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This book is published under the first amendment of the United States Constitution, which grants the right to
discuss openly and freely all matters of public concern and to express viewpoints no matter how controversial
or unaccepted they may be by the mainstream. Unfortunately commercial interests have successfully influenced
interpretation and enforcement of our sacred Constitution. Therefore we are forced to give you the following
If you are ill or have been diagnosed with any disease including type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome,
syndrome x or pre-diabetes, please consult a medical doctor before attempting to make any major
modifications to your diet and activity levels.
Many foods, vitamins, minerals, herbs, or other natural substances can occasionally, in rare instances, have
dangerous allergic reactions or side effects in a small portion of the population. People have even died from
allergic reactions to peanuts and strawberries. Any one of the dietary modifications in this book could be
potentially dangerous, even lethal, if they drop your blood sugar too abruptly, cause an allergic reaction or
other health complication. This is especially true if you are seriously ill.
Therefore, any natural dietary modification that you learn about in this book may cause harm instead of the
benefit you seek. ASK YOUR DOCTOR FIRST, but remember that the vast majority of doctors have little or
no education in dietary modification, or nutritional support and healing methods. They may discourage you
from trying some aspects of dietary modification.
All content within this book is commentary or opinion and is protected under Free Speech laws worldwide. The
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damages; and claims of third parties that may be construed as possibly connected to or the result of
information about recommendations on dietary modification that are included in this educational publication.
Always consult your own licensed medical practitioner if you are in any way concerned about your health. You
must satisfy yourself as to the validity of the professional qualifications of any health care provider you contact
and from whom you seek treatment.
All material herein is provided for information only and may not be construed as personal medical advice. No
action should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult
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or cure any disease.

Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................ 4
Chapter 1: Avoid This Sweetener ......................................................................... 7
Chapter 2: You Are What You Eat ......................................................................... 8
Chapter 3: Diabetes and Your Health ................................................................ 12
Chapter 4: The Choice is Yours............................................................................. 14
Chapter 5: Understanding What Real Food Is ............................................. 16
Chapter 6: The Truth About Food & Labels ..................................................... 18
Chapter 7: Make the Right Choice ...................................................................... 20
Chapter 8: What You Dont Know Can Hurt You............................................ 22
Chapter 9: What to Eliminate From Your Diet................................................. 28
Chapter 10: The Best Foods for You ................................................................... 30
Chapter 11: Fiber is Your Friend ........................................................................... 34
Chapter 12: Your 18 Day GlucALite Action Plan .......................................... 37
Bonus Supplement: Vitamins, Minerals and Powerful Plant Extracts... 47
Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 51
Appendix ..................................................................................................................... 52
References & Works Cited...................................................................................... 55

Table of Contents

First its important to understand that you are not alone; Type 2 Diabetes
has become an epidemic in this country. Its reported that there are currently
24 million Americans that have been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes and
another 57 million Americans that have a condition referred to as prediabetes or insulin resistance.
This silent disease has become the 7th leading cause of death and is the
leading cause of kidney failure, amputation, and blindness in America.
Were you aware that people with diabetes are at a higher risk to die from a
stroke or heart disease than people with healthy, balanced blood-glucose
Diabetes is a challenging health condition that many of us may ignore or take
too lightly because the day-to-day symptoms of high blood sugar are mild in
nature. Many people are not familiar with the symptoms and may not even
recognize the subtle warning signs.
Also, few of us realize the simple yet crucial importance of a more balanced
lifestyle with proper food, exercise, and dietary supplements. It can be
crucial in helping the body to naturally control Type 2 Diabetes. At its core,
Type 2 Diabetes is, in a large part, a disease of lifestyle.
The GlucALite Diet will give you the tools you need to transform your
health and your life. You will see immediate and long-term benefits that
can last a lifetime. Over the course of the GlucALite Diet, you will learn
more than just the right foods to eat. You will learn exactly what you need
to do to live your best life now, including tips on foods, exercise, and health
conditions as well as avoiding the complications that can arise when Type 2
Diabetes has been left unchecked.


We want to congratulate you on taking a big step in healing your body. You
are committing to make positive changes that allow you to take charge of
your health and to live a longer, happier life. Lets get started!
The bottom line - diabetes is about blood sugar. However, a medical experts
conclusion and explanation of diabetes can be overwhelming at first. There
are so many strings tied to the medical assessment of diabetes that it can
be very overwhelming for most folks. The best thing to do if diagnosed with
Type 2 Diabetes is to STOP... LISTEN and THINK.

Stop your mind from racing in all directions. Listen to what your medical
professional has to say about diabetes. And think through the changes that
you will make right away that will be the most beneficial for you.
Diabetes is the result or the condition that develops when the body does
not use sugar from food properly. When we eat carbohydrates whether
from sugars, starches, dairy and other foods they are broken down through
digestion into a simple sugar called glucose. After eating, glucose passes
through the body in the blood stream and it is from there that glucose is
supposed to go into the cells. Glucose is the main source of energy for the
cells of the human body.
The body uses insulin to drive glucose from the blood stream into the cells
for it to be used as fuel. Consider this hormone as the gatekeeper to the
cells. Normally, Insulin is produced by special cells in the pancreas called
beta cells.
In healthy people, eating food signals the pancreas to produce and secrete
the right amount of insulin to facilitate the sugar getting into the cells. If this
process fails, is overworked, or does not work properly, then eventually
diabetes develops. In people with diabetes, the pancreas produces little
or no insulin or the cells of the body do not respond to the insulin that is
produced. And because of that, the glucose builds up to dangerously high
levels, which starves the blood cells because it cannot get through. Then,
the glucose overflows into the urine, eventually to some degree, passing out
of the body. The blood cells of the body lose their main source of fuel even
though the body contains large amounts of glucose.

Usually develops in children and young adults

Pancreas makes little or no insulin because either the insulin

producing beta cells are not functional or have been destroyed

Type 1 Diabetics must take insulin shots

Less common than type 2, and accounts for only 5 to 10 percent of

cases of diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes
Usually occurs in adults

In Type 2 Diabetes, the pancreas makes insulin but the cells of the
body do not respond to it properly and the cells actually become
resistant to the insulin.

Over time this causes the body to require insulin replacement in

increasingly elevated quantities


A study in Diabetes Care showed that although obesity is a big factor in
predicting insulin resistance, the biggest factor is stored fat in the belly.
Belly fat surrounds organs necessary for regulating blood and makes it
difficult for them to function properly, such as blocking the livers ability
to control insulin. Experts say that losing belly fat can prevent 90 percent
of people from developing pre-diabetes and can actually reverse Type 2
More than 72 million U.S. adults, or 26.7 percent, are obese, up 1
percentage point in two years, the U.S. government reports. And to
counter potential obesity, it is critical to work off more calories than you
consume each day, or else the remaining calories are converted into
stored fat.


Although Type 2 Diabetes occurs most often in adults over 30 years of

age, it is becoming an epidemic for children all over the world as well.
Along with obesity, the main culprit for Type 2 Diabetes is a high
sugar intake lifestyle that also includes eating things like refined white
flour, processed and fatty foods, as well as any food that is man-made.
With the worlds population at 6.8 billion, some World Health
Organization analysts are predicting that over 500 million people will
be diabetic by
2015. Eliminating these potentially harmful foods from your life will get
you on the right track to managing your Type 2 Diabetes.

Chapter 1
Avoid This Sweetener

First things first: Youve got to take

control of what you put in your body.
What we mean - if you want to
experience optimal health, you must
stop eating refined sugars, refined
carbohydrates, and other simple
carbohydrates. According to many
medical professionals, the main
reason so many diabetics need insulin
is because they continue to consume
high Glycemic foods and beverages.
Research at Harvard Medical School
and Brigham and Womens Hospital in
Boston showed a correlation between
women who drank one sugary drink
each day and their risk of developing
adult onset diabetes by 200%!
You must eliminate any food or
drink with high fructose corn syrup
from your menu. You must begin
to consume low Glycemic foods
and beverages if you want to get
your elevated glucose levels back
in balance. When you finish reading
this diet, please go to http://glucalite.
com/glucalite-glycemic-chart/ and
look at the Non Beneficial foods and
try to eliminate them from your diet.
High fructose corn syrup is pure sugar.
And as you know, sugar is ultimately a
diabetics downfall. Before

we go too far in this GlucALite Diet,

it is crucial that you understand and
are aware of the dangers of having
Type 2 Diabetes while consuming
sugars and the sweetener high
fructose corn syrup.
High fructose corn syrup is a manmade refined syrup that is derived
from corn but resembles nothing like
corn once it has been processed. It
is very cheap and is put in a lot of
foods. You can learn to avoid eating
foods with high-fructose simply by
reading the labels on your food. High
fructose corn syrup is empty calories
and it creates a very unhealthy spike
in blood sugar levels.
Remember, the body can become
addicted to sugar. On top of that,
many studies have shown that
withdrawals from sugar can be
quite severe. Your brains serotonin
levels drop when you cut out sugar
completely. Be sure to ease away
from sugar and high fructose corn
syrup so you dont end up cycling
back to it in large quantities.
You will learn much more about how
spiking blood sugar creates insulin
resistance over time throughout the
GlucALite Diet. Lets continue!

Chapter 2
You Are What You Eat

You are what you eat and assimilate or digest.

Start your day off right - enjoy a nourishing breakfast instead of empty junk
Right away, it is important to address the subject of supporting healthy
glucose levels with the food you eat. What you eat has a profound
impact on your glucose levels, not to mention your energy and mood
levels. So, how you start your day is significant.
Starting the day with a low Glycemic breakfast means absolutely no
refined sugars or carbohydrates at all. Best choices for breakfast proteins
include eggs, non-nitrite/nitrate-free ham**, Greek yogurt, lowfat cottage
cheese, ground turkey breast and protein powder (blend with water and
some low Glycemic fruit or non fat or low fat milk).

Low Glycemic Fruits include:












Also you can include in your breakfast, low-fat or non-fat organic yogurt,
and if you must, use a sweetener, try one of the stevia products such as

Problems with the standard American breakfast:
It is high in refined carbs that promote diabesity (diabetes and obesity).
It is low in fiber.
It is high in hydrogenated oils.
It contains higher density calories that affect the pancreas and promotes insulin
resistance over time.
It can be high in saturated animal fats that promote weight gain and heart
It can contain carcinogenic chemicals like sodium nitrite and nitrate.
The goal is to eliminate white bread, white rice, donuts, pastries, and bagels (unless
they are whole grain and sweetened with stevia or are plain). As a matter of fact, any
grains you get from the store or when you go to a restaurant should be 100% whole
grain from now on.
Also, as we mentioned earlier, please avoid anything with high fructose corn syrup, and
that includes most commercial brands of syrup.
Protein shakes can be made at home to taste great! Make them with water, or organic
low-fat or nonfat milk (alternatively Alta Dena Dairy milk or minimum Certified NonBGH hormone treated cows milk which is also known as rBGH, BST and rBST). If you
prefer to mix your protein powder such as organic brown rice protein, soy or whey
protein powder with fruit, make sure you use an emulsifier-type blender that includes
the fiber of the fruit in your smoothie. You can even add a scoop or 2 of superfood
to your morning smoothie. There are many great superfoods on the market such as
superfood from, Alive! Superfood Energizer, or Jon Barrons Private
Reserve Superfood powder are all among the best.
Superfood is generally better combined with just vegetable juice (including the fiber)
or whole fruits that are emulsified in a Vitamix or the HealthMaster Juicer Emulsifier
endorsed by Montel Williams (he used fresh juice with pulp/fiber included to help
overcome life-threatening sickness).
Up the fiber - if you must have pancakes , use only whole multi-grain,
buckwheat, spelt, or brown rice flower pancake mix, add 2 eggs to the
batter and a couple of scoops of brown rice, goat milk, whey or egg
protein powder to the batter as well. This lowers the overall Glycemic
load of the pancakes.
As for the syrup, you may use a small amount of agave syrup, as it has a lower
Glycemic index than maple syrup. Try to pass on the butter, -- but if you must--a
small slice of Organic butter is better as it contains an acceptable ratio of Omega 6
to Omega 3 fatty acids.

Sprouted whole grain bread - use it if you want toast, as

a breakfast sandwich or for French toast. Yes, we said
French toast--if you must--have it occasionally. We
recommend you use sprouted whole grain bread and
add an extra egg to the batter, to up the protein. Again,
a small amount of agave syrup and organic butter are
ok. Just dont go overboard.

