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Finacle CBS Executive appreciation program

Day 1

Program Coverage

Day 1

Day 2

Benefits of CBS


Products overview & Definition

Account Maintenance


Payments (core services 2)

Core services

Audit (core services 2)

Office accounts

Deposit products

Security (core services 2)

ATM, Internet and Mobile

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As an executive of India post, it is expected that you are in control of the systems
and process that are key to smooth operations
Knowing the architecture and functionality landscape of core banking solution is the
key to be grounded and control the transformation journey of India Post
Besides knowledge of all the core services and business products is imperative to
manage your area of focus or the department you manage.
Let us go forward and understand the Finacle CBS that is being deployed
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To understand the product architecture and functional

architecture and have a deep dive view of some of core
services of the Finacle CBS.
Also understand the operating guidelines for India post
deposit products

7 Hour


Executives of India Post

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Table of Contents

Finacle CBS Solution overview,

- DOP CBS architecture and Finacle CBS benefits

Finacle CBS GL structure and functionality overview

Finacle CBS banking Products and definition overview including CIF

Core services overview 1

Inventory management

Document Management ECMS and SVS

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Table of Contents

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Finacle CBS Solution overview,

- DOP CBS architecture and Finacle CBS benefits

Finacle CBS GL structure and functionality overview

Finacle CBS banking Products and definition overview including CIF

Core services overview 1

Inventory management

Document Management ECMS and SVS

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Finacle CBS Banking Solution - Architecture

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Finacle CBS conforms to Core banking, Consumer and E-banking, web-based cash
management requirements

Customer centric the CRM Module is accessible from all applications and customer
data is available across applications.

Integrates back office and front office to offer a comprehensive functionality

Allied Solutions such as Regulatory reporting and risk management ensure best
practices adherence.

Out of the box also assures the assimilation of external components such as Payment
Systems, Central Bank, Clearing Houses and Card Issuers

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Benefits of Finacle CBS

Customer centric design

Provides a unified view across all modules on the solution

Powerful desktop
Fully web enabled solution
Allows easy integration of other web applications
Removes software distribution hassles

Rich & Comprehensive functionality

Integrated Retail banking solution
Covers both front office & back office functionality

Incorporates global best business practices

Comprehensive End-to-end universal banking functionality

Transformation Partner for Banks seeking to leverage their business by deploying new
generation technologies

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Benefits of Finacle CBS

Customer Focused value add

One view of the banking customer

All products & his Account balances

Any branch banking / Transactions across post offices for all customers

Aided by Online verification of signature and photo

Integration with enterprise content management system ( ECMS ) for parallel
viewing of application form / photo / signature

Instant account transfer between CBS post offices

24 X 7 access to banking facilities

e banking
Mobile banking

Western Union integration will ensure direct credit of foreign remittances into post office savings
accounts (future)

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Benefits of Finacle CBS

Operational efficiency

Discrepancy between SOSB and SO data will cease to exist end state
No manual input of vouchers at SBCO
Audit work load reduced

Better Access control on application based on pre-defined user roles

Transactions based on Exception based controls
Hierarchy of who can approve what transaction

Complete Flexibility Options for grouping of Sub offices and head offices for reporting

MIS report generation automated and instantaneous at directorate level

Regulatory Compliance

Anti Money Laundering Integration ensures

Dynamic Customer Risk profiling based on KYC regulations linked to consolidated customer account

Electronic filing of CTR (Cash Transaction Report) and STR (Suspicious transaction report)

Ability to create new scenarios based on new regulatory requirements for AML

Customer blacklisting check as per RBI norms

Low Risk to Medium Risk to High Risk

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Retail Products - Overview

Functional modules

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Table of Contents

Finacle CBS Solution overview,

-- DOP CBS architecture and Finacle CBS benefits

Finacle CBS GL structure and functionality overview

Finacle CBS banking Products and definition overview including CIF

Core services overview 1

Inventory management

Document Management ECMS and SVS

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Finacle CBS GL structure overview

