11, 2014

Chicago rough rice futures for Jan delivery are currently noted 6.5 cents per cwt (about $1 per
ton) lower at $11.905 per cwt (about $262 per ton) during early morning floor trading in
Chicago. The other grains are seen trading with mixed results: soybeans are currently seen about
0.7% higher, wheat is listed about 0.7% lower and corn is noted about 0.7% lower.
U.S. stocks slipped on Tuesday, with the energy sector leading the retreat after Wall Street's
record-breaking advance. After ending at a record for four consecutive sessions, the Dow Jones
Industrial Average fell 26.68 points, or 0.2%, to 17,587.06. The S&P 500 dropped 2.21 points, or
0.1%, to 2,036.05. The Nasdaq shed 5.73 points, or 0.1%, to 4,645.88. On Monday, U.S. stocks
stepped modestly higher, with health-care companies leading the charge that again lifted
benchmarks to records, as investors tracked corporate results as the earnings season starts to
wind down. Gold is currently trading about 0.4% lower, crude oil is seen trading about 0.1%
lower, and the U.S. dollar is currently trading about 0.1% lower at 9:00am Chicago time.
Tags: chicago rough rice futures, U.S. rice market, U.S. rice prices

South Korea and China Leaders Conclude

FTA; Exclude Rice from Deal
Nov 11, 2014

Leaders of South Korea and China concluded the Korea-China Free Trade Agreement (FTA)
after nearly two-and- half years at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in
Beijing on Monday, according to local sources. China is South Korea's largest trading partner
and their bilateral trade grew to around $228.9bn in 2013, according to BBC.
Negotiations for the FTA began in May 2012 and held 14 rounds of negotiations since then.
Negotiations have been delayed due to contentions on tariff cuts. While South Korea sought a
Contact us for Advertisement & Specs: mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com +92 321 369 2847

Daily Exclusive ORYZA E-Newsletter by Riceplus Magazine

wider range of cuts on industrial products, China had sought cuts on agricultural and fisheries
Finally, the two sides agreed on a total of 22 chapters highlighting tariff cuts and removal of
investment barriers in various economic sectors, including services, finance and
communications. However, both the sides have excluded rice from the FTA citing it as an
important agricultural product, which needs protection.South Korea has recently announced its
intention to liberalize rice imports from January 1, 2015. The government's decision to impose a
tariff of around 513% on rice imports over and above its minimum market access (MMA) quota
under the World Trade Organization (WTO) rules is yet to be ratified by the WTO.South Korea
also has similar FTAs with the U.S. and the European Union (EU).a
Tags: Korea-China FTA, Tariffs, Rice

Rising Up Against the Rice Pest Family, One

By One
Nov 11, 2014

Ranjitha Gurram, Research Associate (Plant Protection) at Acharya NG Ranga

Agricultural University, India, lists out the most notorious rice pests and solutions to tackle
them effectively.
Oryza: Based on your research study, what pests typically attack paddy at different stages of
Ranjitha: Stem borer (Scirpophaga incertulas), Gall midge (Orseolia oryzae),
Green leaf hopper (Nephotettix virescens) are the major pests attacking paddy
at nursery and tillering stages. Brown leaf hopper, Nilaparvata lugens attack
paddy at tillering and flowering stage. Gundhi bug, Leptocoriosa acuta attacks
only at flowering stage. Leaf folder (Cnaphalocrocis mainsails) attacks in all
stages of paddy.
Oryza: Gall midge is one of the biggest enemies of rice. How does one tackle them?
Ranjitha: Maggots of gall midge feed on shoot apex of paddy resulting in suppression of apical
meristem and formation of radial ridges because of diversion of nutrients from apical meristem
and elongation of leaf sheath. An active substance called cecidogen secreted by first instar (yet to
mature) maggot is responsible for cell proliferation of meristematic cells and gall or silver shoot
formation. When more than one silver shoot per hill or 5% galls per sq mtr was observed,
application of Phorate 10G @ 12.5kg / acre or Carbofuran 3G@ 10 Kg/acre in 1-2 inches of
standing water can be done to control the pest.
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Daily Exclusive ORYZA E-Newsletter by Riceplus Magazine

