Converting Between Urutsk: World of Mystery and AD&D / Gamma World

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The Game
(and related sets)

Urutsk: World of Mystery

and back
This document is intended to serve as an aid in converting between the various Urutsk: World
of Mystery sets, by those playing The Game or its offspring: Primary Transformation or its successor,
Genome World. Other, related, sets may require additional tweaking. Games divergent from The
Game, such as Ken St. Andre's Tunnels & Trolls, will receive their treatment in another document.
The key to using this, or any other set of conversions, is to be aware of the intent of both rules
sets, and then the liberal application of judgement, estimation, and less rigid methods for determining
the final values. Starting with this as the rough idea of things, comparison within the new system
should be used to make finer adjustments.

2011 Kyrinn S. Eis

October 24th, 2011

Freely distributable
without alteration

Psionic Index

The Game

Primary Transformation/
Genome World RPGs

(Charisma + Constitution)/2
(Charisma + Wisdom)/2
(Wisdom + Intelligence)/2
(Intelligence + Dexterity)/2
(Dexterity + Strength)/2
(Strength + Constitution)/2

Machine Authority (Pure Human only)

Psychic Resistance
Technical Ability
Physical Strength
Toxin Resistance

--Round all of the above up at .5 or greater remainder

Each Human ethnicity (including the Vrun omni-ethnicity), as well as each stable species of
intelligent/starfaring degree, are rated with Ability Scores, and ranked in comparison to the Human
average of 10.5. Each Ability may have its own range (2d6+9 or 4d6, for instance), but still is read in
comparison to 10/11. Vrun receive 3d6+3 for each Ability Score due to their generations of Gattacalike genetic sorting.
The Primary and Secondary (2ndary) Modifiers are listed below are used in UWoM to conduct
Technical Tasks (PM) and Critical Tests (2M) additive die-rolls using both Colour dice as well as
2d12. These are analogues of the Ability Score bonuses from The Game (etc.) and the respective
system's modifiers and rolling methods should be employed as appropriate.

Score PM 2M
18 +03 +04
17 +03 +03
16 +02 +03
15 +02 +02
14 +01 +02
13 +01 +01
12 +0+01
11 +0+010 +0+009 +0-01
08 -01
07 -01
06 -02
05 -02
04 -03
03 -03
PM Primary Mod.
2M Secondary

For Gamesmasters looking to host characters from the divergent games in

their native mechanical system, these guidelines provide for 'live translation'.
Fight Dice-


DP = TR#d6

:: Treat level as Magnitude and vice-versa for all Equations



16d6 (56)
15d6 (52.5)
14d6 (49)
13d6 (45.5)
12d6 (42)
11d6 (38.5)
10d6 (35)
9d6 (31.5)
8d6 (28)
7d6 (24.5)
6d6 (21)
5d6 (17.5)
4d6 (14)
3d6 (10.5)
2d6 (7)
1d6 (3.5)
1d3 (2)

Fight Dice, Hit Dice, Dodge Points/Disruption PointsAs the mutants and other hardy folk of the PT/GW games are rated in terms of their Toxin
Resistance as regards the determination of Dodge Points, they are considered to have a number of Fight
Dice / Hit Dice equal to their TR score. Like Fight Dice, these are rolled on d6.

Converted Hit Dice to

Fight Diced12 = 1d6+3 per HD
d10 = 1d6+2
= 1d6+1
= 1d6
= 1d6-1

Hit Dice from TG are often another die-type than d6 (d4, d8, d10, etc.),
but pose little difficulty in converting to d6's, simply adding or subtracting 1
from the total per die-type step above or below d6:

Determining DPA 'Wound' is akin to the Morningstar mediaeval miniatures rules (Perren
'71) 'Hit', but has been expanded in scope to cover lesser injuries that may
accumulate as well as those potentially life-ending accidents or injuries
heroic persons face. Generic Humans typically have 35 DP, but the Vrun
Frame is, on average, heavier, giving them a base of 45 points. Other
creatures and species may have different base DP values. As Hit/Fight Dice are gained, the figure's DP
total increases by the amount rolled, and each die is modified by the figure's best Ability Score 2M.
COMBATConverting 'To-Hit' to Base AttackThe Game has tables which break down into fractions of the character's level as a bonus to
strike increasingly better armoured or otherwise difficult to wound targets. PT/GW, on the other hand,
utilises a Weapon Class system to determine the potentiality of wounds.
AC10 0 1-2 3-4
11 10



9-10 11-12 13-14 15-16



This breaks down to a 1:1 ratio for all Fighters, including Commoners, and applies to all Vrun,
and the other Human ethnicities upon Urutsk. All attacks, including any Imperial Bloodline Psychic
Powers they may possess, as well as fisticuffs to fusion cannon follow this format.
As figures advance through Magnitude/Level/Experience Count, they become more proficient
at dodging, weaving, blocking, parrying, as well as striking, and are assumed in all cases that the
majority of any given Close Combat Round are consumed with abstract defence and jockeying for
position within the total relative space the figures occupy.
Combat Finesse & Raw BrutalitySpecific attack types with each weapon are possible, such as lunges with piercing weapons, or a
leap attack with an edged weapon, etc., and provide a bonus die or three, but often with an agreed upon
penalty ('if you fail to strike, your lunge throws you off balance; you're on your butt', etc.) It is my
philosophy that a give and take exchange should leverage the occasional bonus or penalty, and through
these minor clarifications a more exciting narrative is meaningfully crafted by all participants.
How these sorts of circumstances are handled in The Game is another matter entirely, but here
are my suggestions: If the manoeuvre provides the attacker an advantage to strike, then a single +1 on
d20 is provided. If the move is really devastating, grant the attacker a +1 and penalise the defender by
one to both its hit chance and its armour class. If any manoeuvre fails, the figure attempting it is
penalised as above, as if they were the defender.

Conducting Close CombatThe character's native Hit Dice (or TR) are the character's Fight Dice.
UwoM's Close Combat rules call for rolling the combatant's number of Fight Dice. Characters
brought in from The Game (&c) would either use their native methods to determine the strike, or if they
are 'fully converted' to UWoM, would roll their equivalent number of native Hit Dice in Colour dice
(d6) and conduct combat by that rules set.
If transplanting from UWoM to The Game (etc.) then the reverse would be done; the Colour
dice would instead be replaced by d20 rolls, with a +1 bonus to the roll per HD/Level (and any
applicable Str or Dex modifiers).
Ranged CombatIn UWoM, Ranged Attacks are assumed to precede all Close Combat actions, even if partitioned
Combat Rounds are adopted with their two half-moves and two missile weapon segments, per Round.
Conducting Ranged CombatThe Game (&c) use 1d20 roll, while UWoM uses a variable rolling scheme to weight the
average, but most often either 2d12 (11-15), or the flat roll of 1d24 (12.5 [4.167%]). UWoM's 'base
AC' is 13, and this is increased or decreased based upon modifiers for range, target size, etc.
Use whichever method desired.
Weapon Class, (AC10 Target Number), & Colour RatingThe following table may make little initial sense, but the differences in the way the systems
understand how a wound is inflicted upon the target and the die-rolling methodologies are taken into
The d20 roll of The Game and its PT/GW offspring operate under the premise that the
penetration of armour is a Hit.
UWoM utilises Die Pools in Close Combat, and Direct Strike in Ranged Combat. The
penetration of armour or other safeguards is a separate roll which reduces the damage potentiality of
the attack in question.Colour dice are six-sided dice read in the following fashion:
Red = 1 Orange = 2 Yellow = 3 Green = 4 Blue = 5 Violet = 6
Each Colour status (as opposed to the face number) has discrete effects that are Colour-encoded
in a qualitative (Ability-based) comparison rather than a quantitative (number) total.