Toast whole grain sprouted bread with at least one egg (soft boiled, poached
or scrambled) with it, and some of your preferred vegetables as well for
fiber and enzymes. If you want oatmeal, use whole steel cut oats (no instant
varieties). After the oatmeal is cooked, add a scoop or two of protein powder
(vanilla flavored is a favorite) then top it with a little stevia, toss in a few
berries and add organic low fat or non-fat milk. Low fat goats milk mixed
50/50 with water, almond milk, and soy milk are also ok.
Acceptable beverages include herbal tea, oolong tea, Gynostemma and
bitter melon teas (very bitter but can be beneficial in balancing glucose
metabolism), fresh squeezed grapefruit juice including the pulp, 1 cup of
coffee with organic milk if desired, and stevia for sweetener. No store bought
juice unless it is fresh squeezed with the pulp (fiber). Water should be your
new beverage of choice. You can create wonderful refreshing lemonade and
limeade by squeezing a lemon or lime wedge into a glass of water--and if
you must have it sweet--add a few drops of liquid stevia or stevia powder to
taste (stevia will not spike glucose).
Want sweetness without sugar - sprinkle some cinnamon on your pancakes,
oatmeal, smoothies or French toast.

Chapter 2

Its a win-win. This delicious spice contains components that are beneficial
in assisting the balancing of glucose levels, reducing insulin resistance and
goes great with breakfast food.

Studies have shown that cinnamon can assist the body with the increase of
glucose intake into the cells and increases the effectiveness of insulin. These
studies demonstrate that cinnamon can enhance the insulin receptivity of
cells and maintaining healthy triglyceride levels. The most beneficial type of
Cinnamon is known as Cinnamomum cassia.
Its hard to believe that the common kitchen spice cinnamon is such a powerful
glucose enhancer, but it is absolutely true. Ayurvedic medicine has used
cinnamon for centuries to alleviate fever and soreness. Dr. Richard Anderson at
the Human Nutrition Research Center (USDA) found that cinnamon has a key
substance, Methylhydroxy Chalcone Polymer (MHCP) that helps with the healthy
balance of glucose intake in the cells.
In fact, one major study at the HNRC showed that cinnamon enhanced cellular
glucose intake and the reduction of insulin resistance. Dr. Anderson says that
MHCP in cinnamon has demonstrated nutritional support for the body to provide
qualities similar to those of insulin. It helps the body to chemically modify the
insulin receptors of cells so they can better transport glucose.
Cinnamon has been shown in some clinical studies to assist the body in the
increase of glucose intake of the bodys cells, increase the effectiveness
of insulin in the body, and increase the bodys antibacterial, anti-viral, and
antifungal response. Try to add cinnamon to at least one meal a day. The results
will surprise you!

Even worse, when nitrosamines circulate in the body, they tend to damage organs, particularly the
pancreas which is responsible for producing insulin in the body. Instead try turkey bacon, ground free
range chicken and turkey, turkey sausages, and chicken sausages.


QUICK TIP: Keep in mind when you shop for food that bacon and ham often contain
the chemical additive sodium nitrate, which some researchers feel promotes sickness in
humans. When absorbed into your body it can be converted into a highly carcinogenic class
of chemical compounds called nitrosamines that are actually so toxic that they are used to
induce sickness in laboratory rats for research.

Chapter 3

Type 2 Diabetes can wreak havoc on your body. With many people walking
around with Type 2 Diabetes and not even knowing it, a lot of the problems
they experience become severe due to the long existing underlying disease.

Diabetes and Your Health

Some of the major health complications from type 2 diabetes are:

1. Heart disease
2. Kidney disease
3. Alzheimers
4. Neuropathy
5. Obesity
6. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
7. Periodontal disease
Diabetes can create a perfect storm for atherosclerosis, which is where
the artery walls narrow and become hard with buildups of cholesterol.
These narrowed arteries slow down blood flow, coupled with high blood
sugar when the blood is sticky and overly thick, this results in severely
reduced circulation.
With the kidneys, diabetes damages the blood vessels in the part of the
kidneys called the nephrons, which act as the blood filtration system.
Type 2 Diabetics also have trouble with excessive urination, which can
lead to necessary vitamins and minerals not getting re-circulated or
filtered properly by the kidneys. They are eventually urinated out and not
absorbed which can lead to major vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

Diabetes also has been linked to Alzheimers. A strong link was found with
abnormal insulin levels damaging cognitive brain functionality. Also, when insulin
levels are out of balance, the production of a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine
is severely inhibited, which can also lead to Alzheimers disease.
Neuropathy can develop from diabetes as well. Neuropathy is the damage to
your nerves including damage to the function of the nerves. Reduced circulation
will cause inadequate delivery of oxygen to your nerve tissue. Couple that with
glycation (which is cell-aging) and the free-radical damage and you can have
significant long-term damage to nerves and limbs. Your feet and hands can lose
sensation and eventually this could lead to potential amputation.
Obesity is often a cause and often a result of Type 2 Diabetes. Its a vicious cycle.
Insulin is rejected by the cells due to the insulin resistance, which leads to a rise
in blood glucose. This will then lead your pancreas to produce more insulin, which
then in turn leads to both elevated insulin and glucose levels.
Additionally, Type 2 Diabetics have to worry about nonalcoholic fatty liver disease as
well. With one in four Americans troubled by this disease, it is often mainly caused by
insulin and obesity. The numbers for Type 2 Diabetics are even more staggering. Nearly
50% are affected, as well as 75% of these people are morbidly obese.
This serious yet silent disease goes through three phases:
1. Steatosis which is where the liver has a high concentration of enzymes and
fatty deposits
2. Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, which is where the entire liver is full
of inflammation
3. Cirrhosis is where the liver becomes scarred and it develops fibrosis and
eventually loss of function.
The major factors in whether or not your liver progresses through these stages are
whether or not you have Type 2 Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome or Syndrome X.
Folks with diabetes are also twice as likely to develop periodontal disease, which is
the inflammation of the gums, also known as gum disease. As elevated blood sugar
levels break down the gums blood vessels, the ability for the gums to remove
wastes and other bacteria is severely reduced. The gums break down and the
bacteria produces acids that eventually eat away the enamel of the teeth.
In order to stay on top of your blood sugar levels, it is important to keep track of
the Glycemic index of the foods you eat. It is also important to be able to calculate
and understand the Glycemic load of each food as well.

Glycemic load is calculated by multiplying the Glycemic index by the amount of

carbohydrates and dividing it by 100. We have added a simplified list of foods in
the Appendix section and you can find more at


Wikipedia defines Glycemic index as the measure of the effects of carbohydrates on

blood sugar levels. Wikipedia defines Glycemic load as a ranking system for
carbohydrate content in food portions based on their Glycemic index and portion size.
The Glycemic index ranks foods from 1 to 100+, with foods below 55 ranking as low,
56-69 as medium, and above 70 as high. The Glycemic load calculation ranks low as
10 or less, medium as 11-19, and 20 or greater is considered high.

Chapter 4
Choose Wisely!

Facts are important. We want to remind you of several that can really help
Many endocrinologists (doctors who tend to specialize in diabetes) believe
that Type 2 Diabetes is not really a disease in the standard sense. They say it
is a metabolic disease that is the outcome of a lifestyle that includes excess
consumption of foods high in refined carbohydrates and a lack of beneficial
There is no germ, bacteria, fungus, pathogen, or virus, known to cause Type
2 Diabetes (though there is some research that shows it can be genetic). It is
the outcome of making specific exercise and nutrition choices that are not
beneficial for your health. Guess what? That is the good news! If you can
cause an effect like Type 2 Diabetes by making poor exercise and nutrition
choices, then you can correct it to a great degree and possibly reverse this
effect, by making better-informed choices in nutrition and exercise.
You must make wise and beneficial choices when eating out and when at
the grocery store. In the last chapter, we mentioned the importance of eating
whole grains whether as toast, pancakes, French toast, or bagels. The
message is only to consume or order whole grain foods whenever possible.
Eating out and going to the grocery store can be a real challenge when
dealing with Type 2 Diabetes. Medical professionals believe that many
foods that you order when at a restaurant and in grocery stores can not
only promote and worsen diabetes but also can actually cause the
condition of Type 2 Diabetes to develop when consumed in excess.

Some of the most popular foods that are ready and available are very high in added
sugars like high fructose corn syrup (like we already said, stay away from them), refined
carbohydrates, and processed grains. Many low fat, low sugar foods that are aimed
at diabetics contain ingredients that elevate blood sugar levels and worsen the Type 2
Diabetes condition.
Did you know that over 1 billion people eat another specific spice every day
that is also clinically proven to balance glucose metabolism and reduce insulin
resistance? It may very well be on your spice rack right now. This spice is
Curcumin is the main ingredient in curry. As a matter of
fact, Curcumin is what gives curry its bright yellow
color and sweet aroma.
More on Curcumin for you:
Did you know that oxidation, or what
some health practitioners call internal
biological rust, has been associated
with complications and diabetes?
When excess glucose resides in the
blood stream, it causes harm to the tiny
capillaries that feed the eyes, kidneys, and
heart. Curcumin helps inhibit this oxidative
How does Curcumin work for you?
Curcumin helps protect your body from radicals that cause chemical reactions
thought to be responsible for cellular harm and mutation. It also helps cleanse
your body of metabolic waste that can be the outcome resulting from poor
glucose metabolism.
Curcumin helps increase the bodys levels of prostacyclin, your bodys natural
zapper of abnormal platelet clusters, which are linked to blood clots that can lead
to heart disease, stroke, or both.
Throughout each chapter we will tell you a little more about different vitamins,
minerals, and foods that can be mixed into your regular diet to help reduce insulin
resistance and stabilize your blood sugar.

Chapter 4

We will also tell you about foods to stay away from, including the most commonly
eaten food in America, which contains a diabetes-causing chemical that you must
avoid if you really want to regain control of your health.

Chapter 5
It isnt food, its Poison

It is really important that you understand how critical the information

we are sharing is in impacting your health. So lets get right to it!
What is the most commonly eaten food in America that contains a
chemical actually known to cause Type 2 Diabetes in laboratory
Before we tell you specifically what that food is, we want to share
some facts about a chemical byproduct known as alloxan that is
produced from bleach or whitening in food production. Studies
clearly demonstrate that alloxan enhances the destruction of the
beta cells of the pancreas. Scientists have known about the
connection between alloxan and Type 2 Diabetes for many years.
In fact, diabetes researchers commonly utilize alloxan to induce
Type 2 Diabetes in lab animals. So what is the alloxan-laden food
you should avoid? You may be surprised to find out: White bread!
Please think twice before eating your next sandwich on white bread.
Instead, choose sprouted, 100% whole grain, spelt or brown rice
bread (when you buy it from the grocery store).

Without reading the label, there is no way to know that it will not contain at least
some white flower mixed in (even if they call it whole grain). Most people are not
aware of the potentially dangerous connection between white bread and alloxan.
The FDA is told by the food industry that there are many more people who eat
white bread and white flour than there are individuals who have Type 2 Diabetes.
This is true, but it does not change the white flour alloxan connection to Type 2
Current medical theory suggests that for alloxan to harm beta cells in an
individuals pancreas, that the individual must have a hereditary predisposition,
or genetic link, coupled with some defect in tissue regeneration. Very similar to
the connection between heart disease and high LDL foods, a predisposition just
makes it worse. If youve been eating white bread and flour all your life, there is
hope. Lets just put it this way, Stop Eating It Now!
Laboratory experiments have demonstrated that animals that have had their
pancreas beta cells destroyed by alloxan are able to regenerate new pancreas
beta cells after only a few months of ingesting an herb that grows in India. The
beta cells of the pancreas produce insulin. Diabetics requiring insulin treatment
have decreased their insulin after therapy with this herb in India as well.
What is this excellent herb from India that has been used since the sixth century
B.C. and is regarded in Ayurvedic Medicine as the most powerful agent for blood
sugar control?
We will let you know in the next chapter!

Chapter 5

Chapter 6
The Truth Shall Set You Free

Remember that you must first become aware of the truth, then act on
it, and see how well it works for you.
To paraphrase one of the smartest men who ever lived, Albert Einstein
said insanity is continuing to do the same thing over and over again
expecting different results. If you keep on doing what you did to
create your current state of health, you will keep on getting what you
So please start taking an action a day based on the scientifically proven
information that we are sharing with you. By the way, we did not invent
this information. There are dozens of medical doctors who have tested
this information on tens of thousands of individuals with Type 2
Diabetes (many of them have written books on the subject) and it
works. We are trying to give you this information in a short, easy to
read, and easy to follow format so you can take action on it.
If you recall, we told you that you must start reading food labels so
you can avoid foods that are not ideal such as high fructose corn
syrup (which can actually make the condition much worse) when you
to balance glucose metabolism. This highly refined sugar is so
super- refined when processed from corn syrup, that it hardly
resembles or retains any of the nutrients from corn.
It is really just super-concentrated, refined liquid sugar and empty
useless calories. The problem is that it is the main sweetener in
sodas/soft drinks and breakfast cereals.
So please eliminate all sodas, breakfast cereals, drinks, sauces (pasta
sauces, ketchups, mustards) and foods with high fructose corn syrup
in them from your diet now. Read the label and only eat products that
do not include this super-concentrated liquid sugar.