Finacle CBS GL and account Linkage

Maintenance of the Sub-GL Codes

with link to GL Code, currencywise and branch wise, and no
restriction on the number of GL
heads & sub heads
Replication of the Sub-GL to other
branch outlet and currency is
Linkage of GL, product and
Customer accounts and GL
definition is supported. Each of
these accounts are linked to GL
and GL sub-head

Transactions are allowed at account level only; and rolled up to the GL Subhead or GL for
consolidation purposes
End of day updates to General Ledger based on transactions performed on accounts
Transfer of accounts between GL Sub-heads is supported
SO/PO/HO/circle wise GL positions, with reports, inquiries, income and expense statements
Value dated reporting at GL/Sub GL level is supported

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Table of Contents

Finacle CBS Solution overview,

-- DOP CBS architecture and Finacle CBS benefits

Finacle CBS GL structure and functionality overview

Finacle CBS banking Products and definition overview

including CIF

Core services overview 1

Inventory management

Document Management ECMS and SVS

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Product definition over view

The perspective

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Customer Information File (CIF)

The enterprise Customer Information File (CIF) provides an

accurate and complete view of customer information

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It is a single source of truth about a relationship of an individual with
India post across the country giving all the details about that customer

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CIF creation process of India Post

Business process (1/2)
Customer requests for Account Opening and
submits all KYC/Identification documents
along with Account Opening Form (AOF).

On receiving all the KYC documents and

AOF, Counter Assistant will go ahead for CIF

A de-duplication check will be done by using

menu option CDEDUP to see whether the
customer is already an existing customer.

CIF ID is created at the Post Office by

invoking the menu option CCRC/CIFCR

After the CIF ID is created, CIF ID is noted

in the Account opening Form (AOF)verified
by the counter supervisor by invoking the
menu option CCRC/CIFCR and sent to
Circle Processing Centre (CPC) for further

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CIF creation process of India Post

Business process (2/2)

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CIF creation process of India Post

Business value and customer value that Finacle CBS brings
1 Customer 1 CIF across India post
A Customer having a CIF opened in one office becomes a customer of DOP as
a whole and the same CIF can be used to open across the offices of DOP
A Customer who has been provided with internet banking and or mobile
banking facility can see all his/her related accounts in one single screen
Every CIF opening process goes through de-dup check which checks on 11
parameters so that duplicate CIF creation is greatly minimized
CIF document status report at the time of account opening captures all the
KYC documents obtained for scanning
CIF related documents can be viewed from all the CBS enabled offices

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A brief view of Customer information File

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Table of Contents

Finacle CBS Solution overview,

- - DOP CBS architecture and Finacle CBS benefits

Finacle CBS GL structure and functionality overview

Finacle CBS banking Products and definition overview including CIF

Core services overview 1

Inventory management

Document Management ECMS and SVS

Central Processing cell

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Core Services
Inventory Management

Security items vendor

Office double lock safe

Track inventory movement between locations and identification of

inventory type (external vendor to Double lock and to employee
Maintain inventory status used/unused/destroyed
Split and merge of inventory items
Authorization of inventory movement between location; Maintaining
authorizer details
Management of series of instruments

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Damaged items

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Inventory movement
India post operating guidelines
Inventory indent will be raised by HO for itself and on behalf of SOs attached
Inventory received by HO for self will be in-warded into Finacle for further
For SOs an identified PA will change his context SOL to identified SOL and move
the inventory for that SOL.
The PM of the context SOL or a supervisor will verify the physical inventory
received and the transaction created by HO PA in the Finacle system.
If the physical inventory and transaction matches the SO PM will complete the
verification process
The in warded inventory initially will be in Double lock location in Finacle.
A supervisor or a PM will have to assign inventory to counter PA through the
system based on actual number of inventory items handed over to him/her
Once the inventory is available with the employee, He/She can start issuing them
to the customer

