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Model 1 Personal Statement for Politics and International Relations

I am looking outside the small window down the dense ocean of clouds beneath the airplane that is taking
me through the heavens back home. Tomorrow is Christmas and the single time of the year when I am
home with my husband most of the people dont understand how I can love my job so desperately that I
am happy to live most of my life far away from my family. They cant understand the rush, the high and
the accomplishment that I can experience when I work.
It all started in high school, a long time ago, in a country that was trying hard to embrace the European
Union and to finalize the transition to capitalism. It was only 20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall and
communism in Eastern Europe. Being a proactive student in one of the best high schools in Bucharest and
forever interested in history and the current political climate, I went at The German Embassy to
participate at the conference held in celebrations of the 20 years without walls The German Days: 20
years of freedom. There I had the chance to meet Mr. Andreas Von Mettenhein, the German Ambassador
and to chat with him about the challenging nature of his job and both the responsibilities and the rewards
that it brings into his life.
Everything started to take shape and I realised how perfect this career was for me. I have seen my future
with my own eyes and I knew I had all the skills needed to work one day in the international relations
field. It is not about being a politician; it is about being a political leader and being able to think proactive
and to take correct decisions during crisis.
I thought myself to be suitable for this profession firstly due to my capacity to understand the political
phenomenon at an international scale. To be able to do this, I have always kept up to date with the latest
issues in foreign policy and international affairs. This year I took part in the conference Energy Security:
Strategies in the wider Black Sea region, organised by Conflict Prevention and Early Warning Centre in
the Romanian Senate. Being very interested in the USA politics, I attended the presentation and debate
Midterm elections at the USA Embassy in Romania, where I learnt more about aspects of the American
system that I wasnt aware of previously, which deepened my desire to find out more about the similarities
and the differences between the American and European political systems. In school, I attend a debate
club which I hope to help me become a very good and assertive debater later in life.
Books have taught me that if you keep the people in a state of ignorance you can create dictatorship. I
have learnt that people often create wars to earn monies and that propaganda can work for them to
manipulate people into thinking that war is the best solution. I understood that the world is not driven by
what is right, but by political interests and now I am more careful with the information I get from the
media. I feel that war is a too significant subject for anyone to overlook. My best reads were: Chronicle
of War: 1914 to the Present Day, Introduction to the political philosophy, Machiavellis books The
Art of War and The prince, Fukuyamas The end of history, Kissingers Diplomacy and George
Orwells incredible 1984 and Animal Farm. Books such as Who won the oil wars? made me aware
of the history of international oil companies and their power upon politics and economy in the modern

But being a professional in my field of interest lies far away from keeping my nose in the books. World
politics need to be understood via open conversations, links with the right people at the right time. I am
an extremely sociable person and I most enjoy meeting people from other cultures, skill which I have
developed during my time at my international high school where I had to chance to meet people from
dozens of countries around the globe and understanding that intercultural communication is difficult but
when you get it right it is a great reward to be able to culturally understand other people. I understood
that the societies these people lived in shaped their personality and that society is not only an abstract
notion is what shapes us as individuals. I also had the chance to spend a month in China in an
international camp where I learnt more about the Asian culture and customs, while doing voluntary work
for orphanages in poor parts of the country. Working with others for a common purpose developed my
team spirit and made me malleable in understanding other peoples point of views.
Travelling has also shaped me as an individual and the chance to travel to all the continents with my
family opened my desire to see more of the world. I have a vivid interest in foreign languages and
although I only studied English and French at school, I have started to learn German and Spanish on my
own and have recently developed an interest in Chinese, which I want to learn during my university
Hobbies have also contributed to developing my personality for international relations. Drama taught me
to win over a public, climbing and mountaineering taught me that I should never let go of my dreams no
matter how tough the voyage is and painting showed me that being creative in life is always the answer in
solving problems.
I know I will be on that airplane one day and I know today is the day my journey really begins. A journey
of a life time.

to Andreea Vatea

Model 2 Personal Statement for Science Foundation Degree

I look around me and I cant find a thing that science has not touched, shaped or changed. I cant name a
single object on which chemistry, physics or biology have not taken its toll upon. I am amazed about the
sciences that study the creation of life, the sciences that accompany us on our short trip through this world
and the sciences that are making our trip easier and enjoyable.
It is believed everything started from a single molecule of carbon how amazing is the thought that a
single molecule unseen to the human eye can create the world we live in today? This is where the science
we call chemistry achieved its first study case and the most exciting
how was the world created? Seconds later, we stepped into biochemistrys area when bacteria started to
develop in more advanced life forms. Nothing is said to have been possible in the absence of oxygen,
another essential molecule for life.
Another essential force that made life possible on Earth was the gravitation that kept everything on ground
preventing things to float and get lost in the universe. It also made life possible through the creation of
atmosphere providing weather on our Planet bringing essential water and filtering the sun rays necessary
for life and photosynthesis. Forces have also made volcanoes to erupt and continents to collide. Physics is
undoubtedly the third science that played an extremely important role at the beginnings of life.