You should also avoid foods that contain sucrose, which is just another name for table
sugar that will spike your glucose reading. You dont want this because any food that
spikes your blood sugar will cause a requirement for more insulin.
We also told you to stay away from refined or bleached-white flour. This means
you have to read the labels on breads, flours, pastries, and breakfast cereals
(whole grain granolas are best with a little stevia added if you want it sweet). Not
only is the white flour laden with alloxan, which is a chemical, used to induce Type
2 Diabetes in lab animals, but white flour has a very high Glycemic index.
This means that it spikes blood sugar levels and makes it hard to balance or control
this elevated glucose. As a consequence of spiking glucose levels, the insulin
sensitivity of the bodys cells is decreased, increasing problems for the pancreas
(the organ responsible for producing insulin in the body), creating a negative
biochemical reaction known as insulin resistance.
Multiple studies performed by endocrinologists and medical researchers validate
that insulin resistance directly contributes to the development and exacerbation of
Type 2 diabetes.
More sweeteners that often make it into products labeled All Natural or Natural
are: evaporated cane juice and evaporated cane juice crystals, brown sugar, raw
sugar, and turbinado sugar. These are minimally processed sugars with some
nutrients, including B vitamins and minerals like magnesium, but they are still very
high on the Glycemic index and will spike glucose levels just like regular sugar.
They should all be avoided.
The easiest way to avoid most high Glycemic foods is to eat food as close to its
natural state as possible. Try to only eat foods like low Glycemic fruits, vegetables,
chicken, turkey, fish, lamb, and lean meats and eliminate packaged food or
manmade snacks that were not created in nature.
In the last chapter, we told you that laboratory experiments have demonstrated
that animals that have had their pancreas beta cells destroyed by alloxan (a
chemical bi-product of bleaching white flour) are able to regenerate new pancreas
beta cells after only a few months of ingesting an herb that grows in India.
That herb is Gymnema Sylvestre. In Ayurvedic medicine, Gymnema Sylvestre
is also considered the most powerful botanical agent for helping the body in
improving glucose control.
In human clinical studies, this herb has shown a significant ability to help the body
reduce blood sugar and its even shown to help reduce sugar cravings as well. Animal
studies indicate that Gymnema Sylvestre can help the body double the amount of
insulin producing beta cells in the pancreas, increase insulin pathways, and decrease
insulin resistance, which is crucial for a healthy life. In one human clinical study, the
bodies of a number of subjects were actually able to maintain stable blood sugar levels
with the assistance of an extract of just Gymnema Sylvestre.

Remember, sometimes it is what you dont do or just stop doing that can help
you the most in life.
If you stop poisoning your body, you will feel better!

Chapter 6

And guess what? A little more knowledge each day leads to a healthy and long
life. Did you know that a well-known Royal Family eats a certain mushroom daily
to avoid elevated glucose levels? Also, did you know that certain artificial
sweeteners could actually be making you feel worse? You will be quite surprised
when you hear about exactly what these are.

Chapter 7
Will and Intention!
Its Your Choice

In the last chapter, we reminded you to please start reading product

labels. You must find out what is good for you and what is bad for you if
you are to take responsibility for what you put in your body for fuel and if
you really want to improve your overall health.
Do you know what the most popular snack food in America is?
Did you know that this food is one of the worst possible choices as a
snack for someone battling Type 2 Diabetes?
What is a carbohydrate-based snack that has been deep-fried in
unhealthy hydrogenated oil or fats?
Now that we have discussed the effects of consuming high Glycemic
foods have on your health - would you agree that combining a high
Glycemic index food with dangerous dietary fats is probably not a good
idea? What are we talking about? Potato chips, corn chips, cheese puffs,
and almost all refined, processed carbohydrate-based snack foods.
These foods offer the increased risk of body fat storage from the
unhealthy dietary fats combined with the free radicals, carcinogens
(cancer causing chemicals), and other toxic chemicals created during
the deep frying of the carbohydrates (bleached white flour products,
potatoes and corn chips) at high temperatures, plus the high Glycemic
carbohydrates, all combined into one unhealthy combination.
Stop eating all refined, processed carbohydrate-based snacks like
potato chips, corn chips, and crackers. If you must cheat occasionally,

eat only organic 100% whole grain BAKED chips and crackers and make sure you
read the label ingredients to avoid white, refined, enriched and bleached flour.
Bottom line? You must start reading the labels on anything that is man made before
you decide whether or not to put any food in your body. Want a good piece of
information? You dont always need to read the whole ingredients label, just read
the first 5 or 6 ingredients. If any of the harmful chemicals weve told you about are
there, stop reading, put down the package, walk away from it and move on.
When looking at any soda, (and you know you should really make water your drink
of choice) if you see high fructose corn syrup after water listed in the ingredients,
then you know not to purchase it. Put it down and move on again. You will feel
confident and stronger-willed each time you do this and eventually you will no
longer be tempted to waste money or your health on junk foods and sugary sodas.
So buyers beware - watch out for meal replacement powders and drinks. You
are better off making your own protein smoothie or snacking on turkey jerky,
beef jerky, or even salmon jerky if you can find it, and a couple of celery sticks
and some slices of cucumber.
So what is the name of that mushroom that is eaten daily by a well-known Royal
Family to help avoid elevated glucose levels? The Agaricus Blazei mushroom!
Agaricus Blazei is sometimes called a medicinal mushroom that has a very high
nutritional value, containing various amino acids, as well as essential vitamins B
and D, magnesium, potassium and fiber.
Traditionally known as Gods Mushroom, Agaricus contains many
polysaccharide protein complexes (beta glucans) that have been
researched for their immune activity and medicinal properties the
world over.
Did you know that there are two major artificial
sweeteners that are promoted and advertised as
healthy for diabetics that can actually cause
Metabolic Syndrome better known as
Syndrome X?
In the next information-packed
chapter, we will tell you about
artificial sweeteners, flavor
enhancers and what are known
as excitotoxins to avoid, good
substitutes, and one of the best
exercises that you can do anywhere and
at any time!

Chapter 7

TIP: There are actually specific foods aimed at diabetics that advertise that they will slim
your body and are intended as a meal replacement and yet are sweetened with high fructose
corn syrup and sucrose. Avoid them. Read the label, decide to pass, put them down, and
move on.

Chapter 8
You Think You Know,
but You Have No Idea

In this chapter we are going to tell you the truth. We told you previously to
be skeptical about claims on the labels of food and drink packaging,
claiming to be healthy or specifically for diabetics. A class of manmade
food additives known as excitotoxins can be very dangerous for diabetics.
One of the better-known excitotoxins is MSG (monosodium glutamate),
which is used in many Chinese restaurants, Asian cuisine, and as a flavor
enhancer in America and Europe. Another well-known excitotoxin for a
lot of individuals is aspartame, which is better known by its commercial
name, NutraSweet.
These two excitotoxins are used in many diabetic foods and other foods
that you have purchased at your grocery store. According to Dr. Russell
Baylock, author of the book Excitotoxins, and one of the worlds
foremost experts on these chemicals, the major problem for diabetics
when consuming MSG and aspartame is that these chemicals interfere
with healthy and normal functioning of the endocrine system including
one of the most important parts, the pancreas.
Chefs worldwide know that MSG enhances the flavor of foods and
increases appetite. In one experiment, laboratory rats that were fed
MSG showed major distortions of hypothalamus function to such a
point that they couldnt control their appetite. As a result, they also
exhibited extremely high obesity rates.
Since the medical community now acknowledges that obesity and
diabetes very often go hand in hand, and most Type 2 Diabetics
constantly struggle with excess weight gain, belly fat, and possibly
obesity on some level, it is imperative that you avoid excitotoxins
such as aspartame and MSG and eliminate them from your diet.
If you insist on repeatedly consuming these excitotoxins, your
entire endocrine system will probably continue to be completely out
of balance and you will not be able to control your appetite.

As a matter of fact, if you are diabetic and you struggle with controlling
your appetite and have uncontrollable cravings for foods, these
excitotoxins may be part of the reason.
Aspartame and MSG in the food you consume could make it impossible
for you to experience normal appetite satisfaction. Food manufacturers
have invented clandestine labeling practices that allow them to hide MSG
without using it on the label.
Please remember the best sweeteners are the natural ones, and stevia is
by far the best. Stevia is calorie free and does not affect blood sugar
levels. Stevia is much sweeter than table sugar so you only need to dust a
little powdered stevia on your food or put a few drops of liquid stevia in
your drinks to sweeten to taste.
With all the health hazards that stem from using artificial sweeteners,
consumer demand is driving creation of several new innovative products,
such as the stevia sweetener, Truvia. There is a huge need in this country
to stop using sugar and chemically laden artificial sweeteners and to start
using an all-natural sweetener like stevia that can actually be beneficial to
glucose metabolism.
Artificial sweeteners like Splenda and Equal actually do more damage to
our health than if we consumed sugar itself. Because these sweeteners
can over stimulate the appetite, they could actually contribute to
diabetes and obesity. Many people think that artificial sweeteners like
Splenda and Equal are safe to use by diabetics. The reality is that these
artificial sweeteners could actually worsen

Chapter 8

existing health problems, harming the health of some diabetics.
Artificial sweeteners are not made from real sugar, but they can fool your body
into thinking it is consuming sugar. This can trigger a condition known as
Metabolic Syndrome or Syndrome X (which is the politically correct term for
patients that are obese, diabetic, and face increased risk of heart disease). As
a result, the body sends out a surge of insulin to deal with this fake sugar,
causing a potentially dangerous dip in your glucose and making you crave
even more sugar.
For diabetics who struggle to maintain normal glucose levels, this causes
potentially dangerous dips and swings in your glucose that could even be
lethal. That is why the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation prefers and
recommends stevia for use by both Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetics.
In our opinion the best stevia powder products include inulin fiber, also known
as FOS (Fructo-Oligo Saccharides derived from Jerusalem artichokes) which
is a prebiotic (beneficial bacteria to your digestive tract) and can actually help
improve your bodys intestinal microbial balance. The soluble inulin fiber rapidly
converts into high-octane fuels (such as short-chain fatty acids) using the bacteria
in your stomach and intestines. This additional fuel source can actually help you to
fight off diseases and better absorb vitamins and minerals in your diet. Another
way to think about FOS, it is food for the good bugs in your digestive tract that
helps you to digest and absorb your food.
In 2004, a university study actually demonstrated that stevia and inulin fiber
were significantly better at balancing a persons glucose metabolism than
competing glucose-lowering products.
A good brand organic stevia, with organic stevia extract and organic inulin, is one
of the best to use and comes prepackaged in 100 easy-to-use packets per box.
Remember, some research studies have shown that chemical sugar replacements
like Splenda can fool your body into reacting the same way it responds to sugar;
a phenomenon known as Metabolic Syndrome (Syndrome X), which is a group of
metabolic risk factors that can increase your chances of suffering from diabetes,
heart disease, and stroke.
As consumers become more aware of Metabolic Syndrome, more and more
people are enjoying the sweetener stevia. Stevia is calorie free, has a great
natural taste, can be used in beverages, cereals, baked goods, yogurt,
smoothies, and a variety of foods. It is a low Glycemic, all-natural sweetener
and is the ideal replacement of sugar and artificial sweeteners for people who
want to lose weight, control glucose metabolism, and enjoy better health.

Chapter 8


Some Symptoms of Metabolic Syndrome or Syndrome X to watch for
Elevated glucose levels equal or greater than 120 mg/DL.
Insulin resistance-this means your body needs more and more insulin to
absorb sugar into your cells.s

Excess belly/waistline fat-a 40-inch or greater waistline for men or a 35-inch or
greater waistline for women.
High triglycerides equal or greater to 150 mg/dl, low HDL cholesterol (high
density lipoprotein) less than 40 for men and under 50 for women.
High blood pressure equal or greater than 130/85mm Hg
Fat that is stored around your vital organs is called visceral fat. And its deadly.
Unlike the fat stored in other areas of the body, which can convert into energy,
belly fat continuously creates inflammatory compounds that are very harmful to
your body. To measure your waist, place a tape measure around the narrowest
part of your waist, just above your hipbone. Make sure the tape is level, but dont
pull it very tight. Exhale and properly measure your waist.
We are not big fans, but occasional ingestion of Xylitol may be acceptable. This
sweetener is ideal for baking because it looks and tastes like sugar. It is also
believed to be good for your teeth and actually reduces cavity and plaque
formation, according to dental claims that are approved by the FDA. If you must
chew gum, then make sure it is sweetened with Xylitol and no other sweeteners.
Although Xylitol is not calorie free, it has an extremely low Glycemic index and
is metabolized much more slowly than regular sugar. Be warned, however, that
when consumed in large amounts, the side effect of gastro-intestinal distress
is not uncommon.
Why is it so hard to get rid of excess belly fat? You
can do sit ups, crunches, and leg lifts until the roosters
crow, eat like a bird, and still carry extra fat around your
waist as long as you promote insulin resistance in your
body by eating the wrong foods.
When you have this condition, your pancreas secretes
higher than normal levels of insulin to keep your
glucose levels from raging completely out of control.
What is wrong with that? The problem is that high
insulin levels are clearly linked to excess belly fat.
This is because excess insulin in the body drives fatty
compounds known as triglycerides into the fat cells of
your abdomen, growing your belly and causing you to
carry excess fat in that area.
Even worse, insulin causes receptors in your brain cells
to trigger cravings that can destroy the benefits of any
diet. For your information, consuming just one diet
soda a day will increase your chances of developing
Syndrome X by 33%.
TIP: Measuring your waist may give you a better indication of
your risk for many diseases than a scale or even your body mass
index (BMI). Scientists and doctors have known for years that
belly fat is a health risk, but recent studies are backing up the
theory with hard facts.