WC AC10 Cd Descriptor
01 (09) [G] Blunt and Piercing Impact (Mace and Spear)
02 (08) [B] Short Hafted and Small Edged (Axe and Dagger) and Large Claws
03 (09) [Y] Long Hafted and Swords (Poleaxe and Longsword)
04 (08) [O] Sonic Blade, Large Bite, and Very Large Claws
05 (07) [O] Sonic Sword and Powered Impact (Power Mace)
06 (06) [R] Neural Whip and Electrical Attacks
07 (05) [R] Powered Units (Robotic Manipulators and Standard Slide-Doors) and Very Large Bite
08 (09) [B] Standard Blast Template, Velocity Javelins (Mounted or Atl-Atl launcher) and Sonic
09 (08) [G] Bows/Coilstocks, Sling Stones, and Flesh Darts
10 (07) [O] ChemGun Pistol and Animal Strikers
11 (06) [O] Needler and Quills
12 (05) [R*] Neuro Disrupter and Diffuse TK
13 (08) [R] LASER and Optic Emissions
14 (08) [R**] Blaster and Focused TK
15 (08) [O] VS Lifeforce and Psychic Death
16 (10) [R***] High Explosive Template, Fusion, and Phoenix Effect
R* = Each Wound is multiplied by n amount, as indicated by the number of asterisk.
I'm not responsible for the majority of the AC numbers, having reproduced them from the 1st
edition Genome World book with only minor modification.
As I read the original text, I glean that the lowered 'to-hit' numbers are meant to take into to
account the power of the attack in some cases, while others of a more focused nature seem to receive
preference. The escalation of WC# is certainly a progression of velocity over mass as best illustrated
by the 8-10 portion of the sequence.

No Protection

The Game UWoM

Un-armoured [-0]

Shield Only


Shield Only [-1H]

Furs or Skins


Soft Leather Jerkin [-1S]

Furs + Shield


Jerkin and Buckler [-2]

Cured Hides


Draapish (Felt and Leather) [-3S]

T-Carapace, Loose


Kwylgern [-4S] or Draapish + Shield [-3]

T-Carapace, Snug


Fop's Vest (Back & Breast Plate) [-4H] or Kwylgern + Shield [-4]

Sheath or Snug T-C

+ Shield


Antagonist (Field Plate) [-4H] or Fop + Shield [-4H]


Antagonist + Shield [-5H]


Spacer [-4H] Sealed Suit


Spacer + Shield [-5H]

Justifier [-5H]


Justifier + Shield [-6H]


Assault Spacer [-5H] Sealed Suit


Assault Spacer + Shield [-6H]


Crusader [-6H] Sealed Suit


Crusader + Shield [-7H]

Plastic Plate

Powered Plate

Powered Alloy

Powered Attack
Armour System

The Game's AC chart will inform its players of the conversions. Treat conversions of The
Game's armours as their equivalent in UWoM.
Weapons and other Damage Sources: Use either system, depending.
Items: I don't find a problem with any edition's items, and assume they function at least as well in the
majority of ways as in the native system, with a few tweaks here and there as well as added 'special
effects' that have no measurable effect in most situations.
Magic and Psionics: As per their source. In other words, the methodology for a caster in The Game,
complete with restrictions, is fully in place on Urutsk (etc.), as that is how that particular system of
magic functions; likewise for Psionics. Use appropriate Critical Tests for Urutskan characters or
creatures subjected to The Game's magic, or GW's Mutational Powers. [-end-]

The preceding text is copyright Kyrinn S. Eis who has released the document for free
distribution in the hopes of bridging a gap in the tabletop gaming world, between the core system, The
Game, and Urutsk. Without The Game, it is doubtful that other RPGs would look anything like what
we recognise, and may have never found the purchase it has enjoyed, and I never want it said that I
don't love The Game.
I hope that more of you will give Urutsk a try.

Kyrinn S. Eis

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