Since then, things in our world have changed dramatically through millions of years, but never in this
large amount of time have these three sciences and the interaction between them stopped to control the
processes that took place on our planet, and in the last few hundreds of years its still them that have
contributed immensely in changing and improving our lives through the technology progress.
Today we own computers and devices that allow us to communicate with someone living a world away in
some seconds and without spending a fortune. Travelling around the world in 80 days is centuries away as
the journey takes now less than 24 hours in a high speed airplane. We have devices that heat our houses
without polluting that rely on the sun energy and on nanotechnology. We have the possibility of saving
people from most of the diseases on the world and to create life in a laboratory through artificial
The progress is desired and inevitable, the tenancy of the human being to research for ways to conserve
and improve life is basic for feeding the curiosity we are born with and that resides in our brain, in my
opinion, the greatest tool that the man has to progress. It is a tool that relies on biochemistry to function
and provide us with the mental force to invent, to investigate and to heal. We cant separate ourselves
from science.
I am simply a student fascinated by science that has not had the chance to study these amazing sciences
during high school this being the reason why I search admission at your Science Foundation Year. My
plans for building a career in this area are serious and well documented. I am sure I can carry on research
projects and be a well known scientist. Beginnings are difficult and can be discouraging but I am ready for
long years of study and the love I have for science is motivating me.
As education is the ground stone my career will be built on I am ready to take baby steps in order to build
a strong foundation that will allow me to reach the highest levels of knowledge in science during my
professional career. It is my hope that you will find my desire and qualifications enough for admission at
your university.

to Andreea Vatea

Model 3 Personal Statement for Sport Business Management and Sport Marketing
Wellness is a new science that is slowly gaining a respectable place in todays busy world. Its recent
success amongst consumers is anything but unusual. It is the perfect time for it and Nothing is as
powerful as an idea whose time has come. (Victor Hugo)
And the time for wellness as a concept is definitely here. Living in a busier and busier world where people
are stressed and have less time to relax and spend doing sports or other health benefic spare time activities,
diseases linked to stress and sedentary activities are spiking up. Huge amounts of money are being spent
on medical treatments to reverse these conditions or ameliorate symptoms. The world we live in is
inimical to both our health and budget. It is only logical that we look to rather prevent diseases than
treating them.

Wellness is the science that promises to work on preventing disorders through life style changes,
psychotherapy, nutrition and, most important, the right physical activity for each individual. Sport is now
considered more than a hobby or an activity performed by the few elite sportsmen. Sport is starting to play
an important role in maintaining our physical and mental health.
As businesses become international, we have now access to the gear that allows us to play any sport that
attracts us even if the country we live in doesnt have a tradition in that sport. Health Centers are also
opening providing the perfect places to picking up on a sport in our free time.
I have always been fascinated by sport and the impact it can have on peoples lives both as a tool in
maintaining health and as a social lubricant in the fan clubs. I have been practicing several sports since I
was little and they all taught me how to work together with a team in achieving a common goal, shaping
me into being tolerant to other peoples opinions and behavior. It has also made me an ambitious person, a
person that understands how much work there is behind a success. I am a modest and balanced individual
today due to the education my parents gave me and the opportunity of being involved in sports since a
very early age.
It is only natural that I wish to pursue a career in sports management and marketing. I see myself
promoting sports to the large public or owning a wellness and fitness centre. I dont dismiss the possibility
of managing a sports club or federation as these would also feed my desire to be involved in a sports
business. I think nobody my age can determine exactly what is the best for his or her future, but I am sure
that whatever my professional pathway in life is, sports in what I can do best and where I can be in order
to make the difference in the community I will live in and make my job pleasurable and interesting.
As far as my language competences are concerned, I have considered English as one of the most important
subjects at school since my primary school and I was sure that one day, my knowledge of English will be
indispensible to my career.
I hope that my desire to study this domain and my qualifications will match with your requirements and
that you will find me a suitable candidate for your competitive and attractive programme of study that will
hopefully shape me as an individual and prepare me for my future professional life, with challenges and
rewards alike.