Weight loss is crucial to controlling and reversing the course of Type 2 Diabetes.
If you are overweight, trimming down is the single strongest predictor of a
healthy drop in the key glucose tests, HGB A1c. A1C is the test that reveals your
average glucose level over the past three months. Every pound you lose is a step
towards significantly better health and taking control of your life. In fact, the HGB
A1c test was also a better predictor of risk for stroke, heart disease, and death
from diabetes, researchers reported in the New England Journal of Medicine.
They found that people who had A1c levels at 6 percent or greater were at
higher risk for developing diabetes. A1c has significant advantages over
fasting glucose, Dr. Elizabeth Selvin of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore,
who led the study, said in a statement.
The fact is that more than 90% of diabetics carry too much weight and body fat.
This is why doctors and health professionals recommend monitoring your total
percentage of body fat. The recommended maximum body fat should not be more
than 24% for women and no more than 17% body fat for men. When you lose a
tiny amount of body fat, you will gain much more health and energy for life.
We have told you the truth about sweets and we will be sharing some very
interesting facts about complex carbohydrates with you. You already know
to cut soft drinks out of your diet. Here is a health secret that many societies
known for longevity share: they eat complex carbohydrates in their natural state
and they believe that the longer food takes to chew, the better it is for you.

Chapter 8

Almost all processed food and beverages are packed with sugar and salt and
can create elevated glucose levels, which you want to avoid. Try to eat complex
carbs such as whole grains, low Glycemic fruits and vegetables, legumes, and

high quality proteins because they are slower to digest and do not cause glucose
levels to spike. (Ideally, eat fruit by itself and protein with vegetables for the majority
of your meals).
Regular daily movement and exercise improves the ability of your cells to accept
insulin, which enables them to burn glucose more efficiently.
Easy exercise almost does it all. Exercise is great for you and you already know that.
Maybe you even know that exercise can help lower glucose and triglycerides, and
can actually improve insulin resistance, making your cells more sensitive. Exercise
alone is good. But combining the exercise with the effects of better nutrition can
lead to spectacular results in controlling Type 2 Diabetes and losing weight.
If you dont exercise already, do not try to exercise for 30 minutes a day. Start
with 5 minutes of good physical activity daily. Build up to 10 minutes, then 15,
and eventually whether you believe this or not, you will want to exercise for 20 or
30 minutes a day. Starting with a simple walk around the block (walking is one of
the best exercises for you), hiking, bicycling, dancing, gardening, house cleaning,
yoga, tai chi, swimming, light weightlifting, tennis, golf, ping pong, or any physical
activity that moves your body, can benefit your health greatly.
When you take a 20-minute walk outside, you get an extra healthy shot of natural
insulin, which will help your normal glucose levels. The natural vitamin D-3 that
your body converts from sunlight can help lower insulin resistance and reduce
blood pressure. So remember, not only is walking or engaging in physical activities
outdoors good for reducing insulin resistance, your body actually benefits from
the natural vitamin D3 that it converts from sunlight.

Chapter 8

TIP: Try to make sure that you engage in your outdoor physical activities before 10 oclock in
the morning or after 2pm in the afternoon - to avoid exposing your skin to peak UV radiation.

Chapter 9
Avoid These Like
the Plague

Another category of foods that you should avoid is instant grains. This
includes things like instant oatmeal, instant cream of wheat, instant rice,
and instant grits. These all have very high Glycemic index readings and
are typically sweetened with significant amounts of additional sugars.
As a matter of fact, instant rice is merely a high Glycemic index
starch that functions very much like sugar in your body. It really has
no resemblance to rice or even whole grain rice. It is a highly refined
and processed starch that has the shape of rice with added sugar
and salt for taste. This makes it important to avoid.
It is also important to avoid instant cream of wheat, instant oatmeal, and
any of the instant breakfast grains. Why? Because if they are instant, that
means that they have high surface area and as a result they are more
quickly digested and converted into glucose in your body. Naturally, that
means they can create a problem for diabetics.
So watch out for anything that reads INSTANT on the package.
If you absolutely must have hot cereal for breakfast, buy whole oat steelcut groats, whole grain breakfast cereals, or quinoa and boil them.
(Remember, to further lower the Glycemic index, you can add a scoop
or two of brown rice protein, whey protein, or soy protein to your whole
grain hot breakfast cereal while it is cooking).
Remember: A small dab of organic butter is permissible (organic butter is
acceptable because it has the correct Omega 6 to 3 ratio). You may also
sprinkle a small amount of stevia on your hot breakfast cereal in order to
sweeten to taste.

Some people enjoy sprinkling a date that has been cut into very small pieces on
their hot breakfast cereal and that is ok occasionally as well. To add further variety,
you may wish to use flax seeds, sliced almonds, walnuts or even pumpkin seeds
on your breakfast cereal as these add a wonderful nutty flavor. Hey - Dont forget
the cinnamon!
And believe it or not, you can slice up your favorite apple and add slices to your whole
grain hot breakfast cereal as well. Apple pectin and oat bran have been proven in
clinical studies to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides. Heres an amazing fact about
organic, green Granny Smith apples: People who eat organic, green Granny Smith
apples for snacks at least once a day typically experience lower fasting glucose on the
following day.
By consuming apples regularly you can help regulate glucose and reduce appetite
and increase cleansing of the liver, gall bladder, and colon. Nutritionists believe
this is because of the beneficial enzymes, apple pectin, and fiber.
Please remember, you want to start acquiring organic produce whenever possible,
organic dairy whenever possible, and organic whole grain products as well. You
will need to become a selective consumer.
Do not use instant chocolate or strawberry powders to add to your milk as they
are almost all sugar and cause glucose spikes. Just because a product claims
to be high in calcium, does not mean it is not loaded with sugar. Just because a
salad dressing says olive oil on the front label does not mean that it doesnt have
high fructose corn syrup or harmful dietary fats included as well.
We cannot emphasize this enough: You must read the labels of all packaged food that
you want to put in your body! Remember when we mentioned in the last chapter about
the clandestine practices that the food manufacturers were using to hide MSG?
Some of those names that they hide MSG under are as follows:
1. Gelatin
2. Monopotassium glutamate
3. Glutamate
4. Glutamic acid
5. Vegetable Protein Extract
6. Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (HVP)
7. Autolyzed Plant Protein
8. Sodium Caseinate
9. Senomyx
10. Textured protein

Chapter 9

Dont let yourself be fooled. A healthy consumer is an educated consumer. Be on

the lookout for these toxins disguised in the ingredients. You will be glad you did!

Chapter 10

Heres a List of 12 of the Best Foods for

Type 2 Diabetics to Eat:

The Best of the Best

1. Fresh Fruit
Fresh fruit that includes papaya, all types of berries, and apples
especially green Granny Smith variety.
Remember, canned fruits are better than nothing. Whole fruit is much
better than canned, organic is best because you avoid pesticides,
herbicides, and GMOs (genetically modified organisms that may cause
excess weight and fat gain).
2. Raw Nuts
Fresh nuts, including walnuts, almonds, cashews, flax seeds, sunflower
seeds, and pumpkin seeds (fresh natural nuts are ok, but organic is
better). In fact, adding cashew seed extract to ones diet may help lower
diabetes risk, according to findings published in Molecular Nutrition and
Food Research. This is because compounds in cashew seeds have been
found to improve the bodys response to insulin.
During a recent study, a team of investigators examined human cells,
which contribute to blood sugar stabilization, that were exposed to
different extracts taken from the leaves, bark, seeds and apples of cashew
trees. After exposing the human cells to each extract type, the researchers
studied which cells had the most improved insulin reaction.
The results of the trial showed that only the cells introduced to cashew
seed extract had improved glucose control. In fact, the extract increased
the activity level of muscle cells needed for the body to properly absorb
the glucose. Pierre S. Haddad, lead author of the study, stated that
these findings authenticate the traditional use of cashew tree products
in diabetes and points to some of its natural components that can serve
to create new oral therapies.

(Go to for a more comprehensive list of beneficial foods)

3. Sweet Potato
Japanese sweet potatoes and purple sweet potatoes (fresh and natural are ok, but
organic is better).
4. Whole & Wild Rice
Choose organic wild rice and organic whole grain brown rice.
5. Non-Starchy Veggies
Vegetables that include broccoli, sprouts, spinach, onions, garlic, tomatoes, celery,
bitter melon, okra, kale, beet greens, cauliflower, endives, romaine lettuce, parsley,
cilantro, daikon, radishes, asparagus, garlic, cabbage, avocado, snow peas, green
beans, cucumber, fresh mint, and organic salad mixes.
Whole vegetables are much better than canned, but organic is best because you
avoid pesticides, herbicides, and GMOs (genetically modified organisms that may
cause excess weight and fat gain). A small amount of carrots are ok because they
are high Glycemic index but moderate in Glycemic load due to natural fiber and
enzymes and their beta carotene vitamin A can be very beneficial to the body.
6. High Omega-3 Fish
Salmon and other fish that is high in omega 3 fatty acids. (Canned is better than
nothing. Canadian farm raised is ok, but unfortunately some farm raised salmon has
added color which must now be identified on the label. PCBs, antibiotics, and GMOs
from the fish food are also in farm raised salmon. Wild caught is best, frozen is fine).
7. Lean Meats
Meats that include ground buffalo, lean lamb, ground beef, chicken, ostrich, quail,
and yes, even duck (Fresh natural is good, free-range and organic grass-fed is best).
*NOTE: The downsides to eating meats that are not natural organic or grass-fed
include: exposure to high levels of pesticides, herbicides, and animal antibiotics.
Genetically modified feed that is designed to make these animals heavier and fatter
more quickly at the time of slaughter, means the same thing can happen to you
when you eat these meats. In addition, many of these animals are fed ground-up,
dead pigs, chickens, cows, goats, horses, and lamb that were too sick to sell to the
slaughterhouse so they are mixed with feed and fed to these animals.
Many scientists categorically state that this is the primary cause of mad cow
disease and other diseases that have surfaced in the last few decades as the
result of unhealthy feed practices in the cattle, chicken, and meat industry at

8. Stevia
Stevia as a sweetener.
9. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Olive oil (extra virgin and cold pressed) regular and balsamic vinegar
(for salad dressing).

10. Pure Water
Water with a little fresh-squeezed lemon or lime should be your beverage of
11. Beans
Beans and peas that include chana dal, dried chickpeas, kidney beans, lentils,
frozen lima beans, yellow split peas, black-eyed peas, and baked beans.
(Remember, canned are ok, but natural beans that you soak overnight and
cook, are better and organic are best).
12. Foods from Nature
Natural foods in their natural state .That is the good-stuff. Processed,
refined, man-made foods are bad. (Beware of hidden sugars, refined flour, and
excitotoxins/MSG in canned food and many sauces). Even dark chocolate can
improve insulin sensitivity, as long as its not artificially sweetened.
Whenever possible, these should be the foods you buy at the grocery and when
you are out at a restaurant. As we told you previously, there are many alternatives
to eating bread made with refined, white flour. Totally delicious varieties of whole,
exotic grains include whole grain spelt, whole grain kamut, whole grain brown rice
bread, whole grain rye, and the healthiest of them all: whole grain sprouted bread.
Just because the label says wheat bread or multigrain, does not mean you
are getting 100% whole grain flour or bread.
Why are we recommending whole grains so strongly for Type 2 Diabetics?
First: Whole grains offer beneficial fiber.
Second: Whole grains offer healthy oils that help regulate glucose metabolism.
Third: Those same healthy fats interfere with the conversion of carbs into glucose.
Just so you know, when you eat white bread, it is almost the same as getting
an intravenous sugar fix. Similar to the instant breakfast cereals we told you
about earlier, white bread is so fluffy and has such a high surface area that it is
very quickly converted to glucose during digestion.