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ECMS and SVS Document Management

Document Processing at India Post

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ECMS and SVS Document Management

Document Processing at India Post

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Finacle CBS Process Overview

The approach for ECMS and SVS in Finacle CBS:
Enterprise Content Management System

ECMS is a cloud based infrastructure that captures, and stores all the
scanned documents obtained during account opening in an organized
way as per the zone structure of the Department of Post.
ECMS document store is interfaced to Finacle CBS to facilitate dynamic
access of scanned application documents, signature, and photos of
ECMS process is limited to CPC and Datacenter users.
Signature Verification System

SVS is an integral part of Finacle CBS which facilitates upload and

viewing of photographs, signatures and documents of customers.
For users in post offices, SVS supports view only facility.

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Step by Step Process

Given below is the step involved in the process of ECMS and SVS in Finacle CBS:

Scanned Documents are stored in ECMS Filenet Server.

You can access the relevant documents at the time of transactions, account opening or modification.

Finacle CBS facilitates this verification without any need to change the solution, i.e. in the core application itself.

The hyperlinks against the documents allow users to view the document directly from Filenet Server.

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ECMS Process Video

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Table of Contents

Activities of CPC

Office accounts
Office accounts basic
Office accounts pointing
Office accounts system pointing
Inter-SOL accounts

Customer accounts
Savings accounts & PPF
Time Deposits TD, RD, NSC, KVP, MIS, SCSS
Loans Loans against RD and PPF accounts

Account Maintenance

Stop payments, account attachments (freeze) and lien operations

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CPC Circle Processing Cell

Activities in


Finacle CBS CBS core the following activities are performed by the CPC staff
Existing CIF (Customer Information File) Maintenance / Modifications
Welcome KIT based account opening (SB)
Existing accounts maintenance/Modification
Cheque book request capturing
Due notices generation
Signature and photographs viewing

Activities in

e Banking
User login creation for internet banking access
Pin mailer generation, printing and mailing them to the customers
RM activities based on the customer requests received through internet banking and mobile banking

Activities in

Enterprise content management system

Physical document receipt, unbundling and segregation
Uploading into the content server
Revert the physical documents back to originating office for safe keeping

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Office Accounts
Types of Office Accounts
Office Account Basic (OAB)
Basic office accounts are simple internal accounts. These accounts will
help in managing the General Ledger (GL).
Accounts like Cash, Asset accounts, Liability Accounts, Contingent
Accounts, Interest, Commission, Exchange, Discount, and Charges are
opened under this Scheme Type.
Office Account Pointing (OAP)
Pointing accounts are used where the transactions are created for short
period, with a reference and they will have to be reversed. Example:
Sundry Creditors, Suspense Payments and so on.
Office System Pointing (OSP)
The users are not allowed to do any transactions.
The transactions are generated and verified by the system on invoking or
at events. Example: For interest calculations system calculates and
creates a transaction and posts it.
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Office Accounts
Types of Office Accounts
Inter-SOL accounts
In a centralised database, where transaction pertaining to the accounts
of more than one Service Outlet (SOL) is involved, the transactions are
not routed through Head Office accounting. Whenever a transaction
takes place between two accounts of different branches (SOLs-Service
Outlets), in order to balance the transactions for individual branches,
the system has to use some office account called Inter-SOL accounts.
PROXY accounts
Whenever, the situation of un posted or part posted transaction is faced
by the Data Base Administrator, while running the End-of-Day process,
then the user has an option to post such transactions to a specific
identified account, which is called a Proxy Account. This will help
complete the End of process and try to address this issue next day
Definition of a SOL: A SOL means Service Outlet in Finacle CBS. A Service Outlet is a place where a
customer gets common and minimum basic services. It could be a PO and an ATM
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A demo on office accounts usage with usage of sundry accounts

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Table of Contents

Office accounts
Office accounts basic
Office accounts pointing
Office accounts system pointing
Inter-SOL accounts

Customer accounts
Savings accounts & PPF
Time Deposits TD, RD, NSC, KVP, MIS, SCSS
Loans Loans against RD and PPF accounts

Account Maintenance

Stop payments, account attachments (freeze) and lien operations

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Customer Accounts
Savings Bank

A savings account can be opened in Finacle CBS for a single holder, joint
holders and so on, as per the guidelines of Ministry of Finance., Government
of India.