to Andreea Vatea

Model 4 Personal Statement for Psychology

I can't really remember the moment of my life in which Psychology started to fascinate me. My interest
dates back to childhood when I didn't even know what psychology was. I have forever been fascinated
about persons and the different they are in the way of thinking, of talking, of interacting with each other. I
remember that in kindergarten I used to ask myself why girls like dolls and boys prefer playing with water
guns and building using LEGO pieces.
I have enjoyed asking myself questions about people and study their actions and the reasons beneath
them since before I knew psychology was the science that was doing exactly that. I have stumbled upon
psychology as a concept in secondary school, at the mere age of 12, when I couldn't understand all the
things that psychology was studying and why is it so important for our world. I started reading self

development books that contained psychological ideas put in simple words and I think I have gained a
lot of insight in what psychology is by doing that.
High school was the moment in which my future career started to take shape in front of my eyes. I
studied Psychology as a subject in the 10th grade and had the chance to have a wonderful teacher that
was able to help me understand all the secrets of this fascinating domain. I understood that Psychology
worked its way in our everyday life in an unconceivable yet natural way. Most of the people think that
world is built on commerce and the monies that the commerce brings in each country's budget. But
beneath the commerce is the marketing and the decision of the buyer to purchase the product the
consumer psychology.
Every manager will need a psychologist to take care of the human resource recruitment and
management, training and development. They will need psychological concepts to help in advertising
and understanding the mind of the consumer, to develop successful marketing strategies, to maintain
good communications through their PR specialist and to solve workplace conflicts. Management is
basing all its success tools on psychology.
Social interaction is vital for the individual's development, this being the reason why Aristotle named the
human, the "social animal". We can only change, in good or bad ways, through the interactions with
others. While some interactions can leave scars which will need to be treated through psychotherapy,
most of the interactions we will have in life will help us develop, overcome difficult moments and
become more powerful and focused human beings. The first interaction starts the moment we are born,
with our mother and sometimes this is the most important one of all.
Looking at society in its ensemble, the wellbeing of humans and the environment they live in, the
reduction of criminality is also put in the service of psychology. Understanding the sociological factors
that push people to deviant behaviour is the core of sorting the problem. Criminal behaviour is the part of
psychology that most fascinates me due to its algorithmic manner used in understanding the criminal
mind. I have wished to do something with my life to help the others and I think that by becoming an
expert in this area I will be able to fulfil my goal.
My voyage towards this goal of mine starts today and the first step is studying for a degree at your
university which will equip me with the skills I need to become the person I want to be.
to Andreea Vatea

Model 5 Personal Statement for Law

I would lie by saying that I have always wanted to study law as the idea really came to my mind
quite recently when I started to think seriously about my future professional life. Being good at
several subjects in school and participating in National Contests at both Literature and
Mathematics, the decision wasn't an easy one at all. I had to look deep into my soul and my
mind, to project myself in the future and try to discover what is out there that I enjoy the most.

It was a very difficult task, yet very rewarding, because I was able to discover who I really was and what I really enjoyed. I
think that when one has to choose a career, he or she has to imagine a week of their future working career and decide
whether that is what they want to not.
I picture myself rather clearly in a big court room, with its wooden old roof, dressed in a black and long robe, carrying
around several files containing essential evidence in order to prove that my client is not guilty. I know I will soon see him
entering through the right door in front of my eyes wearing his desperation and hopelessness on the same frail, pale
face. I will be the one that will assert his liberty in front of the jury and I will return his faith in the justice and the desire to
Laws aren't made to accuse people, but to defend and to assure them that they are not alone and they are protected by
something interpretable yet indispensable, something that was in place since the founding of the first human society. The
law needs to operate unhampered by the political powers, seeking justice for the citizen of this world, carrying out the
greatest pledge that society offered in the first place: community and protection.
I dream of being a humble and devoted servant of the thing that keeps people safe and societies viable. I want to defend
the innocent and punish the ones that choose to harm others. I want to know I am working towards creating a better world
and that I am building something every day, that my mere effort to get up in the morning and take a crowded metro is more
than something I do for living.
I know I will be successful in being a lawyer because I have the skills needed to glitter in this area. First of all, I would
mention that I have a very analytical and logical mind, developed by years of study in a science class and that I am
always very attentive to details. I like reading history books and I enjoy learning about the world and being up to date with
changes. I also enjoy organizing my ideas in writing and presenting them in front of classmates.
The first logical step in my career towards reaching my goal is getting a degree from a respected university. As I am also
very keen on foreign languages, having the DELE certificate in Spanish at advanced level, I opted to study international law
to give me a start ground for working in any country of my choice after graduation. I think that your university will be able to
offer me the perfect environment to be a student in and to learn towards obtaining my desired degree.

