BCR Adoption Application

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Big City Rattery


Big City Rattery

Adoption Application
Contact Information


City & State: _____________________________________________________________

Email Address: ______________________________________________________________
Phone Number:


Are you over the age of 18? (If no, we require a parent or guardian to contact us to make sure you
are allowed to own a pet, and a parent or guardian must be present on adoption day ):
How did you find out about us?:


Family & Housing

How many adults are there in your family (their relationship to you)?
How many children (ages)?
Is everyone in agreement with the decision to adopt pet rat(s)? _________________________
If you rent, are you allowed to keep pet rats? ________________________________
What do you plan to do with your rats if you go on vacation?
What do you plan to do with your rats if you move?
Do you have time to provide adequate love and attention? _________________________

Big City Rattery


Other Pets
What other pets do you have (specify type and number)?
Are you aware that rats must be kept away from other carnivorous animals with an instinct to
hunt/chase (dog/cat/ferret/snake/some lizards/birds of prey etc) at all times?
Where in your home will your rat cage be? (Preferably away from drafty windows, and situated in a
comfortable and relatively calm part of the house)

Will it be out of reach of other animals/pets and young children?
Do you have other rats currently in your home? If so, what are the genders and how many do you

Do you have a veterinarian able to treat rodents/exotics? (Yes or No) ___________
Clinic Name: _______________________________________________________
(If not, please ask for a reference!)

Big City Rattery


Rat(s) you are Interested in Adopting

Number of rats you would like to adopt: _______
Desired sex (male/female/no preference): _________________________________________
Desired age (baby/young adult/adult/no preference): _____________________________
Desired color/type (If none, please state 'no preference'. I cannot guarantee that I will have the rat
you want available!):
If BCR does not have your desired color/type available, are you still interested in potentially
adopting what is available?
Are there any color/type you would not adopt? If yes, please
Would you like to adopt as soon as possible? If not, when would you like to adopt? Please be as
specific as possible (Month/Year/Any other important details).

Rat Care
Do you have experience in owning pet rats? If yes, how long? If not, have you taken the time to
properly research if this is the right pet for you and your lifestyle?
Are you aware that rats MUST be kept in pairs (or more) at all times?
Do you agree to keep all rats adopted from BCR in pairs (or more) unless the situation is temporary
or has been otherwise discussed? _______________________________
Do you understand that unless otherwise discussed (and agreed upon in writing) rats adopted from
BCR are to be kept as pets only? That they are *NOT* to be bred under any circumstances, or
sold/rehomed to someone with the intention to breed them? _______________________________
Do you agree to inform BCR by email/phone if rats have accidentally bred? (In which case we will
assist you): _______________________________
Do you understand that if rat(s) from BCR are found to have been intentionally bred, under any
circumstances, by the adopter or by someone the adopter sold BCR rat(s) to, that the owner of BCR
can and will pursue legal recourse or action against all parties involved?

Big City Rattery


Do you understand that under no circumstances are rats from BCR to be used as food to another
animal? _______________________________
Do you agree to take rat(s) from BCR to a licensed veterinarian if they become ill, injured, or
otherwise in need of veterinary care? _______________________________
Do you agree to have rat(s) from BCR humanely euthanized by a licensed veterinarian if a need or
reason should arise? _______________________________
Can you name any circumstances that may arise which would cause you to return the rat(s)?
(vacation/moving/high cost/time commitment/marriage/divorce/new roommate/allergies)
About how much playtime will the rats receive daily? Where in the house? Will they have the
opportunity to free-roam? If not, how do you intend to play with them outside of their cage?

What brand or type of cage will they live in?

Is the cage size adequate for the number of rats you plan to own? (If unsure, please search for the
Rat Cage Size Calculator to check)
What brand or type of food do you plan to feed?
What brand or type of bedding do you plan to use?
What do you plan to offer as toys or treats?

Number of hours (average) rats will spend caged/alone? _________________________________

Who will have primary responsibility for the rats' daily care? _______________________
Who will have financial responsibility for the rats? ________________________________
Do you agree to provide health care by a Licensed Veterinarian if necessary? _______________

Big City Rattery


If you are unable to keep the rat(s), do you agree to find a suitable home or contact Big City Rattery
in order to return them to the breeder? _______________
Do you agree not to release any rats into the wild under any circumstances? _________________
Do you plan to keep male and female rats in the same home at the same time now or in the future?
If yes, do you agree to take the necessary steps to keep them from reproducing? Even accidentally?
Please describe the precautions you will take:
Do you understand that all rats bred by Big City Rattery can be returned to the breeder at any time,
under any circumstances with no questions asked? _____________________________________

All of the information I have given is true and complete. Any rat(s) adopted from Big City Rattery
will reside in my home as a pet. I will provide it with quality food, fresh water, appropriate cage,
affection, and veterinary care under the supervision of a licensed Veterinarian. I understand that
filling out and returning this form does NOT guarantee I will receive the rat(s) I have requested, and
that more information may be necessary. Big City Rattery retains the right to deny adoption to any
individual/household for any reason.



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