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Currently, our society is a hotchpotch mixture of institutions, some of

which are relics of our past which came into existence to solve certain
challenge at a certain point in history. After societal evolution created
new challenges, these institutions lost their relevance but somehow
managed to linger on like parasites. Despite losing their efficacy for
society, these institutions still persist because they serve economic and
political interests of a powerful elite. At the same time, there are other
institutions which are superimposed on us due to the demands of
modern globalized world. Democracy and capitalism are two prime
examples of modern packages we have borrowed from the West. There
is a constant conflict between these institutions; the anachronistic ones
dont fit into the overall structure that modern political and social fabric
demands. Until we destroy the old primitive institutions, we cant enter
into the modern era of our history.
A cursory look at the sitemap of our society will instantly catch two
dilapidated institutions protruding above the relatively smooth social
surface. The most prominent is the institution of feudalism which is still
alive in Punjab, Sindh and Baluchistan in different flavors. This
institution has been an integral part of the evolutionary phase of
human societies when they were ruled by the kings. In a modern
democratic culture, it is an alien entity that doesnt match with the
overall structure of a modern state. It spawns many social speed
breakers that hamper every effort to initiate a smooth and progressive
journey towards better future.
The economic cost of feudalism is out of our discourse. It is the social
and political aspects that must be considered in detail. There are two
important aspects that need be explored.

The keyword to unlock the mystery of feudalism is sense of

Possession which starts with land and animals and like a viral disease,
it gradually begins to engulf other areas of human society. Women are
the prime target of this mindset as they are treated like animals in
landlords possession and safeguarded as the tract of land he occupies.
Its a misconception that we can wipe out gender discrimination
through constitutional or legal route. The feudalist mindset creates
ripples that travel downwards and secretly creep into the deep recesses
of collective social mind. This is why honor killing is perpetrated across
every section of our society. Even the most educated and at the same
time, the most poor ones commit this horrible crime against women.
This is also the offshoot of this feudal mindset that we see forced
marriages where daughters are treated like personal belongings and
not as humans having their individual preferences. When people
brutally murder members of minority groups on the allegations of
blasphemy, this mentality of possession is always there, although there
are other factors involved, that we will discuss later in the article. Our
sense of possession regarding the sacred personalities incites this
violent mob lynching. We forget that our Holy Prophet (PBUH) is a
blessing for the entire humanity. Lastly when common people, with
links to some high up, defy following traffic rules, it is feudal approach
that they are adopting.
Another noxious aspect of this sense of possession is related to those
who live under the wings of the landlord. These poor creatures are like
serfs and it is made sure that any lights of enlightenment don't touch
their souls. This is why in areas where feudalism is quite strong,
education is either denied or made toothless by discouraging its spread
among the peasants. The treatment of the tenants is an open secret.

The curse of bonded labor, which often makes headlines, is mostly an

urban phenomenon but the roots of this mindset sprout from the
feudal culture. These examples will suffice to understand the social cost
that our society is paying for keeping this monster alive.
From political point of view, this group of landlords is a visible
impediment in the way of creating a true democratic political culture.
Every progressive party that emerges with a genuine progressive
ambition is either narrowed down to a small political entity or gradually
it is sucked up by the monster itself. Basic flaw in our political system
lies in the fact that it is a hostage of the so called Electables. No party
can win enough majority to implement its progressive agenda if these
electables don't become part of it and when they join the party, they
gradually dominate the narrative and party itself is changed into
another tool to serve the greedy instincts of the landlords. Pakistan
Peoples Party is a classic example of this abysmal journey. We can also
witness the same history repeating itself in case of Nawaz Sharif and
now probably for Imran Khan. This institution has arrested every effort
to create a modern, progressive and tolerant society.

If today feudalism is done away with, the mindset that it entails will not
change overnight. However in politics, the change will quickly become
visible because the main hurdle to implement progressive agenda will
be removed. The change in political spectrum will further speed up
change in mindset of the society.
The second most important institution that needs to be weeded out is
the Madarsa Culture which is again a relic of centuries old tradition that
has lost all relevance to the modern world. Almost everything that is

included in the syllabus was created many centuries ago. At that point
in history, such views were radical but today these concepts are
outdated. This institution of religious education is far more dangerous
than feudalism due to multiple reasons. First unlike the dwindling fate
of feudalism, mainly due to division of land through inheritance,
religious seminaries are expanding and insinuating the minds of new
generation with extreme ideas. Secondly it has surrounded itself with a
strong fort of religious sentiments that makes it impregnable. Lets
explore the social cost that we have to pay for the mushroom growth of
religious seminaries.

During the impressionable age of a child, an indoctrination of primitive

and non-relevant ideas is conducted on a daily basis, and when the
student is ready to step into practical life, he finds that his skills have no
value in the society. He has lived out the formative stage of life, he has
to settle for society offers him. Unfortunately he is equipped with a
dilemma which turns out to be a double edged sword. All that is
injected into his mind is hatred against the modern system and its
supporters which is reinforced when society accords him the lower
status as, for example, Imam Masjid. At the same time, he is filled with
a misguided belief in his moral superiority over those who are much
higher in social status. This dichotomy in theory and reality makes him a
likely candidate to become a fodder for a terrorist group. There is a thin
line that separates the student of a Madarsa from a terrorist and most
of the time, this line is trampled upon in different ways; it manifests
itself from secret facilitation or active participation to a political
resistance against any government action that tries to take progressive

On political level, this is the second example of a phenomenon that

weakens states authority. Ban on Youtube is a classic example of
compromised writ of the government. Political leaderships resistance
to any army action against terrorists is another example of this big
obstacle. Mob lynching of both Muslims and minorities is direct
outcome of this institution. Government can't take bold decisions in
foreign policy, economics, education and every other field that it is
supposed to modernize because of a mindset created by these
While feudalism must be destroyed, religious seminaries are a different
case. These institutions are supporting millions of poor students and
also giving them education. Government needs to take two steps; first
state should expropriate these seminaries, change the whole syllabus
so as to adjust it in accordance with modern world. Secondly the
current teaching staff must be replaced with young teachers who are
well educated from modern institutions. Without taking this bold step,
extremism cant be rooted out. It will rather prevail in the society with
alarming speed.
Historically both feudalism and religious seminaries have been in
unison with each other. Both have always been supportive to each
other, reciprocally protecting their interests. Religious thought process
provided the religious legitimacy for feudalism which in return allowed
the mushroom growth of religious academies to prepare their force of
religious fanatics. A brief visit to some area that is totally under the
thumb of a feudal lord, shows that Madarsas have not only
outnumbered government educational institutions but the facilities are
much better in Madarsas than government schools. Traditionally feudal
don't fear the religious lot as much as they feel threatened from formal

educational system and try to impede the way towards any effort to
improve education on local, provincial and national level.

Lastly a chapter from history will elaborate the basic ideas put forward
in this
Daron Acemoglu, in his famous book, "Why Nations Fail", tells us that
industrial revolution in England became possible because of two
historic events. He states that a strong centralized power of the state is
the first essential ingredient for nations to make progress. For
centuries, England remained mired in dark ages because the central
authority, which was the king, depended on aristocracy and Church
which weakened the state's power to implement independent
decisions. In 1485, Henry VII demilitarized barrons which increased
stat's power to exercise its will. The second historical step was taken
when Henry VIII broke with Roman Catholic Church and confiscated all
land and assets of the clergy. These two institutions were the
impediments in the way to make progress and after the task was
accomplished, it paved the way towards industrial revolution which
ushered into the modern era of human history. We need to take the
same two steps to modernize our society and progress as a modern

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