to Andreea Vatea

Modelul 7 - Performing Arts

There are many movies and TV shows that end in the same tragedy, trying to convey the same
message: our existence on Earth is limited in time and we don't have the power to do anything
about it. We are told to live to the fullest, to take advantage of every moment, to live every
second like it would be the last - in one word, to gather as many experiences as possible, to
leave this world with as many memories as possible. We are fed with this vision and sometimes
we take it in and become hungry in accomplishing it. We do this because assuming the reality
the way it is, may be sometimes too tough for us and overwhelming: it will never be possible
to live it all, to see it all, to feel it all and this is not only because time runs out, but
also because every one of us feels, sees and lives differently. We can't be more than one
person at a time although we would really want to be able to do that.
I am no different to any other human being. I crave for more - I want to know more, to live
more and to be more than myself and I had the chance to find that I can do that by acting, by
temporarily becoming somebody else, by letting myself behind for a moment just to embrace my

character, to bring it to life. It is an ecstatic and creational moment - being able to bring
to life, for the first time, a person who before that has only existed in the screenwriter's
mind. You need to understand that character, to know him, so you can react like him and not
like yourself. Sometimes you have to grow a beard and sometimes you have to wear ridiculous
hats - and you have to look natural about it.
I am in love with the art of doing just that - being somebody else for a while as I hold
inside me the hunger to love a woman both like a 19th century aristocrat and a 21st century
drug addict. I like wearing other people's masks because they allow me to gather more of this
life, to live more than I would by just being myself.
Media is strong and we know this - it is the one that made me who I am today (a man who wants
more from life) so I want to dedicate my life to media because without it we would be stuck in
our small reality, convicted to a narrow view on life conform to the cultural constraints of
our environment, which would make us limited and, ultimately, sad. Many will argue with my
opinion and will say media is manipulating us, but I think it is only if we let it do that.
Otherwise, it is a great source of information and it broadens our mind allowing us to develop
ourselves as human beings.
My life has not given me many options so far. I was born in a small village deep in the
countryside and didn't have the chance to subscribe to the courses of an acting school, but I
have been working as a reporter for the school magazine so I have had the chance to know how
it feels to be in front of the camera. I have also had an important role in the plays our
teachers kindly organized at the end of each academic year - I evolved from being the wolf in
Little Red Riding Hood to playing King Lear last year. These were the moments I most enjoyed
about school - the end of the year when I got to live yet another life. I know my destiny is
to leave my village and become an actor in a big city of this world and to live the
unrecognizably amazing lives of my characters and to enjoy being a little bit more than
myself. I hope the education you will provide me with will help me in achieving that.

to Andreea Vatea

Modelul 8 - Performing Arts

I am in love with stages, with theatres, with the silence that follows the lights being
switched off, with the sighs of the women when the principal character finally dares to kiss
the girl at the end of the show, with the round of applauses that culminate with the lights
being switched on again. I am in love with filming equipment, with the familiarity of the
countdown to action, with the screenwriter shaking hands with director when they finally
managed to get there - and with the grand premiere that gathers so many people in front of a
huge screen.
I think I have always wanted to be an actor. I can't really remember how I felt in love with
all of these, but now I am married to them. They are familiar and warm and there is the desire
to keep close to them my whole life. Since I was little, I enjoyed watching what happens
behind the stages of the TV shows presented on Romanian National Television and even on

channels such as National Geographic, which was distributing, at the time, many short
presentations called "Behind the stages of". It was amazing to understand the whole process of
creating an entertaining and engaging programme such as the ones I was watching regularly,
claiming I was a great fan of.
Then I discovered the theatre, where my parents took me for the first time around the age of
ten. It was a passion I never managed to share with any of my friends - it's not cool and
digital, it's more of an old fashioned way to spend you free time. Nonetheless, I kept going
and buying flowers for my favourite actresses, and being of the maniac type of customers that
go twice to the same play held in different theatres just to decide whose interpretation was
When I entered high school, I was given the chance to attend the classes of a private acting
school, once a week, which fed my appetite on the subject only at a superficial level, as they
were meant for amateurs. I leant about public speaking, diction and body language but this is
when I realized that acting was going to be more than a hobby to me. The notions were too
little for what I wanted, some subjects have been barely touched and the information I was
looking for was missing. I needed more.
In the 10th grade, I joined the theatre club of my school, organized and managed by my English
teacher, which was a way to keep in touch with the world I was in love in and to develop my
spoken English language skills. Through this club I ended up bringing to life some of
Shakespeare's characters and struggling to tackle Old English. It is in this endeavour that I
recognized my future life - while standing eagerly in my Maths class waiting for it to end so
I can run to the festivity hall of my high school to practice for the next play.
I am a sociable and ambitious young man who has had the chance to recognize his dream and that
has now the courage to pursue it. Who has the hope that success is more than an abstract
notion, it is as real as my feeling of fullness when I stand up in front of my audience and I
receive their applauses. In this moment of my life, I don't see any other path for myself than
joining your study programme in a country where my dream can for sure become reality. I hope
that you will find that my motivation, language skills and determination, as well as my talent
are good grounds on which I can build on starting from this September.

to Andreea Vatea

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