The account nomination details can also be captured as part of account


Account number is system generated and in 10 digits.

Cheque books can be issued to these savings accounts.

Finacle CBS also facilitates account opening for minors and these accounts
can be converted in regular accounts, when the minor attains majority

Maker-checker process is applicable to savings accounts opening.

Finacle CBS facilitates account modification before verification and after

verification based on the business need.

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Customer Accounts
Savings Bank
For opening an account the menu option used is CASBAO/QDESA.
The verification of the account opened is done using the menu option
For modifying before verification the menu option used is CASBAOM/QDEMSABV.
For Modifying account details after verification the menu option used is
For Cash receipt and verification the menu option used is CTM.
For Transfer the menu option used is CXFER.
HCAAC menu option is used to closing an account.
The closure verification is done using HCAAC menu option.
All types of SB accounts are opened using the same menu option. Only the
scheme code differs as per the SB account type.
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Customer Accounts
What is the value add from Finacle CBS in Savings Bank product
Savings bank account can be operated in AAA environment (anytime
Any where and Any how ) provided the customer has been given the
access (PO, ATM, internet and mobile)
Cheque book requests can be captured through the internet banking
channel or through physical submission of request in a PO
Standing instruction can be setup for credit and debit transactions to
and from the account which are fully automated
Welcome kit based account opening will be definite feel good factor
in customer services offer by India post

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Customer Accounts
Time Deposit
Opening a TD Account
Time Deposit could be opened for different types of customers.
The Term Deposit Module covers the entire lifecycle of an account
opening, renewal, closure and pre-closure.
Post Office can define different interest calculation method while defining a
Finacle CBS also facilitates passbook and Certificates printing, Reprinting and Duplicate printing.
Renewing a TD Account

Upon maturity, TD can be automatically renewed for the period it is


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Customer Accounts
Term Deposit Closure & Key Terminology
Closing a TD Account
It could be a pre-closure or normal closure on maturity.
Lien should be revoked if any
There are many ways to pay the maturity amount to the customer.

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Customer Accounts
Term Deposit Operations
In Finacle CBS, the menu option for opening a Term Deposit account is CMISAOP/
The opened account must be verified using the menu option CMISAOPV/MISAVF
If you need to modify an account before verification, you should use the menu
Printing, of passbook and certificates could be done using the menu option HPBP
Renewal of a Term Deposit account is done using HTDREN.
A Term Deposit account can be closed using the menu option HCAACTD and is
verified using HCAACVTD.
You can modify the closure criteria before verification by invoking the menu option
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Customer Accounts
Recurring Deposit: approaches for opening an RD in Finacle CBS
The customer can open an RD for a fixed amount and for a fixed period of time
(every month).
An RD account can be opened for single or with joint holders with nomination
facility. There will not be any nomination facility provided for minor accounts.
The minimum amount for opening an RD is Rs.10/- in multiples of Rs.5/- every
Default for an RD is considered, if the RD payment has not been within due date.
For example, an RD account was opened during the 1st to 15th of a month, and
then the next RD installment can be paid anytime till the 15 th of the succeeding
month. If the RD was opened during 16th to 30th / 31st of any month, then the next
RD installment can be paid anytime till the 30th / 31st of the succeeding month.
Penalty at Rs. 2/- per month for Rs. 100 is charged for default in installments
If there are not more than four defaults in the monthly deposits, the depositor
may extend the maturity period of the account by as many months as number of
defaults and deposit the defaulted installments during the extended period.
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Customer Accounts
Recurring Deposit: approaches for opening an RD in Finacle CBS
In case of more than four defaults the account will be treated as discontinued and
revival of such an account will be permitted within a period of two months from
the month of fifth default. Interest at the rate of 10 paisa, for every five rupees
of a defaulted installment for each month of default, will also be paid along with
such deposit in lump sum. An account where such defaulted installments are not
deposited shall be treated as a discontinued RD.
Rebate shall be allowed on accounts wherein installments are received in
advance; there should not be any discontinuity in earlier installments paid. A
minimum of six months installments can be accepted in advance. The rebate will
be slab based.
Loan/Half withdrawal against RD accounts can be allowed where 12 installments
have been received and the RD has not been discontinued and the account has
been operation in the last 12 months, subject to a maximum of 50% of the deposit