Chapter 10

Whole grains, on the other hand, are converted to useful fuel much more
slowly; they dont spike glucose levels and they provide your body with more
complex carbs that help sustain and regulate glucose metabolism over a
longer period of time. (Natural whole grains are good, organic whole grains
are better).
This is because many grains in North America are genetically modified
specifically for the feed industry to make the animals that the grain is fed to
grow faster, fatter, and ultimately to weigh more at the time of slaughter. The
problem with this is that genetically modified grains designed to make animals
gain weight and get fat quickly so that they weigh more, can do the same
thing to humans causing not only excess fat and weight gain, but elevated

glucose levels, insulin resistance, and increased likeliness of cardiovascular
The resulting load on your pancreas is lightened, and in some cases, regular
ingestion of complex carbs can even help reduce the need for insulin. Eating
whole grains can improve emotional balance, moods, and can also protect your
body from hyperglycemic conditions, which are known to promote diabetic
neuropathy and other diabetes health complications.
We have emphasized the need to avoid white flower and instead to start eating
complex carbs because it is a very important choice that can improve your
health and complex carbs can also help with brain fog and muscle fatigue. The
benefits are numerous.
Along with those benefits, remember it is very important to supplement with
vitamins and minerals. Did you know that there is a natural mineral compound
that amazingly provides a nutrient that your body uses to act like natural insulin
in your body? Some research has shown it to help reduce insulin resistance, and
it has been tested in numerous clinical studies?
In the next chapter we will be sharing the details of this amazing mineral and how
it can increase your quality of life!

Chapter 10

Chapter 11
Fiber is Your Friend

You must try to eat a lot of fiber in your diet. This can be accomplished
by specifically buying high fiber products at the grocery store. How do
you get a lot of fiber? You get it from the whole grain products that we
mentioned earlier and from fresh fruit and vegetables.
Three or four stalks of celery provide you with an excellent dose of
fiber for your body. Brown rice is also an excellent fiber source. You
can even buy healthy fiber supplements in just about any supermarket.
Psyllium husk fiber is one of the best fiber products out there.
Fiber helps detoxify the digestive tract and clear out putrefied and
undigested food and toxins from the large intestine.
Remember, not only are organic fruits, nuts, seeds, and beans high in
minerals and vitamins, but they are also high in fiber for the digestive
tract. As you become accustomed to eating more of them, you will
crave less and less high Glycemic foods (junk foods) and your body will
become accustomed to low Glycemic index, low Glycemic load fuels.
Did you know that in the early 1800s, people consumed about 12
pounds of sugar per year? Currently, the average American consumes
more than 150 pounds per year. People who drink sodas typically
consume over 300 pounds of sugar per year.

Clinical study after clinical study clearly demonstrates that sugar compromises
the human metabolic engine because its Glycemic index is too high and it is
converted to glucose much too quickly.
The human body is not designed to run on high-octane sugar fuel. Our bodies
are supposed to have a majority of naturally occurring foods such as fruit,
vegetables, protein, and whole grain carbs. Excessive white flour and white
sugar consumption causes mineral deficiencies, glucose spikes, insulin
resistance, and can lead to complications that result in potentially permanent
damage to the body.
White sugar and white bread consumption overloads the pancreas because
the pancreas is the organ that produces the insulin necessary to lower glucose.
Burning out the pancreas, day after day, month after month, and year after year,
guzzling soft drinks loaded with refined sugars, and chowing down white bread
and white sugar like theres no tomorrow will eventually burn out the pancreas.
Give your pancreas a rest and avoid all refined carbs. People who overload
their pancreas to the point where it no longer produces insulin, like it once did,
have adult-onset Type 2 diabetes. To make matters worse, people with Type 2
diabetes develop the condition known as insulin resistance. This means that
even though the pancreas still produces increasing amounts of insulin, the cell
receptors in the body fail to respond to it and are unable to remove glucose
from the blood stream.
Sometimes Type 2 diabetes is the result of insulin resistance (a lack of insulin
cell receptor sensitivity), sometimes the pancreas can no longer produce insulin
and sometimes both. Either way, when you consume excessive amounts of
refined flour and sugar, you promote both conditions and will end up with one or
the other, in the health condition known as Type 2 Diabetes.
Bottom Line: cut refined sugars and refined white flour out of your diet! Type 2
Diabetes is associated with poor diet (low in fiber, high in sugar and
unhealthy fats and animal products, and a lack of regular, healthy
exercise). Type 2 diabetes typically develops slowly over a period of years
and initially does not product dramatic symptoms. Thats why many people
with Type 2 diabetes have no idea that their health is at a dangerous risk.
Even the American Diabetes Association (ADA) has stated
publically that only half of Americans with Type 2 Diabetes have
actually been diagnosed.

The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine states: The frequency of

diabetes is highly correlated with the fiber depleted, high refined
carbohydrate of civilization.

Chapter 11

The Textbook of Natural Medicine states: Epidemiological and

experimental data show diabetes mellitus (Type 2 Diabetes) to be
one of the diseases most clearly related to inadequate dietary fiber

The high incidence of Type 2 Diabetes in modern society is associated with a
fiber-depleted, man-made, refined, modern diet. Returning to a more natural
high fiber diet, similar to what our ancestors used to eat, can be highly
Nutritional researchers and scientists have been investigating the potential
of fibers health benefits for decades. Both soluble fiber and insoluble fiber
can help to prevent the elevated glucose level complications of diabetes by
delaying the absorption of starches and sugars in the body.
Soluble fiber can dissolve in the body and inside the intestines where it
creates a sticky, gelatinous substance that slows the absorption of sugars
and starches (such as that found in fruits and vegetables).
Insoluble fiber (such as that found in whole grains like buckwheat and
Psyllium husks), delay the absorption of sugars and starches in the digestive
tract by adding bulk. Whole grains take longer to break down and digest
than refined flour and grains, by helping prevent peaks in glucose levels and
thus require less insulin to process.
Find out which whole grains, fruits, vegetables and other complex
carbohydrates wont spike your glucose levels by using the GlucALite
Quick Reference Glycemic chart, an easy-to-use chart of beneficial and
non-beneficial foods that can affect your glucose levels. You can view the
GlucALite Glycemic chart at

Chapter 11

Remember the mineral we promised to tell you about in the last chapter? Its
vanadium. Based on scientific studies, many researchers believe that vanadium
plays a role in catalyzing a variety of enzymes as well as being involved in the
metabolism of glucose and lipids. Be warned, all vanadium is not created equal.

Chapter 12

Here are 18 Simple and Easy Steps to Regain Control of Your Life
Complete with Action Steps

This Is Your All-New

GlucALite Action Plan

Weve shared the truth about foods that are not ideal, such as high
fructose corn syrup, white sugar, and white flour. We have told you
about foods that ARE beneficial such as whole grains, nuts, seeds,
fruits, vegetables, and lean protein in the 12 best foods for people with
Type 2 diabetes in chapter 9. You now understand that daily exercise
combined with healthy eating can help bring glucose metabolism into a
stable, healthy balance.
Even though you have diabetes, you still can live an active and healthy
life. The best way to make this easy for you is to take one or two
simple actions per day. Sometimes doing nothing is of great benefit
as well. What we mean by this, for example, is that day you will
decide to no longer have white sugar in your diet. In other words,
you will no longer take that action of eating white sugar, which will
no longer be a detriment to your health.
First you must have the intention. This will support you in making the
decision to try The GlucALite Blood Sugar Management System for 18
days (Just 1 day at a time). Just decide to do it for 18 days and let the
results speak for themselves.
Make the choice to improve your Health and Lifestyle now by:
1) Choosing wisely.
2) Going the extra mile for 18 days, taking just 1 or 2 action steps
each day.
3) Do it your way. Thats what will make The GlucALite Blood
Sugar Management System work for you. We give you the keys
and you choose the doors to open and the doors to close.

Remember, the keys for blood sugar health are in your hands.
Giving up a food that is not beneficial means stopping a bad habit that
contributed to your diabetes.
Choosing one or two actions per day, and making those your daily lifestyle
choices, without cheating, will change your life.
If you are really serious, first decide to stick to this plan one day, one meal,
and one hour at a time and dont worry about absolute perfection for the
entire 18 days. Remember, it is what you do 80-90% of the time that will
have a major impact on your overall health.
If you slip on one meal, make the decision and take the action to make the
right choice for the following meal.
A clear step-by-step daily action plan will help keep you from feeling
overwhelmed and anxious. With the GlucALite 18-Day Action Plan you
know where you are going each day, how to proceed, and you get the gift
of certainty in at least 1 action per day. Having certainty about healthy
choices gives you a sense of peace and supports you in making clear and
exact decisions each moment of the day. Each day, simply consult the 1 or 2
action steps from this list and do them.
Just choose an action step from the plan that allows you to see what there is
to do (or not do) each day to get to where you want to be. You get clear
specific actions; you decide to move forward each day with clear, concise
direction, and your daily choice of action delivers you to your destination in
just 18 days, a happy and healthier life. The certainty you experience with a
clear single action per day builds confidence and brings forth the right action
in the form of healthy choices by you.
Your GlucALite 18-Day Action Plan will work if you work the plan. The
funny thing about what seemed like tough choices is that they become
easier and easier after you make them for several days in order to build
healthy lifestyle habits.
Follow through on this simple action plan for 18 days. By your 19th day, your
bodys biochemistry will have changed radically. People who follow these simple
steps can experience balanced glucose metabolism, reduced insulin resistance,
and possibly reduced need for drugs and insulin injections.

Chapter 12

One act at a time adds up to a healthy life. Commit to healthy fuel, eating,
and physical activity or exercise. Stay away from fast food, choose wisely,
commit to healthy low impact exercise that will make you stronger, more
energetic and that can lower your blood sugar.
Most individuals also experience the bonus side effects of reduced body fat,
increased energy, vibrancy, and a whole new outlook on life. Remember, it is
crucial that you take action every day, as well as eat at least 3 meals a day and
at the same time every day in order to support and maintain regular blood sugar

Action Step 1: Start reading all packaged food and drink labels and
focus on eliminating high fructose corn syrup from all foods and drinks
you put in your body.
Action Step 2: Move your body for at least 5 minutes. Take a walk,
do some gardening, house cleaning, biking, turn on your favorite
music and dance; any physical movement that your fitness level
allows for at least five minutes.
Action Step 3: Decide to do this program every day for 18 days and
experience how much better you start to feel every day. Be sure to test
your fasting glucose level and write it down!
Action Step 1: Eliminate all soda pop, diet or regular, from your
menu. Do not drink them at all. (Remember, drinking just one diet
soda a day can increase your risk of developing Syndrome X by 33%).
Action Step 2: Make water your drink of choice every time you think
you are thirsty or even hungry. Buy some lemons or limes and squeeze
fresh cut lemon or lime wedges into the water.
If you must have the satisfaction of a sweet flavor in your drink, buy
some liquid or powdered stevia and add a small amount (because
stevia is much sweeter than sugar) to the water for a healthy, refreshing
lemonade or limeade drink).
Action Step 3: Move your body/exercise for 6 minutes today.
Action Step 1: Make apples your choice of snack food starting
today and from now on (organic green Granny Smith variety is ideal).
Action Step 2: Eat low Glycemic index vegetables like broccoli or
cauliflower with at least one meal per day (for a list of low Glycemic
vegetables, see chapter 9).
Action Step 3: Exercise for at least 7 minutes today (A daily walk is
fine. To make it easy, just keep adding a minute a day). This is the
method that the Shaolin monks employed when they had to train
peasants in small villages how to defend themselves in a short period f
time. They did this by adding a very small amount of time to the training
each day.

Action Step 2: Eliminate white flour, white sugar, and refined

bleached carbohydrates from your diet. Yes, that means no donuts,
pastries, white bread, crackers, cakes, or cookies that contain white
flour. Eat only 100% whole grains and 100% whole grain flour
products from now on.
Action Step 3: Exercise or move your body for at least 8 minutes today.

Chapter 12

Action Step 1: Buy some whole grain sprouted bread (Ezekiel Bread is
ideal, Uncle Sams is ok and is in the freezer section) for all sandwiches
and toast. If you cannot find whole grain sprouted, whole grain brown
rice, rye, and spelt are also excellent choices. Decide to eat 100%
whole grains a majority of the time from today on and do it.