Oryza: How is stem borer identified and when should the control measures to be taken?
Ranjitha: In young plants, stem borer larvae feeds inside the stem causing drying of central
shoot or formation of dead heart. In older plants, drying of the panicle or white ear can be
observed. When these damage symptoms were observed and more than one adult or one egg
mass or 10% dead hearts observed per sq meter, the measures have to be taken against pest to
protect the rice crop.
Oryza: What about the leaf folder and when should the control measures to be taken?
Ranjitha: Leaf folder larva rolls the leaf blade by fastening its edges and sometimes even fastens
the leaf tip to the basal part of leaf blade and feeds by scraping it. The symptoms of severely
infested crop, includes a sickly appearance with white patches. Curative measures should be
taken when more than two damaged leaves are observed per hill.
Oryza: How to control stem borer and leaf folder?
Ranjitha: When stem borer and leaf folder damage symptoms were observed and the population
of pest above economic threshold level as mentioned above, control measures have to taken.
Spraying of Cartap hydrochloride 4% G which is an animal toxin acting as systemic insecticide
applied @ 2g / ltr. Otherwise Acephate 75% WP @ 1.5g/ ltr or Profenophos 50%EC @ 2ml
per litre can be applied which are contact poison. It is to be noted that 200 litres of spray solution
should be used for an acre area.
Oryza: The rice farmer dreads the Brown plant hopper? What are the solutions for it?
Ranjitha: Both adults and nymphs of Brown plant hopper, Nilaparvata lugens suck the phloem
sap leading to drying of leaves causing scorched appearance called hopper burn in circular
patches. It acts as vector for grassy stunt, ragged stunt and wilted stunt diseases. If the population
of Brown plant hopper exceeds 10-15 insects per hill at tillering stage and 20-25 insects per hill
at flowering stage, spraying of fenobucarb @2ml per ltr and Buprofezin @ 1.6ml per litre water
can be recommended.
Oryza: Is the Gundhi bug as quirky a bug as it sounds? How does it affect the rice plant?
Ranjitha: Gundhi bug, Leptocoriosa acuta damages the crop at flowering stage. Both nymphs
and adults feed on sap of the peduncle, tender stem and milky grains making them turn chaffy.
When the pest population exceeds 1-2 adults per hill, spraying Quinolphos 25% EC @2ml per ltr
is recommended to control the pest.
Tags: Rice, rice news, pest, problems, Farm, Paddy, seed, Food grain stocks

Global Rice Quotes

November 11th, 2014

Contact us for Advertisement & Specs: mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com +92 321 369 2847

Daily Exclusive ORYZA E-Newsletter by Riceplus Magazine

Long grain white rice - high quality
Thailand 100% B grade 425-435
Vietnam 5% broken
India 5% broken
Pakistan 5% broken
Cambodia 5% broken 465-475
U.S. 4% broken
Uruguay 5% broken
Argentina 5% broken 595-605

Long grain white rice - low quality

Thailand 25% broken
Vietnam 25% broken
Pakistan 25% broken
Cambodia 25% broken
India 25% broken
U.S. 15% broken




Long grain parboiled rice

Thailand parboiled 100% stxd 410-420

Pakistan parboiled 5% broken stxd

India parboiled 5% broken stxd 390-400

U.S. parboiled 4% broken


Brazil parboiled 5% broken


Uruguay parboiled 5% broken NQ

Long grain fragrant rice

Thailand Hommali 92%
Vietnam Jasmine

India basmati 2% broken


Pakistan basmati 2% broken


Cambodia Phka Malis 835-845

Thailand A1 Super

Vietnam 100% broken 330-340

Pakistan 100% broken stxd

Cambodia A1 Super

India 100% Broken stxd

Egypt medium grain brokens NQ

U.S. pet food 445-455

Brazil half grain


All prices USD per ton, FOB vessel, oryza.com

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