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Customer Accounts
Recurring Deposit: Account operations
For a new customer create a CIF ID using the menu option CVRC.
Invoke CRDOAAC/RDAOCM menu option for opening of Recurring Deposit account.
The mode of funding of the account/deposit can be Cash, transfer from the
operative account maintained in the same PO and also by depositing through Bank
Transaction can also be done at the time of opening the account using the menu
The account has to be verified using the menu option CRDOAACV/RDACLM.
Modification of the account before verification can be done using the menu option
Pass book can be issued for Recurring Deposit using the menu option HPBP.
Invoke the menu option CRDCAAC/RDACLM for closure of an RD account.
Select Functions: Z Close, V- Verify and Cancel as required.
Enter the account number for closure.
Verification of the closure account has to be done from the menu option
CRDCAACV/RDACLM by another user.

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Customer Accounts
What is the value add from Finacle CBS in Time deposit and RD

RD accounts installments can be paid through internet banking or through


Agents can leverage agents portal to improvise the collection process

Super agent facility helps to support agents from a SO/PO location in RD

instalment collections

TD renewal, extension, transfer of maturity proceeds on closure are fully


Normal closure of a TD can happen from any CBS enabled office

Interest application process runs through day end process at the DC hence
those routine processes are eliminated from POs

A customer belonging to one PO can go to any CBS PO to open a new TD or RD


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Customer Accounts
National Savings Certificate
NSC account can be held by individual, Minor or 2 Joint holders (adults)
An account number will be opened against each certificate issued
Conversion of the certificate account from a single account to a joint account and
vice versa is allowed.
NSC should be purchased for a minimum amount of Rs. 100. However, there is no
maximum limit.
Certificate is issued to the customer on account opening.
There is a provision to mark a lien and to freeze such certificate account at the
time of pledging or court order.
Premature closure is allowed in exceptional cases like Death of the Depositor. The
interest is paid as applicable.
Each certificate account issued is considered as an account for the customer in
Finacle CBS.
In general, interest is paid only on maturity.
Nomination facility is allowed. You can modify the nominee if required and can also
add multiple nominees.

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Customer Accounts
National Savings Certificate
However, a minor account cannot have a nominee
NSC 8th is issued for a period of 5 years and NSC 9th is issued for a period of 10
Rate of interest will differ for every certificate.
NSCs are available in the denominations of 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000 and
Banks advance loan against NSCs by pledging NSCs as security. The issuing
Post Office will only mark a lien on the account or freeze it. The possession of
NSCs will be with the advancing bank. Procedure for marking a lien and freezing
is dealt in a separate module.
In case inventory of certificates are out of stock in the PO. The counter assistant
can issue NC4 slip by noting down the NC4 serial number in the account opening
The NC4 number is from the pre-printed stationery where the PA will note account
number and issue it in lieu of certificate. This will be replaced with certificate on
receipt of inventory (report can be generated to for NC4 issued accounts)