Action Step 1: Today you get to add nuts and seeds such as walnuts,
pumpkin seeds, flax, almonds, sunflower, cashews, macadamia nuts, Brazil
nuts (which are very high in Chromium), and pistachios to your healthy snack
list. Small quantities of no more than 12 nuts at a time are ideal (try not to eat
more than 15 to 20 nuts in any 90 minute period, roasted are ok, raw is best).
Action Step 2: Start eating one salad a day at one meal and use extra virgin,
cold-pressed olive oil with either balsamic vinegar or lemon or lime juice for
salad dressing. Cracked black pepper and/or cayenne pepper are excellent if
you want to add a little spice to the salad.
Action Step 3: Move your body or exercise for at least 9 minutes today.
Hiking, bicycling, swimming, yoga, tai chi, and even ping pong are all great.
Action Step 1: Expanding and reinforcing Day 4: Stop eating any form of
added sugar in all food that you put in your body. Again, this means
reading all labels and finding out what is in food before putting it in your
body. Remember to not eat any food with sugar, high fructose corn syrup,
table sugar, evaporated cane juice crystals, brown sugar, or sucrose.
Action Step 2: That means no more pancakes with syrup, no more cakes,
no more ice cream, no more frozen yogurt, no more sweetened yogurt, and
no more store-bought cookies. Buy plain yogurt and add vanilla flavor or a
small amount of raw cocoa powder and stevia to taste if you want it sweet.
If you must have pancakes, cakes, pastries, or cookies, bake them at home
with 100% whole grains such as (brown rice flour, or spelt flour) and use
stevia for sweetener. You can add whole oats and a small amount of raisins
or chopped dates for oatmeal cookies and walnuts or macadamias and
unsweetened dark chocolate chips for chocolate chip cookies.
Remember to add an extra egg or two to the recipe batter, and even better,
a scoop of brown rice or whey protein, as this will lower the Glycemic index
of the cookies significantly due to the extra protein.
Action Step 3: Move your body or exercise for at least 10 minutes today.
Any form of continuous movement including cleaning the windows,
mopping, sweeping, and vacuuming, counts. You can also a get a
rebounder, which is a tiny trampoline. Jumping on it for just a few minutes
a day will give you tremendous exercise benefits.

Chapter 12

Action Step 1: Start by retesting your fasting glucose level and write
it down. You should be quite surprised.
Action Step 2: If you must have cereal, start eating only 100% whole grain
cereal including whole rolled oats (steel cut) Kashi, Muesli, whole grain
granola with nuts, oat groats, brown rice, Ezekiel cereal and Uncle Sams
cereal. Use non-fat skim milk or low-fat milk, minimum non-bovine growth
hormone certified/BHT, best is organic. Also acceptable, goat milk diluted
50% with water, soy milk (with no sugar added), and almond milk. For
sweetener, use powdered stevia (Truvia is good, organic with inulin is better).

From this day forward, eat only 100% whole grains. Do not eat refined
grains. Just so you know, wheat bread is simply white bread with a
fancy label name and does not qualify as whole grain bread. The
ingredients on the label must read 100% whole grain flour. White flour,
wheat flour, enriched and even unbleached flour is all refined. 100%
Whole grain is the key.
Action Step 3: Exercise or move your body for at least 11 minutes
today. And today we want you to start exercising or moving your
body outside to get the benefits of sunlight and vitamin D, which are
beneficial to people with Type 2 diabetes. If it is cold, bundle up, but
get outside for your exercise or movement today. Shoveling snow,
throwing snowballs, and building a snowman, counts.
Action Step 1: Stop eating all artificial sweeteners. This includes saccharin,
aspartame, NutraSweet, and sucralose. Remember, your sweetener of
choice from now on should be stevia, which does not raise glucose levels.
Action Step 2: The only alternative sweeteners that you may use from
time to time that are marginally acceptable are agave syrup and Xylitol.
If you must chew gum, remember to only chew gum that is sweetened
with Xylitol.
Action Step 3: Exercise or move your body for at least 12 minutes
today and remember to do it outside, ideally during daylight hours so
you can benefit from the sunlight and vitamin D synthesis in your body.
Many researchers believe that vitamin D can help stabilize glucose
metabolism and even prevent the progression of diabetes symptoms.
Action Step 1: Start spending a few minutes a day reading about ways
that cutting carbs, exercise, vitamins, minerals, and herbs can help support
and assist the body in dealing with the symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes
including elevated glucose levels and insulin resistance. You must start
taking responsibility to become informed about what can improve your
Action Step 2: While some recent studies indicate that drinking
coffee can be beneficial for individuals with Type 2 diabetes, try to limit
yourself to one or two cups of coffee a day. Studies in Finland and
China say that drinking coffee can reduce the risks of developing Type
2 Diabetes by 23% to 48%. Remember, use skim or low-fat, non-BHT
milk and stevia if you want to sweeten your morning coffee. If you get
coffee from Starbucks or anywhere else, ask them to add non-fat or
low-fat milk or do it yourself, and bring packets of stevia with you so
you can use your own sweetener of choice. Try not to overload or over
stimulate your system with too much caffeine by keeping your coffee
to two cups per day. The association between coffee consumption
and the benefits to people with diabetes appears to be complex. Many
researchers believe that small amounts of caffeine, combined with the
polyphenol antioxidants in coffee, provide protective benefits. While a
small amount of caffeine may be of benefit, excessive caffeine may not
be. From today forward, limit yourself to 1 to 2 cups of coffee daily.

Action Step 3: Exercise or move your body at least 13 minutes today. A
new type of exercise allows you to just stand there and reap the benefits.
You get this exercise standing on what is known as a vibration plate.
Resistance training with elastic bands is another great form of exercise.
Action Step 1: You are already drinking more water, now you can add oolong
tea or white tea (which is very high in antioxidants and polyphenols), cinnamon
tea, bitter melon tea, and Gynostemma tea to your approved beverage list. And
because we dont want to have all rigid rules with no fun, you can now add
a small amount of dark chocolate (70% or better) to your snack menu.
While many consider chocolate to be junk food, recent studies indicate that
dark chocolate (not milk chocolate), may be one of natures richest source of
Phytonutrients in the form of polyphenols that have potent antioxidant
properties. Try to find a dark chocolate that is sweetened with stevia, agave,
or Xylitol. These are not easy to find. If you must have some chocolate, eat
dark chocolate. If the dark chocolate has sugar listed on the ingredients
label, eat a very small amount and try to include an equal amount of nuts or
seeds which contain protein and healthy fats and can help lower the
Glycemic index of the snack.
Action Step 2: Eliminate all food with hydrogenated vegetable oil from
your menu. Hydrogenated oils are man-made, unnatural oils that can
accelerate the progression of diabetes and promote cardiovascular
disease. Eliminate hydrogenated, partially hydrogenated, and trans-fats
from your meals. Remember to read product labels and if uncertain, ask
about ingredients when eating out. The more you take responsibility, the
more you increase the percentages in your favor. Saturated fats wreak
havoc on your bodys Glucose metabolism, insulin sensitivity, and can
cause excessive weight gain. Recent studies in the United Kingdom
indicate that cutting back on saturated fats such as those found in meat
and whole dairy, can improve glucose control in individuals with diabetes.
Obviously, preparing your own meals and eating at home makes this much
easier. Other names for harmful fats include partially hydrogenated oil,
trans-fat, and saturated fat. Avoid unnecessary saturated fats in fast food,
whole milk, and animal meats. Beneficial fats include olive oil, grapeseed
oil, walnut oil, and camela oil (which are high in beneficial monounsaturated
fats). Beneficial fats can also be found in avocados, cashew butter, and
many low Glycemic nuts and seeds.

Chapter 12

Action Step 3: Exercise or move your body, outside whenever possible, for
at least 14 minutes today.
Action Step 1: Today you will engage in active movement for 15
minutes and since your bodys fitness level should have improved over
the last 10 days, you can now try to pick up the pace once or twice
during your activity. This means that whatever you are doing for exercise
or activity, you can now increase the intensity for anywhere from a few
seconds to up to a minute during your overall 15 minute activity today. In
other words, you will be adding an adaptation of interval or sprint-like
action into your overall activity. If walking, walk a little faster a couple
times during your walk. If gardening, dig a little faster or pull weeds a
little faster a couple times during your 15 minutes of gardening. If

swimming, cycling, or hiking, do this a little faster for several short spurts
during your 15 minutes of exercise. Doing it at a faster pace for a few
seconds, a couple times today will benefit you greatly. If you are doing yoga,
you can hold your poses a little longer and breathe more deeply and if you
are practicing tai chi you can hold the postures longer and move slower.
Action Step 2: Today you are going to add any kind of deep breathing to
your movement. Dont worry about technique, just consciously breathe
deeper to fill your lungs and provide more oxygen to your body. Many
alternative health practitioners believe that deep breathing has made many
a sick man or woman well and many a weak man or woman strong.
Action Step 3: Do your exercise as mentioned above for 15 minutes.
Action Step 1: Today you will begin adding 3 minutes of resistance
training to your workout activity. If you enjoy gardening and digging with a
shovel, believe it or not that qualifies as an equivalent to resistance training.
You can pick up a set of light, one or two-pound dumbbells very
inexpensively, and just walk while holding them at your side, and you will
gain the benefits of resistance training. You can use wrist weights and just
walk around the house and gain benefits from resistance training. You can
walk around the house, carrying a heavy book in each hand for only 3
minutes and gain the benefits of resistance training. Any time you lift or
carry any additional object, you can gain benefits of resistance training.
There are elastic bands, which are quite inexpensive, and can be used in a
multitude of ways to exercise every muscle group in the body. They are
also an excellent source of resistance training.
Action Step 2: Eat lean protein with at least one meal per day. This
includes chicken breast, turkey breast, eggs, venison, salmon, tuna,
lean beef and non-fat cottage cheese. A great meal replacement can
be a protein shake or smoothie. Simply add a scoop of brown rice,
whey, or egg protein powder to skim milk or water, add a little stevia
for sweetener, add a few ice cubes to thicken in a blender, and some
super food and youve got a great protein meal replacement.
Action Step 3: Exercise or move your body moderately for 16
minutes today and remember to start some form of resistance training
as described above.

Action Step 2: Add as much soluble fiber to your meal plan as you
can from natural vegetables like celery and fruit such as apples and
berries. Increasing your fiber intake will be easy as you increase the
amount of vegetables in your menu. Increased fiber slows the
conversion of dietary carbs into glucose which helps stabilize glucose
levels and glucose metabolism.

Chapter 12

Action Step 1: Since you did some form of resistance training

yesterday and included higher intensity sprint-type action in your fitness
activity, today you will take a leisurely slow pace. Relax a little more; take
it a little easier when you are doing your activity today. Just remember to
breathe deeply as often as you can to gain the benefits of cellular

Action Step 3: Adding insoluble fiber such as 100% whole wheat bread
and cereal, granola, and beans to your food plan can also help stabilize
glucose metabolism and cleanse your gastrointestinal system, particularly
the large intestine. Remember to drink plenty of refreshing, clean water as
you increase the amount of whole grains and insoluble fiber in your meals
as they work together to sweep your gastrointestinal system clean. And be
sure to move your body for at least 17 minutes today.

Action Step 1: Today you will become even more informed about simple yet
beneficial food choices that take into account the Glycemic index and Glycemic
load by going to You can easily
become more familiar with the Glycemic index and Glycemic load values for
common foods. Today you decide to make the majority of the food you eat low
Glycemic index/low Glycemic load foods for the rest of your life. What does this
mean? For example, you will no longer drink refined fruit juices like apple juice,
instead you will eat the whole apple or juice the apple in a juicer that allows
inclusion of the pulp, apple pectin, and the beneficial fiber. You will not drink
refined carrot juice. Instead you will eat a whole carrot that includes the fiber or
juice the carrot using a juicer that allows for emulsification, which includes that
beneficial fiber that can lower the Glycemic index.
Action Step 2: Today, and moving forward, always try to eat food in its
original form as nature intended it to be. This means eliminating man-made
snacks and packaged foods that are not whole grain. Acceptable protein
snacks include beef jerky, turkey jerky, and salmon jerky without high
fructose corn syrup, sugar, hydrogenated oils or MSG added.
Action Step 3: Be sure to test your fasting glucose and write it down!
Also, during your 18 minutes of exercise today, add more periods of higher
intensity throughout your exercise and movements.

Chapter 12

Action Step 1: Eat more raw vegetables in your diet today and moving
forward. Examples include celery, broccoli, zucchini, lettuce, cabbage,
jicama, radishes, daikon, and a few small carrots. And remember, if you are
buying salad dressing, no high fructose corn syrup and no hydrogenated
oils in the ingredients. Extra virgin, cold-pressed olive oil with balsamic
vinegar, fresh lemon or lime juice are ideal.
Action Step 2: Today, eliminate fried food from your diet, 99% of the time.
Fried foods contain carcinogenic (cancer causing) toxins that also damage
the liver and pancreas, complicating Type 2 diabetes symptoms. If you must
eat fried chicken or fried vegetables once every month or two, fry them at
home in grapeseed oil, which has the highest flash point and the lowest risk
of rancidity, and make sure you eat both raw and cooked vegetables with
that meal. The raw and cooked vegetables are alkaline, provide valuable fiber
and can in many cases buffer the acidity and free radicals in fried foods and
help them pass from your body causing less damage.
Action Step 3: Make sure to exercise or move your body for at least
19 minutes today.