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Customer Accounts
National Savings Certificate - Operations
In Finacle CBS, the menu option for opening an NSC account is CSCOAAC/NSCAO.
In case, multiple certificates is issued to a single customer, Finacle CBS
generates unique number for each certificate with a common registration
The opened account must be verified using the menu option
On verification of an NSC account, Transaction ID gets generated which is to be
posted through the menu option HTM.
Use the menu CSCOAACM/NSCAMBV to modify an account before verification.
Use the menu CSCACM/NSCAM after verification.
An NSC account can be closed using the menu option CSCCAAC/NSCAC
Report can be generated for the closed accounts through the menu option HPR.
HFINRPT option 64 for pending certificates issue

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Customer Accounts
Kisan Vikas Patra Overview & Operations
Opening of KVP account has been discontinued from 1st December 2011. However,
all the existing accounts will be migrated to Finacle CBS. The other operations that
can be performed are:
Modification of the KVP account details like, nomination detail changes.
Premature closure of KVP with applicable rate of interest from the published
Closure on maturity; transactions can be either cash or transfer.
KVPs denominations maintained in Finacle CBS are 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000
and 50000.
KVPs were issued for a period of 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 years.
Transfer of account from one Post Office to another Post Office.
To modify a KVP the menu used is CSCACM/NSCAM.
To enquire about the balance available in a KVP account the menu used is HACLI.
For closure / pre-closure of KVP account, the menu option used is
The closure report generated can be seen through the menu HPR.

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Customer Accounts
What is the value add from Finacle CBS in certificate products

A customer with a single CIF can open and transact on certificate products across
CBS offices

NSC certificates issued in a given PO can be en-cashed from any location PO or

on internet.

A customer can raise a request through internet banking to transfer the maturity
proceeds to his/her savings account

Marking of lien and freeze of certificate products of a given customer can be

done and this lien and freeze can be viewed across the CBS offices so that the
other offices can avoid inadvertent transactions on frozen or lien marked

A memo pad feature can help follow up for any missing documents or any
pending queries from audit or any other department

History can be maintained so that duplicates can be prevented across CBS offices

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Customer Accounts
Senior Citizen Savings Scheme
The maximum period by default will be populated as 60 months for this deposit and it is not
The minimum age limit is 18 years and no maximum age limit is there for opening an SCSS account.

Minimum age of in SCSS has been fixed to facilitate SCSS retired for Defence personnel as
mandatory in Finacle CBS
The following are the different age slab for an opening an SCSS account defined in the system:

Senior Citizens Saving Scheme Retired from Defense 18 years

Senior Citizens Saving Scheme Voluntary Retirement 55 years
Senior Citizens Saving Scheme 60 years
Senior Citizens Saving Scheme (exception) 18 years
The minimum and maximum deposit amount by a customer is Rs1000/- and Rs.
15 lakhs is defined in Finacle CBS.

The deposit has to be in multiples of Rs. 1000/-.

Interest is paid to customer through transfer to SB account of the customer or by a

standing instruction set up to transfer through ECS to an account held in a bank

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Customer Accounts
Senior Citizen Savings Scheme
The account can be opened singly and jointly with spouse only and vice versa.
The lock in period of the deposit is one year, that is, the depositor cannot
withdraw the deposit before one year. If the depositor tries to withdraw the
amount before one year, the system displays an error for the same.
The penalty for pre-closure are defined in Finacle CBS and are as follows:
Up to 1 year - No penal rate is configured, since no part closure is
allowed on

SCSS Scheme.
From 1 year - 2 year - 1.5% penalty rate will be applied from the SCSS
3 year - 5 year - 1% penalty rate will be applied from the SCSS rate.
For opening a SCSS account, PAN card is mandatory (if interest is more than
10000 for all 4 quarters put together).

The customer can renew within 365 days after maturity of an SCSS account.
Renewal will be for 36 months and no auto renewal is allowed. It should be
handled procedurally.
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Customer Accounts
Senior Citizen Savings Scheme - Operations
Invoke the menu option CSCAOP/SCSSAO for opening the account.
Invoke the menu option CSCAOPV/SCSSAV for verification of the account.
Invoke the menu option CSCAOPM/SCSSMBV for modification of the opened
account before verification.
Invoke the menu option CSCAM/SCSSMAV is for Modification of the opened
account after verification.
Invoke the menu option CTM and CXFER for Cash deposit and transfer
Invoke the menu option HCAACTD for closing of an account.
Invoke the menu option HCAACVTD for verifying the closed account.

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Customer Accounts
Monthly Income Scheme
MIS account can be held by individual or joint holders, not exceeding three
Conversion of the account from a single account to a joint account and vice
versa is allowed.
The maximum deposit amount is restricted to Rs. 450000 for a single Account
and Rs. 900000 for a joint account.
Passbook is issued to the customer on opening the account.
There is a provision to mark a lien and to freeze the account.
Premature closure of the account is allowed but some percentage of principal is
deducted as a penalty.
Interest is credited at a monthly frequency to customers saving bank account,
paid either through office cheque or in cash.
Nomination facility is allowed. You can modify the nominee if required and can
also add multiple nominees.
However, a minor account cannot have a nominee.
A Letter of thanks can be generated for the customer on opening of account.

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Customer Accounts
Monthly Income Scheme - Operations

After inquiring about a customers balance holding, you can open MIS account
using the menu option CMISAOP/MISAO.
The opened account must be verified using the menu option CMISAOPV./MISAVF
Use the menu CMISAOPM/MISAMBV to modify an account before verification. Use
the menu CMISAM/MISAMAV after verification.
You can fund an account by cash using the menu option CTM or through transfer
using the menu option CXFER.
You can inquire about the ledger balance for an account using the menu option
An MIS account can be closed using the menu option HCAACTD and verified using

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Customer Accounts
What is the value add from Finacle CBS MIS and SCSS
CIF ID facilitates to check existence of MIS accounts and or MIS limits which is a
pre-requisite to open an MIS account across CBS offices
Age validation for Defence personnel is validated through the SCDEF scheme in
Batch jobs for transfer of interest to savings account will help transfer interest
automatically during end of day/month end operations
Distinguish the accounts for Tax deduction at source
ECS enablement feature to transfer monthly interest to savings accounts held in
other banks

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Customer Accounts
Public Provident Fund
Public Provident Fund (PPF) is a Savings deposit scheme with a specified
minimum and maximum amount of deposit per annum.
The deposits into the account in a financial year qualify for exemption under
Income tax Act.
The management of a PPF account include the following processes:
Opening of the PPF account
Funding of the account
Transacting (deposits and withdrawals) in the account
Sanctioning loan against the deposit (Covered in a separate module )
Closing of the account
Inquiring and generating reports



Discontinued account



Various denomination of money credited to the PPF account. According to the present rules, the
minimum amount per annum is Rs.500 and the maximum amount is Rs.100000.
Partial amount could be withdrawn from the account after the completion of a minimum period of
five years.
An account is discontinued where the minimum deposit for a year is not received. Loan and
withdrawal are not allowed in such accounts.
A matured PPF account can be extended for another five years. This can be extended for further
blocks of five years.
Hindu Undivided Family. Such customers are not allowed to open PPF.
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Customer Accounts
Public Provident Fund - Operations

PPF is a Savings deposit account which qualifies for tax exemption.

There are restrictions regarding deposits, withdrawals and tenure of such
In Finacle CBS, the menu option for opening a PPF account is CPPFAO/PPFAO
which requires verification using CPPFAV/PPFACVF.
You can deposit fund in the account using CPDTM and withdraw using CPWTM.
A PPF account can be closed using the menu option HCAAC and is verified using
the same menu option.