Action Step 1: Make apples and berries, especially blueberries, your
first choice for fruits. Its time to eliminate canned fruits (which are often
packed in heavy, sugary syrup) from your diet. Frozen fruit is ok, fresh
fruit as in fresh berries, is much better. Organic is best.
Action Step 2: Start to limit your intake of saturated animal fats to one,
or maximum two meals, per day. This includes fats from dairy products,
cheese, and especially processed meats.
Action Step 3: Start to increase your intake of healthy fats from
plant sources. These include extra virgin, cold-pressed olive oil,
grapeseed oil, walnut oil, camela oil, avocados, seeds, and nuts.
Action Step 4: Today is a light activity day where you relax and
enjoy the fact that you have built your physical activity endurance up
to 20 minutes a day. Just enjoy your increased cardiovascular
Action Step 1: Reduce your intake of alcoholic drinks. Alcoholic drinks
contain a considerable number of calories that are derived from sugars.
Conventional medical advice recommends avoiding alcoholic drinks
altogether. Current nutritional research indicates some alcoholic intake
can in some cases enhance insulin sensitivity. This is not a reason to
start drinking if you do not already. We simply want to make you aware
that some researchers believe that a moderate quantity of alcoholic
intake can in some cases improve cellular ability to respond to insulin,
thus resulting in lower glucose and insulin levels. We must warn you
however that this is not the position of the majority of medical experts
and excessive intake of alcoholic beverages can and in many cases
has in fact lead to serious health complications for people with Type 2
diabetes. Overweight individuals must go very lightly on these
beverages. A combination of excess obesity and alcoholic drinks can
be very damaging to the liver, the pancreas, the kidneys, the cardio
vascular system and even the brain and nervous system.
Action Step 2: Avoid alcohol if possible. Before consuming alcoholic
beverages please consult with your medical professional and ask if it is
acceptable to consume an occasional alcoholic beverage.

Action Step 1: Today you will start adding detoxification as a

standard component of a healthy lifestyle. Assuming your health
professional approves of you doing so, you can take a dry sauna, a
steam, a long, hot bath with Epsom salts, or even a long, hot shower
at least every 2 or 3 days. Some European health spas recommend
rubbing your entire body with iodized salt in the sauna or steam, or

Chapter 12

Action Step 3: Today you will increase your activity level to 21

minutes and try to include at least three increased intensity activity
sprints within the 21 minutes. This means that you will step up the
intensity, speed, or duration for at least a few seconds three times
during your overall 21 minutes of activity and remember to breathe
deeply while doing so.

you can turn off the shower rub on some iodized salt, and then wash it off
with hot water afterwards. This helps extract toxins from the body, can be
very beneficial, and invigorating. Far infrared light saunas can be very
beneficial as well.
Action Step 2: We previously touched on the importance of deep
breathing for oxygenation of the cells. Make sure you continue to put an
emphasis on relaxation and breathing deeply for at least 3 minutes at the
end of your exercise or movement today.

Chapter 12

Action Step 3: Exercise for at least 22 minutes today, at a moderate

pace, preferably outside. Then after you are finished, cool down with an
additional 3 minutes of steady relaxation breathing, focusing on deep
breathing and cell oxygenation.


Essential Vitamins
and Minerals Make
All the Difference

We have created the following list of crucial vitamins, minerals, and plant
extracts that can help stabilize blood sugar, help reduce insulin resistance,
help improve energy levels, and increase your quality of life. Some are very
rare and some are very common, but used together, these vitamins and
minerals can pack a powerful punch to support and assist your body in
dealing with elevated glucose levels.
Pterocarpus Marsupium (Silbinol) The Indian Kino or Bibla tree
contains a compound known as Pterocarpus Marsupium. Pterocarpus
is renowned for its helping assist the body with a blood sugar lowering
effect. Animal studies have shown the anti-glycemic support actions of
this important medicinal plant. Silbinol is a potent and superior
standardized extract obtained from the Pterocarpus Marsupium tree.
Clinical studies demonstrate that Silbinol helps maintain normal blood
sugar levels and also helps improve glucose tolerance. In one clinical
study, Pterocarpus demonstrated a remarkable assistance to the bodys
blood glucose balancing power and cholesterol-lowering effect,
Pterocarpus Marsupium helped the body obtain normalized blood glucose
in 73% of newly diagnosed patients with Type 2 Diabetes, with no side
Traditional Indian Ayurveda Botanical Medicine: Gymnema Sylvestre In
1990 a series of published studies on GS lifted this herb from interesting
to revolutionary. It was shown that the nutritional oral administration of GS
to diabetic animals not only resulted in improved glucose homeostasis;
this improvement was accompanied by a regeneration of beta cells in
the pancreas. The nutritional hypoglycemic effect of GS powder was
investigated in 16 normal subjects and 43 mild diabetics in an uncontrolled
trial. A nutritional hypoglycemic effect was observed in the diabetics. Serum
triglycerides, free fatty acids and cholesterol levels were also decreased.
Cinnamon Cassia Extract Studies have shown that the nutritional
intake of an extract of cinnamon increases glucose intake of the cells and
increases the effectiveness of insulin. These studies demonstrate that
cinnamon nutritionally enhances insulin receptivity of cells and assists
in the maintenance of healthy triglyceride levels, healthy LDL cholesterol
and even total cholesterol levels.
Curcumin Longa C3 Complex Concentrate Curcumin is the
main active ingredient of turmeric (Curcuma longa), which is used
worldwide as a seasoning and is a key ingredient of curry. Curcumin
has been used nutritionally in both the Indian (Ayurvedic) and Chinese
Medicine systems for thousands of years and is thought to have many
medicinal properties. Although used here only for its nutritional value it
would appear to assist the body in its normal functions that include:
antioxidant, anti- inflammatory, antiplatelet, antitumor, cholesterol
lowering, liver protection, and antibacterial and anti-fungal.

Agaricus Blazei Mushroom Agaricus Blazei is a medicinal mushroom of high
nutritional value, containing various amino acids, vitamin B and D, magnesium,
potassium and fiber. Traditionally known as Gods Mushroom, Agaricus contains
many polysaccharide protein complexes (beta glucans) that have been researched for
their immune activity and medicinal properties. Additional studies showed Agaricus
has immuno-potentiation effects that strongly support the pancreas and hepatic (liver)
function, as well as contribute to the prevention of diabetes related complications.
Reishi Mushroom The Reishi mushroom is called the mushroom of immortality
in China and has been used as a tonic and strengthening medicine for thousands of
years. These benefits are thought to arise partly from Reishis role as an antioxidant
(27). Maitake mushrooms contain grifolan, an important beta glucan polysaccharide.
Three species of Reishi have demonstrated their ability to assist the body in the
lowering of glucose levels in the blood as well as supporting increase of the beta
cells insulin secretion.
Maitake Mushroom People with Type 2 Diabetes may also benefit from the
Maitake mushroom, according to researchers Hiroaki Nanba and Keiko Kubo,
authors of Mushroom biology and mushroom products. Researchers investigated
a specific, high molecular polysaccharide in Maitake called the Xfraction. They
found that mice given Maitake had an increased ability to recognize glucose, and
the control group had higher blood glucose levels than those consuming Maitake.
Researchers observed a reduction of blood glucose and pressure, when they
administered powdered Maitake to a genetically diabetic mouse.
Pedra Hume Caa A member of the myrtle family, Myricia, Pedra Hume Caa
has been used for centuries by indigenous tribes in the South American
rainforest for diabetes. In 1965 Dr. G.L. Cruz, a leading Brazilian practitioner and
herbalist, nicknamed Pedra Hume Caa vegetable insulin. Pedra Hume Caas
nutritional effect on hypoglycemic activity has been studied and validated by
Brazilian scientists repeatedly from 1929 to 1978.

Bonus Supplement

Pata de Vaca Pata de Vaca (Bauhinia forficata) is a tree which grows in Brazil
and Peru. It has nutritional functions that assist the bodys abilities to control and
stabilize blood sugar. Similar to Pedra Hume Caa. Pata de Vaca has also earned
the nickname vegetable insulin. In Brazil, Pata de Vaca has undergone extensive
clinical testing and is a widely used natural nutritional herb for diabetics.
Catuaba Bark Extract Native to northern Brazil, the aboriginal groups of the
Amazon have been using Catuaba for centuries as a nutritional energy stimulant. It
provides natural nutritional factors to support production of energy and enhanced
concentration as well increased libido. Catuaba bark has been reported to provide
assistance for the relaxation of blood vessels, improving circulation and allowing
increased blood to flow. It also helps the body to dilate and strengthen the arteries
and thus can help reduce diabetic circulation conditions.
Opuntia Opuntia, also known as Nopal Cactus, is native to the southwestern
desert regions of the United States and Mexico. Opuntia has a wide range of health
benefits, proven in numerous animal and human studies (44-50). These include:
assisting the bodys lowering of blood sugar levels by slowing absorption of sugar
in the intestinal tract, and assisting the body in the following; lowering overall
cholesterol levels, improving the ratio of HDL to LDL cholesterol, and lowering
triglycerides by helping the body stabilize the conversion of blood sugar into fat.

GlucALite Tri-Oligopeptide Lipoate The Tri-Oligopeptide Lipoate
nutritionally helps bring balance to the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis.
This assists the entire endocrine system in achieving homeostasis, efficient
operation and improved cellular signaling. The resulting cellular rejuvenation
ultimately can translate to optimal health.
R-Fraction Alpha Lipoic Acid Known as the universal antioxidant,
alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is the only antioxidant, which is both fat, and watersoluble. It offers protection against free radicals, both inside and outside the
cell - unlike other antioxidants providing only extra-cellular protection. Alpha
lipoic acid enhances the antioxidant abilities of Vitamins C, E, and Glutathione,
effectively creating an antioxidant network for protection against free radicals.
This process multiplies the benefits of other antioxidants.
Aloe Vera Gel Although aloe vera is better known as a remedy for minor
burns and other skin conditions, recent animal and human clinical studies
suggest that aloe vera may help people with diabetes. A Japanese study
evaluated the effect of aloe vera on blood sugar. Researchers isolated a
number of active phytosterol compounds from aloe that were found to help
reduce blood glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin levels.
Banaba Leaf Research suggests that Banaba leaf helps maintain healthy
blood sugar levels by assisting in the improvement of the bodys ability to
produce, excrete, and utilize insulin. Banaba extract nutritionally assisted the
body in significantly decreased blood glucose, reduced weight gain and reduced
over all triglyceride levels and accumulation without major dietary changes.
Vanadium One of the single most effective minerals for assisting in
the managing of blood sugar is vanadium. It is believed to be nutritionally
involved in the metabolism of glucose and lipids. Most of the research
that has been performed on vanadium has been in the area of diabetes.
Vanadium has nutritionally demonstrated an insulin-mimicking action and
has been shown to be of beneficial assistance at lowering blood sugar
levels in diabetic animals and humans. Early studies showed that vanadium
assisted in the normalization of blood glucose levels in animals with Type 1
and Type 2 Diabetes. A recent study found that when people with diabetes
were nutritionally given vanadium, they developed a modest increase in
insulin sensitivity and were thereby as a result able to decrease their insulin

Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine HCL) Pyridoxine is involved in more bodily

functions than almost any other single nutrient. It nutritionally affects both
mental and physical health, activates many enzymes and is required by the
brain and nervous system. A deficiency of Vitamin B-6 is known to contribute
to a variety of complications of diabetes. Diabetics with neuropathy have been

Bonus Supplement

*NOTE: If you are taking diabetes medicines such as Metformin (Glucophage) or

Glyburide (Glynase), avoid Ginkgo Biloba because it can interfere with the effects
of insulin and raise your blood sugar. Also use caution with the nutritional
supplements Vanadium, Gymnema, Chromium, Ginseng and Bitter Melon, as
these can dangerously depress blood sugar levels in sensitive individuals
particularly when consumed in excess quantities.

shown to be deficient in vitamin B-6 and benefit from supplementation. Peripheral
neuropathy is a known result of B-6 deficiency and is indistinguishable from
diabetic neuropathy. Vitamin B-6 supplements improve glucose tolerance in
women with diabetes caused by pregnancy.
Vitamin B-12 Vitamin B-12 is a water-soluble vitamin necessary for the
maintenance of a healthy nervous system and for the metabolic utilization of fats
and proteins. Methylcobalamin (methylcobalamin) is the methylated,
coenzyme form of Vitamin B-12, which is active in the brain and central nervous
system. It is far superior
in terms of bioavailability or absorption /assimilation uptake to the standard,
inexpensive Cyanocobalamin (cyanocobalamin) form of B-12 used in the
vast majority of nutritional supplements today.
Folic Acid Adequate intake of vitamin B-12 along with folic acid and vitamin B-6
encourages healthy serum homocysteine levels. Vitamins B-6, B-12 and folic acid
are now recognized to play a vital role in the control and reduction of elevated blood
homocysteine levels and thereby cardiovascular risk factors are also lowered.
Biotin Biotin, otherwise known as B7, is a water-soluble vitamin, which is one
of eight essential vitamins that comprise the B-complex. Biotin plays an
important role in energy metabolism. Biotin is needed to process glucose. Overt
biotin deficiency impairs glucose utilization in rats. Furthermore, biotin is a key
player in fat synthesis, amino acid metabolism and the creation of glycogen, the
bodys short-term energy supply that is stored in muscle. Since biotin is essential
in converting carbohydrates, fats and proteins to energy, it is considered a useful
aid to weight loss. Biotin is beneficial to diabetics because it is able to assist in
the lowering of blood sugar levels and metabolize carbohydrates.