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Discontinued Schemes & Exceptional Scheme

There are 21 Discontinued Schemes that have to be maintained so as to ensure the

closure of all accounts either mature and overdue or otherwise held.

The only Operation possible for an account belongs to the discontinued scheme is
to payout the amount to the customer.

All the accounts will be matured accounts in discontinued scheme.

Balances of All the accounts belonging to these schemes are maintained in a

specific office account per scheme.

During Payout, the specific office account should be debited and the customer
account will be credited/paid cash.
User has to calculate interest as per table outside interest tables to Int. office

Handling Account movement to Exceptional schemes

The account has to be transferred from the current scheme to the exceptional scheme
using the menu HACXFRSC and this requires verification from the same menu option.
MOF relaxation cases and court cases will be handled under exceptional schemes
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Table of Contents

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Office accounts
Office accounts basic
Office accounts pointing
Office accounts system pointing
Inter-SOL accounts

Customer accounts
Savings accounts & PPF accounts
Time Deposits TD, RD, NSC, KVP, MIS, SCSS
Loans Loans against RD and PPF accounts

Account Maintenance

Stop payments, account attachments (freeze) and lien operations

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Account Maintenance
Lien, Stop Payments & Attachments
Lien Marking in an Account

Lien means placing a hold on an account

Lien marking can be done using the menu option HALM.
There are two types of Lien System Lien and User Lien.
Lien can be for partial or for an entire balance in the account

Freezing an Account
Freezing is imposing restriction on an account.
A frozen account does not allow any transactions.
Freezing can only be for debit, credit or both..

Stop Payment of a Cheque

Stopping the payment of the cheque as requested by the customer.
Stop payment of a cheque can be done using the menu option HSPP.
The stop payment request needs verification using the menu option

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Account Maintenance
Lien, Stop Payment & Attachments - Operations

The menu option for lien marking and revoking is HALM.

You can mark a lien on the entire or partial amount.
the menu option for freezing and unfreezing an account is HAFSM.
NSCs and KVPs have to be frozen by Post office branches before advancing a
loan against these instruments.
Account can be frozen for Debit Only, Credit Only or Both.
Stop payment of a cheque and revocation of such request can be done by
invoking the menu option HSPP.
Stop Payment can be for a single or multiple leaves.
The request and revocation of a stop payment requires verification using the
menu option HSPPAU.

Operational efficiency gained

Common services to all demand and liability products hence the users can use
same options inter-changebly across products

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Some Important Menu Options Reports and Inquiries

HBR Balancing report
HQBR- Quick Balancing report
HPR Print report
HISTR Inter Sol Transaction report
HISAR- Inter Sol audit report
HCUSEL- Customer Selection
HACS- Account Selection
HACSP- Account selection and Print
HACCBAL-Components of account balance
HACCBALI-Account balance inquiry
HACLI- Account Ledger inquiry
HABMR-Account below minimum balance report
HACLPCA- Account ledger print
HCUACC- Account of customer
HCUSUM - Customer Summary
HCRV - Customer Search
HCUDET - Inquire on General Details of Customer
HACI Account level Signature Verification
VSPH - View Signature and Photograph List
CNAC old customer account look up

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Congratulations!! You have successfully completed the
day 1 of Finacle CBS Executive awareness program. Here
is the recap
An overview of Finacle CBS benefits vis--vis LAN based
applications specific reference to India post
An understanding about the Master data management in
Finacle CBS
Gained insight into the GL structure in Finacle CBS
Deep dive into the product set up and new product
definition in Finacle CBS
Appreciated the CIF Customer Information File, which is
the single source of truth about a customer and how it
provides the unified view. This is supplemented with India
post business process of KYC and CIF creation
We have looked at few core services of Finacle CBS in
detail Viz.,
Inventory Management
ECMS and SVS document management including ,
signature and photo verification
Some relevant inquiries and reports
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Any Questions?




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