Bonus Supplement

Vitamin D-3 present in some foods. It is produced when ultraviolet rays

from sunlight strike the skin. Adequate vitamin D is necessary for normal
glucose utilization. Large volumes of research data suggest that vitamin D is
beneficial and may be necessary for insulin secretion by the pancreas. Animal
studies demonstrate that treatment of vitamin D deficiency improves insulin
Vitamin K-2 Vitamin K-2 is the most biologically active form of Vitamin K.
Vitamin K-2 is beneficial for bone and cardiovascular health. Vitamin Ks role in
arterial health revolves around its ability to support proper calcium metabolism in
vascular structures. Scientists have discovered a specific connection between
vitamin K and type 2 Diabetes. The second highest concentration of vitamin K in
the body is in the pancreas, which plays a major role in blood sugar and insulin
regulation. Vitamin K may reduce the risk of developing insulin resistance, which
causes Type 2 Diabetes.
Remember, adding even small or trace amounts of these vitamins and minerals
will do wonders to help you stabilize out of control blood sugar, insulin resistance,
and your overall well-being. Couple that with activity as a multiplier and you will
see significant benefits far beyond just cutting out sugar.
Natural supplements and minerals are vital to a healthy lifestyle. For your
continued education and information, these are some of the best and most
prominent ones for assisting in fighting Type 2 Diabetes.

Its All Up to You

Remember, there are 4 key weapons you can add to your arsenal
in battling complications of Type 2 Diabetes, elevated glucose
levels, and insulin resistance.
Weight Loss: Losing weight and belly fat is the best thing you can
do for Type 2 diabetes. Since there is no magic pill for weight loss
and loss of belly fat, the big question is HOW?
Diet: The most beneficial and therapeutic diet for someone with
Type 2 diabetes is a low Glycemic menu that includes lots of
vegetables, lean protein, and moderate amounts of low
Glycemic fruits and whole grains. Water should be your first
drink of choice and you want to eliminate white sugar, high
fructose corn syrup, all sodas, white flour, and hydrogenated
vegetable oils, from your diet.
Exercise: Depending on your fitness, you have taken your activity
level up from 5 minutes to 25 minutes of physical activity or exercise
a day. From now on, make sure you get at least
20 minutes of physical activity or exercise per day. There is no problem
breaking this up into two 10-minute sessions a day, or even four 5
minute sections, as long as you do it daily. Some days, you can
engage in more brisk or intense sprints of exercise, and other days you
can enjoy a leisurely, relaxing pace. Just remember to breathe deeply
for a minute or two during exercise every day to gain the benefits of
cellular oxygenation.
Vitamins and Minerals: There are very beneficial vitamins, minerals,
and herbs, which can help to nutritionally support and assist your body
in its ability to deal with elevated glucose levels, insulin resistance, and
many of the complications associated with Type 2 diabetes. To find out
more about these highly beneficial, nutritional, dietary supplements, go

Appendix A
The Best Low
Glycemic Foods

Grains, Rice


Barley - 2250
Barley - 3748
Buckwheat - 4551
Quinoa, boiled - 53
Rice, brown - 50
Rice, long grain - 3847
Rice, white - 55
Rice, white, boiled - 4853
Rye - 2939
Wheat, whole - 3048

Bread, barley kernel,

various kinds - 2748
Bread, barley, whole meal - 4353
Bread, honey and oats - 55
Bread, multi-grain - 43
Bread, oat bran - 4450
Bread, rye, whole meal - 4155
Bread, whole meal - 53

Other Staple Foods

Chapatti - 2749
Lasagna, various - 2047
Linguine - 4353
Macaroni - 4548
Muesli - 4055
Muesli, wheat-free & gluten-free - 50
Noodles, instant - 4648
Noodles, mung bean, dried,
boiled - 39
Noodles, soba - 46
Noodles, udon - 48
Pizzas, various - 3649
Porridge, oats - 5055
Spaghetti, white - 2753
Spaghetti, whole meal - 3242
Tortillas, white corn - 3952
Tortillas, wheat - 2830

Fruits and Dried Fruits

Apples, raw - 2844
Apricots, dried - 3132
Bananas, over-ripe - 4852
Bananas, raw - 46
Bananas, under-ripe - 3042
Cherries, raw - 22
Dates, packed - 3645
Grapefruits, raw - 25
Grapes, raw - 2349
Mangoes, raw - 4151
Oranges, raw - 3151
Peaches, raw - 28
Pears, dried - 43
Pears, raw - 3342
Pineapples, raw - 51
Plums, raw - 2453
Prunes, pitted - 29
Strawberries, raw - 40



Carrots, peeled, boiled - 41

Carrots, raw - 16
Potatoes, white - 4154
Sweet potatoes - 4448
Yams - 2551

Cashew nuts - 2527

Cashew nuts, salted - 42
Mixed nuts, with raisins
and fruits 1549
Peanuts - 723

Beans, Legumes,
Lentils, Peas

Fruit Juices

Baked beans, canned - 40

Black beans - 2030
Black-eyed beans, boiled - 3350
Butter beans - 2836
Butter beans, canned - 36
Butter beans, dried, boiled - 3054
Chickpeas, (Garbanzo Beans) 3242
Chickpeas, canned - 38
Kidney beans - 1352
Lentils - 1837
Lentils, brown, canned - 42
Lima beans - 32
Mung beans - 2553
Navy beans - 2939
Peas, dried, boiled - 22
Peas, frozen, boiled - 3951
Pinto beans - 3945
Soya beans - 1420

Apple juice, unsweetened - 39-44

Carrot juice, fresh - 43
Fruit juices, packets - 3747
Orange juice, packet - 46-53
Orange juice, unsweetened - 53
Pineapple juice, unsweetened - 46
Tomato juice, canned - 38
Beverages (others)
Milk, chocolate, various - 3549
Milk, cow, full-fat - 1140
Milk, cow, skimmed or
semi-skimmed - 2548


Appendix B
Worst High
Glycemic Foods

White bread 71
Broad beans 79
Golden Grahams 71
Jellybeans 80
Millet 71
Pretzels 81
Watermelon 72
Rice Krispies 82
White rolls 73
Potato, micro waved 82
Puffed wheat 74
Cornflakes 83
Corn chips 74
Potato, instant 83
Chips 75
Potato, baked 85
Waffles 76

Rice pasta, brown 92

Doughnut 76
Baguette 95
Wafer biscuits 77
Parsnips 97
Rice cakes 77
Dates 103
Weetabix 77

(This list is taken from:

To see a complete list of low and high Glycemic foods, please go to:


How to Halt Diabetes in 25 Days:

Allan, Christian B., and Wolfgang Lutz. Life without Bread. (pg 47)
Atkins, Robert C. Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution. (pg 13)
Balch, Phyllis A, and James F. Balch. Prescription
for Nutritional Heath. (pg 27)
Balch, Phyllis. Prescription for Dietary Wellness. (pg 205)
Bartram, Thomas. Bartrams Encyclopedia
of Herbal Medicine. (pg 241)
Berkson, Lindsey. Healthy Digestion the Natural Way. (pg 25)
Bhattacharya, Shaoni. Three-week diet curbs diabetes, New Scientist
[online] ( Jan. 13, 2006)
Castlemen, Michael. Blended Medicine. (pg 232)
Cherniske, Stephen. Caffeine Blues. (pg 199)
Colbin, Anne Marie. Food and Healing. (pg 190)
Critser, Greg. Fat Land. (pg 141)
Disease Prevention and Treatment
by Life Extension Foundation. (pg 662)
Disease Prevention and Treatment
by Life Extension Foundation. (pg 663)
Dufiy, William. Sugar Blues by William Dufiy. (pg 217)
Duke, James. Anti-Aging Prescriptions. (pg 342)
Eades, Mary D. Doctors Complete
Guide Vitamins Minerals. (page 244)
Feinstein, Alice. Healing with Vitamins. (pg 30)
Fife, Bruce. Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil. (pg 109)
Golan, Ralph T. Herbal Defense. (pg 25)
Goldberg, Burton. Heart Disease. (pg 242)
Goodman, Jonathan. The Omega Solution. (pg 164)
Gottlieb, Bill. Alternative Cures. (pg 212)

Graedon, Joe, and Teresa Graedon. Best Medicine. (pg 318)

Haas, Elson M. Staying Healthy with Nutrition. (pg 463)
Hendler, Sheldon Saul, and David Rorvik. PDR
for Nutritional Supplements. (pg 329)
Hobday, Richard. The Healing Sun. (pg 78)
Howenstine, James. A Physicians Guide
to Natural Health Products that Work. (pg 113)
Huggins, Hal A. Its All In Your Head. (pg 84)

Kendall, Roger V. Building Wellness with DMG. (pg 136)
Klatz, Ronald, and Robert Goldman. Stopping the Clock. (pg 129)
Lee, Lita, Lisa Turner, and Goldberg, Burton. The Enzyme Cure. (pg 123)
Maleskey, Gale. Natures Medicines. (pg 128)
Marie, Anne. Food and Healing. (pg 300)
Marion, Joseph. Anti-Aging Manual. (pg 243)
May, James A. Miracle of Stevia. (pg 226)
Meltzer, Barnet. Food Swings. (pg 42)
Mindell, Earl, and Virginia Hopkins. Prescription Alternatives. (pg 405)
Mindell, Earl. Earl Mindell s Secret Remedies. (pg 197)
Mozian, Laurie Deutsch. Foods that Fight Disease. (pg 47)
Murray, Michael T., and Joseph Pizzorno.
Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine. (pg 418)
Murray, Michael T., and Joseph Pizzorno. Textbook
of Natural Medicine Volumes 1-2. (pg 1210)
Null, Gary. Complete Guide Health Nutrition. (pg 397)
Null, Gary. Power Aging. (pg 39)
Oski, Frank A. Dont Drink Your Milk!: The Frightening New Medical Facts
About the Worlds Most Overrated Nutrient. (pg 96)
Stengler, Mark. Natural Physicians Healing Therapies. (pg 58)
Stoll, Andrew. The Omega-3 Connection. (pg 82)
Taylor, Nadine. Green Tea. (pg 63)
Tracy, Ann Blake. PROZAC Panacea or Pandora. (pg 327)
Weil, Andrew. 8 Weeks to Optimum Health. (pg 237)
Whitaker, Julian. Reversing Diabetes. (pg 125)
Winter, Ruth. Food Additives. (pg 124)
Wood, Rebecca. New Whole Foods Encyclopedia. (pg 136)
Yeager, Selene. New Foods for Healing. (pg 96)
The Top Five Grocery Shopping Tips for Diabetics (by Mike Adams)
Lau, Benjamin. Garlic for Health. (pg 22)
Lee, Lita et. al. The Enzyme Cure. (pg 123)


Murray, Michael T. The Healing Power of Herbs. (pg 269)

Null, Gary. The Clinicians Handbook Of Natural Healing. (pg 88)
Pitchford, Paul. Healing With Whole Foods. (pg 452)

Pizzorno, Joseph E., and Michael T. Murray. Textbook of Natural Medicine
Volumes 1-2. (pg 1197)
Diabetes Solution (by Richard K. Bernstein, M.D.)
The Diabetes Diet (by Richard K. Bernstein, M.D.)
The 30-Day Diabetes Miracle (by Franklin House, M.D., Stuart A. Seale, M.D.
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The Truth about Diabetes & How to Reverse
It now (By Julian Whitaker, MD)
Carey, J. Surprising new diabetes
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The American Diabetes Association:
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The American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM)



This Research Report is provided for Professional information only and should be considered CONFIDENTIAL. It is NOT
intended as a basis for advertising statements or marketing.

The above information and statements apply only to the research product GlucALite as discussed herein. The above
information and findings should not be used as a reference for any other product as the very specific and necessary
synergistic benefit derived from the unique ratio of ingredients contained in the GlucALite formulation if altered, based on
laboratory testing, significantly diminish the efficacy of the formulation and could in extreme cases pose health risks if
consumed in excess or in combination with various medications.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat,
cure, or prevent any disease. Seek the advice of a competent health care professional for your specific health concerns.
Individual results may vary. Seek proper medical advice before adjusting any medications. If you are on insulin treatment or
use oral hypoglycemic agents, have high blood pressure, kidney or liver conditions, or are pregnant or lactating, consult a
health care professional before using this product. If you are taking medication or have a medical condition, consult with your
health care practitioner before taking this or any dietary supplement.
Healthy eating and regular exercise may enhance the effects of GlucALite. GlucALite is Clinically Formulated, Tested and
Doctor Approved to support individuals with Diabetes, pre-diabetes, hyperglycemia and weight-related conditions.
Copyright 2011 GLS Sciences,

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